The journey around the globe to various trouble spots and cultural highlights begins in my hometown of Zurich. 1980 was the year that would shake up staid society in Switzerland and plow it over the course of the 1980s, as a tsunami rolled in on the conservative middle class and political class. In May of the same year, the „Opera House Riots“ began as a prelude to the „Zurich Youth Riots“ that followed. This was triggered by the latent dissatisfaction of the youth with the few facilities and free spaces available to them. This manifested itself most conspicuously in the upcoming vote on a city subsidy of 60 million francs for the opera house and, in return, no 10,000 francs for the „Rote Fabrik,“ at that time the only youth cultural center in the city of Zurich. It was the time of rebellion, free development, politicization, sex and drug orgies and street fights, musically accompanied by the „Rolling Stones“, „Doors“ or „Deep Purple“, who were as much our musical gods as Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Jil Scott Heron. Nothing was the same anymore and there was no going back! When the „punks“ emerged in the mid-1970s, first in New York, then the punk scene in London, the offshoots also spilled over into Switzerland. Soon local scenes developed, especially in Zurich. It was also the time of the anarchists and utopians. We debated and criticized fiercely, argued and showed solidarity with the oppressed peoples. In the maelstrom of this explosive attempt at liberation and boundless life, there were no end of raucous parties, but more and more hard drugs, such as heroin, cocaine and amphetamines, were added to the mix. …
Coincidentally, on Saturday afternoon, May 30, 1980, I was riding the streetcar past the Zurich Opera House, exactly at the moment when hundreds of policemen poured out of the Opera House entrance, which had been blocked by demonstrators, and beat the people lying on the ground (the so-called „cultural corpses“). They maltreated women and men alike. The naked state violence and brutal scenes took my and other passers-by’s breath away and made the rage in our bellies explode. Immediately I got off the streetcar, the first containers were burning and the skirmishes with the police began. When the police immediately started to use tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons, the situation escalated within a few hours, as many young people were on their way home after the Bob Marley concert in the Hallenstadion and then streamed into the city center. Many spontaneously took part in the protests, which after a short time turned into veritable street fights. From then on, the police had nothing under control for three or four days and the street fights erupted with full force. The cantonal police station on Limmatquai was surrounded, two of the police vehicles were completely burned out, and the entrance to the town hall also looked a mess. The air in the Niederdorf was saturated with acrid clouds of tear gas smoke, denser than London in the November fog. The extent of the destruction was inconceivable, as was the impotence of the security forces, as the frustration of the youth and old-68s, pent up for years, turned into sheer rage, with which the demonstrators wanted to show the opera house visitors the one-sided subsidy policy. The first night of riots was followed by several more street battles in the course of that year, during which the „Bewegig“ of the autonomists formed themselves every Wednesday in the Volksversammlungen (VV’s) in the Volkshaus or occasionally also on the Platzspitz. Almost every Saturday demonstrations were announced, regularly the stores in the Niederdorf barricaded their store windows with boards at 14.00 o’clock, because the protests continued to gain momentum and formed up to large demonstrations with almost 20’000 people. The demand of the youth was simple: „We want an autonomous youth center“, an „AJZ“ must come! And that „subito!“
Legal? Illegal? „I don’t give a damn!“ was the motto of the rebellious youth
On the shores of Lake Zurich, topless bathing was widespread and women enjoyed the freedom and the pleasures of the new independence that the pill and thus the possibility of autonomous contraception gave them to live fully, which also expressed itself in uninhibited sexuality and polygamy or in the form of the first gay and trans parties. It was not a crime among us at that time and was not frowned upon for either women or men to have sex with dozens of partners and to try out different partnership models in the course of a year. „Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll“ or rather „Amore et Anarchia“? Well, why the agony of choice? Preferably all together! Every kind of restriction was rejected, pure hedonism was the goal and the time of the birds of paradise had dawned. We wanted to experiment on all levels without restrictions and try out free love, while unmarried couples were not even legally allowed to live together at that time. That’s how prudish Zurich and the whole of Switzerland was back then. So it was all the more astonishing that the girls just melted away like ice cream or took the reins themselves, flirted fiercely and were out for a one-night stand. Anyway, back then, as a young man, every now and then you were uninhibitedly hit on by women who had only one goal, to share lust and bed and try out all kinds of things. An equally aphrodisiac and inspiring time, which is still unparalleled today! The women were shining lights for us, many of them very feminist self-confident and eager to experiment. „Emancipation, yes of course, we said to ourselves, and finally introduced women’s suffrage by political means. One (wo)man, one vote“ applied equally to men and women in the youth movement. There were a great many women activists who either made themselves heard or simply did what they wanted and how they wanted it, and no one from our circles was bothered by it. We, that is also the men, put make-up on each other and often walked through the streets to the „Rote Fabrik“, the „Drahtschmidli“ or the „AJZ“ with black painted lips, colorful painted faces and fluttering hair. …
In 1990, it came to light that both the federal authorities and the cantonal police corps had created some 900,000 „fiches“ on politically suspicious persons. According to official figures, more than 700,000 individuals and organizations were recorded, meaning that over a tenth of the population was classified as subversive. The radius of observation initially targeted foreign anarchists, Swiss socialists and trade unionists, writers, unwelcome political refugees and foreigners who were often expelled. With the rise of anti-communism, left-wing politicians and trade union members in particular were monitored. The official goal of the „fiching“ was to protect the country from subversive activities directed from abroad. The fight against subversion was a widespread slogan during the Cold War. The Parliamentary Investigation Commission „PUK“ brought to light how broadly this woolly term was understood. As the documents of the „Nach-richtendienst und Abwehr“ (UNA) sub-group revealed, zealous state protectors also considered „alternative“, anti-nuclear activists, „Greens“, peace and Third World activists to be potentially dangerous, because they could be communist-immigrant, enemy- or foreign-controlled or otherwise manipulated. So I, too, ordered my „fiche“ from the police and the Ministry of Justice, which turned out to be more detailed than expected, as far as the movement profile and contacts were concerned, but otherwise was very insignificant, except for the many black spots in the 14-page protocol, which was probably more intended to cover and protect the top identities than to bring to light state secrets, anti-state activities or a „treason“ of the monitored person. It showed the blind zeal of the authorities and the sad reflection of their informers. Very few of us were Marxists, Leninists, Maoists or communists or enemies of the state even if the slogan: „Make cucumber salad out of the state“ was chanted. There was a lot of state propaganda to shoot with cannons at sparrows. But we „chaots“ never received a „ticket to Moscow“. …
Then there was another political scandal: The „P-26“ secret lodge (Project 26) was a secret cadre organization to maintain the will to resist in Switzerland in the event of an occupation. It was set up in 1979/1981 as the successor to the Special Service in the Intelligence and Counterintelligence (UNA) subgroup and was disbanded in 1990 by Federal Councillor Moritz Leuenberger after it was made public by a Parliamentary Investigation Commission (PUK). P-26 members were not supposed to be armed in peacetime, but the illustrious secret society did not care about that. It was planned that they would become active as a group on the orders of any government-in-exile that might remain abroad, in order to serve as a source of intelligence; a combat mission was not envisaged, for that was reserved for the army alone. Nevertheless, the underground organization hoarded weapons and amassed large ammunition depots. …
Peter Regli was such a cult figure of the „Cold Warriors“ and, as head of the Swiss intelligence service from 1991 to 1999, an illustrious, shady secret service figure. He organized secret pilot exchanges with the apartheid regime in the early 1980s. According to former South African intelligence chief Chris Thirion, the intelligence services of Switzerland and South Africa also agreed in 1986 to exchange know-how on chemical weapons. On January 25, 1988, the head of South Africa’s NBC weapons program, Wouter Basson, who later went down in history as „Doctor Death,“ and police general Lothar Neethling met with representatives of the „AC Laboratory Spiez“ in Bern. Under the „Project Coast“ the military doctor Basson wanted to nip possible uprisings of the black population in the bud with B- and C-weapons at that time. „It is a horrible idea that Switzerland could have secretly participated in this diabolical plan and could have been involved in the extermination of tens of thousands of blacks. Sources from the „NDB“ environment lead to the secret meetings of the „Club de Berne“. This informal organization was founded in Berne during the Cold War in 1971. It brings together the heads of all the secret services and the federal police from about ten countries, including Germany, the United States, Great Britain and Switzerland, and is still operational today. Switzerland was one of the founding members. The initiator of the „Bern Club“ was the Italian intelligence chief Umberto Federico d’Amato. The aim at that time was to build up a common cipher system, which also served well for intercepting foreign nations and in 2020 led to the „Crypto-Affair“… In the mid-1970s, the „Club“ was given an active role in taking action against left-wing terrorist organizations such as the „RAF,“ the Red Army Faction in Germany, and the „Red Brigades“ in Italy. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, the „Club“ gained increased importance as a body for political consultation between intelligence and state security services.
In 2001, the „Club“ initiated the Counter Terrorism Group (CTG). This group has reportedly been running a European intelligence center in The Hague since 2016. Since 2016, exploratory talks have been underway with „Europol,“ as the „CTG wanted to network with the police structures of the EU or individual member states. In 2017, German MP Andrej Hun-ko described the „Berner Club“ and its informal association „CTG“ as „hardly controllable. He also criticized the increasing secretiveness of police work. In Germany, riots broke out in Chemnitz in 2018 on the occasion of the controversy surrounding statements made by Hans-Georg Maassen, president of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution. His speech to the „Berner Club“ on October 18, 2018, resulted in his transfer to temporary retirement. By participating in the „Club de Berne“, Regli received information from the „CIA“ and the „Mossad“. But Regli went too far in doing so, „by taking too high a risk of endangering the security of the country and the international obligations and neutrality of political Switzerland. The fact that Regli was able to exchange information with „CIA and „Mossad also had to do with other persons who had his back and opened doors for him, such as the head of the internal intelligence service „DAP“. Urs von Daeniken and his superior, Peter Huber, both members of the „Club de Berne“. They fell out of favor after the „Fichenaffäre“ in 1989 and were cold-cocked due to public pressure. …
The 1980s were thus marked by great political upheavals, which the youth movement had triggered and thus politicized an entire generation, because the domestic political upheavals also had a lot to do with the international situation. With the schemas of the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Six Days War and invasion of Israel in the Palestinian territories, the liberation movements in Latin America such as the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, the Tupamors or the „Sender Luminoso“ in Peru, as well as the struggle of the „Red Army Faction“ (RAF) in Germany and the „Red Brigades“ in Italy. Fueled by this, young activists were also inclined to abolish the army and shut down nuclear power plants (sometimes a reaction because of the Chernobyl nuclear accident). So we looked far beyond the horizon and showed solidarity or got involved with the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, who wanted to say goodbye to dictator Somoza, and with the Palestinians. The imperialist skirmishes of the USA in Cuba, Grenada and Panama also infuriated us and so it is no wonder that we went out into the world to discover new things and to abolish old ones. …
Attacked by a Guardia Civil special unit
Let me briefly recount at this point the Lanzarote adventure involving an operation by the Guardi Civil anti-terrorist special unit on our boat. We, a handful of people, were living in Playa Blanca on the Canary Island of Lanzarote at the end of the 70’s on board a sailing boat owned by a Swiss who lived in the USA and had arrived here only a few days before. A French skipper, a Moroccan boat boy, a Briton and the American friend of the Swiss boat owner had brought the boat here from France. Then there was a dispute between the boat owner and the skipper the night before about the fee for bringing the yacht from the south of France to here and the longer wait in Playa Blanca. The dispute escalated, first the Frenchman wanted to sink the boat, which the crew could fortunately prevent, then the Frenchman hissed in a rage and we already thought „that’s it“. But the „nasty guy“ took revenge on us by giving the Guardia Civil an anonymous call from Arecife airport before he left, telling them we had weapons and drugs on board. Then, the morning after the skipper left at 5:30 a.m., we were jolted out of a deep sleep because suddenly a herd of elephants stampeded on the boat, then military orders were heard and when I was the first to stick my head out of the hatch, I looked in at four submachine guns not half a meter from the tip of my nose. There any movement and excitement froze immediately. I froze and was then allowed to get out, then all my boat friends too. Half a dozen heavily armed elite soldiers of the Guardia Civil stood around us. After six hours, the search of the sailboat was completed without result and our torment was over. The task force departed again. We were relieved, but the day was not over yet and still had a surprise in store for us. …
Senegal 86: Zwischen den Fronten und in der Welt der Hexen und Heiler
Senegal is a world of spirits, witches, healers and fortune tellers. Everything is very mystical. Curses are cast and people are bewitched, and somehow everyone is afraid of them. That’s why everyone wears a boubou, a lucky charm that is supposed to protect them. The dress cult is also legendary. The most beautiful, very colorful dresses and costumes are hawked in Dakar. The colorfully painted pirogues, the dugout canoes, line up on the beach in the hustle and bustle of fishermen and traders. As a means of transportation, there are minibuses that travel in all directions and stop wherever a passenger wants to get on or off. Dakar is an extremely vibrant metropolis. Day and night, because only from the evening hours the temperature is pleasant, while over noon it rises up to 40 degrees. In 1986, I was assigned as a station and tour manager first for three months in Senegal, then in Warsaw in Poland (i.e. in the then Eastern Bloc) and finally in London for another three months. On the first resident manager assignment in Senegal, there was a lull (as well as in Covid times), because at that time „AIDS“ had just appeared on the radar and medical science was still puzzling over where the virus came from and how it was transmitted. Therefore, there was not much going on at „Club Aldiana“ near M’Bour, here on the coast about a four-hour drive south of Dakar. Due to the „AIDS“ crisis, which drastically reduced African tourism, I had time for a short trip to the south of Senegal to the Casamance and also passed through Gambia. In a small town I rented a bungalow and walked around with my camera in the wilderness near the border and was suddenly stopped in the bushes by a troop of soldiers of the military of Guinea-Bissau and interrogated for hours. Since the commander spoke only Portuguese, it took me a while to learn that there was a conflict over the oil reserves in the border area between the two countries and I remembered a TV report a few days ago that the parties to the dispute were meeting in Geneva for negotiations at exactly this time. This was my lifeline and trump card, as a Swiss in this precarious situation. So I tried to make it clear to the commander that it would not be advisable if they captured me and thus endangered the negotiations in Geneva. He understood and, thanks to a relatively generous donation of money, let me leave unharmed. Relieved, I ran back to Casamance, that is, to Senegal. Once there, I had no more cash to pay the rent for the lodge. To do so, I first had to travel a day’s journey away to Zuiginchor to change the traveler’s check. So I told the hotelier about the frontier experience and my donation, which included the rent, and then walked exhausted to the bungalow to go to sleep first. But it did not last long, then two military jeeps drove up before my hut and eight weapon staring, Senegalese soldiers, got out. They had orders to escort me to the military governor,“ they said to me. „What’s going on now?“, I thought, trying to slow down the adrenaline rush. Half an hour later I was sitting in front of the military commander, who questioned me about the border incident. He had been told about it by the landlord and wanted to know more. „Shit“, I thought to myself, but today is a busy day, is war diplomacy starting all over again now? Now it’s a matter of playing everything down as much as possible and saying as little as possible, I thought to myself. I practiced this for a good four hours with the Senegalese commander, after which I was exhausted. Two military interrogations with hostile states in one day was a special test of endurance. …
Warsaw 86: In pole position behind the Iron Curtain
From the mission in Senegal, after only one day’s stay in Zurich, I went straight to Poland. On my arrival in Warsaw, where a „LOT“ airliner had crashed 14 days earlier, killing about 140 people, I was able to speak to an elderly man who understood English and helped me with the customs and immigration formalities for the 70 passengers from the West. When I thanked him for his help and asked his name, he replied, „My name is Henry Zwirko. This was the name on the piece of paper that the last guest in Senegal had given me. This could not be a coincidence, I thought intuitively, but was busy with the passports and entry papers, which could drag on for hours, since I was a newcomer here behind the „Iron Curtain“ in Warsaw. But the procedure was considerably shortened by the man who had introduced himself as this very Henry Zwirko, with a few gentle but firm words to the border official, and we were all able to quickly pass through border control unhindered. „OK,“ I thought to myself, the man is indeed promising. No wonder his influence reaches far, after all he is a Polish cabinet minister and his father a WW2 war hero. That much I already knew about him. But that I would meet this special man as soon as I arrived in Warsaw was quite eerie. Later, my suspicions were confirmed that the Chairman of the Board had facilitated the meeting and thus opened the door to an extraordinarily closed world for me, a world that many intelligence officers at that time, including our counterintelligence, would surely have envied. Less than two weeks after my arrival in Warsaw and an initial tour of Poland to Krakow and Zakopane, the body specialists and forensic experts from abroad arrived to investigate the plane crash three weeks earlier. As a result, our entire tour group (always around 50 to 70 people) was kicked out of the only middle-class hotel, the „Forum“ in Warsaw, from one hour to the next. From then on, we had to make do with lousy, run-down hotels for the next 14 days, sometimes sharing a hotel room in threes or a double bed in twos. Then I had enough of the disaster and had the local guests kicked out of the hotels with the bundle of dollars available, putting double or triple the room rate on the table and rented the luxury suite in the five-star hotel. As a result, things took off. …
„London 87: The first contacts with „ANC“ exiles“.
In 1979, a massacre took place in Soweto when 15,000 students protested on June 16 against being taught in Africaans from then on. 575 people died in the uprising, which lasted for months. Swiss banks doubled their lending volume. In 1980, the „World Alliance of Reformed Churches“ declared apartheid a heresy. This left Switzerland and the Swiss secret service cold. Unimpressed by the sanctions, Peter Reggli initiated the exchange of pilots with South African fighter pilots, but the Federal Council was not informed until 1986. The amount of credit granted by Swiss banks to the apartheid regime quadrupled. Year after year by 100 percent. As a result of the international condemnation of the Apartheid regime, Switzerland profited from the contemptuous, racist policy of the whites at the Cape. The „ILO“ demanded the world corporations to withdraw from South Africa and criticized the „SBG“ in particular as a sanction breaker. Nevertheless, in 1985 the South African regime receives another 75 million Swiss francs in loans from Swiss banks at its free disposal. In 1986, a state of emergency was imposed on the heavily indebted country and over 10,000 people were arrested, 1800 of whom died. „Peace became a threat to public security,“ says Archbishop Desmond Tutu, as the church paper, the New Nation, was shut down.
In 1987, when the United States wanted to punish companies that did not comply with the sanctions, South Africa’s President Peter Botha and his Foreign Minister came to Zurich to meet with „SBG“ Deputy Director Georg Meyer and the board of the „Association Switzerland-South Africa“, where they were presented on the spot with an „Order of Good Hope“ and another 70 million. And in 1989, thanks to Robert Jeker, South Africa’s regime also got a breather in the repayment of the outstanding loans of eight billion Swiss francs. This was the situation at the time that prompted me to go underground in South Africa for an inspection and further research. Switzerland’s relations with South Africa were at their most intense politically, militarily and in terms of the arms industry in the 1980s, when the enforcement of South Africa’s policy of racial segregation (apartheid) was at its strongest and was accompanied by serious human rights violations and of- fensive violence. Swiss industry has been a major player in undermining the arms embargo imposed on South Africa by the UN. The exchange of intelligence information directly contributed to the initiation of arms deals, the fight against apartheid opponents and political propaganda in favor of the South African government. Swiss industry was one of the pillars of the secret South African nuclear weapons program. The „Gebrüder Sulzer AG“ and the „VAT Haag“ supplied important components for the South African uranium enrichment, which provided the necessary fissile material for the six atomic bombs produced by South Africa. Thus, Switzerland was undoubtedly a supporter of the apartheid government in more ways than one. How did this come about? …
Politically sensitized by the youth unrest of the early 80s, as an opponent of nuclear power plants, a pacifist, and a conscientious objector on the political left, as well as focused on South Africa from a humanitarian point of view through my professional activities during my apprenticeship at the „Oerlikon Bührle“, I decided to fly to Johannesburg at the end of 1986 with the aim of getting to know the tense situation and the inhumane conditions on the spot, thanks to the contacts I had made with ANC exiles in London and the connections I had obtained through the „Anti Apartheid Movement“ (AAB) in Switzerland. I arrived in South Africa just at the time when the „New Nation“, one of the last liberal, critical papers of the Catholic Bishops‘ Conference under Desmond Tutu, was banned and closed down. I conducted a last interview with the just dismissed editor-in-chief Gabu Tugwana, which appeared at that time in the „WOZ“ (weekly newspaper), and was thus the first foreign journalist to see and photograph the decree of the hated Minister of the Interior. The apartheid regime censored or banned many newspapers until all possible critical voices were silenced. Spending on internal security, that is, on maintaining the racist apartheid system, swallowed up more than 20 percent of the gross domestic product. Then I dared to take the suburban train from Down town Johannesburg to Soweto, that is, to the black townships, at that time an extremely dangerous thing to do. Once you arrived in Soweto, you were quite alone and conspicuous as a white person at that time. Fortunately I had long hair and looked neither like a Boer nor like an Englishman, which probably kept many from killing me in the townships. Curiosity grew as to what I was doing here, and thanks to the „ANC“ contacts I had made in London and Zurich, I was able to reassure them, so that they trusted me and introduced me to the Town Ships. For a few weeks I lived with a family of eight in a small shack surrounded by tens of thousands of other shacks without light, electricity or water. The goal was to feel the living conditions of the blacks and their everyday life within the framework of the racist laws on my own body and to probe with my own eyes. Soon it was possible for me to move freely and safely with my black friends in Soweto. And so I myself was scared as hell when I suddenly stood in front of an armored vehicle of the „SADF“ (South African Defence Force) again and firearms were pointed at me and one of the armed men shouted down from above; „What are you doing here? At the first meeting I could think of nothing better than to ask him the same question, only an undertone sharper. „What the hell are you doing here?“ and gently pulled out my Swiss passport, which helped defuse the tense situation and they then let me go each time unharmed. …
Mandela’s release and his visit to Switzerland in 1993
From that first trip, I developed a deep connection with the country that I visited over 20 times, meeting Nelson Mandela twice. The first time shortly after his release here in Soweto, the second time, as President of South Africa and newly elected Nobel Laureate in Zurich’s „Dolder Hotel“ in front of the „class politique“ and economic elite (National Bank President and bank representatives), when Mandela spoke about his vision of a new South Africa as a „rainbow nation“. I was also invited to this historic meeting and took a few pictures of Mandela. When he mingled with the crowd at the aperitif after his speech, I stayed discreetly in the background. But obviously Mandela had a good memory and very attentive eyes, maybe he even remembered where and when in Soweto I was the only white person standing in the crowd of blacks shortly after his release. In any case, this prompted him to approach me and ask if we had ever met. I was astonished! When I replied, „yes in Soweto,“ he extended both hands to me. That was very touching! Thereupon all present bankers and politicians in the room stared at me and wondered who the long-haired freak was here. Fortunately, this remained a secret of me, Mandela and the South African ambassador in Bern, Dr. Konji Sebati, with whom I was once a guest in the embassy in Bern at a high-ranking event. …
In late 1993, I accompanied a friend of mine, who was stationed in Johannesburg as an ICRC/Red Cross South Africa delegate, on his trip to the refugee camps to assess the situation there, to help the victims, and to support peace efforts to stabilize the country with a view to a democratic constitution and government for the „Rainbow Nation.“ We went to the then hotspots „Margate“ and „Ladysmith“ and „Empendle“ pro-logged the burned houses and the dead, talked to bereaved families and tried to mediate between the conflicting parties. A difficult, if not almost hopeless task. In 1994, another interesting meeting took place, with Miss South Africa Basetsana Kumalo and at her side Kwezi Hani, the young daughter of Chris Hani, who had just been murdered. Chris Hani was secretary general of the South African Communist Party (SACP), a high-ranking member of the ANC and chief of staff of its armed arm, Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK). The meeting with Hani and Basetsane took place in a casino and was observed. It was a very hot time and the spying on political actors and their families and surroundings was a well-known fact. And so I also became a target of observation. First a black man and later two white gentlemen tried to question me discreetly but emphatically and later another illustrious person tried to involve me in Gabarone, i.e. in Botswana, in South Africa’s internal power struggles. …
Thanks to the Zulu healer and book author Credo Vusama Mutwa, I was also able to visit Pollsmoor Prison in Cape Town (where Nelson Mandela spent the last years of his imprisonment) in 1997 with a team of Canadian UN health inspectors. The prison, designed for 3,000 inmates, held about 7,000 prisoners. Nearly 30% of the inmates were HIV-positive at the time, and many prisoners were held without charge for years, with many dying. The conditions we encountered were shocking. One spoonful of food in the prison kitchen was enough to give me staphylococcus and streptococcus. …
2011: Gadaffis Milliarden in Zumas und Ramaphos Händen untergetaucht
Aziz Pahad was appointed by Mandela as deputy foreign minister in 1994 and worked for the government from 1999 to 2008. Before that, he collected donations for Mandela’s election campaign and also received about 15 million from Gadaffi. The Libyan dictator also supported Tabo Mbeki. But Mbeki did not want to comply with Gadaffi’s wish to become „King of Africa“ and refused to support him, which led to Gadaffi buying Jacob Zuma as his next choice and helping him to be elected South African president. Through the decades of relations with the „ANC“ Gadaffi planned to have in the worst case a retreat and base abroad from where he could start the counterrevolution and for this he had a part of his unimaginable fortune of about 150 billion dollars (Forbes) flown to Johannesburg on 26 December 2010. The plane landed on the orphaned military base Water-kloof on the 2nd day of Christmas. Reportedly, there were a total of 179 such flights from Tripoli, all of which were performed by military pilots. The flight data was after each operation. Deleted. The value of the cargo, which was in ICRC crescent labeled containers with Libyan dialect from Syrte amounted to approximately 12.5 billion. US dollars. Besides mountains of cash also tons of gold and diamonds. Serbian George Darmanovitch, a Secret Service agent known as Zuma’s henchman, photographed the shipment upon arrival in Johannesburg and confirmed to investigators that the money was picked up by trucks from the ANC. He was obviously a little too vocal about the contents and size of the cargo. In any case, Dar-manovitch was shot dead in the street shortly afterwards in Belgrade, where he was meeting his family, and his two killers were also found dead. This was too big for Darmanovitch and his killers. From then on, Gaddafi’s billions disappeared somewhere in South Africa and only a few know where they are. In 2012, the first rumors surfaced that considerable assets of the dead dictator were in South Africa. In response, the transitional Libyan government contacted Eric Goaied, a Tunisian who was a close friend of Gaddafi. He was to search for the missing assets in South Africa. One of the reasons was that the new government had to build up an army and procure more than 200 combat helicopters and G5s as well as other war material for a good five billion, but had no money. When the Libyan government, namely Taha Buishi, confirmed the high finder’s fee (of 10 percent, i.e. $1.25 billion) for the return of the Gaddafi assets, this attracted a few treasure hunters who did not want to miss out on this deal. …
Gupta Leaks: South Africa as prey to Indian klepocrats“
The mischief began with Malusi Gigaba when he came into government and successively filled all the important posts in state enterprises with Gupta confidants. Where is most of the public money spent and how do we get it? That was the business model of the three Indian brothers who came to South Africa with their mouse-poor father in 1993. First came „Transnet.“ „Transnet“ manages all airports, train stations and transport companies. Malusi Gigaba appointed Brian Molefi as CEO and Arnosch Sinn as CFO (2 orders for locomotives worth 5 billion went to two Chinese companies) „Mc Kinsey“ received more than a billion for consulting contracts from Salim Essa, business partner of the Guptas. 450 million commission jumped out for the Guptas on the locomotive deal. Money that flowed through offshore companies to Hong Kong and the Arab Emirates. Then Duduzane Zuma, Zuma’s son, came into the picture. He was closely associated with the Guptas and worked with them to perfect corruption and foster kleptocracy. Also, Cyril Ramaphosas, once a union leader who became a billionaire through mining company licenses at the end of apartheid, becomes Zuma’s vice president and shortly thereafter travels to Russia for a nuclear deal and the construction of eight nuclear power plants in South Africa that would cost more than $100 billion. US dollars, whereupon the „Shiva“ uranium mine was bought by the Guptas and Zuma’s son was given a leading position. This was how they positioned themselves for the nuclear deal, which was supposed to increase the windfall. And Russia wanted to achieve that South Africa is dependent on the donor country and the Zuma clan intended to commit itself with the help of the Guptas to an even greater plundering of the state. …
1986-2006: Mit den Khoi-San durch die Kalahari gestreift
Botswana can claim to possess all the facets of a sparkling diamond with its magnificent wealth of fauna and flora in the Okavango Delta, which is constantly changing its face. An eye-opener as a fence-sitter in Africa’s Garden of Eden, where a vital network of water veins supplies the largely parched southern Africa from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean with the vital elixir. The Okavango, third largest river below the Tropic of Capricorn, originates in the rain-fed highlands of Angola. Although it would only be a few hundred kilometers to the sea, after 1600 kilometers the river heads for the 800,000 square kilometer Kalahari – and fans out into the world’s largest inland delta. In bands, the river branches advance into the barren and thirsty desert and form a unique biotope in the middle of the Kalahari. The world’s largest inland delta is about the size of Schleswig-Holstein. Ninety-five percent of Botswana’s water reserves come from the Okavango Delta, through which more than 18.5 billion gallons of water flow each year, most of it seeping into the sands of the Kalahari. If you look down on the pristine landscape of the Okavango swamps, which is crisscrossed by a labyrinth of river arms, swamps, islands, steppes and lagoons, the Kalahari shimmers to the horizon, sometimes golden yellow, sometimes deep green with blue spots. …
In the Central Kalahari live at that time about 16’000 bushmen and in the whole southern Africa their number is estimated at about 100’000. They are masterly trackers, notorious hunters, gifted archers – and true ecologists. They live according to the Eros principle, which connects everything with everything else: „Everything belongs to Mother Nature and Mother Earth. No one owns anything. Everything is shared,“ the young Khoi-San Suruka explains to me the worldview of the Kung-San at the foot of the Tsodillo Hills, the four sacred, whispering hills with the ancient petroglyphs, the oldest of which are said to be over 30,000 years old, which would probably bring us to the cradle of human civilization. And then there is the cave of the stone python snake, which according to scientists was carved about 70,000 years ago. To illustrate their closeness to nature, the smallish, tough people with the short, pitch-black curls and peachy skin tones tell us. They coat the shaft of their arrows with a poison they extract from caterpillars. The dose of the poison is chosen precisely depending on the animal that is being killed. Nothing is wasted – not even a drop of the poison. It is the same with everything else, the Bushmen and their wives take only what they need at the moment to survive. If they dig a fruit or a vegetable out of the ground, they cut it off at the bottom and leave the rest with the roots in the ground so that new shoots can grow again. The San have learned to survive even in the most inhospitable and arid regions of the Kalahari. This adaptability was born out of necessity, as Suruka continues to tell us, „When the Boers and other white masters threatened, drove and killed us, we had to flee to areas without water. So we filled ostrich eggs with water and buried them in the desert sand. So we could survive there as well. Our rhythm of life is based on the migration of animals and the tides, and we live according to the principle that nature belongs to all people and everyone should take only what he needs. Yet for centuries our people have been hunted, driven out and killed like fair game. Perpetrators were other African tribes as well as the European colonial masters among them the Germans. …
Kenya: IKRK-Mission im Rift Valley nach den ethnischen Unruhen
With the ICRC on tour through the refugie camps around Eldoret in the Rift Valley after the riots and clashes
When I came to Kenya in 2008, I first visited the region near Samburu National Park and was stationed at „Joys Camp“. The Samburu National Reserve is a 165 sq km nature reserve in the center of Kenya. The Shaba National Reserve to the east of it belongs to the same ecological area. Characteristic of the area are the very dry habitats for oryx antelope, grant gazelles, two dikdik and grevy zebras. Also typical of the region are the reticulated giraffes, which are distinguished from other giraffe subspecies by their particularly contrasting coloration. Other ungulate species of the reserve are eland and waterbuck. Among the predators, lions, leopards, cheetahs and striped hyenas are present here. In addition, the park was once characterized by large herds of elephants and numerous other game species such as waterbuck and Nile crocodiles. Sadly, elephant populations are declining here as well. …
In the election forecasts and preliminary results, opposition leader Odinga was still in the lead by a narrow margin. After incumbent President Mwai Kibaki was declared the winner of the election, the opposition party ODM protested. Its presidential candidate Raila Odinga declared that the election results were fraudulent. In the ensuing unrest, it is estimated that over 1,500 people were killed and 623,692 people, mostly Kikuyu, were forced to flee the violence. Finally, I flew to Eldoret and went to the local „ICRC Red Cross Committee“. I spent three days with the local staff driving around the refugee camps and seeing the reconstruction projects. It seemed to me that there was still a long way to go back to normality and the misery in the refugee camps with a total of over 100,000 people was very depressing. I had never seen such a scale, not even in South Africa at the time of the ANC-IFP conflict. Over 10 million Kenyans were starving and hundreds were dying daily from water shortages and lack of food. 3.2 million people were affected by acute water shortages at the time. Many of them had to walk up to 30 kilometers a day for a bucket of water and then carry it back. These are some of the staggering figures that the Assistant Secretary General of „ICRC“ and „Red Cross Kenya“ presented to me in his office in Nairobi. And more than 100,000 people were staying in refugee camps. …
Namibia: Schweizer Entwicklungshilfe im Reich der Geparde
Due to the many travels and conflict experiences in numerous countries, I wanted to get into development cooperation and fly to Namibia via „Interteam“ (a Swiss aid organization) to work there for three years in the field of tourism and development cooperation. Specifically, it was a project with the local parastatal organization „NACOBTA“, which wanted to integrate the indigenous people ecologically and more sustainably in the tourism industry, in order to let the indigenous tribes there participate in the economic and sustainable tourism development. Unfortunately, shortly before the assignment, some foreign aid organizations cut their budget for „NACOBTA“ and so the „EZA“ assignment in Namibia was cancelled. Nevertheless, the „Inter-team NACOBTA“ assessment made me curious about the South West African country with a German colonial past and I decided to travel there. A key challenge in Namibia’s rural areas is building capacity to address human-wildlife conflict. The Cheetah Foundation (CFF) in Ojjowaringo has identified several landscapes in Namibia that need an urgent focus on science-based solutions to mitigate human-wildlife conflict (HWC). Key focus regions include the Greater Waterberg Landscape, the Gobabis Landscape, and large parts of the Kalahari ecosystem.The „Cheetah Foundation“ is one of the impressive wildlife projects in Namibia. It was the first time I watched these noble, elegant predatory cats in the wild and hunting for some poor rabbits, which were thrown to the cheetahs as breakfast food. CCF’s Namibian cheetah population study has been ongoing since 1990, with over 750 tissue samples and 1000 fecal samples collected to date. These samples allow for the study of Namibian cheetah populations over a 30-year period. Population monitoring within the 50,000 hectare game reserve is made possible by combining this with genetic analysis using microsatellite markers. This allows CCF researchers and wildlife managers to identify individual cheetahs based on both visual and genetic characteristics. …
Das dunkle Kapitel Deutschlands: Völkermord, Sklaverei, Landraub, Vergewaltigung
A brief review of Namibia’s history: In 1884, Africa was divided among the European powers and colonial rulers at the „Congo Conference“ in Berlin. Germany rises to colonial power, whereupon German Southwest Africa, today’s Namibia, was established and developed into a colony. By 1914, some 15,000 white settlers had arrived in German Southwest Africa, including more than 12,000 Germans. The German colonial administration ruled the area by means of racial segregation and oppression. The natives were treated as second-class people by the European settlers and were practically disenfranchised. Native tribes were forced to vacate their land. The pastureland that was vital for the nomadic tribes and their ancestral homeland thus increasingly passed into the hands of the settlers. This threatened above all the livelihood of the Herero and Na’ama pastoralist tribes living there. Slavery, land theft, public execution, forced labor, rape and humiliation became the doctrine and the agonizing daily order for the maltreated population. The uprising against the white occupiers began in 1904 with Samuel Maharero. The Na’ama chief, Captain Hendrik Witboo, was the icon of the anti-colonial resistance. He accused the Ovambo leader of cooperating with the so-called „protecting power“ of the Germans, thus opening the floodgates for conquest. Only after 20 years of oppression by the „Herrenmenschen“, the peoples of Namibia for the first time united against their oppressors. On January 12, 1904, the first shots were fired against the occupiers. The rebels besieged military stations, blocked railroad lines and raided trading posts. …
Mexico: Von Göttern inspiriertes, von Gott beseeltes Reich
Mexico’s face, the cradle of archaic Indian civilizations, shines brilliantly. Both the ancient temple complexes and the contrasting, magnificent colonial cities of Oaxaca and San Cristobal de las Casas stand out like dazzling jewels from the Sierra Madre. In the homeland of the Tzotziles, Tzetales, Chamulas and Lacandones, the indigenous people are about as primitive as the people of Valais or Grisons. In the highlands of Mexico, one of the oldest peoples in Central America, the Mixtecs, celebrate their impressive Stations of the Cross processions every year. The ceremony represents a strange symbiosis of Christianity and the world of the Mixtec gods. In the deepest religiosity, the Indians worship both Jesus Christ and Mary Virgin, the Virgen de Guadaloupe, and their charismatic hero Rey Condoy, who saved them from annihilation and oppression. The sparse candlelight, the clouds of copal incense and the sea spreading out on the floor, smelling strongly of spruce needles, as well as the magnificently decked out dignitaries with their silver-studded canes as insignia of their dignity, transformed the nave into a very spiritual and mystical world. I myself felt like an alien in this indigenous community. Flickering candles illuminated all the serious faces marked by hardships. Then the Indio women shouldered the Virgen de Guadaloupe and the men a statue of Jesus Christ on their shoulders, after which the whole Indio troop climbed up the steep mountain. They split into two groups and I decided to join the women’s torch and candlelight procession. At the seventh Stations of the Cross, the two processions united at a small clearing in a square around the banner bearers and the women kneeling before their thuribles. Now the Padre gave another speech and just at that moment the sky fully opened for the first time and the sun shone like a divine spell directed at the small Indio community, as if they were being specially blessed by this gathering. Their chants put me in a trance and it was extraordinary to live this spiritual experience as the only „gringo“ and foreigner among the Mixtec Indians. Devout and overwhelmed by this authentic spectacle of deepest indigenous and poignant emotions, we too became part of this world and merged, so to speak, with them and their ancestors. The Indians must have felt this as well and gave me their trust and pulled me into their innermost circle. When one of the banner bearers came out of the circle of dignitaries and approached us, I was at first very frightened, because I had secretly taken pictures of the reunion of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. I was afraid that they had caught me taking pictures and that I would be offered as an expiatory sacrifice and impaled on one of the lances. The fear was not unfounded, as tourists have been killed in Chiapas for photographing the local Indians. Instead, as a gesture of their hospitality, I was brought in to the center of the procession and allowed to be one of the three banner bearers. What a gesture and honor for me, which touched me very much. …
1994: Zeuge Zapatistischer Indio-Aufstände in Chiapas
The Chiapas Uprising was sparked by the „Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional“ (EZLN), a so-called radical leftist movement that rebelled against new state impositions in the state of Chiapas and closely resembled a new edition of the Mexican Revolution. The Mayan Indians were suffering from the free trade agreement of globalization and racist policies in the Mexican administration, and they wanted to resist this because they were being oppressed and excluded from participating in the political process. The conflict began when, in January 1994, an „EZLN“ offensive occupied four towns around San Cristobal de las Casas, whereupon the Mexican military used violence and repression to end the situation on the ground, including the use of torture methods. In 2001, under the leadership of MARCOS, the Zapatistas made a march from Chiapas to Mexico City, and on January 1, 2003, they took San Cristobal de las Casas. Only after that did more and more NGOs advocate for peace negotiations and put pressure on the government. In the end, however, the fate of the indigenous communities did not change much for the better. After escaping this incendiary place, I experienced another severe earthquake in Chiapas and a turbulent hurricane in Yucatan. So Mexico has really not spared with impressions, it has always been a hellishly hot country, not to mention all the drug cartels that were fighting each other bestially at that time. Impressive was the river trip through the Sumidero Canyon, on whose slippery rock walls up to 1000 meters high, experienced climbers could pull themselves up over the heads of ravenous crocodiles and dozens of vultures were already waiting for possible victims. The misty valleys and enchanting lake and river landscapes of Lago Monte Bellos on the Guatemalan border and the wildly gushing cascades of Agua Azul were also among the highlights of this trip. I avoided the tourist strongholds, preferred small dreamy places and visited many Mesoamerican temples – from Teotihuatlan to Monte Alban, Palenque, Chinchen Itza and Uxmal and was deeply impressed by the sophisticated architectural masterpieces of the local indigenous high cultures with their apocalyptic drug use. …
In 1993, I flew to socialist Cuba for the first time. It was for a Swiss film project about Fidel Castro and Geraldine Chaplin was the door opener to the socialist rulers. It was the „Periodo especial en tiempo de paz“ (the time of emergency in peacetime) when Cuba, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall, was plunged into an extreme economic crisis and had to undergo a soft system change. Through the „dollar liberalization“ in the socialist Caribbean paradise, in order to switch from the sugar economy to tourism, a revolution from the „socialist heart to the capitalist mind“ took place. The classless society was now split into two camps: Those with the green U.S. bills („fulanos“) and those with the worthless pesos, the „esperancejos“, the hopeful ones. Thus, the hunt for the „fula“ (bad money) has taken on Kafkaesque forms. The change was marked by an unswerving determination not to give up the socialist achievements at any price. And yet, since the liberalization of the dollar, a dramatic, inexorable change in values has taken place. …
La Habana – the Latin American splendor of the 19th century presented a picture of monumental desolation. Entire neighborhoods were in danger of collapse, the Malecon was a mile-long, dilapidated colonial-style ensemble, and the decay of the old city was far advanced despite financial help from Unesco, which wanted to preserve, renovate or rebuild parts of the urban ensemble. The two-million metropolis was a conspicuous symbol of the fact that the country lay in ruins after the fall of the Wall and the withdrawal of the Soviets. The dilapidated ruins of the five-story colonial-style buildings were removed by hand, pillar by pillar, under life-threatening conditions until the building sections collapsed. Since economic aid and subsidized fuel supplies from the Soviet Union stopped, the mercado negro, where 85 percent of all goods are traded, has become Cuba’s main artery. Almost everything had to be imported at high cost, even the staple food rice. Export revenues fell from over eight billion in 1989 to barely two billion U.S. dollars within three years. Crude oil was only available in half that amount, the transportation system collapsed, the electricity supply functioned only on an hourly basis because the supply situation was precarious, the peso was worthless and the age of dollar apartheid had begun. „Our money is worthless and prices have increased tenfold in a short time,“ complains Ernesto Solano, a pensioner who had to get by on 80 pesos a month. Despite the miserable situation, he has not lost his sense of humor and sums up the predicament of the „Periodo especial en tiempo de paz“, which has now lasted two years, with a joke alluding to the slogans „luchan y resistan“ (fight and persevere) and „Long live the revolution – persevere compãgneros: A Cuban comes home hungry and shouts to his wife to fry the fish he brought with him. „We have no oil,“ is her reply, „and no gas for cooking, nor water, nor a lemon.“ So the only thing left for the man to do is to resignedly throw the fish back into the sea, whereupon it happily cries out, „Long live the revolution.“ …
Grenada 92: On the aircraft carrier „US John Rodgers“ for a press breakfast
Grenadas Premier MInister speaking to the US-Delgation at the 9th anniversary of the Invasion by US troops
In 1992, I traveled to the Caribbean twice. First I took part in a sailing trip from Grenada to Trinidad for Carnival, then I arrived in Grenada via Barbados exactly at the time when the ninth anniversary of the „liberation“ or „occupation“ of Grenada (depending on your point of view) by US forces was celebrated. In St. George, the capital of Grenada, I was able to attend the official ceremony with the Prime Minister of Grenada, Nicolas Brathwaiter and the U.S. Ambassador in the presence of high-ranking U.S. military officials, after which I was invited by the U.S. Ambassador to the exclusive and ultimate press breakfast on the aircraft carrier „U.S. John Rodgers“ stationed off Grenada. I didn’t want to miss that, after all, it’s not every day that you can have breakfast on a warship that has a huge potential for destruction. The next morning, a U.S. Navy boat picked me up on the beach and drove me over to the warship, which was anchored off the coast of Grenada. First I was able to take a short tour and then have a conversation about U.S. policy with the commander and his press aide on the command bridge. In retrospect, this visit was not a good idea, because I have been on the radar of U.S. intelligence agencies since this incident and later felt it in the Philippines. …
The invasion of Grenada was probably one of the few U.S. operations that, first of all, went smoothly for the civilian population and ultimately led to stabilization. The U.S. invasion of Panama was not too disastrous either, but all other interventions, invasions and infiltrations on the part of the U.S. from the Vietnam War to the Afghanistan operation, the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, the hopeless and devastating Iraq War that led to IS or even the overthrow of long-term despot M. Gaddhafi in Libya and the miserable failure in the Syria war, for the most part the USA failed miserably after WW2, whether as aggressor or world policeman. A „failed state“, with obvious consequences for the whole world: The radicalization in the Muslim world, which gave a boost to the terrorist organizations Al Qaeda and IS, or the „War on Drugs“ proclaimed by the USA was a disaster and hypocrisy for 50 years. …
In Bogota, I met my professional colleague, aviation journalist and military pilot Hans-Jörg Egger. Together we flew from the capital of Colombia in all directions in one week on behalf of Swissair. First to Letica in the border triangle of Brazil, Colombia and Peru in the south of the country in the middle of the Amazon jungle, then to Cartagena in the colonial pearl, with the magnificent colonial style buildings similar to Havana. We continued to Cali, then the drug stronghold of Pablo Escobar, another destination was Villa Vicencio, also known as a drug transshipment point, and finally we flew up to the Caribbean island of San Andres, located off the coast of Nicaragua. The purpose of the trip: We were to put together a travel itinerary for the Swissair VIP shareholders trip and reconnoiter the best places where ancient aircraft types still fly around. It was to be a fantastic vintage aviation trip. …
The harbingers of the jungle begin less than 100 kilometers from Bogota, but in order to get there you have to overcome the grueling pass road of the Sierra Oriental at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level and then master and survive the winding descent on narrow paths along abyssal canyons down to a hundred meters above sea level. The sun is just setting on the blood-red horizon above the steaming jungle, where tropical thunderstorms rain down heavily on the esmerald green jungle just before dusk, making the ride on the slippery pass road hell. Arriving in Villa Vicencio, we board the silver fuselage of the DC-6 after an interview with the airport director, and soon we are flying through the lashing rain with a loud propeller howl. The pilot’s forehead is also covered with thick beads of water, as it looks to him like difficult flying and landing conditions. The propeller engines are roaring as they fight against the dense, fast-moving clouds. The view from the small round windows sweeps over the green jungle sea in the Amazon basin, the meandering river courses and island dots. Then the descent begins and we set down for landing, whereupon we are soon relieved to have arrived unharmed. …
At the end of our Colombia trip we arrived at the airport in Bogota as always in the last days only shortly before departure. We had gotten used to the fact that 15 minutes were enough to board the plane. This worked well with all Colombian flights, but the upcoming flight to Ecuador was just a flight out of the country. We had not thought about that and that the procedure would take much longer. When we arrived at the counter and learned that boarding was already completed, I showed the check-in counter employees two seat cards and said: „Stop the airplaine, now immediately“ and simply ran through the gate past the surprised securities out onto the airfield. Without being shot at, we ran towards the plane that was taxiing to the runway. At the same time we saw a stair car racing towards the plane and the jet stopped. After a few dozen meters, we made it and were allowed to rush up the stairs, whereupon the boarding door opened and we were able to board. „Wow, what awesome action!“ Why did the plane stop, you ask? Well, one business card was that of the Colombian Minister of Aviation and the other, that of the Bogota Airport Director. Both of these people we had interviewed before. And so it happened that for us two Swiss journalists in Colombia, a commercial airliner on an international flight was stopped on the taxiway for departure so that the two VIPs could board. …
Species extinction through overexploitation: Amazon Cruise with scientists
Its name is a legend and sounds as exotic as the myth that surrounds it: the Rio Amazonas. It is the second longest and most water-rich river on earth, the one with the most tributaries, the strongest water discharge, the largest catchment area and the most enormous delta. In thousands and thousands of meanders it flows majestically through the most diverse and opulent rainforest on earth, nourishing, watering and sustaining an immense variety of fauna and flora and at the same time being the lifeline of millions of people. The Amazon is called „Maranhão“ by the Indians, „which only God can unravel“ and it consists of a bizarre network of over 1100 rivers, 20 of which are longer than the Rhine. But it is only after the encuentro dos aguas, the confluence of the Rio Negro and Rio Branco at Manaus, that the river is called Rio Amazonas. With its catchment area of more than seven million km2 and its daily deposit of three million tons of sediment in the delta, the Amazon outranks all other rivers. One fifth of the fresh water in the world’s oceans is fed by the king of rivers. More than 30,000 species of plants, which thrive on three levels above each other, and more than 2,000 species of fish and birds live in its catchment area. …
An expedition to the Amazon jungle is both a journey into an exotic world full of overwhelming flora and an encounter with a species-rich fauna – full of giant snakes, such as anacondas and phytons, anteaters, sloths, howler monkeys, piranhas, shy river dolphins, colorful parrots (macaws) or magnificent tucans as well as nimble hummingbirds. The list could, it seems, be continued almost indefinitely. But the opposite is the case. The number of species threatened with extinction is increasing dramatically. According to experts, the rainforest is irretrievably destroyed when 40 percent of its area has been destroyed. In the last 50 years, a quarter of the rainforest has already been cut down or burned – with catastrophic consequences for the climate, the environment, people and animals. The indigenous people in the rainforests had destroyed barely one percent of the rainforest over the period of the last 15,000 years. A single human generation is therefore sufficient to bring the entire ecosystem of planet Earth out of balance and the human race as such into danger. …
In Brazil today there are still about one million square kilometers of Amazon rainforest, which is not protected and not zoned, but also does not belong to the indigenous tribes living there (because they must first prove their centuries-old legitimacy in lengthy processes), so that their land is not sacrificed to overexploitation and investor rapacity. Because the common principle goes as follows: Areas are illegally confiscated, burned or cleared and thus destroyed. In the years that follow, attempts are then made to legalize land grabbing in this area through lucrative cattle ranching, which has been a piece of cake since President Bolsonaro. Land speculation is fueled by interna-tional investors. In the region, some 30 billion U.S. dollars will be spent in the next few years on road construction, electricity and infrastructure to develop and exploit the primary forest. 92 dams are planned in the Amazon region. These are devastating prospects. What capitalist madness. To add to the misery, the government of Jair Bolsonaro plans to build a railroad almost 1000 kilometers across the jungle and many indigenous protected areas. The agricultural lobby is delighted, as the Ferrogrão infrastructure project promises lower future transport costs to the Atlantic and thus higher profits. A study by economists Juliano Assunçao, Rafael Araújo and Arthur Bragança has shown that additional clearing of an area of 2050 square kilometers is to be expected, which corresponds to around 300,000 soccer fields. Not only would the clearing of this virgin forest produce about 75 million tons of carbon, but the increasing loss of the green lung will soon lead to the collapse of the climate and irrigation system in the entire Amazon basin. …
Borneo 96: Stalking through the jungle with a handicapped orang utan
The orang utan, the „forest man“ in Malay, has been threatened with extinction since the mid-1960s. Despite international species protection agreements, at that time still extremely restrictive trade agreements and the two rehabilitation stations on Semengho in Sarawak and Sepilok in Sabah on the Malaysian island of Borneo, the close relatives of Homo Sapiens are acutely endangered. Greed for tropical timber and palm oil is destroying their habitat, the primary forest. Due to the destruction of their refuges, they are now isolated in small groups. The apes have also become known through the Swiss environmental and human rights activist Bruno Manser. Manser lived in Borneo from 1984 to 1990, recorded the fauna and flora of the tropical rainforest, learned the language and culture of the Penan and lived with them. In 1990 he had to flee to Switzerland after he was expelled by the Malaysian government and declared an „undesirable person“. A bounty of 50000 dollars was put on his head. In 1993, Manser participated in a fasting action and a hunger strike in front of the Federal Parliament in Bern to protest against the import of tropical timber. In 2000, despite an entry ban and a bounty on his head, he traveled from the Indonesian part of Borneo (Kalimantan) across the green border into the Malaysian Sarawak to the Penan and was never seen again. Since then, Bruno Manser has been considered missing and was officially declared dead in 2005. …
In 1996, I made a trip to Malaysia to celebrate 50 years of independence from the British crown and after the state celebration with all Asian heads of state, I first traveled by car all over Malaysia and visited the Taman Negara National Park in the rainforest. After the detour to Langkawi, I flew to Borneo and landed in Sarawak with the goal of exploring the situation of forest clearing for palm oil production, the threatening situation of the headhunters and the destroyed habitat of the Orang Utan. At Lake Batang Ai in Sarawak on Borneo I started the expedition into the rainforest and hired a guide with a dugout canoe to lead me to the Iban Headhunters living here. After two days‘ travel from Lake Batang Ai, paddling a canoe through a sea of deforested tropical tribes flowing downstream, I ended up in one of these remote longhouse villages. The days of decapitating intruders with the parang, the dreaded long knife, and hanging the trophies in the form of shrunken mini-skulls from the beams of the longhouses are thankfully over. The longhouses of the head hunters are built on stilts, up to 100 meters long and have a continuous wide corridor leading to a longitudinal veranda.
Unfortunately, I came down with malaria. Shaken by fever cramps and checkmate, I lay around for three days like a dead fly in the „longhouse“ of the headhunters, before I could go back by dugout canoe to a jungle camp, which had a radio station, in order to take up contact with Switzerland over the radio connection and the telephone handset held to the radio, with my family. When at home in Switzerland the tape recorder instead of a connection came, I said only briefly that I wanted to say goodbye, because I would probably not survive the night. After that I lay down outside under the starry night sky, shaken by further bouts of fever. I wanted to die at least in the open air and not in the tiny, stuffy wooden hut in which I had been quartered. What happened now was unique and should shake my distinctive sense of reality fundamentally. Whether it was just hallucinations or whether I was actually brought back from the Ascension is not clear to me to this day. In any case my astral body took off and then I saw purely optically already the stars with comet-like rapid speed coming towards me and felt pulled weightlessly up into the orbit and glided like the spaceship „Enterprise“ which jetted with light speed through the orbit towards the starry sky. But since the stars can’t come at me, I realized that I must have taken off like an angel and was now racing toward the sparkling firmament, unless my fevered brain was doing its antics and hallucinogenic vision with me. With the help of the jungle camp residents, I got back on my feet after two days, traveled on to Kota Kinabalu to the Orang Utan Rehabilitation Station in Sepilok, and arrived just in time for the feeding from a platform two kilometers further into the forest. The tourist groups had already started walking before me on the wooden walkway that led a good two meters above the ground into the rainforest to the large visitor platform and the two feeding stations in the trees behind it.
Then I watched as the babies got their food and gobbled it down and then disappeared back into the trees. After feeding, I wanted to get back to the rehab station before the others, so I made my way back along the walkway before the others. As I tried to sneak past a young handicapped orangutan, with a chopped off but already healed arm, lying backwards on the walkway, blocking the passage, he grabbed me by the lower leg. What was I supposed to do? When I wanted to gently loosen his hand that was clutching my leg, he simply grabbed me by the wrist, whereupon we both, the young orangutan and the still feverish and sweaty photographer ran hand in hand through the jungle to the station. He could have taken me right up into the treetops with his cronies. That didn’t work, but I made a good appearance in the rehabilitation ward when we arrived there hand in hand, like old friends. …
Indonesia: Dramatic deforestation and species extinction accepted
What is the situation today? The habitat of the great apes has been drastically reduced and their population has not increased but has been further decimated. Genomicists at the University of Zurich have recently discovered a new species on Sumatra, the Tapanuli orangutan, whose refuge lies in the rugged mountains of the Batang Toru region in Indonesia. The estimated 800 primates are affected by forest clearing for palm oil plantations, urban sprawl and a dam project here in Indonesia, as they are on Borneo. And they are not the only ones silently dying out. Many other species are also going extinct. One million species are threatened with extinction in the next decades. This is the devastating conclusion of the 2019 „World Biodiversity Council“ (IPBES). Reptiles and birds are having a hard time, but more and more mammals are also becoming extinct. 540 land vertebrate species were wiped out in the 20th century. Most of them in the Asian region.
Switzerland has concluded a controversial economic agreement with Indonesia and relies on „RSPO“ standards in the agreement, which was created in cooperation with companies, environmental organizations and aid agencies. But this will not stop deforestation or dam projects, and the habitat of the orang utan and many other species continues to be doomed. An agreement with sustainability goals is a small step forward, but unfortunately does not change the fact that overexploitation continues and there are too few protected areas, because the demand for palm oil has increased extremely and continues to rise. Accordingly, the area under cultivation has also grown, resulting from the clearing of primary forest. Since 2008, the area under palm oil cultivation has increased by 0.7 million hectares per year, an area four times the size of the canton of Zurich. And demand is expected to more than double again by 2050. On the island of Borneo, 50 percent of deforestation is due to palm oil cultivation. In the much larger Indonesia, the figure is already 20 percent. Six percent of all animal species are found on the island of Borneo. For over 4000 years, the rainforests of Borneo have been populated by indigenous peoples. Over the last 50 years, almost half of the rainforest in Kalimantan, the Indonesian part of Borneo, has been cleared. There are thousands of land conflicts by indigenous communities against large logging companies, but the state and the judiciary make it difficult for the people to access their rights and defend their land against overexploitation. Although a convention to protect the rainforests has existed for 30 years, it has never been ratified and implemented by the Indonesian parliament. Furthermore, it can be observed that almost all politicians are either former or still incumbent timber industrialists in Jakarta, as Norman Jiwan of the NGO „TuK“ reports. And only less than 30 of the richest Indonesian families profit from the palm oil industry. …
On my second trip to the Philippines, I first took a boat trip to explore Palawan Island, Busuanga Island and the Coron Islands, and then visited Filipino spiritual healers in Luzon. Half a year before, a 25 year old healer came to Switzerland and Germany, who obviously already had cult status. In any case, three dozen people were waiting in Zurich for a short session with this spiritual healer. One after the other, the people gathered in a darkened room and briefly told the spiritual healer, who was in a trance, their concerns, whereupon he examined them, palpated them and did strange things before my eyes, such as opening the body with the fingertip in certain places, whereupon the flesh wound opened up and he dipped his fingers into it. The Filipino spiritual healers are said to have the ability to dematerialize their fingers as they are dipped in order to merge with the body tissue. When he pushed his fingers deep into the flesh, they immediately became invisible under the surface of the skin and fused with the tissue. There were no more finger tips or tips to be seen, only the base of the fingers above the skin surface remained visible. And when he pulled his fingers out, they immediately closed the gaping wound, leaving behind a slightly reddened area on the skin’s surface. „Absolute madness!“ I have never seen anything like this before and only twice – with two spiritual healers in Zurich and now here in Luzon. Since then I perceive the world with different eyes and sensors. …
At the end of this Philippines trip I experienced another uncomfortable surprise. I was arrested at the airport when leaving the country, because I had the name of a person who was written out in the Philippines. So I had to go to the Minister of Tourism, on whose invitation I was in the Philippines, to be released and allowed to leave. Had it not been for him, I would have had to travel to Manila and present myself at the Department of Justice. Fortunately, I was spared that and so that other tourists in Switzerland would also be spared such a thing, I published the telephone number of the Minister of Justice in the daily newspapers with the reference that in such a case one should contact the head of the justice authority directly. This reference in the Swiss media was not appreciated by the Philippine Embassy. Even more: A few years later, when „Singapore Airlines“, my most important airline partner, invited me to the Philippines, I was suddenly disinvited again and elevated to persona non grata. …
India 2006: In the realm of loving hands with the Ayurveda pioneers
In 1996 I flew for the first time to India, namely to Kerala at the southern tip of the country to the up-and-coming Ayurveda resorts and clinics. I had previously come into close contact with Ayurvedic medicine in Sri Lanka and had done a Pancha Karma cleansing treatment and visited seven of the then best Ayurvedic resorts on the tropical island and compared them with each other. I was so fascinated by the Ayurvedic medicine I had experienced in Sri Lanka that I decided to travel to Kerala and met the South Indian Ayurvedic pioneers, the „cgh earth group“, who had already made a name for themselves with very exclusive resorts. Ayurvedic medicine was discovered over 5,000 years ago by highly gifted Indians in the depths of their meditation and spirituality, but as a result of colonization and professional bans by the British colonial government, it was suppressed for over 50 years before experiencing a revival in the 1990s. „A lot of knowledge was lost because of the ban,“ says Dr. Jayawardhana of the University of Colombo. Developed thousands of years ago in northern India, Ayurveda is a holistic system of nature that considers body, mind and spirit a single entity.Ayurvedic philosophy holds that all matter, including humans, can be traced back to the five elements of earth, water, air, fire and space. Ayurveda assumes that everything grows in nature that is needed to make and keep man healthy. Thus, plants, minerals, ashes, salts, barks, woods, roots and animal products are cooked and powdered and then made into pills, ointments and oils. The delicate yellow sesame oil is the base of all massage oils. It is rich in unsaturated fatty acids and makes brittle skin soft and smooth. To the sesame oil the doctor mixes other natural ingredients that are specifically adapted to the particular dosha type. The oil can thus have an optimal effect on the individual constitution of the person. No other medicine in the world has such a universal, profound and holistic cleansing system as Ayurvedic medicine and the Pancha Karma cure in particular. It is the mother of all cures! …
Gujarat 2013: the meeting with Narenda Moodi in Ahmedabad
In March 2013, at the annual tourism trade fair „ITB“ in Berlin, in the hall where India and Indian tour operators presented themselves, I was approached about a press trip to Gujarat and gave my business card to the initiators. Just two months later, I flew via Dehli to Ahmedabad, the capital of the state of Gujarat, and there, to my amazement, I met about 150 journalists and influencers who had flown in from all over the world to get to know the tourist attractions of Gujarat. After splitting into different interest groups, we were carted around for five days and introduced to the tourist highlights. First was the Rani ki Vav stepwell near the town of Patan on the banks of the Saraswati River. A Unesco World Heritage Site, the temple complex was dedicated in the 11th century in honor of the king’s daughter of Khengara of Saurashtra of the Solanki Dynasty. The temple complex was a huge eight-story water reservoir and contains over five hundred frescoes from Hindu mythology of that time and still valid today. Another highlight was the Sun Temple in Modhera, this temple complex is also located on the banks of a river, the Pushpavati River. The sacred site was built between 1026 and 1027 BC during the era of King Bhima I of the Chaulukya dynasty. The temple complex consists of three com-plexes: The Shrine Gudhamandapa, the Unification Hall Sabhamandapa and the water reservoir Kunda. Then the journey continued in a jeep and took us into an inhospitable, dust-dry land to the Rann of Kutch, a saltwater marshland on the border between India and Pakistan. The Rann of Kutch is divided into two regions: The Great Rann Kutch and the Little Rann Kutch. The Greater Rann is located in Pakistan, while the Lesser Rann of Kutch borders it to the southeast and extends to the Gulf of Kutch. 20,946 km2 of the Little Kutch are protected area with a Wildlife Sanctuary, which was established in 1973. At the end of the trip we spent one more night in the Maharaja Palace in Poshina and before it went back to the capital of Gujarat Ahmedabad, where I visited the Ghandi Museum and then it came to the final meeting of the journalist event with the appearance of Narenda Moodi, of which until the hour none of the media representatives knew anything. It was only when some heavily armed soldiers with mine detectors and search dogs showed up that it was clear that there would be high ranking visitors shortly. Then a small escort drove up and Narenda Moodi ascended in the presence of the tourism minister of Gujarat and some other officials and made clear to all his ambitions for the Indian presidency, a goal that he then also achieved and since then has divided India with his Hindu nationalist course. …
Egypt 2004: Witnessing two terrorist attacks among the Bedouins in Sinai
Arrived in Sinai in 2005, more precisely in Sharm el Sheikh, the situation as resident manager for a Swiss tour operator was again quite different. this assignment was a real challenge. The first two months in Sinai I lived in the „Radisson „Hotel“ with all tourist amenities, good infrastructure and nice ambience. Then I was shipped off to a spartan concrete block for the local tour guides in a dreary environment, whereupon I got a special permit from the Governor General for the restricted military areas in Sinai (due to the UN peacekeeping mission after the Six-Day War), so that I was allowed to drive into the restricted areas in the desert outside Sharm-el-Sheikh at night. What was I doing there at night? Well, as always, access to the local color and locals outside the tourist hotspots. In this case, access to the life of the Bedouins in Sinai and to my friend Faroud. With outside temperatures during the day reaching over 50 degrees Celsius, life in the desert takes place at night. Since I had made the acquaintance of Faroud, who lived alone at the shipwreck „Maria Schroeder“ in the Nabq National Park, I could now meet him after work in the seclusion of the desert, escaping the tourist hustle and bustle, and spend a few spiritual and poetic hours under the sparkling firmament. The journey to him was not so easy, because the 35 km through the desert and sand dunes had it in itself. I covered the distance with the official vehicle, thus a conventional passenger car. In pitch-dark surroundings it meant to drive then with much speed over the dunes, without getting into the faltering, because without 4-wheel drive there was normally no getting through here. But I found a way and twice a week I drove into the desert at night to parley with the young Bedouin, to philo-sophize and to enjoy the twinkling stars without light pollution. …
At the time I was stationed in the Sinai, there were two of a total of three major terrorist attacks. The first was in Taba, the second and largest attack occurred in July 2005 in Sharm-el-Sheikh and claimed 88 lives, and well over 100 were injured. The third terrorist attack occurred on the evening of April 24, 2006, in Dahab, a diving hotspot, in which three fragmentation bombs were detonated. The first detonated at a busy intersection in front of the „Ghazala“ supermarket across from the police station. Two others exploded a short time later on the seafront. Around 30 people, almost all Egyptians, lost their lives in the attack. Many more people were seriously injured. We were very close to a catastrophe, because we remember the terrorist attacks of November 17, 1997 in Luxor, where 36 Swiss lost their lives. But the fear was great and the security measures in front of each hotel rigorous. Each car was carefully mirrored and frisked before entering the hotel driveway. X-ray machines scanned every hotel guest entering. …
All the crazier was a trip with two vehicles and seven Swiss tourists, who absolutely wanted to make a trip to Cairo with me in the car, across the whole Sinai, from the southern tip of Sharm-el-Sheikh in one day to Cairo including the return trip with a total distance of over 1000 km and a good 30 military roadblocks on one way. My local co-driver and I managed the feat and needed 27 hours for the oxen tour. Three hours longer than planned, because I overlooked the last but one military roadblock in my tiredness after more than 24 hours at the wheel and roared with about 70 kilometers per hour through the barriers built up in a serpentine line – nota bene without touching a single one. …
I have already visited many conflict regions and even experienced critically hot phases, but I did not dare to enter the Hezbollah quarters without appropriate contacts and connections or a locally familiar person in the background. But in order to establish contacts, the time until my departure within a few days was too short. In addition, one of the most important protective factors in my work is not only to speak the language of the population, but if possible not to be recognized as a foreigner or stranger. I could not use these trump cards here. During my short stay, I was stopped and briefly interrogated by the Lebanese army three times in one day alone. In the Hezbollah quarters it became even more uncomfortable. Almost on every third corner you were stopped as a foreigner and asked who you were and what you wanted here. Hezbollah is Iran’s most important ally in Lebanon, not only from a military but also from a political point of view, because Hezbollah, together with its allies, is the most important political force in the imploded country on the Levant. Lebanon serves Iran as a military front against Israel and that outside its own territory, therefore the Assad regime in Syria is also an ally and Iran’s only strategic partner. Due to the precarious security situation and without local contacts or adequate protection, I withdrew from this neighborhood and arrived instead at the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila. There, a Palestinian refugee showed me the three massacre sites. The Sabra and Shatila massacre is the name given to a cleansing action perpetrated by Phalangist militias, i.e. Christian Maronite soldiers, directed against Palestinian refugees living in the south of Beirut. In September 1982 – in the middle of the Lebanese civil war – the two mentioned refugee camps, which were surrounded by Israeli soldiers at that time, were stormed and hundreds of civilians were massacred by the Christian, i.e. Phalangist militias. …
The Persian Poppy Shah and His Diplomatic Drug Princes
Humanitarian reasons did not count in the Persian empire of the Shah of Persia. As one of the most merciless persecutors of narcotics traffickers, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi had had well over 100 people shot for illegal possession of drugs since 1969 on the basis of his anti-drug law. Anyone caught in Persia with more than ten grams of heroin or two kilograms of opium was sentenced to death. All the greater was the unease and political dilemma in Switzerland over the course of the Geneva affair, when a member of the Shah’s team, who broke off his winter vacation in St. Moritz because judges and individual members of the authorities in Geneva had demanded that the immunity of the opium prince, who was not accredited in Switzerland, be lifted in order to initiate criminal drug proceedings. After all, Persia was Switzerland’s third most important trading partner in Asia at the time and, moreover, one of its largest arms buyers. In 1969/70, Swiss war material producers sold weapons systems in Iran for over 90 million Swiss francs. For the sake of the prominent St. Moritz winter sportsman Resa, the most prominent anti-Shah agitator, Bahman Nirumand, was also not allowed to speak publicly in Switzerland at that time. In the same year that the Shah enacted the world’s toughest drug prohibition laws, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi lifted a 1955 ban on opium poppy planting and ascended to the throne of poppy farmers: 12,000 hectares of poppy crops belonged to him and his family. According to the WHO in Geneva, the heroin and opium extracted from the imperial poppy could only be used medicinally to a very small extent. Thus Persia, along with Afghanistan and Turkey, was the hubs for the illicit trade. At the time, UN drug investigators noted another conspicuous fact: While all countries had destroyed the drugs they had seized, only 329 kilos of the 18.4 tons of seized drugs were destroyed in Iran, 152 kilos went to the legal trade. of the remaining 17 tons, the Shah had them distributed throughout the world via his diplomatic couriers. Suspicions that Persian diplomats were smuggling heroin and opiates for their emperor’s foreign exchange coffers had not only arisen since the Huschang affair in Geneva. In 1961, when poppy planting was banned in Iran, the Shah’s twin sisters, Princess Ashraf, were also reportedly caught at Geneva’s Cointrin airport with a suitcase full to the brim of heroin. Only their diplomatic immunity, according to the „National-Zeitung“, saved them from prosecution. How does the situation look today? …
The Murderous God State and General Qassam Soleimani’s Execution
What „the hell“ prompted the Iranian ambassador in Switzerland, Alireza Salari, to invite me to the diplomatic celebration on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Iranian revolution at the embassy in Bern, I do not know. I expected a short media appointment amidst a crowd of journalists and a few words „on the state of the nation“. But it turned out differently, I was the only media representative and press photographer among a hand-picked selection of non-state guests. All the other 150 or so invited guests were diplomats, spies or both. Things got even more interesting when Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Sarif also appeared at the Iranian Embassy in Bern and was enthusiastically greeted by Alireza Salari. Switzerland and the Iranian Embassy in Bern, as well as the accredited representatives to the United Nations in Geneva, played an important role in world politics in the diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States. As with Cuba, Switzerland serves and acts as a neutral country and mediator of diplomatic interests between these countries. The nuclear negotiations with Iran also took place in Montreux at that time. From this point of view, Switzerland and the „UN“ in Geneva are the hub for the diplomatic relations of the USA with Iran and Cuba. Therefore, I would like to introduce a string-puller of Iranian foreign policy and look at his capabilities as well as his great influence on world affairs. We are talking about General Qassam Soleimani, the „Che Guevara“ of the Iranian revolution, who ended up in about the same way as his famous Cuban predecessor, who had the same idea and exported the Cuban revolution not only to all the countries of Latin America, but also went so far as to support communist or Marxist countries in Africa as well. …
General Qassam Soleimani, Tehran’s longtime gray eminence, was appointed head of the „Khuz“ brigades by Khomenei in 1998 and coordinated attacks on the Israeli occupiers from Lebanon until they withdrew two years later. Israel’s invasion of Lebanon is a grave mistake in retrospect because it fueled Iran to build up Hezbollah in Leba-non and to attack Sunnis in Iraq with Shiite militias, according to then-Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian. Soleimani was also the creator of the „Axis of Resistance to Imperialism“ and the longtime chief strategist in Iranian foreign policy aimed at „engaging imperialists abroad, uniting the Shiite community across the Middle East, and defending the faith community against Sunni claims to power.“ In particular, the eight-year Iraq war, which cost the lives of over a million Iranians, and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, shaped Soleimani, who grew up under the „Revolutionary Guards“ and „Khuz“ brigades, a special forces unit. Iran has benefited from the collapse of Iraq and the consequences of the Arab Spring, massively expanding its influence in the region. Tehran is driven by three main interests: the three components of Iran’s foreign policy are ideological, geopolitical and security strategies. Ideologically, Iran sees itself as a protective power of oppressed Muslims in the context of a revolutionary resistance force against Israel and the United States. Geopolitically, Iran aims to stand up to Saudi Arabia to expand its influence in the region. The rivalry is being played out in Syria or Yemen. …
In this chapter, I would like to go into detail about the scientific findings of the SOS state of Mother Earth as a result of climate change and the consequences for the world’s population, as I have been dealing with this for a good 30 years and have seen the dramatic effects worldwide. I have been most impressed by the indigenous peoples around the globe with their understanding of nature. It is they who are often among the first to suffer and be displaced. But also the young and the next generations will have to realize stunned that in the consumption rush after the oil crisis in 1975 and especially since the beginning of the 90s we have burned almost as much gas, coal and oil as not in a million years of earth history before. And this, although the sun has always sent 10,000 times more energy to the earth’s surface than man needs and mankind, despite environmental scientific knowledge and photovoltaics available since the 1950s, is politically unable to follow and certainly unable to act adequately. Also all the causers, the oil, coal and gas industry, which despite better knowledge for 50 years with billion-heavy disinformation campaigns their disastrous raison d’être at the expense of the society, nature and geosphere legitimates – unfortunately until today with success. It is not excluded that with the great species extinction also our species will become extinct and man will become planetary history. Mankind has blown more than 2000 billion tons of CO2 into the earth’s atmosphere. There are still 350 billion. tons of CO2 emissions to meet the climate goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees and a good 1100 tons to limit warming to two degrees. An analysis by the scientific journal „Nature“ concludes that all existing plants worldwide will still emit around 700 billion tons of CO2 over the course of their normal lifetime. tons of CO2 over the course of their normal lifetimes. So there is little hope that we will reach the two degree target at all“, says Walter Rüegg, who worked for 15 years as a nuclear and particle physicist at the „ETH“ and then for 30 years for „ABB“. …
Butterfly effect: Hedge funds are the drivers of wars and climate change
A good 500 companies with well over 10,000 employees work in the commodities industry in Switzerland, which had its first notorious protagonist in March Rich, who made it to dubious fame when he first hit the headlines in the 1970s. The Belgian-born U.S. citizen ensured that commodities trading became significant in Switzerland. His unscrupulous oil deals with South Africa and Iran, circumventing international sanctions during apartheid, helped the „father of the Swiss success model“ to immense wealth and put him on the list of most wanted criminals in the US until Bill Clinton, the godfather of neoliberals pardoned him in 2001. We recall that Clinton and Greenspan also pushed for the liberalization of food markets, triggering the hedge fund scourge. Back to Switzerland. In this country, Christoph Blocher and Martin Ebner were among the most ruthless liberalizers in the 1990s. We know from „Bloomberg“ journalists Javier Blas and Jack Farchy that Ebner was among the saviors of Marc Rich’s empire, and „Glencore“ boss Ivan Glasberg also earned his spurs in Johannesburg, South Africa, and learned much from his master in illegal oil deals and evasion of sanctions, even though he worked in the coal department. Low taxes, a central location in Europe, a stable Swiss franc and access to the international financial system, and weak regulation have provided fertile ground in Switzerland in recent decades for companies that exploit the world’s resources and pay little in the way of taxes. From „Glencore’s“ environment emerged other successful commodity traders such as „Vitol,“ which helped the island nation of Cuba secure oil deals in exchange for sugar at favorable prices when Cuba defaulted.
Swiss commodity traders control almost 80 percent of global trade and act unscrupulously. The „Gunvor“ case in the Congo, the machinations of „Credit Suisse“ in Mozambique and the money laundering affair in Bulgaria are examples of the tip of the corruption iceberg. Although the Federal Council confirmed in a report „the great risk of corruption“, it did nothing further to strengthen banking supervision and curb money laundering. Commodity traders „Glencore,“ „Trafigura,“ „Vitol,“ „Mercuria“ and „Gunvor“ received a total of $363.8 billion in loans from 2013 to 2019, according to research by Public Eye. „Public Eye“ also investigated the high-risk financial instruments and practices of commodity traders, which now function as banks themselves, but largely evade financial control and banking and financial supervision „finma“. „Gunvor“ paid 164 million fine in the USA for the misconduct in Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico. It is repugnant that large corporations, banks and the super-rich can repeatedly buy their way out with ridiculous fines, while others go to jail for much lesser acts. …
The magic of the South Seas has made many poets go into raptures. The whole fund of occidental poetry and fantasy has been exhausted to describe the glory of Polynesia and the gentle way of life of the Maori. A mosaic of light and color surrounds the widely scattered chain of islands. Like luminous white pearl necklaces, the shimmering islands, covered with emerald green vegetation and fringed by ring-shaped reefs, stand out from the first turquoise, then deep blue Pacific Ocean. Well over 2500 atolls are lost in the boundless expanse of the Pacific Ocean, which with its 182 million square kilometers swallows up a third of the earth’s surface. The volcanic islands and coral atolls delimit the depths of the sea, turn its opulent underwater splendor upward and unfold the beauty of the colorful coral gardens with great abundance of species and shield the islands, often located only a few meters above the sea surface, from the surf. Tahiti, the „island of multicolored waters“ is also a symbol of the transfigured myth that covers the South Seas like its sparkling firmament with enchanting impressions. In the South Seas the creator once wanted to show what he was capable of, the poet Robert Brooke recorded. Gaugin, too, fell into a painterly impressionistic frenzy of colors and senses. Especially Moorea, which is less than half an hour away from Papeete by catamaran, is taken to heart by many. Right next to the 900 meter high Mount Rotui is the famous Cook Bay. Indeed, one cannot help but paint the South Seas in the most beautiful colors and praise it in the highest terms. In view of the gentle and strong charisma of the islanders, one is tempted to elevate their world to a paradise on earth, when graceful, strong men row their canoes through the water at the speed of an arrow or graceful creatures sit under the coconut palms, mango, papaya, avocado and breadfruit trees.
Mauritius: Symphony in turquoise and white with the world’s best spa resorts
To be under shady filaos on the coral-white sandy beach under the steel-blue sky and to have the turquoise-blue shimmering lagoon in front of your eyes – Mauritius offers such paradisiacal views. You should be a painter, you think, when you see Mauritius for the first time. The shades of blue of the sea and the sky, which contrast so clearly with the white of the beaches, captivate you. Behind them, the lush green of meadows, palm trees, sugar cane plantations and tropical vegetation. The fertile volcanic soil allows the most wonderful fruits to flourish, for example sugar-sweet pineapples, mangos, papayas or cinnamon apples. What a variety of colors. The same is true for the Mauritians. From ebony black to saffron yellow to pearl white, the color shades of the Mauritian population range. It is a colorful mixture of peoples, two thirds of the islanders are Hindus, about 180’000 are Arabs, mainly Sunnis. There are also tens of thousands of Chinese, Hakkas and whites, mostly of French origin. The more than 300,000 Creoles are descended from African and Malagasy slaves, white settlers, Indian agricultural workers and Chinese traders. Thus, Asian art of living mixes with the European colonial heritage, the result makes the magic of this island area and captivates tourists. …
Australia’s fantastic natural paradises and the dirty coal industry
Fraser Island is ancient and carries the eternity of over 220 million years of evolutionary history under its hump. Sand has been washing up and accumulating on the island for two million years. During the Ice Age, this landscape was formed and in its present form it has existed for about 6000 years. With the warming of the climate 140,000 years ago, the first traces of the Aborigines appeared there, but it is assumed that the Butschulla aborigines settled on „KGari“ Island, as they called the island at that time, only 20 million years ago. The attraction of the island microcosm are the up to 240 meters high sand dunes, 120 kilometers of beach, over 100 crystal clear freshwater lakes, which spread between eucalyptus forests, palm groves and a sea of ferns in the gigantic dune landscape as well as a large, protected bay, the Hervey Bay, which offers the humpback whales between August and October a protected retreat. The crystal clear waters of Lake Mc Kenzie beckon for a refreshing swim. Its shore lined with white sand is not only a popular resting place after the trip through the rainforest, but also the dingos and walabis (mini kangaroos) come here to drink. But the dingos also come because of the bulging provision bags of the tourists. Many a fine morsel falls off for the wild dogs. Then we continue to Lake Wabby, which is surrounded by dense rainforest on this side, while on the other shore you can roll down from the sand dunes almost reaching into the sky and splash into the water. The gigantic freshwater reservoirs hold a combined ten to twenty million mega-liters of fresh water. Fraser Island is ancient and carries the eternity of over 220 million years of evolutionary history on its hump. Sand has been washing up and accumulating on the island for two million years. During the Ice Age, this landscape was formed and in its present form it has existed for about 6000 years. With the warming of the climate 140’000 years ago, the first traces of the Aborigines appeared there. …
Not far from the city of Cairns is the Tapukjai Cultural Village, where visitors are introduced to the culture and customs of the local Aborigines. If you drive further north along the coast, you first come to Palm Cove, a small charming nest, then you continue to Port Douglas, where the famous Thala Beach Lodge and the Daintree Forest Lodge are located, the latter has been awarded several times as the most environmentally friendly accommodation in Australia. At the Wawu-Jirakul Spa (which means „cleansing of the spirit“ in the Aboriginal language), the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether are celebrated into a fantastic wellness cocktail amidst a waterfall in the jungle that served as a sacred cleansing kraal for the Kuku Yalanji Aborigines and a yoga site for Brook Shields. For the spa treatments, in addition to essential oils, various sandstones are used, which the Aborigines use not only for their body paint but also as food. I am amazed, whereupon the Aborigines walks with me around the spring, reaches into the loamy earth at three places and strokes a smear on my naked leg. Immediately I see that one stripe is sand-yellow, the second clay-gray and the third reddish colored. „See here we have zinc, copper and calcium mineral layers. Once you run out of food,“ he says to me, „you flush the clay down with water and get minerals that way!“ Not bad, I thought, nevertheless I would not like to come into such a situation to have to eat this porridge. …
Opal seekers in Coober Pedy: Hope lives underground
Between Adelaide and Alice Springs, somewhere in the middle of a glowing hot, inhospitable lunar landscape, lies the then 5000-strong nest of Coober Pedy, also called „Opal-Miner City“. The inhabitants live in subterranean mole-like structures and also spend the day underground, in tunnels, equipped with dynamite to carry out further blasting. Glimpses of the life of opal prospectors in a dynamite-laden underground, driven by the hope of quick riches and exposed to the risk of failing miserably – real fortune seekers, in other words, from all parts of the world can be found here doing their dangerous work. Men from Albania, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Poland and even Switzerland are digging for precious stones in the hot outback. Desolation, scorching heat, lots of dust and rubble, and endless hardships – the opal prospectors are spared nothing. Four-fifths of the population lives underground in the tunnels, which have been converted into apartments and have light and ventilation shafts to the top. The supermarket, the gas station and the church are also underground. As recently as the late 1990s, you could just stake a „claim“ and start drilling and blasting. Lucky people who left Coober Pedy as rich men are few and far between. The large cemetery in the desert nest is eloquent testimony to that. …
Maldives 93: First signs of climate change become visible
The nearly 1800 coral atolls stand out from the deep blue Indian Ocean like a shining white string of pearls. A mosaic of light and color surrounds the chain of islands scattered from north to south across seven degrees of latitude. Each of these islets, covered with smaragd green vegetation and fringed with turquoise blue lagoons and ring-shaped reefs, which rise from the depths of the seabed and turn its opulent underwater splendor upward, looks slightly different again. The outer reefs shield the atoll, which often rises only a few centimeters above the water surface, from the surf. The colorful coral gardens were then home to a tremendous abundance of species. A picture book idyll of sea, sun and palm beach and secluded island romance as well as an Eldorado for divers as well as water sports enthusiasts, awaited me on the first tourist island of Ihuru. The downsides, however, are: A fragile ecosystem, which is endangered by the rise of the sea level and especially by tourism. An island kingdom that was already visibly threatened in its existence by global warming in the early 1990s and is probably irrevocably doomed. In addition, the mountains of garbage left behind by tourists on the islands and on nearby Male are testimony to the growing environmental pollution and the destruction of fragile ecosystems. Since tourism has replaced fishing as the main source of income, a flood of garbage has poured over the tourist islands and coral gardens along with the tourist boom. Apart from fish, coconuts and bananas, all other consumer goods have to be imported. The fuel consumption for the transport of the goods to the tourist islands already devoured a lot of fuel at that time and was reflected in second place in the import statistics.
In the realm of loving hands at the top Ayurveda resorts in Kerala
No other medical system in the world has such a universal, profound and holistic purification system as the ancient Ayurvedic Pancha-Karma cure. Where stressed Westerners become healthy again, filled with Eastern wisdom and mediative calm, and which are the best Ayurvedic fountains of youth in Sri Lanka and India, is what I would like to discuss here. Slowly the warm herbal sesame oil runs in a fine stream over the forehead during the Shirodhara treatment. Back and forth, evenly and soothingly. For a good 20 minutes. Everyday thoughts dissolve and make room for a soothing emptiness. Attention turns inward. Deep relaxation spreads through my body. The mirror to the soul opens, even old memories emerge from the depths of consciousness. Although the oily Ayurvedic massages make you feel like an oil sardine, you quickly get used to them and enjoy the soothing touches. An extremely relaxing experience is the synchronous massage, called Abhayanga, also known as the loving hands massage. This describes the sensation during the massage very well, because being massaged synchronously by four hands is more beautiful than any caress. The gentle movements of the hands massage the herbal oil into the skin so that it reaches the lower layers of the tissues, involving the blood and nervous systems and isolating the toxins and waste products to be eliminated afterwards. What was developed thousands of years ago in Nordin-dien is a holistic natural system, which sees body, mind and soul as one. The Ayur-veda philosophy assumes that all matter, including human beings, can be traced back to the five elements: earth, air, water, fire and space. From this connection three basic constitutions are formed, the so-called Doshas, which are understood as essential bio-energies. The elements air and space form the Vata-Dosha and stand for the life principle movement. It controls the movement processes in the body, breathing and the nervous system. The second dosha is called pitta and is dominated by the element fire. Pitta energy is responsible for all reactions, i.e. digestive and metabolic processes. The elements earth and water influence the third dosha, called kapha. Their energy is structuring, shaping and responsible for the cell and skeleton structure as well as for the characteristic features. Only when the doshas are in balance, body and soul are healthy. …
Cannabis: Prohibition never worked, medical potential neutered
The hemp plant and its medicinal potential have suffered the same fate as Ayurvedic medicine. It too was banned for 50 years. Therefore, we make another spiritual cannabis journey from the advanced cultures of indigenous peoples to today’s lowlands, errors and confusions in drug use, delving into the international and state repression machine in dealing with psychoactive substances and focus on the local drug policy, which mainly protects and supports the pharmaceutical industry, but has little to do with prevention and public health. For while the globally acceptable drug alcohol, causes far more health damage and deaths, the hemp plant and THC consumption are still stigmatized and banned in Northern Europe. Spain and Portugal, as well as Czechoslovakia, have relaxed the laws and allowed consumption on a limited basis in so-called social clubs. Besides the USA and Canada, which have long since legalized, Mexico and other countries are now following suit. …
Berthel and other addiction experts are convinced that in a free society adults do not need „lifestyle know-it-alls,“ and that this also applies to psychoactive substances of all kinds. Berthel is convinced that bans are useless, and that regulated distribution combined with addiction prevention is the better way to go, and that „a drug-free society is an illusion. Moreover, it is not tenable to ban a drug with a low addictive potential and little harmful indications such as cannabis, while a substance with such a high addictive potential as alcohol is consumed naively. On this point, Berthel and pharmacopsychologist Boris Quednow, who researches substance use and its consequences at the Psychiatric University Hospital in Zurich, agree. He, too, is of the opinion that consumption should be decriminalized as soon as possible, „otherwise we will continue to punish the most severely affected.“ …
Cannabis is also used to treat type 2 diabetes. Certain molecules in the cannabis plant can help prevent and treat the disease. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disorder in which the body cannot produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus is much more common and occurs when the pancreas, does not produce enough insulin. A cannabis drug developed in the UK that eliminates the need for insulin injections in diabetes. It targets the use of the cannabinoids CBD and THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin), which lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin production. THCV is a potent cannabinoid and has already been shown to suppress appetite. In turn, the cannabinoids CBD and THC enhance each other’s therapeutic properties. Cannabigerol (CBG), like cannabidiol (CBD), is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. CBG content is usually higher in indica varieties than in sativa varieties and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, and intraocular pressure-lowering effects. Researchers from the „University of Barcelona“ have proven that CBG is a partial agonist of cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) and acts as a regulator of endocannabinoid signaling. Italian researchers proved that inflammation and oxidative stress play a central role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis and found that cannabis also exerts neuroprotective effects against inflammation and oxidative stress, protecting neuronal cells. Researchers from the „Uni-versidad Complutense“ Madrid in Spain studied the effects of CBG and identify genes associated with Huntington’s disease (e.g., gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor (GABA). The study was conducted under the supervision of scientists from 18 countries. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology published a study in which mice with melanoma were treated with THC and CBD, and an international team of researchers found that these substances lead to the death of cancer cells through apo-ptosis and autophagy. The term autophagy refers to a process in which the cell disassembles itself to get rid of damaged parts. Apoptosis is the natural suicide of the cell. It breaks apart and then the immune system cleans up the rest. …
Abuse of power monopoly & media mistrust
In the final chapter, I would like to take you on another contemporary and futuristic journey, questioning and reflecting with you on the achievements and dangers of digitalization, the credibility of the media, and the disruptive division of society by self-proclaimed gurus, (a)social fake news and filter bubbles.
Rupert Murdoch is one of the most evil string-pullers in the division of society in the UK and in the US, he was an Iraq-war-monger and is an avowed climate skeptic like Donald Trump. Thus, after the decline of the Conservatives in Great Britain, he and his me-dies supported the course of Toni Blair’s government, which promised a referen-dum on Britain’s euro entry in the 1997 election campaign. Among other things, Murdoch is accused of having taken a Euroskeptic stance on Fox TV and the 175 newspapers of „News Corporation“ in the run-up to the Iraq war. „The Sun“ and the „News of the world,“ which was discontinued in 2011, were known for their anti-EU and anti-German stances. „Fox TV was repeatedly criticized for one-sided partisanship in favor of the Bush administration. In 2007, Murdoch publicly admitted in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Davos that he had actively tried to influence public opinion in favor of George W. Bush’s Middle East policy. Murdoch was with Blair more often than the British Foreign Secretary or other members of the government during the hot phase and debate on Britain’s entry into war in alliance with the United States. Murdoch urged Blair to side with the USA. First, Murdoch’s tabloid media desa-vouirized all Labour government ministers with smear campaigns under the Thatcher government, bringing the Torries to power.
Under Cameron, the gigantic wiretapping scandal of the „News of the World“ was uncovered. In 2009, journalist Nick Davis published the background to the bugging scandal in The Guardian. According to the report, hundreds of politicians and celebrities were systematically spied on, monitored, blackmailed or bribed for years. Four British prime ministers were finally invited to the Leveson Inquiry. There, it was also learned that Murdoch also encouraged Nigel Farage of „UKIP“ to further push for Brexit and thus managed to strongly divide British society. Murdoch represents a real danger to liberal democracies – without him, there would have been no „Bre-xit,“ politicians and political scientists agree. The „Brexit“ was the peak of Murdoch’s power in Great Britain and with „FOX NEWS“ he made Trump great and promoted him to president – not the Russians. Yvanka Trump apparently managed the assets of Murdoch’s daughters – that’s how the contact came about. At first Murdoch was not enthusiastic about Trump, but he recognized Trump’s potential for his purposes. The meeting of the tribal chiefs took place on the golf course in Scotland in 2006. There, Rupert chose Trump over Hillary Clinton. The rest is history. Trump would never have become president without „Fox News,“ that much is certain. Murdoch is directly responsible for the political contamination of the media and thus the contamination of society.
Man or machine – who is superior? Who makes the decisions?
An example of Big Data in military use with deadly errors and consequence: In late August 1988, as the nine-year war between Iran and Iraq was winding down, civilian oil tankers were attacked in the Persian Gulf. After Kuwait’s request to the U.S. for escort protection, American troops began deploying tanker escorts. The U.S. cruiser „USS Vincennes“, which had a complete air defense system consisting of the most modern radars at the time, extensive anti-aircraft armament and an air reconnaissance center, was also on the scene. The Combat Information Center (CIC) is where all the threads come together. The high-tech radar system „Aegis“ has the task of evaluating complex air battles with up to 200 aircraft in real time and sorting out a large number of threats, be it from ground missiles or to detect enemy aircraft, their armament, course and other details. Just when the „USS Vincennes“ was attacked by an enemy craft on July 3, 1988, a flying object that had taken off from Iran also appeared in the sky. Manuals with civilian flight plans and the „IFF codes“ are consulted to identify the aircraft. „IFF“ stands for „Identification, Friend or Foe.“ What unfolded next is a sequence of chaos, software problems and disinformation that led to one of the most tragic air traffic disasters, killing 298 people. At 10:17 a.m., Captain Mohsen Rezaian had departed on the short routine flight from Bandar Abbas to Dubai with 290 Mecca pilgrims on board. The flight distance of only 120 miles required a short climb of the Airbus 320, and the flight of Iran Air 655 was probably doomed by the fact that military aircraft had also landed at Bandar Abbas airport the day before due to military aerial reconnaissance. When the white dot appeared on the radar of the „US Vincennes“ and the commercial aircraft did not listen to the warnings of the US naval officer and the „Aegis“ system erroneously classified the aircraft as an „IFF Model II“, i.e. a fighter jet, the situation escalated. Since even a fire control beam did not cause the Iranian aircraft to turn away, it was shot down and over 290 people lost their lives. What was the cause of the catastrophic misjudgment that led Captain Rodgers to order the plane to fire? …
Another example from the tragedies of aviation history and the conflict between man and machine in the collision of two aircraft near Überlingen on Lake Constance on July 1, 2002, when the Boing on its way to Brussels collided with the Russian Tupolev of Bashkirian Airlines 2937 on its way to Barcelona in the Lake Constance region. This air accident, however, was partly caused by a Swiss air traffic controller who paid for it with his life, as the father of a daughter who was killed took revenge and murdered the air traffic controller. Back to the cause of the accident: When the safety distance between the two aircraft became dangerously close, both aircraft used the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System „TCAS“ to process the data of the contact, such as course and speed, and to warn their crews. While the system of the Russian pilot, Alexander Gross, instructs to climb, the British pilot Paul Philipps receives the instruction to descend, which he follows immediately. Only now the air traffic controller of „Skyguide“ in Zurich intervenes and it comes to a man-machine decision conflict and momentous intervention of a human being. …
Upside-down world: Whistleblowers are punished and tortured, the mass murderers walk around free
Finally, a detour into the political abyss and the role and fate of whistleblowers. 20 years ago the terrorist attacks of September 11 on the Twin Towers of the „World Trade Center“ in New York took place. These fundamentally changed the world and the „War on Terror“ replaced the „Cold War“ with the Soviet Union, with NATO Allies immediately joining the U.S. in unconditional solidarity and declaring an alliance emergency for the first time in NATO history. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. security apparatus was left without a significant enemy. The „War on Terror“ gave the war machine another powerful boost and large military budgets, and the arms companies profited even more. The war in Iraq and in Afghanistan were the consequences and Europe has blithely participated – also in the knowledge of the torture prisons of the USA in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in the Eastern Bloc and on Guantanamo. Switzerland also helped in the US kidnapping and torture flights and played a disastrous collaborative role in humanitarian terms. Germany is no better off and the British do what the Americans want anyway. We Swiss are also lapdogs of the United States and kowtow at all levels. In addition, we are also the European, not to say global intelligence operations hub with all the inter-national organizations and the many oligarchs, tax evaders and Mafiosis who live and work here. They all love Switzerland, not only because of the beautiful mountains. …
Since there is no internationally recognized definition of terrorism under international law, states have extended the concept further and further, ramped up and inflated the security apparatus to a preventive surveillance state, and in the meantime everyone is a suspect. Terrorism today includes crimes that have nothing to do with political, subversive violence. This is also the case in the new „Swiss Police Measures Act“ (PMT), which gives one food for thought, because in the law even the spreading of fear and terror is considered „terror“. In criminal law, there has been a gradual shift to the preventive and thus to the private sphere. Preventive surveillance has increased dramatically and disproportionately. After 2015, Switzerland also decided on an anti-terror strategy and tightened the Intelligence Act, whereby coercive measures are now permitted on the basis of suspicions, vague indications and equally opaque algorithms in dragnet searches. I wonder where all the freedom-trychlers, the original Swiss, SVP corona deniers and conspiracy theorists stayed when our basic rights have been continuously curtailed for two decades and the population has given its nod to all the tightening and restrictions. A tragedy and a hypocrisy beyond compare. …
Thanks to courageous whistleblowers, such as Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, or Edward Snoden, or investigative journalists and research networks such as „Bellingcam“ or „correctiv“, some of the dirty tricks of despots, corrupt politicians, military operations, surveillance measures and economic crimes come to light. Fortunately, one would think. But far from it. „Julian Assange has produced evidence of the most serious state-sanctioned crimes, such as torture and mass murder,“ says none other than UN Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer in his book „The Case of Julian Assange – History of a Persecution.“ Apparently, Melzer’s visit to investigate alleged human rights violations, announced at the Ecuadorian embassy in April 2019, led to a three-day coordinated blitz by the three countries involved that allowed Assange to be handed over to British police and has since been back in custody. First, the Ecuadorian embassy withdrew his asylum status and citizenship without due process of law, and at the same time the British government received an extradition request from the U.S. authorities, after which Assange was handed over to the British police. Prior to that, he stayed in asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy for seven years to avoid extradition to the U.S. via Sweden. …
„That the person who exposed mass murderers and crimes of torture against humanity should now himself be jailed as a criminal for 175 years, while not a single crime has been atoned for or those responsible punished,“ is evil for Europe, Melzer continues. „I didn’t think it was possible at first that Sweden or the United Kingdom would have such a disregard for human rights. But when it comes down to the wire, the rule of law doesn’t work anymore, even here in Europe. Assange is, so to speak, „the skeleton in the closet of the self-righteous West.“ This has already shaken him (Melzer), although he has experienced and seen a lot as an ICRC delegate. Also the procedure in Sweden because of alleged Verge-waltigung at and other sex offences had been stopped, after Meltzer had written a letter to the Swedish government and had pointed them to approximately 50 partly most serious procedure injuries. Asked whether the same could happen in Switzerland, the UN special rapporteur replied, „Absolutely.“ He said he regularly has to approach massive authority collusion in this country as well. …
Butterfly Effect: Hedge Funds are the Drivers of Wars and Climate Change
Let’s face it, financial markets are at the center of the neoliberal economy, they determine commodity and food prices worldwide, and they dictate events around the globe. Hedge funds are the bane of food, water and commodity capitalism at its purest. Let’s take a closer look: In 2008, food and commodity prices rose sharply even though the world was in recession after the financial crisis. This shows that prices rose because of speculation, not because of increased demand. What began in the 1980s with Thatcher’s and Reagan’s neoliberalism and became known as the flapping of a butterfly’s wings on Wall Street in 2010, led to riots, wars and global refugee crises from then on. The flapping of wings was triggered by then President Bill Clinton and National Bank President Alan Greenspan with the Commodity Modernization Act, i.e. the liberalization of markets that had been strictly regulated since the 1930s and a limited number of speculators. But from then on, everyone could speculate with commodities and food without limits, whereupon the financial markets licked blood and Wall Street and hedge funds henceforth dictated events in the most evil way.
These speculations and the developments in the oil states also had even more far-reaching consequences. Due to the enormous rise in the price of petrodollars, Russia and Saudi Arabia, but also Venezuela, came into immense wealth and increased their military budgets and police forces either to suppress revolts in their own countries or for further offensives, as Russia did in Syria, in Ukraine and most recently in Crimea. In the case of Saudi Arabia, war came to a head in Yemen and in many other regions in the conflict between Shiites and Sunnis, meanwhile Iran, infiltrated the Middle East in its own way, pumping it full of its crude ideologies, weapons and fighters. The rise in oil prices was also the beginning of doom for Venezuela, which ultimately perished from the resource curse. Here, too, the speculators were ultimately the trigger and responsible for the refugee flows from Latin America to the USA and from Africa and the Orient to Europe. …
A good 500 companies with well over 10,000 employees work in the commodities industry in Switzerland, which had its first notorious protagonist in March Rich, who made it to dubious fame when he first hit the headlines in the 1970s. The Belgian-born US citizen ensured that commodities trading became significant in Switzerland. His unscrupulous oil deals with South Africa and Iran, circumventing international sanctions during the Apard era, helped the „father of the Swiss success model“ to immense wealth and put him on the list of most wanted criminals in the US until Bill Clinton pardoned him in 2001. We remember that Clinton and Greenspan also pushed the liberalization of food markets, triggering the hedge fund plague. In Switzerland, Christoph Blocher and Martin Ebner were among the most ruthless liberalizers in the 1990s. We know from „Bloomberg“ journalists Javier Blas and Jack Farchy that Ebner was among the saviors of Marc Rich’s empire and that „Glencore“ boss Ivan Glasberg also earned his spurs in Johannesburg, South Africa. …
Thank you for your interest. Here you can find the access to the whole document as well as to the other versions:
Zürich-City: Nelson Mandela’s speach on his first foreign visit in Switzerland after elected as president and for the nobel prize at the Dolder Hotel in front of the swiss economy-elite
A book introduction from Gerd M. Müller
1. The youth riots and political scandals in the 80s
Legal, illegal, we don’t give a shit about it
Yearly hundreds died of the heroin abuse
In the swirl of Swiss political scandals
Switzerland as an apartheid accomplice of the Boers
2. Internationalization and politicization (86/87)
Africa 86 : Between the fronts of Senegal and Guinea Bissau
Warsaw 86 : In Pole position behind the iron curtain of the East Bloc
London 87 : The first contacts with «ANC» exiles
3. South Africa 87 : In the underground fighting against apartheid
93: Mandela’s release and his visit to Switzerland
93/94: ICRC operations in the „ANC-IFP“ civil war
2011: Gadaffi’s billions in Zuma’s hands in hiding
2017: Gupta Leaks: How Indian kleptocrats looted South Africa thanks to Zuma
Botswana: Roaming the Kalahari with the Khoi-San
Africa: Pioneering wildlife and eco-projects in focus
Kenya 2008: ICRC mission after ethnic unrest in the Rift Valley
Namibia 2013: Development aid, HIV schools and in the realm of the cheetahs
The dark chapter of Germany: genocide, slavery, land theft, rape
4. Cuba, CaribbeanCarnival and US Invaders
Mexico 84: Empire inspired by gods, populated by gods
Mexico 94: Witnessing the Zapatista indigenous uprisings in Chiapas
Cuba 93-13: Eyewitness to the idealists who feed on hope
Caribbean Sailing Trips: Love of Life & Protest to the Sounds of Calypso
Grenada 92: Breakfast on the aircraft carrier „US John Rodgers
Colombia 97: Hell trip in the service of Swissair
French Guyana 89/05: From the jungle straight into space
Salvador de Bahia 2002: In the witch’s cauldron of magical slave energy
Amazon Cruise with scientists: Species extinction through overexploitation
5. Asian highlights and desasters
Sri Lanka 92: The Pearl of the Orient after the Civil War
Maldives 93: First signs of climate change in a sinking island paradise
Borneo 96: Walk with handicapped Orang Utan in the rain forest
Malaysia &Indonesia: Dramatic deforestation and species extinction accepted
1996: Bali, Lombok and the Gili-.islands
Philippines 95: On the trail of spiritual healers who open bodies with their bare hands
Vietnam 93: developed faster than a Polaroid photo
2013: River cruise through Laos in the north and the Mekong Delta.
Magical Mekong Delta Cruise through the meanders of 4000 islands
India 96/13: with the Ayurveda pioneers and
Gujarat 2013: meeting Narenda Moodi in Ahmedabad
6 . Orient: In Sinai, Lebanon and in the Iranian embassy
Egypt 2004: Witnessing two terrorist attacks among the Bedouins in the Sinai.
Lebanon 2006: In the Palestinian refugee camp „Shatila“ and near Hezbollah
Iran 1970s: The Persian poppy shah and his diplomatic drug princes
The Murderous God State, the Embassy in Bern and Qassam Soleimani’s Execution
Comoros: The perfume islands emerge from obscurity
7. climate horror journey into the unknown: How do we meet the epochal challenge?
Species extinctions & pandemics: Will we survive?
End times: The sixth mass extinction has begun, will we go down with it?
The droughts in Europe are homemade EU agricultural subsidy policy
Without a radical paradigm shift, we are digging our own grave
Butterfly effects: Hedge funds potentiate wars and climate change
8. Spiritual journeys with ayurveda & cannabis medicine
Ayurvedic medicine: In the realm of loving hands
Canabis prohibition has never worked, medical potential neutered
Good for Alzheimer’s, diabetes type2, multiple sclerosis and parkionson
Hemp is one of the most valuable and versatile crops. A brief overview
9 . Australia, Aborigines and South Sea Highlights
Australia’s paradisiacal natural paradises and the dirty coal industry
Hope lives underground: Opal seekers in Coober Pedy
South Sea Pearls 96: Bora Bora, Huhine, Moorea, Tetiaroa
10. (A)social media, Big Data, AI, whistleblowers and disruptive media moguls.
Critically examine the role of all media and sources and draw consequences
The curse of Big Data and our willful negligence in using it
Man or machine: who takes command?
Upside-down world: whistleblowers are tortured, mass murderers walk free.
About the Author / Acknowledgements / List of Sources
The author, Gerd MichaelMüller, born in Zürich in 1962, traveled as a photo-journalist to more than 50 nations and lived in seven countries, including in the underground in South Africaduring apartheid. In the 80 years he was a political activist at the youth riots in Zürich. Then he was involved in pioneering Wildlife & eco projects in Southern Africa and humanitarian projects elsewhere in the world. As early as 1993, Müller reported on the global climate change and in 1999 he founded the «Tourism & Environment Forum Switzerland». Through his humanitarian missions he got to know Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and other figures of light. His book is an exciting mixture of political thriller, crazysocial stories and travelreports – the highlights of his adventurous, wild nomadic life for reportage photography .
(please note that translation corrections are still in progress and images will follow soon)
1. «Turbulent times»: The youth riots in the 80s
1980 was the year that would shake up the society in Switzerland and plow up over the course of the 80’s. In May of the same year the youth riots in Zürich began. The trigger for that eruption, was the dissatisfaction of the youth with the situation, that no free space was available for young people. This manifested itself most obviously of the upcoming vote on a subsidy contribution of 60 million francs to the Opera House and the Establishment. In return there where not even 10’000 Swiss Francs left for the «Red Factory», at this time the only youth culture center in Zürich City.
In the 70/80th the curfew for everyone in a bar or restaurant was midnight. Half an hour later everyone had to be at home. The leisure variete and cultural offer stopped within narrow limits. There was absolutely no place for teenagers. Only one or two leisure centers existed, focusing on sports. TV, radio, nightlife were completely boring. Good music or films were absolutely rare. Then video stores and the «Walkmen» came up and changed the music world. But still without cell phones, laptops, PC’s, social media and so on, life was as dreary as with the Corona Lockdowns, simply even without internet, digital media and smartphones. No wonder that the youth scene has been simmering for a long time. And suddenly the power erupted, which shook the society not only in Switzerland but throughout Europe. After the 68’s came the next anarchist and youth revolt arrived.
In Switzerland it was gray and dreary in every way at this time. The population persisted in their staid, conservative corset. The dreariness was widespread in Europe. The Vietnam War and the «Cold War“, the wall that divided Germany and the threat from the communists, which became more and more brutal and grotesque. First the extensive napalm bombing from US Soldiers on the civilian population in Vietnam and Cambodia. The „Clockwork Orange“ defoliation campaigns, the horrific images of burning people and children, all the mutilated dead and the prison camps.
Inexplicable of this war of extermination was also, that for decades the war was not approved or dclared by US Congress, but financed from the «CIA» budget. And the «CIA» paid the costs of the bombing by loading tons of opium into empty bomb planes in the Golden Triangle and flew it straight to Mexico, where the opium was processed into heroin. So America has brought the heroin flood to the front door of its own country and the Mexicans got the desaster with the drug kartells. In this kafkaesque operation, the «CIA» definitely lost the «I» completely.
Through the «Cold War» was the nuclear threat should, and not least the danger of the nuclear power plants themselves. At that time Switzerland wanted to become a nuclear power state. As part of this absurd intention in January 1969 it came to a nuclear reactor accident in Lucens in the Canton of Vaud. And later the Tinner brothers proved that you can also export the nuclear know-how to other states. Switzerland provided not only Pakistan but also South Africa with nuclear know-how.
When the cooling system of an experimental reactor at Lucens nuclear power plant (VAKL) in the canton of Vaud failed, there was a partial core meltdown in the reactor. In May, the reactor was put into operation, but soon shut up again. During this standstill, water ran into the reactor’s cooling circuit via a defective fan seal. The magnesium fuel rod cladding tubes corroded. When the reactor was put back into operation in January 1969, the corrosion products hindered cooling. The fuel overheated, melted fuel rods and got on fire. That bursted the moderator tank. In this process, 1100 kg of heavy water with melted radioactive material and carbon dioxide (coolant) were hurled into the reactor cavern.
But back to Zürich with a glance at the local situation in april 1980: Even in the run-up to the vote for the opera house loan, the annual three-day festival at the «Allmend» with open air concerts, flyers for a demo were distributed and youth centers were requested from speakers on stage. On this warm and wonderful weekend the importance of the rising hippy movement occured to me. Of course, almost all people smoked pot on the premises. Some of them also had an LSD trip and the mood was terrific. The music was rock, punk and trimmed for rebellion. After all, the subculture among young people has been simmering since the 68s. That power sound came just at the right time.
By chance, I past on this Saturday afternoon May 30, 1980 with the tram at the Zurich Opera House exactly at that time, where Hundreds of police officers suddenly appeared from inside of the opera towards the demonstrators blocked the entrance lying on the ground (the so-called «cultural dead bodies») and hit the people brutually. They stepped on women and men equally. These brutal scenes took my breath away and made my stomach explode. Once I got off the tram, as already burned the first container and the skirmishes with the police began.
As the police came out with full force, tear gas and rubber bullets shooting around, the situation escalated within a few hours, since at this early Saturday evening many young people in the follow Bob Marley concert were the Hallenstadion and then poured into the city center. Many spontaneously took part in the protests, which had already turned into veritable street battles. From then on, the police had nothing under control for three or four days and the street fighting erupted with full force.
The canton police station on the Limmatquai was surrounded by protesters, two of the police vehicles burned out completely. The entrance to the town hall also looked bad. The city air in the low village was pregnant with be issenden tear gas smoke, dense, than London in November mists. The extent of the destruction was just as unbelievable as the impotence of the security forces when the frustration of the young people and old 68ers, which had been pent up for years, turned into sheer anger, spurred on by the violence of the security forces during the peaceful opera house protest, with which the demonstrators the opera house visitors wanted to show a one-sided subsidy policy.
The first riot Eight followed some more battles over this s year in which the „The movement“ the autonomous each Wednesday’s in the popular assemblies (‚VV’s“) in the People’s House or time on the court Spitz was formed. Every Saturday were demonstrations announced. Regularly the shops in the old town barricaded their shop windows, because the protests continue recordings momentum and all the way to large demonstrations with almost 20’000 people were formed. The young people’s demand was plain and simple: „An autonomous youth center!” , An “AJZ” is needed ! Namely „subito!“
On July 15, 1980, one of the biggest scandals in the history of Swiss television was to take place on the program “CH-Magazin” and the number one topic of conversation in the country was to be debated. (The Zurich youth riots that had fallen with such violence on the honest country who beat waves to the Hudson River and were also from the „New York Times“ taken up. The two televised a loaded representatives / inside the youth movement, Mr and Mrs Müller, let the two city representatives, in conversation with City Councilor Emillie Lieberherr and the police commander with their parody .
The protagonists of the youth movement, „Mr. and Mrs. Smith“, returned n the tables namely to and presented n as a stock conservative pair that politics downright outrageous to inviting, with full force against those „riot technicians“ to proceed. Much larger and harder bullets, for example from Northern Ireland, are an option. The use of napalm must also be discussed. At s onst s it would also with an em ‚ ticket to Moscow „without a return ticket done. First was I stunned and bewildered, my ears did not trust, but then quickly understood the point of the ka fkaesken appearance, the S witzerland far for e ntrüstung and made headlines . „Châpeau, well done, compatriots!“
The exuberant creativity of the „Mov ig “ and their activists culminated in another media coup. When the daily announcer Leon Huber left the news , two masked men suddenly held the sign “Freedom for Georgio Bellini” in front of his chest and into the camera. And disappeared unrecognized.
Then there was still the nude demo s , even this is a previously unthinkable event in the stuffy Zürich, a city on was hard to beat prudery, a Zürich with a curfew from midnight and a very conservative cultural and musical corset. There were no places for young people and their music where they could have met without being forced to consume . It has been seething under the concrete ceiling of this self-satisfied city since 1968 .
Legal? Illegal? Does it matter?
Then, when after months of protests finally the „AJZ“ (Autome s Youth Center Zürich) rose in today’s Car-parking in an old factory plant, the whole creative potential that lay dormant for so long in secret erupted. That was a radical boost for the battered city Indians. Autonomous groups sprout from every hole in the shared apartment, the hippies now unrestrainedly lived their cult and their music in public. At least in the „AJZ“ – an area that is in fact lawless but with massive police surveillance by informers. The Zurich Police Corps was at that time „subito“ to about 30 people just to monitor the „movement“ increased. Moreover, e was in far from larger recruited army of spies to the Hippi monitor scene and all other subversive elements. And there were many.
Admittedly, after all the repression and draconian punishments, the youth’s sayings became more radical. “Power out of the state, cucumber salad” was just one of the unmistakable slogans that were emblazoned on the walls and chanted at the demos. That was already „treason“ at that time and so we were put on the level of terrorists and optionally presented as communists, Maoists or Palestine sympathizers.
The State went with full force on the activists Inne n go and activists. There was in the education system , in administration and in parts of the economy collusion on work and training bans on the „left“ in Serving opportunities such as teachers and educators , pilots, engineers and so on . Auch military service objectors were closed many doors training and denied some activities. U nd then there were also many violations and excessive violence by the police.
One of my friends lost an eye by a rubber bullet. My friend Lena dragged her hair around and her face was badly bruised. I was also arrested once with 300 other people and treated illegally during the 24 hours of pre-trial detention.
Even more spectacular guerrilla actions showed us that humility and respect for authority at eroding was.“ Underground” bars and illegal clubs shot up like mushrooms on the withered Zürich soil. G was ekifft anywhere outdoors and parks circling the joints and bongs and the police did not come to more , to intervene everywhere . The Marihuanna euphoria“ and the scent of freedom was en simply too big and the sweet grass smell suffused the exhaust and diesel smell far. Freedom has never been more lively , greater and more diverse than in the 80s, a time that I call the “ zenith of the last and this millennium” .
On the shores of Lake Zurich, topless bathing was widespread and women enjoyed the freedom to live out the joys and independence that the pill and thus contraception gave them to the full, which is also reflected in uninhibited sexuality and polygamy or in form of gay and trans parties. Back then it was not a crime among us and neither women nor men frowned upon to have sex with dozens of partners and to try out different partnership models over the course of a year . „Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll“ or rather “ Amore et Anarchia“. What would you like to order?
Any kind of restriction was rejected, Hedoni sm us was our goal and the time of the birds of paradise began. We wanted to experiment without restrictions and try out free love, while unmarried couples were not even allowed to live together. Such a prude was Zurich and Switzerland as a whole at the time. All the more amazing is that the girls melted away like ice cream or even the scepter took over , flirted violently and a “ One Night “ were stand out . In any case, back then as a young man you were sometimes turned on unrestrainedly by women who only had one goal. m it to share the bed and try all kinds of things to you. A time that is as aphrodisiac as it is inspiring.
In short: D ie women for us were luminaries. Very self-confident and eager to experiment. “One man, one vote”, that applied equally to men and women in the youth movement. There were a lot of activists who either made their voice heard or just did what they wanted and how they wanted and nobody in our circles was bothered by it. We , including the men, put make-up on each other and I often ran through the streets to the “Red Factory”, the “Drahtschmidli” or the “AJZ ” with black painted lips, brightly painted faces and fluttering hair. Just one of the many city Indians.
This uninhibited desire to be freed from all constraints lasted until the first HIV infections in the mid-1980s and initially only shook the gay scene. “ AIDS ” was not an issue at the time of the “AJZ” and so many new experiments and life plans developed horizontally. The first teenagers had just come back from India, from Baghwan in „Poona“ and were either totally „high“ or constantly „stoned“ . The Afghan war against it washed infinitely Afghan hashish and heroin, the civil war in Lebanon the „red Lebanese “ in our smoky WG-Stuben and changed the lives , and the townscape and at the same time the political world view.
Punks, rock bands, M-TV and the Walkman revolutionized the music and media world
It was the time of the “ Rolling Stones“, the „Doors“, „Deep Purple“, by Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Ji l Scott Heron. It was the time of the „punks“, the rebellion, the free development, the sex and drug orgies and street battles. Nothing was like it used to be and there was no turning back. In the mid 1970s the punk scene only in New York and then in London came up, the foothills sloshed also on Switzerland. Local scenes soon developed, especially in Zurich. In 1977 there was a hard core of around 50 young people in Zurich who had a decisive influence on the Swiss punk and new wave movement. Their first meeting points were the punk clothing store “Booster” with and the “Club Hey” with the first punk discos. In the environment of various autonomous networks such as the Reithalle in Bern or during squatting where the punks were at the forefront. For example, you can find politicized punks in Winterthur , who often see themselves as a counter-movement to the right-wing extremist environment in Switzerland.
With Roger Schawinski’s pirate station “ Radio 24” , which first broadcast from “ Piz Gropera” from Italy, the barren media landscape, consisting of “Radio Beromünster” (unspeakable), Swiss television (boring and simple-minded), “ORF” (just as conservative) and the «ARD» (not much better) , plowed up. «M-TV» found its way with the first cult videos and revolutionized not only the music world but also the youth scene and subculture. And with Radio DRS3, there was also a youth station in Switzerland. Only later did local radio stations get a license and soon there were at least one, if not two radio stations in every canton.
The first residential communities at the beginning of the 1970s enriched the new life plans and forms of the youth movement and also created a lot of solidarity and engagement with other underground movements, freedom fighters and oppressed states such as Palestine, Nicaragua and Vietnam, which was occupied by US soldiers. The time was right, the last but not least by for major socio-political changes, musical protagonists of our time to the s addition to the „Rolling Stones“ , „Queen’s“ , David Bowie Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix or “ The Scorpions “ also significantly was also fueled by the « punk bands» . Zurich became a hot spot for the blossoming youth culture, which just exploded in all colors and shapes and provided the basis for the unbelievable burst of liberalization. The cities of Zurich, Bern and Basel have never been seen so freaky and trendy before and never since.
We approached the opposite sex with curiosity and respect, and approached people who thought or looked different, and that was what made the movement so unique. It was the time of the anarchists. We debated s and criticizes s fiercely, arguing and solidar ized us with other oppressed peoples. In the maelstrom of explosive liberation and gre nzenlosen life were rushing P arties endlessly celebrated, but more and more hard drugs such as heroin, came to.
When the „AJZ“ opened in an old factory near the car park on Sihlquai, it washed up all sorts of weird birds and drug dealers with. Soon the Italian drug mafia supplied with the Turkish a merciless gang war, which partially also in the „AJZ“ was held. For a while, it was really dangerous to mess with these guys and we had to put a guard on duty to prevent the worst escalations.
In the early 1980s , hundreds of young people died every year from an overdose of „Aitsch“ . The situation improved only when the methadone -A introduced bgabe and the fixer and drug-related deaths of d disappeared en Zürcherstrasse and in the contact and methadone -A bgabestellen met again.
Hundreds of people died of heroin consumption every year
I am at that time with 17 years off and on from the parents apartment in a W (WG) ohngemeinschaft at Forchstrasse drawn in which Rico Bilger and Tommy Müller , lived two writers and the cultural magazine „Babayga“ out gave that in spinning Wettingen by Kaspar Pfenninger was printed. Another roommate worked in the largest record store in Zurich and he had shipped over 900 LPs (records) to the flat. This opened up such a musical universe for all of us and we floated in Seventh Heaven.
From then on, the mail went off. We all were „subversive“ elements in the eyes of the authorities . „Better subversive than conservative,“ we said calmly. Unmarried couples were not allowed to live together at the time . Since we obviously did n’t care , the police often peeked into the flat uninvited . Since there in the lowest 5- mostly night and day room apartment 10 stayed 15 people two patrols were easily overwhelmed and subjected to barking dogs and applause quickly again. The more we were for spying since here also many „AJZ“ – activists and were received from.
But instead of “making cucumber salad out of the state” , the creative potential exploded in the catering, club scene and media landscape. S inally was not about yes to a counter-revolution and the abolition of democracy and the establishment of an anarchy instead of Parliament and the Federal Council, but simply more freedom in leisure, at work, in the family, in which sexuality, drug use and nightlife . So the people in motion became very creative in the media, published street newspapers, printed flyers and posters, also hung them up (wild posters ) and tried all sorts of crap . Zurich developed from a provincial town into a cosmopolitan city and led to one of the most significant socio-political and cultural changes in Switzerland over the past 50 years.
As soon as the „AJZ“ opened at today’s car park, we set about converting and furnishing the old factory area and building. All kinds of groups were formed: craftsmen groups, the “pickling group” , the “women group” , the “drug group” and the “curve group” , i.e. for young people who had escaped from home and had been advertised by the police . Two of my friends, the Rimoldi brothers, were in the „pickling group“ , my friend Michele in the „curve group“ and I in the „drug group“.
It was a rough , but delightfully e time, a grand new beginning. The „AJZ“ was in the very act autonomously and we all have a big colorful family of creative individuals , alchemists, anarchists and Überlebenskünstler. The heroin glut guide te also too young To th. The youngest were just m al 13 years of age. That was too much. The inhuman plight lasted so long, until the methadone program also as a result of HIV infections came to train and Dr. Uchtenhagen and Councilwoman Emilie Dear junkies from the alley gets e and they finally were looked human.
One of the highlights at that time was the impromptu concert by Jimmy Cliff in the car park. One morning he came to the “ AJZ” with his entourage and was enthusiastic about the Zurich Youth Movement and the “ AJZ” . So much so that he let himself be carried away to a spontaneous concert and in no time at all we tried to build a stage and install the music system and loudspeakers.
Radio 24, Roger Schawinski’s pirate station on Piz Gropero in northern Italy , heard about it and word of the spontaneous concert quickly spread throughout the city. From 4 p.m. onwards, more and more young people flocked to the AJZ and brought trams and road traffic to a standstill on Sihlquai . A uf the square came together at the 3000 persons who frenetically and fully intoxicated with Jimmy Cliff fell into ecstasy. “Unforgetable times, indeed – formative for many of my generation.
When the heroin addiction widespread in Zurich among young activists ripped off many friends, I wanted to put an end to this capital. My 17 year-old girlfriend, Sandy was just a Ü been overdose hospitalized (and a year later she died of heroin). So I decided to travel to Spain with a friend named Marco and set out for new horizons.
Spiritual trips to Iberia, Balearic and Canary Islands and Morocco
So we took the night train to Barcelona and arrived in the city center early in the morning . As soon as we were there, there was the first police raid and we were felted from top to bottom. Fortunately, you didn’t find our withdrawal hashration. We had neatly prepared half a cigarette rod with a ready-made mixture and carefully sealed the parcels again. So we soon drove to Cascais , a suburb of Barcelona , and went through three days of painful heroin withdrawal there. On site we met an American at the train station and heard from him that there was going to be a “Greatfull Dead” concert in Seville, so we went there with him on the train. He generously gave us four „LSD“ trips, which we then shared at the concert with four young American students. When the concert ended around three in the morning and we were pretty exhausted with our hitchhiker backpacks and the four girls, they quartered us in their girls‘ boarding school for a few hours. It was still quite fun there on trips and soon we were thrown out on edge because the bed springs crunched so that the walls wobbled.
When we arrived in Algeciras on the border with Morocco, we had a relapse and bought a helping of heroin. But then a „Guardia Civil“ squad came by, who felt us and dug us in. Fortunately, you could no longer identify the substance that I had knocked out of the policeman’s hand during the raid as a drug. It was some kind of „shit powder“. So the police had to let us out of the underground bunker after two days.
After this unpleasant adventure we ended up in Morocco in the Atlas Mountains, where we found ourselves in the largest hashish-growing area at the gates of Europe. Spaniards and Italo’s went in and out of the farm every day, transporting kilos of grass and hashish. Since we had run out financially, we made our hash oil on site in exchange for a warm fur jacket with a capital A (for anarchy) on it. We smuggled the oil through Spain to Portugal, where we settled in Sitges and, thanks to the sale , were able to live well for a while until hepatitis broke out as a late consequence of heroin consumption. We didn’t want to go to the hospital and we couldn’t afford a good hotel. So we ended up in Ibiza, where Marco had a friend who wasn’t there. We broke into the finca, so to speak, and made ourselves comfortable. Then we separated and everyone lived for a while on the « island of dropouts».
Later I flew to Lanza Rote in the Canary Islands. First I wanted to cross the island with a camel, which unfortunately didn’t work, but then there was a completely different adventure. In Playa Blanca I met a sailing crew with an American, a French and a Moroccan. And they still had a cabin free for me. So I stayed with these guys on the boat for a while. One morning I was woken from a deep sleep because suddenly a herd of elephants stomped on the boat, then shouts came up and when I was the first to stick my head out of the gap, I looked into four machine guns, not half a meter from the tip of my nose. All movement and excitement immediately froze. I froze and was allowed to get out, then all my boat friends. Half a dozen heavily armed elite soldiers from the Guardia Civil stood around us. What happened?
We were on board a sailing ship that belonged to a Swiss man who lived in the USA and had only arrived here in Playa Blanca a few days ago . The French skipper, the Moroccan boat boy and the American friend of the Swiss boat owner had brought the boat here from mainland France. Apparently there was a dispute between the boat owner and the skipper the evening before about the fee for the yacht transfer from southern France to Playa Blanca. And the longer waiting time on site than originally planned.
First the angry skipper wanted to sink the boat, which the crew was able to prevent. Then the Frenchman hissed off in anger. But the „nasty guy“ retaliated by giving the Guardia Civil an anonymous phone call from Arecife airport before he left and saying we had weapons and drugs on board. Of course, an adequate number of people came to us on the boat. After six hours the agony was over, the whole boat examined and the special unit smoked another joint with us to relax after the hard work with the few crumbs they had found on the boat during the search.
Relieved about the withdrawal of the special unit and because New Year’s Eve was approaching, we got drunk playing the rest of the day. The so-called “ Si, Si, Si “ drink, with a third of vodka, a third of Cointreau and a shot of champagne, was devilishly good and we got really excited. Only when the American in the very narrow, hose-like and totally overcrowded bar, fired the sea rescue pistol from the very back across the shop over the counter and the bullet dashed along the bar through the double doors, the party mood among those present was sudden over.
They almost wanted to lynch him and since he was already reaching for the next cartridge, I struck my dear boat friend from the stool with a targeted punch and dragged him out. The American was really drunk but also tough. We saw that when he hit the pavement head first as he staggered, whereupon we dragged him to the pier. But the boat was about two meters lower due to the low tide. One could not think of lifting it down. Otherwise we would all have flooded. So we threw him down on the deck, where he hit, grunted and fell into a coma, but the next morning he somehow got back on his feet with all his bumps, or rather staggered around.
When I returned to Zurich in December 1981 and threatened to slide back into the old drug swamp there, the next radical step came. I packed up my savings and flew to the US on a one-way ticket, stayed with relatives in Danville , Illonois for a month , got my driving test, bought an Oldsmobile, and drove across the country for the next ten months States through. On my return from the United States, there was the “ AJZ“ yet, but soon after it was evacuated and destroyed. But things had changed in the Zwingli town.
During this time I also spent a lot of time at the Rote Fabrik, which was also one of the few hot spots in Zurich for young people at the time. There I also met my third girlfriend, a woman and artist named Betty Weber, who was also seven years older than me. She was a Nubian, i.e. a black woman, and also a very creative artist. I had no fear of touching mature women of any skin color and also learned to „cook on old pans,“ as we casually called a relationship between a younger man and an older woman at that time.
After the apprenticeship, I first traveled around the USA for six months. I bought a big Chevi Station Wagon in Danville (Ill.) and drove it across the country to San Francisco and L.A. and back again to Chicago, according to the motto of Jack Kerouack’s book, „On the road again. The trip was just as wild and exciting as described in this fantastic book, with the difference that I was alone on the road, but therefore met a lot of people and women. Two small anecto-den: In the chaste Mormon state of Salt Lake City, of all places, I, then a crisp young 19-year-old hippie, was approached by two women in the parking lot while my ex-girlfriend from Switzerland, who had just visited me for a fortnight, went shopping in the shopping center. The two attractive women had spotted my license plate and wanted to know if I was also from Chicago. The conversation developed into a spontaneous invitation, which I gladly accepted, and so we ended up at the home of the two ladies. I had a good time and exciting discussions with the two, while my ex-girlfriend, who barely spoke English, was bored. At some point she went to sleep, whereupon one of them unabashedly hit on me. But I was more keen on her friend. Later I learned that the lady who flirted with me what the stuff held, had dumped my ex-girlfriend with a sleeping pill, so that we could enjoy ourselves a little. They know nothing, I thought, and so I had an amorous adventure with both of them that I remembered for a long time. It was a bit of a Woodstock feeling.
And in San Francisco I stayed for over a month until the Greatfull Dead New Year’s concert. I parked my Chevi Station Car in the parking lot under the Golden Gate Bridge and there was a big community of people living there in their RVs or Station Cars. You could stay there all the time, but you had to leave for a couple of hours every night after three o’clock. Then I would drive over to Berkley and hang out with the night owls there, returning to the parking lot around six in the morning to go to sleep. Here, too, there were two formidable femme fatal who did a number almost every night, and not always alone. So there were quite a few permissive and experimental escapades on the 1981 trip across the USA from the East to the West Coast and back with over 20,000 miles covered, during which I changed the tires at least ten times and was checked by the police on average every third night, no matter where I parked.
With the time I let then in the beam of the Schein-werfer, the disks down, stretched out sleepily the Swiss passport and said that I pull tomorrow already again further. That was then also. Impressive was also the young pastor in Denver, who not only did coke but also spent his nights at gambling rounds and then stood freshly cheerful and innocent like an angel again in the church and sang psalms. So much for the Protestant clergy. But evenly nevertheless much better, than the klammheimlichen paedophile priests, which gave it to pile and still gives. There would be a lot more to tell about the trip to the USA in the truest sense of the word, but let’s return to Switzerland in the 80s.
In the squirl of Swiss political scandals
I had several good jobs in the 1980s . First I worked in export at the “ Hürlimann Brewery”, then only for three months at a trading company on Bahnhofplatz, where I shifted the entire import of grain flour from Sweden from road traffic to rail, thus not only implementing an ecological goal, but the company also saved a lot of money, as the rail solution was also considerably cheaper. Because after came three guide inserts for three months in Senegal, Poland and London into play . Later I worked for “ Media Daten Verlag”, which published “ Werbewoche” and the “ Media Trend Journal”. Then I became head of advertising for the “ Neue Zürcher Zeitung ” for the areas of tourism, schools and institutes and the sales manager for the “ Swiss Review of World Affairs”, the top-class, English-language magazine of “ NZZ” at the time. At the end I produced the tome “ Portraits of the Swiss advertising industry “ and “ Portraits of the Swiss communications industry“ in m “ Bertschi publishing “ . So I got closer and closer to journalism and I decided to learn the trade through a PR training at the « SAWI» .
In October 1989 I took part in a one-week journalism workshop with the left-wing journalist, writer and historian Niklaus Meienberg who uncovered the “ Villiger scandal in World War II”. This led us to the asylum reception center in Kreuzlingen , where we found an inhumane situation on the evening of our arrival . Before the closed asylum reception office had a dozen freezing refugees well lighted a fire to protect themselves from the bitter cold and warm October. They told us that they had been banned from the reception center for asylum seekers. The police were about to put out the fire. That enraged us. And Niklaus Meienberg really got going. The eloquent chicken orchestrated a shameful tirade of the finest didactics. But Meienberg wouldn’t be Meienberg if the words weren’t followed by deeds and so he instructed us to move the refugees to the youth hostel, which was just open. The poor hostel manager almost fell from his chair when he saw the dozen refugees in front of him , enriched with a bevy of budding journalists. Since it went bureaucratic procedures going on with the papers and had after the first five people because as due to lack of papers, ho are ffnungslos canceled and the refugees were least spend the night in the heat.
Meienberg, however, had called half the German-speaking Swiss press on the scene the next morning and pointed out the inhumane incidents and practices in front of the refugee center ( “ punitive action“). So suddenly we saw ourselves confronted with a crowd of journalists in the hustle and bustle of the press and so besieged the refugee center until we had a discussion with the head of the reception center. Then came the politicians and city councilors , the walled ones, Peter Arbenz , the refugee delegate who issued the reception center manager a clean bill of health , the church organizations that demanded more human dignity. And so the whole week was action. The course went on Friday evening to a close, everyone could overnight a write story about the events of the last week and they Meienberg show was the then gave a brief comment. His comment was weak, not to say lousy. But had I the good fortune or the audacity , my s contribution of “ Weltwoche “ submitted and the icon of this then renowned medium Margrit Sprecher, used it and the essence of another writing workshop participant to a report published on my birthday was . The entry was successful. That spurred me on to keep going in that direction. And because photography has become my passion, combining the two.
The „secret files scandal“ and the „P-26 Geheimloge„
In 1990 it came to light that both the federal authorities and the cantonal police corps had dug around 900,000 “ pits “ on politically suspicious persons since 1900 . According to official information, more than 700,000 people and organizations were recorded. The observation radius first covered foreign anarchists, Swiss socialists and trade unionists, unwelcome political refugees and foreigners who were expelled. With the rise of anti-communism, left-wing politicians and members of trade unions in particular were monitored. The official aim of the “ fiche “ was to protect the country from subversive activities controlled from abroad.
The fight against subversion was a popular catchphrase during the Cold War. The PUK Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry revealed how broadly this vague term was understood. As emerged from the documents of the “ Intelligence Service and Defense Subgroup ” (UNA), zealous state protectors perceived “alternative”, “greens”, peace movements, third world activists, women’s movements and foreign worker supporters, anti-nuclear activists, “leftists” of all kinds by se, should be classified as potentially dangerous , because they could be infiltrated, hostile – or externally controlled or otherwise manipulated.
I also ordered my file from the police and the Ministry of Justice , which was surprisingly detailed in terms of the movement profile and the contacts, but was otherwise very irrelevant, except for the many black spots in the 14-page protocol, which was probably more the spy identity should cover n and protect , as state secrets, anti-state activities or a “ treason “ of monitored-a-days would have brought . It only showed the blind zeal of the authorities and the sad image of the informers . Very few of us were Marxists, Leninists, Maoists or communists or enemies of the state, even if the motto: „Power from the state cucumber salad“ was chanted. There was a lot of state propaganda and cannons shot at sparrows .
Then there was another political scandal: The „P-26“ secret lodge (Project 26) was a secret cadre organization to maintain the will to resist in Switzerland in the event of an occupation. In 1979/1981 she was appointed as the successor to the special service in the Intelligence Service and Defense (UNA) subgroup and dissolved in 1990 by Federal Councilor Moritz Leuenberger after being announced by a parliamentary commission of inquiry (PUK). No armament was planned for the P-26 members in times of peace, but the illustrious secret society did not care. Provided was that they as a group on the orders of a remaining most overseas exile government would actively n to serve as a news source. A combat mission was not planned. That was reserved for the army alone. Nevertheless, the organization hoarded weapons and set up ammunition depots.
Professionally, at the beginning of the 90s, I was doing my public relations training and was employed by the PR agency “ Leipziger & partner” in Zumikon. The boss was a colonel in the military and a little Nazi . So he was so considered not to my s friend s or role models . But from a professional point of view, he was an ace and well connected, and I benefited a lot from his know-how and his contacts with the military and civil organizations such as “ Helvetas” and the “ Europa Institut”. In the Zumikon PR agency I organized, among others, the „Forum 91“ and the „Colloquium Security Policy & Media» with « NATO» -General Klaus Naumann, two highly political forums with senior military, politicians, scientists n and the media. Two worlds collided: Here the young freak who had sympathy for the « army abolition initiative» and evaded the recruit school, but liked to do community service. One of the well with the anti-builder were symph movement ated On the other hand, the bourgeois establishment, the head of the Swiss army up to the guest speakers, „NATO“ -General Klaus Naumann , who escorted only by three cantonal police came in.
At that time I played in thought the military „by worst-case scenario“ for Switzerland, by the had no idea. A real threat scenario would have been to drop a bomb at this event in the ETH Zurich and to wipe out the leadership of the Swiss Army in one fell swoop. I had a couple of 35mm Flabgeschosse of the “ Oerlikon Buehrle» Manufaktur available , I went at once into teaching. At that time there was no anti-terrorism device for the high-profile event, otherwise I would have known it in detail. It was then that I realized that even as a pacifist you can have a few cryptic terrorist ideas, as is otherwise customary in the military and espionage circles.
Founding thePresse agency and working as a radio man
In 1992 I had the PR diploma in hand, I set up my press and picture agency “ GMC“, referring to a „K-Tipp“ research journalists and two media representatives from the Hotel / catering sector an office , the cooperation built with the tourism Magazine “Travel Inside” and some German-speaking Swiss daily newspapers and international photo agencies and made two trips to the Caribbean this year, first for a sailing trip from Grenada to Trinidad and Tobago, then to Cuba. On the first sailing trip of my life, I wanted to experience the carnival in Trinidad with a couple of people from Bern and Zurich and could actually take the boat to the harbor in the middle of the city center, dock there and so comfortably go to the parades and then back on the boat.
We were so carried away by the carnival in Trinidad that we wanted to bring it to Zurich. And we succeeded, thanks to the Trinidad percussionist on board the sailing trip. Ralph Richardson and his wife Angi , both passionate steel drum playing and Ralph also some steel drum bands and children bands in Zurich taught . By Ralph’s contacts could we Mighty Sparrow, the eight-time „King of Calypso“ for an exclusive gala concert at the Hotel International in Oerlikon , committed. For this purpose we arranged an open air on the market square in Oerlikon with eight Stelldrum bands the day before, a Saturday. Thanks to the cooperation with “ British West India Airlines” (BWIA ), which at the time was new to Zurich, we were able to fly top Caribbean chefs to Zurich for six weeks before the Calypso & Steeldrum Festival, with all the fresh ingredients and plenty of tropical decorations to enjoy in „Hotel International“ in Oerlikon offers Caribbean flair, tropical cocktails and delicious exotic specialties and dishes.
By „Calypso & Steel Drum Festival“ I was with Roger Schawinski “ cooperate Radio 24″ and was with him in an hour-long interview and in special programs as a guest . Auch at “ Radio DRS 3″, the one-hour program about Calypso from Trinidad and Might y Sparrow made, cranked up the promotional track. In addition, Frederic Dru from “ Radio Tropic” was interested in really celebrating this event. It was also nice that the Swiss TV for their first trip transmission from the Caribbean and the concert Mighty Sparrow to the first travel show inspired let s and Mighty Sparrow to premiere a fly let us play. Because the « SRF» travel editor Kurt Schaad and the music editor of Swiss television had been to our gala concert.
Was also encouraging that I thus at „Radio Tropic“ on a voluntary, began to work unpaid basis and then very quickly my own rice endings with the airlines, tour operators and tourist boards produced thereby had a completely free hand. It was a brilliant experience and I did two hour specials about Australia, Africa and the Caribbean. A year or two later came the opportunity with „Radio Kanal K“ also produce broadcasts. The station in the canton of Aargau, known as underground music and culture radio, also left a lot of leeway. And so, to everyone’s amazement, I did a top-class interview with four cantonal party presidents about the hotly debated asylum initiative of the SVP. Among others, Gerry Müller, who later became mayor of Baden, was there . The next protagonist is my favorite enemy Andreas Glarner from SVP from the Aargau community of Arni. Finally came also the two cantonal n FDP and CVP president s the argument to the studio . That was my first such highly political and at the same time top-class occupied interview with four leading politicians to the issues heissesten domestic know-how. And it was a very engaged and controversial discussion.
My professional status as a photojournalist and radio producer as well as the veritable network of photo and press agencies made my value with the airlines soar. For travel n oh Africa I called the „SAA“ South African Airways , the Caribbean , I flew as mentioned with the „BWIA“ , to Brazil with the „TAM“ to the French Ü Overseas Territories and to the South Pacific with the „AOM“ and to Asia ,“Singapore Airlines“ and „Malaysia Airlines ‚ of which I received regularly air tickets for free, as I afterwards mostly in seven daily newspapers R published eportagen and for many glossy magazines worked . “That was a fantastic, exciting and exciting time” .
From the 1990s on, I published travel reports , aviation and economic reports in national daily newspapers such as “A argauer Z eitung ”, “Der Bund”, “Neue Luzerner Zeitung”, “Solothurner Zeitung”, “Südostschweiz” and “Facts” in the „Sonntagszeitung“ , before I starting from 1997 also in the wellness, beauty and lifestyle rail jumped up and appeared in glossy magazines such as „Relax & style,“ „World of Wellness“, „Wellness Live“, „Wellness Magazine“ (D). I have also published reports in “Globo (D)”, “Animan” and “ Welt am Sonntag ” .
2.Internationalization and politicization
Between d en fronts of Sen matter and Guinea Bissau
1986 I was lucky because I was already working in the travel industry, as a tour guide or “ Resident Man a ger “ only three months in Senegal, then to live in Warsaw in Poland, so in the former Eastern bloc and most recently in London for another three months and to be allowed to work. That was three very horizon- broadening stays abroad in one year.
In m the first “ Resident Manager ‚- use in Senegal I had rather a leisurely start, because „AIDS “ was just first appeared on the radar and still puzzled medicine , where it came from , or how the virus was transmitted. At first it was suspected by a fly from Africa. Then monkey bites came into question. So there wasn’t much going on in the “ Club Aldiana ” near M’Bour. Time for a trip to the south of Senegal through the Gambia and down to the Casamance . There ran with my camera in the area around. Since no border was visible in the undergrowth, I was suddenly stopped by a troop of soldiers from the Guinea-Bissau military and interrogated for hours. The commander spoke only Portuguese, so it took a while until I found out that there is a conflict because the E l -Vorkommen s on the border betw een the two countries came u nd reminded me of a TV report vo r few days that it was precisely at this time that the parties to the dispute met in Geneva for negotiations. That was my ace as a Swiss in this precarious situation. So I tried to make it clear to the comandant that it would be bad if they took me prisoner and thereby endangered the negotiations in Geneva. He understood that and set me free thanks to my donation.
Relieved, I ran into the Senegal, so in the Casamance back. There I had the tiresome problem of running out of cash to pay the rent for the box. D azu I had only a day’s journey away by Zuiginchor travel to the traveler’s check to change. So tell me the hotelier from the border experience and my donation, when the rent was spent and was then exhausted to the bungalow, to sleep to go. It wasn’t long before two military jeeps drove up in front of the hut with a lot of noise and eight soldiers got out. This time it was Senegalese soldiers, but that didn’t really reassure me. „You have orders to escort me to the military governor, „they told me. „What is going on now“ , I thought, trying to to curb adrenaline rush. Half an hour later I was sitting in front of the military commander who asked me about the border incident . He had received knowledge from the landlord and would like to know more about it. „Shit,“ I thought to myself, but today is a busy day, going war diplomacy w ieder from the beginning. Now it is important to downplay everything as possible and say as little as possible. We then practiced that for a good four hours, after which I was pretty exhausted. Two military officers in hostile states in one day, that was a tough test.
A t the end of the operation in Senegal, the first of the “ AIDS and “ HIV “ -Fällen overshadowing was et, I invited my last guests in M’Bour into a Moorish cafe, that „Vielle Prune “ So a very served fine“ Zw e Tschgenschnaps“. An absolute rarity in Africa. My guests knew immediately which drink it was. Chuckling, I told the man that he Chairman of the“ distillery Willisau „was and producing this drink and drive out. Then we were even more happy about the next few drops and when the guest found out that I was being transferred to Warsaw, he said. „Oh, I know a very fine person and high-ranking politician, because we import vodka from Poland“ . So he wrote a name on a piece of paper and g from him to me for recommending and contacting with. Thanks to this schnapps connection in Senegal, I had drawn an ace for my next mission without even realizing it.
Warsaw 86: In pole position behind the Iron Curtain
Because d rei days later, when I arrived in Warsaw, where 14 days before an airliner of the „LOT“ had crashed and 140 people died, I was able to speak, understand the English and me in with an older man customs and immigration for the 70 any passenger boughs from the west helped . When I am with him for his help asked thanked and after his name, he replied, „My name is Henry Zwirko.“ „Excuse me „, exclaimed to me, that was still the name on the list was given to me by the last guest in Senegal. That could no coincidence be, I thought intuitively, but was busy with the passports and immigration papers, which drag on for hours on end could, especially since I after a briefing a few hours in Switzerland as a newcomer here behind the “ Iron Curtain“ in Warsaw had arrived.
But the procedure was the man behind me, who as of this Henry Zwirko presented te, gentle with few , but decisive words to the border guards , greatly abbreviated and we could pass . „OK,“ I thought to myself, the man is indeed very promising. No wonder his influence goes far, after all, he is a Polish cabinet minister and his father is a war hero from World War II. I knew that much. But that ’s me this man the same for my arrival in Warsaw would meet, was very scary. In retrospect, my guess confirmed that the VR Presidential dent nachgeholfen a little meeting, paving the way has opened in an extraordinarily closed world to me, to the many intelligence me at this time, including our counterintelligence would have envied.
Because in a very natural way, an excellent cooperation between Henry Zwirko and me developed. Since the official tourist exchange rate for Swiss francs and D-Marks was a good seven times higher than the black market rate offered in Warsaw , I soon got on the transfer bus once or twice a week with half a million zlotys that Henry got me , with which we picked up the new guests from Zurich. U nd during the transfer from the airport to the hotel, I told the guests how difficult and dangerous the illegal exchange was and offered a good tour guide during the journey to the city center every guest 200 francs to switch to a good course. Business went smoothly and the bus driver and local guide’s were also always good away and then looked away. And so I worked my way into the depths of corruption, compliment zen – and planned economy, and soon had money to burn expressed or millions of zloty’s local currency .
Only: there was nothing to buy. Nothing at all, except liquor and sex for sale on every corner. Outside the tourist hotels it was very dreary. Apart from a few very secret places for the elite, where all the goodies , like a Chateaubriand or tartare and fresh juice was served. I have only been to this illustrious place three times, which was intended for Poland’s elite. A famous one ’s ass and President Wojciech Jaruselski (the one-eyed, the Russians offered the forehead) and his entourage on one of the side tables. For me it was almost as if I had arrived at the Kremlin.
Later I had an unexpected meeting with Gorbachev’s Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze in the sauna of a famous Medical Wellness Hotel with an outstanding sleep diagnostics center in Vorarlberg. Luckily I had a Russian-speaking Ukrainer with me as a model, so we could exchange a few words with him. Obviously plagued the Russian Foreign Schlaflosigk EITS symptoms.
Less than two weeks after my arrival in Warsaw and a first round trip in Poland to Krakow and Zakopane, the corpse specialists from abroad arrived and our entire tour group, always around 50 to 70 people, became one hour after the other from the only middle-class hotel “ Forum “ was thrown out and from then on we had to share a hotel bed with lousy, shabby hotels sometimes with third parties for the next 14 days. The 90% male guests took it relatively calmly, „We are here in the Eastern Bloc“. And they could be satisfied with boxes of vodka and champagne. Most of them were only here for a tourist attraction anyway.
Back then Warsaw was the Bangkok of Europe and the female offer was plentifully available in the hotel bar. Whole farmers‘ associations and field staff with “black commission coffers” came here from Switzerland. But I didn’t have time for that, deprived of my own box and the daily search for accommodation, the transfers and bureaucratic hurdles kept me busy. I also had to get hold of fuel on the black market for my work trips and transfers. Then this became too colorful for me and I had the local guests kicked out of the hotels with the dollar lubricant, in which I put double or triple the room price on the table. Such over time some things were running smoothly and as icing I rented one of the finest and most expensive luxury suites in the only five-star hotel in Warsaw, then, the “ Victoria “ hotel on the main square. From this state guest suite I was able to follow the papal visit of the Polish pontiff better than any other camera team from my window . I then saw the Polish Pope again in Cuba in 1993 when he paid a visit to the Caribbean island and Fidel Castro .
I had time for me, I got the unemployed girls in the lobby and the hotel bar high, de n n belonged to my suite and a piano player in the lounge between the two wings. And there was enough space in my suite with two bedrooms and a drawing room. Plötzlich I had often times’s boredom and a half private brothel at my guest. D ie three months in Poland were unforgettable and much more exciting than the time in Senegal. But now it goes straight to London, it says in the fax from the «Imholz» tour guide headquarters in Zurich.
London 87: The first contact with «ANC» exiles
Arrived in London and settled in, after an industrial accident of an Italian tour guide who worked here without a residence permit and whom I then visited in prison, I also met «ANC» exiles who had fled the racist ap artheid regime. Just before the UN sanctions were in force and the South African regime was pilloried. D a brother lived one of our tour guides in South Africa, wol some lten from our tour guide troupe to the Cape to travel and roam in Botswana through the Okavango Delta. That sounded promising and was put into practice after our assignment in London . But before that I returned to Switzerland in order to exchange information with «ANC» exiles and with the Anti-Ap artheid Movement (AAB) from London and to make further contacts in the South African underground. Equipped in this way for the South Africa mission, departure in November 1989 approached quickly. But let’s briefly look back at what had happened in South Africa over the past ten years.
In 1950, when the South African government divided its people into races (Population Registration Act 35), the Swiss banks paid the first loans of 35 million francs. When the government banned mixed marriages (Prohibition of Mixed Marriage Act), a further 85 million francs flowed to the Ap part hei d state, which by 1983 had expropriated over three and a half million blacks and deported them to „homelands“. And so 87 percent of the land belonged to the 16 percent whites. And Switzerland, more precisely my former training company, “Oerlikon Bührle AG”, delivered weapons such as the “35mm Flab cannons” and “Pilatus PC-Porter” aircraft to the Cape. Despite UN sanctions.
In 1967 nearly 700 ‚ arrested 000 black within a year because they have violated the pass laws. The expenditures for internal security already amount to 17 percent of the gross national product. When the British decided to suspend gold trading for two weeks in March 1968, Switzerland sprinted into the breach. Now South Africa’s wealth is flowing in huge quantities into the gold trading metropolis of Switzerland. „SBG“, „SKA“ and „SBV“ secure three quarters of the gold trade.
In 1968 the „Bührle Affair“ bursts. The Oerlikon weapons manufacturer had delivered weapons worth 52.7 million francs to South Africa via France. In 1973 the “UN” General Assembly decides to exclude South Africa with “Resolution 3068” and classify apartheid as a “crime against humanity”, while the loans of the three Swiss banks have already risen to 2.2 billion francs. Meanwhile, every second child under five dies in the homelands, the white men in the Cape and the “Zurich Gold Coast” are doing better and better. “Oerlikon Bührle” has circumvented the sanctions several times. I remember when in the export department I simply had to issue the export permits , freight documents and letters of credit to the “Oerlikon Bührle” holding company in Spain.
1979 comes to a massacre in Soweto, as on June 16, 15 ‚ protested 000 pupils against being henceforth taught in Afrikaans. 575 people died in the uprising that dragged on for months. The Swiss banks doubled their credit volume. In 1980 the Reformed World Federation declared “apartheid a heresy. That left Switzerland and the Swiss secret service cold . Peter Reggli directed the pilot exchange with South African fighter pilots in the ways the Federal w u rd e but only in 1986 oriented.
The amount of credit granted by Swiss banks to the apartheid regime quadrupled. Year after year by 100 percent. Due to the international n Ä the apartheid regime rect benefited the Switzerland of the contemptuous, racist policies of the White people of the Cape. The “ ILO” called on the global corporations to withdraw from South Africa and criticized the “SBG” as a sanction breaker. Nevertheless, in 1985 the South African regime received a further CHF 75 million in loans from Swiss banks. In 1986 a state of emergency is imposed on the heavily indebted country.over 10’000 people are arrested. 1800 died. „Peace became a threat to public security,“ says Archbishop Desmond Tutu when the church journal, the „New Nation“, was closed.
When the USA wanted to punish companies that did not adhere to the sanctions in 1987, South Africa’s President Peter Botha and his Foreign Minister came to Zurich to meet with „SBG“ Vice Director Georg Meyer and the board of the „Association Switzerland-South Africa“, where they were given an „Order of Good Hope“ and another 70 million. And in 1989, thanks to Robert Jeker, South Africa’s regime took a breather when it came to repaying the outstanding loans of over eight billion francs. That was the starting point at the time that made me go underground in South Africa.
Then there was a small wink of fate that encouraged me in the plan. Like so many activists, I wrote a letter to the then “ SGB” (and today’s “ UBS”), which was very active in South Africa at the time and supported the apartheid regime, in which I informed the bank that I closed my account in protest against the financial policy and the « SBG» commitment and asked them to transfer the balance to another account. The bank made a mistake when balancing the account and so they transferred me 5500 francs more. I said to myself, „I’ll leave the money in my account for a year and if the « SBG »no longer reports, the money will go to organizations in the South African underground,“ as a compensation payment, so to speak. And that’s how it happened.
3. In the fight against apartheid in the South African underground
Because South Africa internationally banned was granted the South African embassy in Switzerland a „loose leaflet visa „that means a paper visa that was not included in the passport, so later no problems at entry to other countries g Aebe. First we lived a few weeks in the posh neighborhood of the whites in Hillbrow. Getting used to was initially once the s chwarze housekeeper who was included in the rent. Then of course the restrictions on the black population in all areas of public life. Racial segregation. With the appropriate pass laws for the respective ethnic groups. There was also the Indian community in Durban and the Malay mixed race in Cape Town. That was pretty complicated and pretty perverse. Vo r especially the resettlement plans that have been implemented into practice. So Millio was nen of black people forcedly relocated and de facto expropriated and in the so-called „Bantu zones“ moved.
I carefully familiarized myself with the local conditions, visited the « Khotso House» , where some resistance organizations such as the « Black Sash» but also the « UDF » union had their offices. The house was spied on around the clock and searched by the police several times. Many committed people have been arrested, tortured, and detained without charge. One of the most prominent victims of the apartheid regime along with Nelson Mandela was probably Steven Biko .
I arrived in South Africa just at the time when the „New Nation“ , one of the last liberal , critical leaflets of the Catholic bishops‘ conference under Desmond Tutu was banned and closed. I had a last interview with the dismissed editor-in-chief Gabu Tugwana appeared in the «WOZ» (weekly newspaper). I was the first foreign journalist who saw and photographed the decree of the hated interior minister, witnessed the closure of the “New Nation” and spread the news. The apartheid regime censored or banned many newspapers until all critical voices had fallen silent. The expenditures for internal security, that is, for maintaining the racist apartheid system, devoured over 20 percent of the gross domestic product.
Since nn dare I myself with the Vororts- train from down town Johannesburg to Soweto to, that is in the black townships to go where you were as Weisser at that time quite alone and very noticeable. Fortunately, I had long hair and didn’t look like a Bure or an Englishman. That probably stopped many from killing me right away. Since then the Neugie grew but r what I as doing here and then I could thanks to my in London and Zurich compacted „ANC“ – contacts perfectly satisfying, so they trusted me and me d ie townships introduced.
It was about the living conditions of blacks and their everyday under d he racist laws to know yourself. Soon I was able to live with a family of eight in Soweto and move around freely. So I was shocked as hell when I suddenly stood in front of an armored vehicle of the „SADF“ (South African Defense Force) and guns were pointed at me. When one of the policemen called down from above; „What are you doing here?“ F iel mi r nothing B esseres one, when to direct same question to him, only a tone sharper. Then I carefully pulled out my Swiss passport, which helped defuse the tense situation. They each let me go.
From that first trip was a deep connection to the land that I visited over 20 times and thereby Mandela scored twice. The first time shortly after his release in Soweto, the second time, as President of South Africa and newly crowned Nobel Laureate in the “ Zurich Dolder Hotel” , where he recognized me in front of the political and Federal Council celebrities and gave me a brief hug, which was very touching Moment was. And what all asked at once, who because of the long-haired freak here with the former National Bank President s Leutwyler was and consorts.
Fortunately, that remained a secret from me, Mandela and the South African ambassador in Bern, Dr. Konji Sebati, where I was once a guest at the embassy in Bern on a high- profile event. By d iesen Contact I came as a travel journalist and PR consultant at that time worked at a PR mandate for the South African Tourist Board ( SATOUR) and got to the mandate of the South African airline (SAA) for years.
I owed this to my diplomatic balancing act between the underground contacts , of which only a few knew , and the contacts with the white elite, which were also very discreet. And the fact that the Swiss in South Africa a central role in the gold rush in the „nuclear power plants“ in mil itärischer support of Ap artheid regime and finally in the debt restructuring and the transformation process played and incidentally took all gold trading .
As usual, everything is completely legal and neutral. The dark chapter Switzerland – South Africa would itself fill an entire book about Switzerland’s very profitable strategy of neutrality, the close interweaving of the secret service, espionage, the military and the Swiss economy with the Ap artheid regime. Since I an apprenticeship in the armory and machine tool factory “ Oerlikon Buehrle » have, which includes the „Contraves“ and „Pilatus factory“ belonged, is to me not only the problematic saint known , who also collaborated with the Nazis and the like billionaire Schwarzenbach art treasures hoarded, the partly in Zurich in Bührle-Museum are on display , but also many interesting events and documents in the export department noticed. What could not be exported from Switzerland due to sanctions was exported by other foreign “Oerlikon Bührle” branches, for example in France or Spain .
One murder every 40 minutes. 20 ‚ 000 per year
After the apartheid regime collapsed due to the UN boycott and the South African resistance, there was a bitter power struggle between the ANC (African National Congress) and Buthelezi`s IFP (Inkhata Freedom Party). The civil war claimed X thousand victims and made tens of thousands refugees. Another tragedy, because before that the white regime had forcibly displaced millions of black people like cattle in the course of racial segregation.
In post-apartheid South Africa, the people were preoccupied with one thing above all else: the constantly growing violent crime. In the past, the main aim of the police was to pursue political opponents, but now the security forces and politicians are fighting an almost hopeless fight against brutality and crime. The „taxi / minibus war“ in Durban has claimed numerous innocent lives for years. In Cape Town, a gang war raging less than 80‚000 young people. Johannesburg is also the scene of numerous crimes. Even as a tourist or business traveler you can feel the „atmosphere of fear“. The police forces operier t s as paramilitary organizations and have a bad reputation.
Unemployment concerning ug nearly 40 percent. Widespread poverty made crime soaring. Favored by the impotence and corruption of the self-absorbed judicial and police apparatus, which was paralyzed in the course of the radical restructuring. Were daily in South Africa more than 60 people a year against 20 ‚ killed 000 people. South Africa’s prisons are bursting at the seams . Criminal investigations remain unprocessed for years. Young people under the age of 14 are also detained.
Mandela’s release marked the end of apartheid
On August 5, 1962, Nelson Mandela and Cecil Williams were arrested while driving near Howick in Natal, on charges of leading the banned“ ANC “ underground. The arrest came after he had worked for almost a year and a half in freedom and in the political underground, interrupted by public appearances for the ANC abroad. The start of the trial was set for October 15, 1962 (two days before I was born). The result was Mandela’s sentencing on November 7, 1962 to five years in prison for inciting public unrest (three years in prison) and traveling abroad without a passport (two years). He took on his own defense in this court hearing. After the verdict was announced, he was sent to the prison island Robben Island at the end of May 1963 , but was soon brought back to Pretoria after the rest of the «ANC» leadership had been arrested on July 11th. From October 7, 1963, Mandela stood in Pretoria in the “Rivonia” trial with ten co-defendants for “sabotage and planning armed struggle” . On April 20, 1964, the last day of the trial before the verdict was pronounced, Mandela explained in his four-hour, prepared speech in detail the need for armed struggle, because the government did not respond to appeals or non-violent resistance from the non-white population in its quest for equal treatment and instead passed increasingly repressive laws.
A m 11 February 1990 was Mandela released from prison. President Frederik de Klerk had initiated this and lifted the ban of the “African National Congress” (ANC) days earlier. Mandela and de Klerk received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. On the day of his release, Mandela gave a speech from the balcony of City Hall in Cape Town, and days later one in front of an audience of 120,000 in the football stadium in Johannesburg. There he presented his policy of reconciliation by inviting “all people who have given up apartheid ”to participate in a “ non-racial, united and democratic South Africa with general, free elections and voting rights for all”.
In July 1992, M andela unanimously elected President e n chosen the „ANC“. This enabled him to negotiate with the government on the elimination of apartheid and the creation of a new South Africa. In 1994 his autobiography „The Long Road to Freedom“ was published and wrote: „During these long, lonely years of imprisonment, my hunger for freedom for my own people became the hunger for freedom of all peoples, whether white or black.“
In February 1996 the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) set up by Mandela began under the leadership of Desmond Tutu, a Nobel Peace Prize winner . with the coming to terms with the crimes of apartheid. For some groups, the social improvements achieved during Mandela’s tenure did not go far enough, including in relation to the AIDS crisis. Critics also criticized the fact that the crimes of the apartheid regime were not punished.
Free health care was available to children under six, pregnant and nursing mothers; In 1996 health care became free of charge for all South Africans. With the “Land Restitution Act” (1994) and the “Land Reform Act 3” (1996) steps were taken towards land reform. During his tenure, numerous laws from the apartheid period were revoked. The army and police were reorganized.
When in 199 4 the newly elected South African President and Nobel Prize winner Nelson Mandela came to Switzerland and spoke to the local “ class politique” and the economic elite (National Bank President and bank representative) about his vision of a new South Africa, I was there too Photojournalist invited and took some pictures of Mandela . However, I was not prepared for the fact that he would be blinded by the flash as a result of his eyesight, which had been lost through the long imprisonment, and without a flash I had the wrong film speed in the can. As Mandela’s speech to the assembled political and business elite in Switzerland was over and he was in Ap e mixed ro with the crowd, I thought I was rather in the background.
But apparently Mandela had a good memory and very attentive eyes, maybe he even remembered where and when in Soweto I stood in the crowd of blacks after his release. In any case, that caused him to step up to me and ask me whether we have met before. I was amazed. And when I answered him, she shook hands with me, more amazingly . That touched me a lot. Suddenly I had the feeling that maybe I had really made a difference and that I received, so to speak, a celebrity thank you and an incredible appreciation.
Civil War South Africa 94: ICRC operations in the « ANC-IFP» civil war
1993 accompanied n me photographer friend Marcus Baker to a friend of us , Daniel Sidler, of the ICRC / Red Cross South African delegate to Johanne was stationed sburg, on his journey to the refugee camps, to make matters Probing make to the victims help and support the peace efforts to stabilize the country with a view to a democratic constitution and government of the „rainbow nation“. We drove to the hotspots of the time “Margate” and “Ladysmith”, “Ezakhweni” and “Emphangeni ” , “Mfung” and “Obizo” as well as “Empendle” recorded the burned down houses and the dead. Talks with bereaved relatives and tried to mediate between the conflicting parties. A difficult, if not almost hopeless, task. At that time, there was every 40 minutes to an em murder. 20’000 per year in total .
As part of my humanitarian engagement in South Africa, thanks to the Zulu healer Credo Vusama Mutwa, I was also able to visit Poolsmo or Prison in Cape Town – where Nelson Mandela spent the last years of his imprisonment – with a Canadian team of UN health inspectors. In the 3 ‚ designed 000 prisoners prison around 7 were ‚ 000 prisoners detained. Almost 30% were HIV positive at the time. Many have been detained for years without charge. Quite a few died. The conditions we encountered were terrible. And a tablespoon of tasting in the prison kitchen was enough that I had staphylococci / streptococci afterwards. It was also educationally strange that there was only a plastic gun as a toy in the children’s playroom.
I came to this unique mission because of a spiritual capacity in South Africa. The Zulu Sangoma (healer), Bantu writer & historian Credo Vusama Mutwa . I got to know him in the “ Shamwari Game Reserve“ together with Dr. Jan. player, the rhinoceros savior and “ Wilderness Leadership School“ founder. All night long the incredibly educated person told me the spiritual secrets and ethnic contexts, the cultural characteristics and peculiarities of the Bantu peoples from North to South Africa. It was fascinating and very educational. Only I was just with my two and a half year old daughter Aiala and her mother Roberta the road and had e i nige plans, appointments and meetings regarding other wildlife and ecological projects and could not just stay here and creed in the project „help Kaya Lendaba“.
He wanted the „Shamwari Game Reserve“ to build a multicultural village, would be represented in the all South African ethnic groups , and it should serve as Lightpole for the reunification of the „serve rainbow nation“ and help end the conflict. G erne I would have the training to a „sangoma“ So, a healer done since Creed zutraute me the skills and the mental-spiritual worldview. D ies filled me with pride and would probably a pioneering crossover in my life. Because originally I wanted to work as a game ranger in one of these newly emerging wildlife reserves. I can not help me S chöneres imagine , as a Wildlife Manager to work in an intact and protected environment. That’s why I kept traveling to Botswana, South Africa and Namibia.
4 . Mexico , Cuba, Carnival and US Invaders
Mexico 89: The Easter processions of the Mixtec Indians in Oaxaca
Mexico’s face shines brilliantly , the cradle of archaic high Indian cultures. Both the ancient temples and the richly contrasting, splendid colonial cities of Oaxaca and San Cristobal de las Casas protrude like jewels from the dazzling Sierra Madre. In the homeland of the Tzotziles, Tzetales, Chamulas and Lacandons , the indigenous people are about as original as Valais or Bündner mountain people. And yet the culture, history and landscape are not the same as ours. Their cultures are closer to nature, more anarchic, clan-like and more spiritual.
I spent a few days in Oaxaca , a r magnificent n Colonial City. On the way to pick up my laundry, I happened to look into a back yard where a woman with long, curly hair was standing at a strange machine doing a job that made me curious. She noticed me and called me in , and I saw what she was doing. She was standing in front of an ancient lithography system from the early 19th century and was just printing a few lithographs. Unexpectedly, was I in the studio of the famous oaxacenischen painter Tamayo purely run. We started talking for over two hours. She told me that over Easter she wanted to go to the mountains to see the Indians and their processions over the Easter holidays because she wanted to bring some school books to a teacher. That sounded tempting and inspired me. I’ve always wanted to Indios . Winnetou was the role model in my childhood. The Apaches my inspiration.
So concluded I am Marcela immediately and so we went the next morning with a public bus in the mountains to Zacantepec to almost 3000 meters. The ten hour drive was very arduous. All the while the handle on top holding on I stood between bags, chickens and sitting on the floor children, constantly back and forth rocking, as is the bus on a narrow gravel-pass road with large, deep holes into the mountains high screwed snarling. There were two rest stops due to the two tire changes. As the only gringo on the bus, I towered over the Indians by a head height.
In the dark with thick fog we arrived at the Zapotec Indio Kaff, which consisted of three stone houses, a zocalo and a church with a corrugated iron roof. There was a single Guest House above the only small shop that except a few Tonbüchsen and Mayon e se glasses a few peppers, some coffee and Mezcal schnapps offer had. For a week there was practically nothing to eat. Marcela, the beautiful painter and I were soon in a rather mystical mood. And then came the moment when deeply veiled Indian figures emerged from the ghostly mist from all directions and streamed towards the church. There a padre in a white soutaine gave a pastoral speech in the local Indian dialect in front of the „Virgen de Guadaloupe“ of the black Virgin Mary . But much more fascinating were all the marked by deep furrows Indio faces under their colorful Rebozos , colorful scarves, which they wore on their heads and shoulders . Sparse candlelight Kopal- incense fumes and a spread on the ground, fragrant sea of pine needles and splendidly costumed Honoratoren with silver-sticks as the insignia of their dignity, Transform te n the nave into a mystical world.
Until then, I would not have thought of seeing the Indians in such a Christian pose. I had an idea of the Indians that was shaped by Winnetou films , although I had met some in the USA before. Then it started, that is, the Indian women shouldered the « Virgen de Guadaloupe» and the men of Jesus Christ on their shoulders and then the whole Indian tribe pulled up into the mountains. They split into two groups. I decided the women Fa c Kel and Kerzenlichterzug to join . And so we climbed up the narrow, slippery paths. On the way there were a few rituals of the Way of the Cross and at the 7th station the two trains gathered in a small clearing with a place around the standard bearers and kneeling women with the censer. Now the padre gave another speech and at that moment the sky tore completely open for the first time and the sun appeared like a divine spell on the small Indian community. The chants somehow put me in a trance. It was extraordinary to experience this spiritual experience as the only white and foreigner among the Mixtec Indians. I merged with you and your ancestors, so to speak. D ies must also have sensed Indians and gave me their trust.
When one of the dignitaries broke away and came up to me, I was terrified because I was taking hidden photos of the reunion of Jesus Christ and Mary the Virgin. I got S chiss, they would have caught me taking pictures and I would now be offered in sacrifice and impaled on the lance. But the fear was not unfounded, because tourists who photographed the indigenous Indians have already been killed in Chiapas. Instead, as a gesture of hospitality, I was brought to the center of the procession and was allowed to be one of the three standard-bearers. What a gesture and an honor for me, when I was so critical of them. I was very touched. On many other trips to the indigenous peoples around the globe, I found time and again that I have a special spiritual connection and that I have telepathic abilities.
I opened myself up to the Indians all the more and fell into a trance several times in the following days and in crazy processions . And all without the «Nanacatl» mushrooms or other drugs like Me s calin . Only with half a bottle of mezcal schnapps did I calm the hunger and the revenge of «Montezuma», that is, the upset stomach. And due to the lack of food and the altitude, the alcohol level had a particularly good effect on the intoxicated trance states. There were no longer any language barriers and what was universal overcame all cultural boundaries. And thanks to the young painter from the studio of the famous Mexican painter «Tamayo», I learned more and more about the history and identity of the Mixtecs. From then on I was particularly interested in the natives on all continents.
Witness to the Zapatista Indio uprisings in Chiapas
Thanks to the young Marcela, I learned more and more about the history and identity of the Mixtecs and spent a few more weeks on forays through the indigenous country with her. Years later I returned as a journalist back to Mexico, as as in Chiapas escalated in 1994, the indigenous uprisings and the Mexican military and the soldiers of the army in the region of six villages and in San Cristobal de las Casas marched to the “ MARCOS“ – To push back rebels and to crush the Indio uprising. The six letters “ MARCOS“ were the first letters of the six rebellious Indian communities in the vicinity of San Cristobal. “ M“ argaritas, „A“ ltimirano, „R“ ancho, „N“ uevo, „C“ omitan, „O“ cosingo and „S“ to Cristobal. Ten kilometers further on is San Juan Chamula , the village of the traditional Chamulas, where the uprising began on 1.1.1994. This resulted in the « Subcomandante Marcos » . The jewel and the focal point of the Chamulenic world of belief, where God and the gods merge, Christ rose from the cross to rise again as the sun, is the baroque village church from the 17th century.
There we drove past tanks and roadblocks, military helicopters circled in the sky and soldiers could be seen everywhere. The Chi a pas uprising was initiated by the „Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional“ (EZLN), a so-called radical left movement that rebelled against new state requirements in the state of Chiapas. The Maya Indians suffered from the free trade agreement and the racist policies in administration. And they wanted to defend themselves against it. They were suppressed and excluded from participating in the political process. The conflict began as a EZLN offensive around occupied four cities to San Cristobal de las Casas in January 1994, which the Mexican clothes and eq the situation r spot with weight a l t and should end repression, while also inserting torture. In 2001 the Zapatistas, under the leadership of MARCOS, made a march from Chiapas to Mexico City and on 1st 2003 they took San Cristobal de las Casas. Finally, more and more NGOs advocated peace negotiations and put pressure on the government. Ultimately, however, not much has turned out for the better for the Indian communities.
In Ocosingo we flew in that time when I with a nutritionist for infants of the UN aid agency (DIF) was there, the balls just as the ears and we had n lucky that no hit and only bullet holes remained . After I escaped from this highly dangerous place, I then experienced a severe earthquake in Chiapas and a hurricane in Yucatan . So Mexico really didn’t save on impressions. It has always been a hell of a hot country, not to mention all the drug cartels that were fighting each other back then. So much for Mexico. Now it’s on to Cuba, the socialist sugar and tobacco paradise in miserable times.
Cuba 93: „Among the idealists who feed on hope„
In 1993, when my daughter Aiala was just three months old, I flew with her and her mother Roberta with diapers for a month to socialist Cuba. It was about a Swiss film project with Fidel Castro and Geraldine Ch aplin . She was the door opener to the socialist rulers. It was the“ Periodo especial en tiempo de paz”, the time of emergency in peacetime, when Cuba plunged into an economic crisis after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the fall of the Berlin Wall and had to undergo a drastic change in system. By „Dollar liberalization“ in the socialist Caribbean paradise in order to pivot from the sugar industry to tourism, took place a revolution of „socialist heart to capitalist mind “ as I wrote in the media .
The classless society was now split into two camps: the one with the green US bills (“ fulanos “ ) and the one with the worthless pesos, the „esperancejos“, the hopeful. The hunt for the „fula“ (bad money) kafka has taken shape. The state tourism organization “ Cubanacan „pulls on the black market together all the goods to offer them to the paying with dollars tourists. Even the fresh fish do not end up on the plate of the starving population, but in a tourist hotel in Havana. At that time, was v ierstöckige department stores – except for a p aar glass beads and plastic rings, a few rifles, potato and a few agricultural products- empty. People stood in line for hours at the farmers‘ markets for a few eggs. There was seldom electricity. Entire districts were pitch black.
„I had never seen such a shocking standstill before“. Precisely for this reason was probably the propaganda machine of the socialist Castro -Regimes at full speed to get us journalists of the advantages of the socialist tourism -P to convince aradieses. Ü convincingly were only the „mojitos“ and the young, very pretty Cuban women as so-called themselves „jineteras» , horseback night entpup p th, which is at the pier of Varadero to the Touristenschiff and were pushed their luck.
But as „embedded“ journalist, I had access to aussergewöh n physical persons, such as the Green derin the women’s organization in the ’60s. So Cuba was way ahead of us. Then the famous oncologist Miranda Martinez who showed me the revolutionary health system and also their weaknesses revealed u nd a revolutionary of the first hour, with Fidel Castro fought side by side. Then I visited Ana Fidelia Quirot ( d as Olympic long-distance miracle) , d ie an explosion in the kitchen suffered as a pregnant woman serious burns and while her child from Sotomayor lost. An exclusive interview that TV stations had been waiting for in vain for a long time.
Even the political power center penetrated we thanks Geraldin Ch Aplin ago. It was yes to a film about Cuba and the „Cuban Star s“ with S wiss and Cuban filmmakers. When interviewed at the hotel „El International“ in Havana , where we lived, my three-month-old daughter sat Aiala on Geraldine’s lap while we conducted the interview. Otherwise it was completely uncomplicated to travel around C uba with a baby . All Cuban women immediately rushed to Aiala and entertained her well and caringly. For „Annabelle“ , a leading women’s magazine in Switzerland, the portraits of women were from all kuban i rule layers planned.
At the end, the sports journalist, who put the whole program together and arranged the contacts with the women, planned a presentation to the assembled Cuban press, radio and television, in which we would talk about the Swiss media landscape and journalism in Switzerland should. We had s not much time to prepare it, and wondered n us good at what we should say n , not too tightly to offend political. It was a balancing act of conveying information with low critical tones. I handed the presentation over to Roberta , because she spoke better Spanish and because we came to Cuba in the context of researching female characters and stories.
Because after we were interviewed by radio journalists and (always with just early the next morning, as we stood at 07.00 already in a mechanical woman workshop Aiala in Snuggli it) just shone an interview on the state broadcaster of yesterday’s presentation and Appearance. That was funny and a brilliant timing and again brought us a lot of sympathy and respect in the women’s workshop . It was an exciting 30 days on Sugar Island, but also an embarrassing state of the country and the hunger and poverty in the population. There was very little tourism back then. That changed quickly, however, because the Cubans urgently needed money and loosened the currency regulations.
The socialist Caribbean island attracted me again and again and thanks to the cooperation with the airline «AOM» I flew over to Sugar Island almost every year between 1993 and 1998 and stayed with a Cuban family, an elderly couple who lived in the tallest skyscrapers at the time on the Malecon next to the legendary Hotel „El International“ lived. There was a room there with its own entrance and a connecting door to their apartment. That was perfect for the social exchange with the married couple Claris and Nilo and my nightly escapades. Despite harsh controls and spying, I was able to cultivate my liasons , even cultivate them, bought myself a Chinese bike and rode all over Old Havana. Cuba was not a crowded tourist paradise then. But that changed quickly thanks to the regime’s efforts to open up the country to tourism and to create the first tourist enclaves.
Grenada 92: On the „US John Rodgers“ for press breakfast
This year I went on a sailing trip with the “ Paso Doble “ from Grenada to Trinidad and arrived at the time when the 10th anniversary of the „liberation“ or „occupation“ of Grenada, depending on the point of view, was being celebrated by US forces. I came with my friend Roberta and we found out in the Caribbean that she was pregnant.
Then we were able to attend the official ceremony with the Prime Minister of Grenada, Breathwater and the US Ambassador in the presence of high-ranking US military personnel, whereupon we were greeted by the US Ambassador’s PR lady for a press breakfast on the aircraft carrier “US- John Rodgers“ to be invited, which I did not want to miss. After all , that doesn’t happen every day at breakfast on a warship that had enormous potential for destruction. And so it happened. A US Navy boat picked us up on the beach and went over to where we talk about with the commander and his press-Adjudantin the US policy led. In retrospect, this visit was not a good idea because I had been on the radar of the US authorities and secret services since that incident and felt this at a later point in time in the Philippines and got me into some «troubles » , which ultimately led to «Persona non grata »was declared in the Philippines. Presumably my many visits to Cuba, which I made to the Caribbean tropical island in the 90s, were also followed critically.
Let’s briefly look back at why the Americans brought about an upheaval in Grenada. The trigger was Maurice Bishop of Grenadian, the son of parents born in Aruba from the age of 6 in Grenada lived Jura in England studied, where he the political ideas of the ’68 movement, the Black Power movement and the Trinidadian Marxist C. LR James before returning to the Caribbean in 1969 .
He began to build workers‘ councils in Grenada on the Soviet model, founded a socialist party, the New Jewel Movement (NJM, Jewel stands for Joint Endeavor for Welfare, Education and Liberation) and founded unions . He enjoyed the approval of the population , who were dissatisfied with the corrupt rule of Sir Eric Gairy and his Mongoose Gang, a “thugs”. After Gairy had probably falsified the elections , Maurice Bishop came to power on March 13, 1979 in an almost bloodless coup, which was supported by the people, and became Prime Minister of Grenada. The human rights situation improved under Bishop. He relied on social reforms , such as the introduction of a free health system and the building of new schools, and maintained good relations with the Soviet Union and Cuba, which supported Grenada with development aid and with the construction of the airport. That didn’t suit the USA at all. On October 25, 1983, the United States began an invasion code-named Operation Urgent Fury, in the course of which the government was ousted.
That was probably one of the few US operations that ultimately came off lightly for the civilian population and led to stabilization. The US invasion of Panama was not too disastrous either, but all other interventions, invasions and infiltrations on the part of the US from the Vietnam War to the Afghanistan mission, the failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, the devastating Iraq war that led to IS has, the overthrow of Gaddhafi in Libya, the skirmishes in the war in Syria, in all these conflicts the USA failed miserably as the aggressor and world policeman. A “failed state” in my eyes. With unmistakable consequences for the whole world: The radicalization in the Muslim world, a boost for terrorist organizations like Al Qaeda and IS and so on, and has now reached a domestic political climax with Trump. The “War on Drugs” proclaimed by the USA was also a disaster for 50 years and now the United States are drowning on their hundreds of thousands of opiate deaths with increasing weed liberalization and have left behind a deeply divided society. Good night and bye bye good old America, one can only say.
Hell trip in Colombia in the service of Swissair
If one hears or speaks about Colombia, then mostly drugs, murder and corruption are mentioned. The sunny side of Colombian life and the beauties of the Andes and the jungle state rarely come to light. Anyone who fearlessly faces the Terra incognita in the Garden of Eden in South America despite poverty and violence will be drawn to the magic of Colombia and the fiery temperament of the population.
Only a few countries are dotted with the impressive variety of landscapes and an incomparable wealth of natural wonders, such as the V ated largest state Lat e inamerikas. In northern Colombia, the Eastern, Western and Central dominate – Cordillera. Three massive strands of the Andes with snow-capped peaks rising up to 5000 meters, the topographical panopticon of the country. They contain fertile valleys with volcanic ash soils on which coffee plantations, vegetable and grain fields and fruit trees flourish, and fragrant flowers and spice bushes bloom. Mining brings to light the most beautiful emeralds as well as gold, platinum, silver and also abundant coal and oil deposits.
In the Amazon it is as if time has stood still. Fitzgeraldo’s adventures come back to life on the spiritual horizon – there are still thousands of dangers lurking in the tropical rainforest. The Yaguas Indios are not a threat, although they still blow deadly poison arrows from their blowguns when hunting animals and birds. Crocodiles and pirahas prevent a swim in the cool Amazon. Along the Andean foothills, endless savannas with cattle pastures spread out in the north, which in the east turn into wild areas like the Guajira peninsula. White sandy beaches line the coasts of the Caribbean islands of San Andres and Providencia off Nicaragua’s coast. Over 40 nature reserves and national parks totaling 10 million hectares in size, which represent a kind of genetic treasure chest and information bank about the development of our planet, bear witness to the immense wealth of fauna and flora in Colombia. The harbingers of the jungle begin less than 100 kilometers from Bogota. But to get there you have to have overcome the grueling pass road of the Sierra Oriental at an altitude of 3700 meters above sea level and then mastered and survived the winding descent along abyssal gorges to a hundred meters above sea level.
The sun is just setting on the blood-red colored horizon over the steaming jungle, where shortly before dawn the tropical thunderstorm rained down heavily on the esmerald green jungle and also on the silver fuselage of the DC-6, with which we drove through the lashing propeller with a loud howl rain fl ying. The pilot’s forehead is also covered with thick water pearls. That looks like severe landing conditions. The propeller motors roaringly fight against the dense, swiftly passing clouds. The view from the small round windows sweeps over the Amazon basin, its rivers and islands. Now we are about to land and soon glide over the bumpy jungle runway.
For historians, architects and culturally ambitious the visit Cartagena, one of the most beautiful colonial-Reliq u ia very Lat e inamerikas, the highest of all emotions. The formerly important port city of the continent for the slave trade and seat of the then feared Inquisition Tribunal, a place of tragedy and heroes, adventurers and legends, is rich in castles, monasteries and museums, all of which are part of the world cultural heritage.
The original places, colonial metropolises of Colombia, the villages of the Yagua – Indians near Leticia in the triangle of three countries, the Caribbean flair of the holiday island of San Andres off the coast of Nicaragua and the dwellings of the farmers in the great natural areas combine to form a grandiose microcosm. Ü berragt of the Andes, embraced by the jungle and umwogt from the Caribbean and Pacific Symphony of the oceans, seething life of Colombians between happiness and despair, anger and powerlessness, commutes from exuberant joy of life, carried by cheerful dance music, through to the deepest sadness the victims of poverty, drug barons, corrupt politicians and tyrants. Colombians live, love and suffer life to the fullest. You will be carried away, dive in, maybe even under and with a little luck more well protected – almost on foot and leave the country again, peppered with unforgettable experiences.
In Bogota I met my professional colleague Hans-Jörg Egger. From there we flew in all directions. First n oh Letiza the border triangle Brazil, Colombia and Peru in the south of the Amazon, to Cartagena in the colonial pearl, according to Cali, then the drug stronghold of Pablo Escobar. Then to Villa Vicencio and finally up to the Caribbean island of San Andres , which lies off the coast of Nicaragua. A very ambitious program in one week and that was only possible because we arrived at the airport 15 minutes before the plane took off.
That worked perfectly, only on the last flight to Equador, which was again an international flight, we didn’t think that the procedure would take much longer. When we got to the counter and found out that boarding had already been completed, I showed two business cards to the staff at the check-in counter and said: „Stop the airplaine, now, immediately“. And just ran through the gate past the surprised securities onto the airfield. Hans-Jörg panted next to me, after all we had a lot of camera luggage in tow.
Without being shot at, we ran towards the plane, which had closed all doors and was taxiing. At the same time we saw a stair vehicle speeding towards the plane and the jet stopped. After a few dozen meters we made it and were allowed to hurry up the stairs, the doors were opened and we were on board. „Wo w, what awesome action“. Why did the plane stop? D ie a business card was that of Colombian aviation minister ’s and the other that of the Airport Director of Bogota. We had interviewed both people beforehand. And so it happened that for us two Swiss journalists in Colombia, a commercial aircraft on an international flight was stopped on the taxiway for departure and the board doors opened.
Since our boarding was already quite spectacular, we were allowed to take turns in the third pilot’s seat in the cockpit of this machine and experience the flight to Quito. It was then that I became aware for the first time how fast it goes when two commercial aircraft speed towards each other at 700 kilometers per hour. I was able to experience that on the spectacular approach to landing in Quito, when a machine that took off from there flew very close and very quickly past our cockpit. Only saw it only a tiny point that was enlarges rapidly and quickly to a spat over. Even more glaring was the flight with the military aircraft over the Andes, during which I was quite dazed as a result of the acceleration. I wasn’t as fit as a military pilot after all.
Guyana 1997/2003 : From the jungle straight to the spacemission
Thanks to the cooperation with the «AOM», which linked the French departments d o utre Mer, ie French Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, the South Seas or New Caledonia with Paris, I was able to fly to Cuba almost once a year and was also short in Guadeloupe, three weeks in the South Seas and now on the flight to French Guyana in the backyard of the Grande Nation, where the pepper grows, the political prisoners were banished and the European Space Station (ESA) is located in Kourou . The most exotic of all EU members is at best by the movie „Papillon“ , known as the former penal colony. The image of French Guyana, however, is also shaped by vague ideas and illustrious legends.
Guyana’s reputation as a dangerous country, populated with armies of poisonous insects, terrible tarantulas, deadly snakes, meter-long aligators and piranhas is probably true, but beyond that, the country where Europe expires is evaporating and one of them disappears in the green jungle thicket most stable in the region.
„The most dangerous creature here is humans, followed by wasps, „says Philippe Gilabert, the founder of „CISAME“ (Center Initiation Survie et Aventure au Millieu Equatorial), an idyllic camp in the middle of the green hell after a pirogue trip upriver about 60 kilometers Banks of the Approuague near the Brazilian border. “ D eople “ , so says the former parachutist Legion Etrangere and terrorism expert Gilabert, „is the most harmful creature for the fragile Eco circle of primary forest. D ann came the wasps but only for the unwary people are a threat, added d he then 43-year-old Frenchman ironically. He and Manoel, a Karipuna Rainforest Indio, it must know the n they specialize on bringing all the jungle closer (as they would like) and the hardest one 10 days Survival Training offer. So practicing Z ivilisationsgeschädigte once in archery, traps, climbing, canoeing, fishing, Feu ermachen and build shelters before he make his own experiences t as it is , having to survive in the jungle.
In Kourou , not far from Guyana’s capital Cayenne , in the European aviation center, the “Center Spacial” of the (ESA), reveals itself to the curious travelers to develop new living spaces rich in contrasts. From here goes / went the journey into space until Elon Musk tinkered new bases and spaceships. The town itself has nothing, except the usual lesson in the class hierarchy of the country. In the old town live the socially weakest, the Creoles, Indians and white laborers, surrounded by out of place concrete buildings for the middle class and on the beach the magnificent villas of the Europeans, the scientists and employees of the space station.
From the space station I take a boat to Devil’s Island, known as the penal colony in the film Papillon. The three islands off the coast, Ille Royaale, St. Jospeh and Ille Diable, where political prisoners were detained for years in extreme conditions before being guillotined. Some, it is said here, would have preferred to be eaten by the sharks on their flight through the sea than to have to continue to suffer the earthly hardships here . Guyana’s highlights include the country’s wild west. In particular, the picturesque colonial city of St. Laurent-du-Moroni, on Grenzflus s to Surinam is worth a visit. The colorful mix of peoples of Indios, jet-black pirogue guides, busy Indochinese and Hmongs who came here via France on the run from the Pol Pot regime, but also Haitian fabric dealers, Dominicans and Creoles of all shades and a few whites was impressively diverse .
During this time I also spent a lot of time at the Rote Fabrik, which was also one of the few hot spots in Zurich for young people at the time. There I also met my third girlfriend, a woman and artist named Betty Weber, who was also seven years older than me. She was a Nubian, i.e. a black woman, and also a very creative artist. I had no fear of touching mature women of any skin color and also learned to „cook on old pans,“ as we casually called a relationship between a younger man and an older woman at that time.
On the last evening before our departure, we, a small group of journalists from Switzerland, went on a late night pilgrimage through the harbor district of the capital Ceyenne and we were already quite drunk after the damp happy rounds in some pubs. Obviously one had observed us, because at a rather dark crossing, suddenly from all sides a few figures stepped from the house cracks rapidly towards us. I could just still warn my companions with a loud call, then someone sprayed me from behind coming, tear gas in the eyes, whereupon I could see nothing more and inhaled of course the irritant gas also coughing. I whirled around like a dervish and began to swing my camera equipment around to keep the three attackers at a distance, which I could only see very dimly. Then I broke through on one side and ran up the street until I was out of breath and out of reach of the gang. My colleagues were also lucky and still managed to fight back. With this adventure behind us, we left the country the next day and flew back to Switzerland.
2004: Stationed in northeastern Brazil
2003, I was for three months as a resident manager for a Swiss travel company in Fortalezza stationed in northeastern Brazil and was there a damn good time. W enig guests, so no stress, a hotel room just off the Beira Mar, which is like in Rio at the Copacabana u nd a good vehicle with which I as far as Jericoacoara to the fantastic sand dunes or in the south to Moro Branco could drive.
The Brazilian attitude towards life has already attracted me a lot on previous trips. Before that, I was in Rio de Janeiro , at the carnival in Salvador de Bahia , on the holiday island of Buzio and learned a little Portuguese as a result . Since I spoke Spanish well, it was easier for me to get started and I like the Brazilian dialects better. Au ch music a lle r Latin American sounds enchanted me: From the Tango in Argentina over the Bossa Nova of Gilberto Gil in Brazil and the folk dance Forro, as in Fortalezza, from salsa and Son on Cuba Merengue on the Dominican Republic, all these musical styles and T a nzformen talk to me. The eroticism is uniquely seductive. And so do the women. „Mamma mia. Simply hot and sweet as sugar at the same time ”.
I never quite understood why so many Swiss men were drawn to Thailand. Maybe I underestimate the seductive art of Asian, but I have just lat e inamerikanische and African cultures significantly closer. And since Fortalezza is, so to speak, the Bangkok of Brazil and weekly dozens of fully occupied cheap charter flights flew in from Amsterdam and Rome and fueled prostitution, I too made fiery acquaintances and a few amours. After three months of next came insert command and the culture shock would not have been glaring. Because the next stationary assignment should be in Sinai. But before in the Sinai and then to Lebanon goes , I would anticipate that I after Ä Egypt equal returned to Brazil and here lived another four months and reports now equal about it.
Z ack in Fortalezza, I lived only two months in the favela „Serviluz“ near the „Praia do Futuro“ at a friend’s. I had a simple room in his brick house and I felt very comfortable there. I soon knew a lot of people and the neighbors in the favela knew me, so I had no problems moving around freely. It was a comfortable hangover time because I had done good foreign exchange deals with tourists in Sinai and in Brazil before that. That was always a bearable additional source of income for the job. In Poland I almost became a zloty millionaire.
Then a friend from Switzerland visited me and we rented a “Highlux”, an off-roader, to drive up along the Brazilian coast from Fortalezza in the state of Ceara via the federal states of Maranhao and Piaui to Manaus and to make the return journey inland. That is a good 6000 kilometers that I covered in 11 days. the The terrain rides were almost more comfortable than the ride on the asphalt, which was completely covered with holes that were up to half a meter deep. D He asphalt looked , like after a nationwide Bombenbangriff. There, I drove almost permanently de m gravel strip on the right of the road to. You get ahead faster and stir up a lot of dust , which can be seen from afar.
The trip passed through Jericoacoara, a fantastic landscape of dunes, which in the next state of Maranhao was surpassed in beauty by the lakes in the sand dunes. A fascinating area. Deserts like me better , as jungles. You get on better. In the 4×4 at least. But here, I would be without the help of e inheimischen arg stranded fishermen. Numerous rivers had to be crossed on the trip and most of the time it went very well. But then we came to a river that was only very broad and shallow on our side, it was a small S andinselchen before the point where the river flowed through a narrow, traveling mouth like a funnel.
You could see it from 40 meters away. That was probably the most dangerous st e Stelle. If I couldn’t cross the last eight to ten meters to the tiny river island at full throttle, it would look bad. And that’s exactly how it was. So I drove with a lot of thrust through the 30-meter- wide, shallow spot towards the island, but there it came to a standstill and as a result I reached the raging flow with little momentum, with the bonnet at a 45 degree angle stuck three-quarters in the water. We managed to get out of the river only thanks to a boat in the lazy river that lifted the car a little and a car that pulled us back over the shallow river with a wire rope. We were lucky that there were fishermen nearby and that a vehicle came after three or four hours.
Another time, I was walking alone in the brooding midday heat and got stuck in the deep sand. It took four hours and endless Ruckelstösse for a few centimeters, until I return to could drive. The sand was burning hot and I s chaufelte for hours like a madman . I didn’t think I would be able to do it after being completely exhausted after two hours and having to take a break. After a few days we drove to the next state to Piaui and from there to Manaus .
2009: Amazon cruise from Iquitos (Peru) to Havana
In 2006 I had the unique opportunity to take part in an exclusive cruise on the „MS Bremen“, which went from the Peruvian city of Iquitos on the upper reaches of the Amazon to Manaus with scientists, nature and environmental experts on board. Thanks to the rafts , one could go so pure from the ship into the tangled side arms and learned a lot about the forest and the Indians, who in these remote Ö lived co-refuges. In the evening there was always talks and statistical facts about the loss of biodiversity, from the dwindling d s flora and fauna and associated with global warming at this location effects that affect the global climate.
On board were Dr. John H. Harwood , Amanzonian Neotropic and Biomass Expert (INPA), then Prof. Dr. Lothar Staeck from the Technical University in Berlin, an expert in biology and biodiversity, as well as Dr. Harmut Roder, historian and museum scientist and lecturer at the University of Bremen, Dr. Thomas Henningsen, expert in marine biology and river dolphins and campaign manager for forests and seas at Greenpeace Germany and Dr. Claudia Roedel, E x Pertin for biology and tropical east ecology. So a truly took exemplary team of experts, d as in such a diversified and high-profile cast is hard to find.
The plan was in Iquitos on board „to go MS Bremen“ going from Cachamarca in the highlands of Peru to the Inca thermal baths of via a stopover in Lima forth coming. But as a result of an appointment error, the „MS Bremen“ had left hours ago without me . Now I stood there and tried to charter a boat for three days to follow the luxury steamer. When I was finally able to travel to Manaus on a small speed boat , it finally took a week to catch up with the «MS- Bremen». On the wild boat sreise was me a backpack stolen and crossing the border from Peru to Brazil was still adventurous it . We arrived at the border in the dark of night. There was no hut to sleep there. On the other hand in Brazil, yes. Two fellow travelers and I found an old man who drove us over and kindly picked us up the next morning in Brazil and paddled back with us to Peru , as we had to cross the border properly in order not to arrive illegally in Brazil.
After the border crossing operation was successful and soon afterwards, after a 1000 kilometers of adventurous boat trip and six days later, I was burnt down and at the end of my tether on board the „MS Bremen“, I first relaxed on the luxury steamer and received delicious meals. Not only with valuable information and great lectures, but also with fantastic buffets and high-quality entertainment.
Dergestalt the journey on the luxury liner continued to French Guyana as a stopping off Cuba and the largest n track over open sea before us. The Ue berfahrt was quite calm. No wave to be seen. The sea as smooth as a mirror and the horizon endless. Nice in the morning at sunrise and even better in the evening at sunset. Otherwise boring if you didn’t give in to the social appearances. The coke helped perfectly over boredom and reached as far as Cuba. There I separated from the Munich couple and went my own way again. For the first time I arrived in Havana on a large cruise ship and that is a completely different , sublime sight and a different form of arrival . Much better than the castle across from the bay.
6. Chapter/Orient: In Sinai, Lebanon and the Iranian Embassy
Egypt 2004:Witness oft wo terror attacks and living with the Beduines
Arriving in Sinai in 2005, more precisely in Sharm el Sheikh, the situation as resident manager for a Swiss tour operator was again quite different from that in Brazil. Here I had to take care of about 700 guests per week, arriving with various flights on almost every day, and in addition I had to manage dozens of excursions every day, and all this under difficult conditions. This was a real challenge and about as intense as in London in 1987. First, the local tour operator was lousy and incompetent, whereupon I suspended the cooperation after two warnings with the agent on site and reorganized. I had already done this in Brazil and in both cases I made the right decision, which I then took advantage of. On the other hand, of course, I had a lot of problems with the discontinued cooperation partners and the renewed excitement in the Swiss travel center. But since I had proven my talent with restructuring in Brazil and the agent I had used had proven himself, they trusted me and were never disappointed. Operationally, I was an ace and also a master of improvisation. I also had a crisis-tested background, plenty of experience and good intuition. Most importantly. The many trips through conflict regions and to the world’s most inhospitable places in more than 50 countries, sharpened my keen intuition and eagle eyes, honed sensitivity and intuition to the point of occasional telepathy. Thanks to my analytical and tactical-strategic skills paired with quick-wittedness, rhetorical dominance, expertise, a good portion of cheekiness from the 80s and in full confidence in my guardian angel, I have always dared the extraordinary, so according to the motto. „What is a life worth giving up before it has begun for fear of death!“
The first two months as resident manager in Sinai I lived in the „Radisson „Hotel“ with all tourist amenities, good infrastructure and nice ambience. Then I was shipped to a spartan concrete block for the local tour guides in a dreary environment, whereupon I got a special permit from the Governor General for the restricted military areas in Sinai (due to the UN peacekeeping mission after the Six-Day War), so that I was allowed to drive into the restricted areas in the desert outside of Sharm-el-Sheikh at night. Because right behind the last hotel is the checkpoint, which closes in the evening at 18.00 o’clock. What was I doing there at night? Well as always access to the local color and locals outside the tourist hotspots. In this case, access to Bedouin life in the Sinai. And with outside temperatures during the day topping 50 degrees Celsius, life in the desert happens at night. Since I had already made the acquaintance of Faroud, who lived alone at the shipwreck „Maria Schroeder“ in the Nabq National Park, I could now meet him after work in the seclusion of the desert, escaping the tourist hustle and bustle, and spend a few spiritual and poetic hours under the sparkling firmament with my Bedouin friend.
The drive to him was not so easy, because the 35 km through the desert and sand dunes had it in itself. I covered the distance with the official vehicle, thus a conventional passenger car. In pitch-dark surroundings it meant then with much speed over the dunes to drive, without getting into the faltering, because without 4-wheel drive was here normally nothing to make. But I found an ideal route and bret-terte twice a week at night into the desert purely, in order to parlieren with the young Beduin, to philosophize and the sparkling stars without light pollution to enjoy. There I also saw the entry of the last space shuttle into the earth’s atmosphere in an unforgettable glowing spectacle in the firmament. During about one and a half minutes the luminous earth satellite comet and point of light with its huge fire tail, which must have been several hundred kilometers long, buzzed in the starry sky over the whole globe and disappeared at the horizon at its destination. That was an illuminating desert spectacle. Especially since I was not aware or known at that moment that a spaceship would enter the earth’s atmosphere and so I first rubbed my eyes with the Bedouin, what an extraordinary meteorite that was, which went over the whole firmament and 180 degrees horizon.
In Sinai I got to know opium that the Bedouins eat to get through the desert. This really helps enormously when you cross the Sinai or other deserts on a camel. I tried it out with the Bedouins living near the shipwreck „Maria Schröder“ on my camel trip from Sharm-el-Sheikh via Dahab to the St. Qatarine monastery at the foot of Mount Moses. At over 45 degrees in the shade, the rocking journey took four days on the dromedary through the rugged valleys of the Sinai Mountains. It was tough, but thanks to opium rations I rode through the desert like a dervish. It must have had a similar „powerfull“ effect as the „Pervertin“ that allowed the Nazis to march through France and was also used on the battlefield on the war front in the East. Or the speed pills given to Japanese kamikaze pilots for their „heroic“ death flights.
At the time I was in the Sinai, there were two of three terrorist attacks. The first was in Taba, the second in Sharm-el-Sheikh, the third in Dahab and fortunately nothing happened to any of our guests. But the fear was great and the security measures in front of each hotel were rigorous. Each car was carefully mirrored and frisked before entering the hotel driveway. On the evening of April 24, 2006, a terrorist attack was carried out in Dahab in which three fragmentation bombs were detonated. The first detonated at a busy intersection in front of the „Ghazala“ supermarket across from the police station. Two others exploded a short time later on the seafront. Around 30 people, almost all Egyptians, lost their lives in the attack. Many more people were seriously injured. In July 2005, the next and worst terrorist attack took place in Sharm El-Sheikh. Several explosive devices killed 88 people and injured over 100. At that time, there was high alert in Sinai in the military controls increased. The „MFO“ troops were on high alert. Whenever Mubarak landed in Sharm el Sheikh and drove a few miles to the port in a convoy, every 50 meters an armed, white-clad guard stood for hours to the right and left of the roadway in the dust-dry desert in the blazing sun. So here, too, I could not complain about a lack of action on the fringes of world politics and in my tour-guide activities.
All the crazier was a trip with two vehicles and seven Swiss tourists, who absolutely wanted to make a trip to Cairo with me in the car. Through the whole Sinai, from the southern tip of Sharm-el-Sheikh in one day to Cairo including the return trip with a total of over 1000 km and a good 30 military roadblocks along the way. My local co-driver and I managed the feat and needed 27 hours for the 1000 km oxen tour. Three hours longer than planned, because I overlooked the last but one military roadblock in my tiredness after more than 24 hours at the wheel and roared through the barriers built in a serpentine line at about 70 kilometers per hour – nota bene without touching a single one. The accompanying driver behind me accomplished the daredevil maneuver just as well and with tires squealing as well as smoking we drove past the baffled soldiers, immediately stepped on the gas pedal again to quickly get out of the line of fire, extinguished for safety the lights and turned after approximately 10 KM of the road into the desert and broke us a way by the mountains and the sand dunes up to Sharm el Sheikh, because otherwise at the next roadblock communicated over radio end stop would have been. Also here my guardian angels, of which I have a whole specialist troop, had done a great job. Apart from that, I miss nothing except the great moments with the Bedouins and the camel trip. The culture of the Egyptians has remained strange to me.
Again, probably primarily a language problem. If I could speak Arabic, it would look quite different. Even the legendary „Pasha Club“, which attracted thousands of ravers every week, was lost on me. Through the assignment in the Sinai, I was of course also increasingly introduced and initiated into the geostrategic situation and conflicts, even if the Middle East was not my preferred travel region.
Lebanon 2006: In the Palestinian Camp „Shatila
It was once again an old „airline connection“ that brought me to Lebanon, because I always wanted to go there. In my youth Lebanon was the „Switzerland of the Middle East“, a cultural stronghold in the Orient, a melting pot of jet set, dropouts and creative music freaks. Moreover, from the Beeka Plain came, in my eyes, the world’s best shit, that is, hashish made from hand-harvested hemp flowers, of the finest taste and feel, and provided with particularly intense and fragrant flavors. Tempi passati, when I finally arrived in Lebanon. By then the country was already scarred by war with Israel and economically devastated, as well as socially deeply divided between ethnic groups such as the Shiites, Sunites, Druze and Maronites, as well as other ethnic groups. Beirut was a hot ground and a tricky mission, even for a crisis-tested reporter. The biggest problem was that I didn’t speak or understand a word of Arabic. I have visited many conflict regions and experienced the critical hot phases myself, but I did not dare to venture into the Hezbollah quarters without appropriate contacts and connections or a locally familiar person in the background. But in order to establish contacts, the time until my departure within a few days was too short. In addition, one of the most important protective factors in my work is not only to speak the language of the population, but if possible not to be recognized as a foreigner or stranger at all. I could not use these aces here. During my short stay I was stopped and briefly interrogated by the Lebanese army three times in one day alone and in the Hezbollah quarters it became even more uncomfortable. Almost on every third corner you were stopped as a foreigner and asked who you were and what you wanted here. Hezbollah is Iran’s most important ally in Lebanon, not only from a military but also from a political point of view, because Hezbollah, together with its allies, is the most important political force in the imploded country on the Levant. But Lebanon serves Iran as a military front against Israel and that outside its own territory. Therefore, the Assad regime in Syria is also an ally and Iran’s only strategic partner.
Due to the precarious security situation and without local contacts or adequate protection, I withdrew from this neighborhood and arrived instead at the Palestinian refugee camp of Shatila. There, a Palestinian refugee showed me the three massacre sites. The Sabra and Shatila massacre is the name given to a cleansing action by Phalangist militias, i.e. Christian Maroni soldiers, directed against Palestinian refugees living in the south of Beirut. In September 1982 – in the middle of the Lebanese civil war – the two mentioned refugee camps, which were surrounded by Israeli soldiers at that time, were stormed and hundreds of civilians were massacred by the Christian, i.e. Phalangist militias. Since the fighting was a conflict between Christian militias and Palestinian fighters, the international outrage was ignited by Israeli co-responsibility. This is because after the Israeli military withdrew to a security zone off the Israeli border, Syria took military control of the area around the refugee camp. And they allowed hundreds of Palestinians to be massacred. Since Syria was also interested in weakening the „PLO“ fighters and Palestinian nationalists who remained in Lebanon, the situation of the people in the refugee camp became even worse. In the course of the camp wars, the Shiite Amal militia perpetrated a massacre of civilians in the same Palestinian refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila in May 1985, which was condoned by Lebanese and Syrian army units. The Lebanese civil war continued until 1990, and the massacre was subsequently deemed a genocide by the United Nations General Assembly on December 16, 1982. So much for this tragic story of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
After exploring Beirut a bit, I made a side trip to Byblos, which is one of the oldest cities in the world and has been inhabited for over 7000 years. The port has been used since the Stone Age. The town was also made famous by the legend of Adonis, who died a day’s journey away at the source of the Adonis River. The rise of Byblos came with the need of the Egyptian Pharaohs for Lebanese cedar wood for their ships. Then came the Greeks, who gave the place its present name, when papyrus played the greatest role in the rise of the Phoenicians, because it was here that the first alphabet was created, and Byblos therefore became the birthplace of writing and the Bible. After the Asyrians and Babylonians, the Persians conquered the area until Alexander the Great imposed the Greek influence. Finally, the Romans also arrived in Byblos. A city that historically has always played a great role and has experienced different influences and currents.
Considering that in the 1970s and early 1980s Lebanon was a very liberal country with a pronounced French savoir vivre, and Beirut, as well as Tehran in Iran and Kabul in Afghanistan, were strongholds of pleasure and attracted the international jet set as well as dropouts on their way to India, Beirut now only radiated a pathetically run-down „disaster chick“. The traces of wars and bombings are unmistakable and very depressing. When, in 2020, the entire port blew up and pulverized the surrounding neighborhood, the state, which had been bled dry by a number of clans, had reached the end of its rope. In addition, Lebanon is also carrying another burden, that of the more than one and a half million Syrian refugees. A hopeless situation for the cedar country. With the rented car I drove from the temple ruins of the Unesco World Heritage Byblyos to Tripoli and then up into the high mountains to Bsharreh to the Maronite rock monasteries. Unfortunately, there was not enough time for the Bekka plain. Today Lebanon is an imploded, highly corrupt, stale state and the religious groups are more divided than ever. But let us remember that Europe was also shaken by religious conflicts for over 150 years until a secular society emerged.
The Persian Poppy Shah and His Diplomatic Drug Princes
Humanitarian reasons did not count in the Persian empire of the Shah of Persia. As one of the most merciless persecutors of drug traffickers, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi had had well over 100 people shot for illegal possession of drugs since 1969 on the basis of his anti-drug law. Anyone caught in Persia with more than ten grams of heroin or two kilograms of opium was sentenced to death. All the greater was the unease and political dilemma in Switzerland over the course of the Geneva affair, when a member of the Shah’s team, who broke off his winter vacation in St. Moritz because judges and individual members of the authorities in Geneva had demanded that the immunity of the opium prince, who was not accredited in Switzerland, be lifted in order to initiate criminal drug proceedings.
After all, Persia was Switzerland’s third most important trading partner in Asia at the time and, moreover, one of its largest arms buyers. In 1969/70, Swiss war material producers sold weapons systems in Iran for over 90 million Swiss francs. For the sake of the prominent St. Moritz winter sportsman Resa, the most prominent anti-Shah agitator, Bahman Nirumand, was also not allowed to speak publicly in Switzerland at that time. In the same year that the Shah enacted the world’s toughest drug prohibition laws, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi lifted a 1955 ban on opium poppy planting and ascended to the throne of poppy farmers: 12,000 hectares of poppy crops belonged to him and his family. According to the WHO in Geneva, the heroin and opium extracted from the imperial poppy could only be used medicinally to a very small extent. Thus Persia, along with Afghanistan and Turkey, was the hubs for the illicit trade.
UN drug investigators noted another Persian anomaly at the time: while all countries had destroyed the drugs they seized, of the 18.4 tons of drugs seized, only 329 kilos were destroyed in Iran, with 152 kilos going to the legal trade. of the remaining 17 tons, the Shah had them distributed around the world via his diplomatic couriers. Suspicions that Persian diplomats were smuggling heroin and opiates for their emperor’s foreign exchange coffers had not just arisen since the Huschang affair in Geneva, who had already been charged and imprisoned twelve years earlier in Paris for possession and use of drugs.In 1961, when poppy planting was banned in Iran, the Shah’s twin sisters, Princess Ashraf, were also reportedly caught at Geneva’s Coin-trin airport with a suitcase full to the brim of heroin. Only their diplomatic immunity, according to the „National-Zeitung“, had protected them from prosecution. What does the situation look like today?
Iran’s drug problems have increased and are causing a stir at home as well as internationally. In June 2017, Iran’s Central Narcotics Control Board announced that, according to one study, 2.8 million to 3 million Iranians between the ages of 15 and 65 were addicted to drugs. Observers estimate their number is even higher. Drug abuse has thus doubled in six years. In 2016, a member of parliament’s social affairs committee revealed that some addicts are as young as 11. Particularly troubling is the trend and latent drug abuse among women. Sometimes drug-addicted mothers give birth to addicted babies. A vicious spiral. The escalation resembles a national epidemic and affects people from different backgrounds. The middle class may use illicit substances as recreational drugs. Hopelessness, however, seems to play a significant role in the growing abuse. Desperation as a result of sanctions and the Corona crisis is widespread in Iran and is growing with the lack of economic prospects and political alternatives. Economic hardship-the result of decades of mismanagement and corruption-and international sanctions have left a strong psychological impact on society. Iran’s geographic proximity to Afghanistan, the center of opium production, also contributes. Ninety percent of the world’s opium poppy crop comes from the neighboring country, which shares a 1,000-kilometer border with Iran. According to Parviz Afshar, spokesman for the Central Narcotics Control Board, opium is the most commonly used narcotic in Iran, accounting for about two-thirds of the total amount of drug use. Marijuana and its derivatives are now in second place at about 12 percent. They have replaced methamphetamines. Cannabis products are thought to be used mainly by younger people, who also talk about them more freely than other drug users. Open sharing on social networks and the legalization of cannabis in parts of the Western world have contributed to its popularity, believes Abbas Deylamizadeh, head of the non-governmental Rebirth Charity Society. Since the 1979 revolution, the Iranian government has tried to crack down on drug cultivation and use, as well as alcohol consumption. Again, without success and with serious consequences
According to the Islamic law in force in Iran, all of this is forbidden. The laws are strict and have been vigorously enforced. Dubious policy of severity: Until last year, the policy showed no tolerance for drug offenders. Possession of even the smallest amounts of hard drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, was punishable by death. Over the past decades, thousands of drug offenders were arrested and executed. But the rigid policy was not successful. The drug crisis has worsened. But President Hassan Rohani’s government persuaded parliament and the Guardian Council to amend drug laws last year. The reform eliminates the death penalty for certain drug offenses. It is estimated that this has already saved the lives of close to 4,000 inmates on death row. What was not abolished was the death penalty for possession of or trafficking in at least two kilograms of hard drugs or 50 kilograms of opium or cannabis. It also continues to apply to repeat offenders.
The Murderous God State and General Qassam Soleimani’s Execution
What „the hell“ made the Iranian ambassador in Switzerland Alireza Salari to invite me to the diplomatic celebration on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the Iranian revolution against Shah Reza Pahlevi in the embassy in Bern, I do not know. I was thinking of a short media appointment and a few words „on the state of the nation“. But things turned out differently. I was the only media representative and photographer among a hand-picked selection of non-state guests. All the other 150 or so invited guests were diplomats or spies or both. Things got even more interesting when Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Sarif also appeared at the Iranian Embassy in Bern and was greeted by Alireza Salari. Switzerland and the Iranian Embassy in Bern as well as the accredited representatives to the United Nations play an important role in world politics in the diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States. As in the case of Cuba, Switzerland serves as a neutral country and mediator of diplomatic interests between these countries.
The nuclear negotiations with Iran also took place in Montreux. In this sense, Switzerland and the „UN“ in Geneva are the hub for U.S. diplomatic relations with Iran and Cuba. However, we do not want to talk about that here, but first introduce a string-puller of Iranian foreign policy and look at his abilities as well as his great influence on world affairs, which by far exceeded that of American presidents. General Qassam Soleimani, the „Che Guevara“ of the Iranian revolution also ended up something like his famous Cuban predecessor, who had the same idea and exported the Cuban revolution not only to all Latin American countries, but he went so far as to logically support communist or Marxist countries in Africa. Gaddafi, after all, went about financing liberation and terrorist organizations (depending on your view and use of language) in much the same way .
General Qassam Soleimani, Tehran’s longtime gray eminence, was appointed by Khomenei to head the „Khuz“ brigades in 1998 and coordinated attacks on the Israeli occupiers from Lebanon until they withdrew two years later. In retrospect, Israel’s invasion of Lebanon is one of its gravest mistakes because it fueled Iran to build up Hezbollah in Lebanon and attack Sunnis in Iraq with Shiite militias, as then-Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian acknowledged. General Qassam Soleimani was the creator of the „Axis of Resistance to Imperialism“ and the longtime chief strategist in Iranian foreign policy aimed at engaging imperialists abroad and uniting the Shiite community throughout the Middle East and defending the faith community against Sunni claims to power. In particular, the eight-year Iraq war, which cost the lives of over a million Iranians, and the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, shaped Soleimani, who grew up under the „Revolutionary Guards“ and „Khuz“ brigades, a special unit.
Iran has benefited from the collapse of Iraq and the aftermath of the Arab Spring, massively expanding its influence in the region. Tehran is driven by three main interests: the three components of Iranian foreign policy are ideological, geopolitical and security strategies. Ideologically, Iran sees itself on the one hand as a protective power of oppressed Muslims in the context of a revolutionary resistance force against Israel and the United States. Geopolitically, Iran aims to stand up to Saudi Arabia and expand its influence in the region. The rivalry is being played out in Syria or Yemen. Since Iran is militarily inferior to its most powerful neighbors in terms of strength, it is shifting its defensive disposition to neighboring countries.
A powerful network of non-state actors is essential in this context. Tehran’s regional policy decisions are made by the Supreme National Security Council, which includes the president, representatives of the revolutionary leader, the commanders of the armed forces and, in operational terms, the Quds (Jerusalem) Brigades. It also includes the Pasdaran, the paramilitary revolutionary guards. The supranational network includes cooperation and support for Hamas in the Palestinian territories and the Gaza Strip. In Lebanon, as mentioned, Hezbollah plays a crucial role, and there are good state-level contacts with the Assad regime. This is Iran’s asymmetric warfare in the Middle East, which has been successful so far.
When Osama Bin Laden reduced the Twin Towers to rubble, the Yanks suddenly wanted to know more from the Iranians about the Taliban and the situation in Afghanistan. Iran also saw Osama Bin Laden as an enemy, so Solemani, as head of the Khuz Brigades in Geneva, provided the CIA with key intelligence. But the Iranian-American alliance did not last long, already the stupid Bush fired up the Iranians again to enemies of the state and kreeirte the „axis of evil“. Iran, feeling threatened by the U.S. intervention in Iraq and by being surrounded by aggressive, imperialist U.S. troops, intervened at the United Nations and they warned the Americans of the consequences of intervention in Iraq in Geneva. But the Americans then „within a few months destroyed the entire structure in Iraq, weakened the state and disbanded the armed forces,“ according to Hossam Dawod, an advisor to the Iraqi dictator. „The foundations of Iraqi society were totally destroyed in the process.“
Soleimani also took advantage of the power vacuum created by the Yanks. „He played a central role in the post-war development in Iraq“ and influenced history there as well, in which he sent the Iraqi Shiite militias trained in Iran back home, equipped them with weapons and also supported them financially, several insiders confirm. As a result, the pro-Iranian Hezbollah attacked U.S. forces so mercilessly that the Americans had to withdraw, once again leaving behind a gigantic mess that will occupy the Western and Middle Eastern world for decades to come. For Iran’s shitic aggression in Iraq gave rise to the Sunni variant of extremism, the IS, which as we know has also caused much misery, to put it mildly and to cut the known events short.
And domestically, after the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, some 4,000 Iranians were then executed in a purge wave, revealing the murderous God-state’s ruthlessness toward politically rebellious individuals. Also during later protests, for example during the uprisings as a result of the increased gasoline prices, sharp shots were fired and many demonstrators were killed with targeted shots to the head, many more were sentenced to long prison terms after imprisonment or were executed and buried in mass graves without the relatives being given the corpses or being allowed to mourn. A barbaric system.
The situation is complicated. Bashar Assad is, after all, a Christian and therefore the Western states forgive him the so far untouched claim to power in Syria despite once tepid protests against his dictatorial regime at the beginning of the revolution in the shadow of the Arab Spring that he was able to defend until today. Because the Sunnis, and in particular the strengthened IS, were now also becoming a threat to Bashar Assad in Syria, Solemani and Assad joined forces in the fight against the Sunnis. Solemani flew in a plane loaded with humanitarian goods to Amman to Assad and coordinated with him the attacks against the IS. So from that point of view, ironically, Europe and the West should be a little bit grateful to Solemani. Now to another brilliant strategy play by Solemani that led to the control of Iraq from Tehran and cost the Americans billions for the arch enemy. Of the reconstruction aid between 2005 – 2015 amounting to some 800 billion. U.S. dollars to Iraq, about $312 billion was diverted by the Iranians via Hezbollah and other pro-Iranian organizations and taken out of the country, according to a Finance Committee report by former Iraqi minister Ahmed Al Hadj.
„Iraq became Iran’s cash cow,“ Hosham Dawod also affirms. But in 2019, Solemani was disavowed by an intelligence leak to Iran’s MOIS. Then the 2014 war crimes in „Jurf al Sakhar“ came to light. The Shiite Hezbollah committed atrocious crimes, resulting in over 150,000 displaced among the Sunni population. Qassem Solemani is dead. And that is a good thing. But this changes little in the foreign policy of Iran and one also wonders how many Americans should have been killed or eliminated before in order to avoid all the mischief that the USA finally caused in its own interests with catastrophic consequences for the whole world. But one must ask oneself, with all the blame on the USA, what the Muslim society and diaspora worldwide is doing to finally pacify the continuously smoldering religious conflict between Sunnis and Shiites and to end the Gordian knot of many conflicts and terrorist acts? Almost nothing is happening. And that is the biggest problem. But let’s remember for a moment how long the conflict between Christians and Catholics lasted and how many lives were claimed by religious wars in Europe. Let us be aware that in our mostly passive role as unbelieving spectators at the grotesque world events and the most evil practices of power, we often corrupt even in small ways and turn a blind eye to many grievances and conveniently fade out further interventions.
In any case, one thing becomes apparent again and again. The interventions of the Americans, be it in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan or Syria are and ended with a huge disaster that made all regions ultimately more unstable and created numerous aggressors. And also the conditions on Guantanamo and the torture methods practiced there throw an inglorious light on the military interventions of the USA. No bitch licks that, as we say so casually. Also, the armament of all terrogroups existing today have mostly happened on military armament by the United States. A fatal cycle that seems to repeat itself again and again.
Comoros: The Perfume Islands emerge from obscurity
Now we take a short detour into the Indian Ocean to an unknown group of islands that were once colonized by France. We are talking about the Comoros. For a long time, the rival sultanates at the crossroads of the Arab and African worlds kept themselves hidden. Apart from the perfume manufacturers who stocked up and enriched themselves here with the coveted ylang-ylang fragrances, few people know the Grande Comores, with its four islands, Grande Comores, Anjouan, Moheli and Grand Mayotte. The locals call the four volcanic islands between Madagascar and Mocambique Ngazidja, Ndzuani, Mwali and Mayotte. They are politically and geographically divided and culturally a panopticon where Malay, Polynesian, African and French influences merge. Before the colonial era, as many as 12 sultanates vainly struggled for supremacy.
The French succeeded in 1845 in placing the Comoros, weakened by the quarreling regents, under their protective rule and declared it an overseas territory of the Grande Nation in 1912. In a 1977 referendum, Mayotte’s population alone voted to remain with France. The other islands opted for independence and for the long-awaited, hard-fought independence and finally united to form the Islamic Confederation of the Comoros. But the split Mayotte clouded the unity of the new island state, which, by the way, the independence economically seen, enormously penalized and totally impoverished. In tourist attractiveness the islands would not lack by far. Grande Comores is the largest island with 1025 square kilometers. Behind Ngazidja’s capital Moroni, whose magnificent building, the gleaming white Friday Mosque, stands out from the sea of houses from afar, rises the mighty volcano Karthala. It erupted for the last time in 1977, leaving behind broad lava trails that gave the youngest volcanic island in Comoros a bizarre appearance.
Crossing Grande Comores from west to east over the steep Dibwani Pass, many other small volcanic cones rise up on the northern flank of the road. The Comoros probably owe their Arabic name of „moon islands“ to this fantastic lunar landscape. Also the coast is mostly made of rugged, pitch-black lava rock. The most beautiful seaside resort of the main island offers three pearl-white beaches, surrounded by the offshore, dazzling coral reef. The Galawa Hotel is nestled here. At low tide, colorfully dressed women in headscarves arrive in droves. In the shallow, crystal-clear water, they fish with nets and harpoons made of rebar, hunting for squid or even larger fish that get caught in their nets, which are stretched out in a circle and then tightened. Anjouan, the pearl of the Comoros, is the island of untouched valleys, idyllic tropical rivers and rugged, densely guarded crater landscapes and volcanic cones. At the foot of the rainforests lie the wonderfully fragrant vanilla, spice and ylang ylang plantations, from which the French perfume manufacturers enriched themselves for decades. The neighboring island of Moheli has an African orientation and is a refuge for giant water turtles, which I was completely surprised to see burying their eggs by the hundreds on the beach at night, brightly lit by the full moon.
Otherwise the island is rather a refuge for Robinson Cruso followers. On the market of Mitsamiouli one recognizes the few Musungus (white tourists) at first sight. I saw in any case except my three journalist colleagues not a single white on the island. Here, it was not women veiled with black hijabs that dominated the picture, but the ladies dressed in colorful ngazidjas and Lesotho shawls wrapped around their bodies, whereas the women on Anjouan mostly wore a red and white chiromani. Many of the faces were covered with a thick layer of sandalwood as sun and mosquito protection. The beauty mask, which crumbled as the day wore on, served to keep the delicate skin of the women well cared for. I was really shocked when I saw condoms lying around in the hotel room of the puritanical Islamic states of God. That instead of the Koran condoms would lie on the night table, I would have expected here last. And that here condoms obviously belonged to the standard hotel room equipment, I would never have expected. One (n) learns to it. Later I found out that in addition to the normal rate there was also a Schäferstündchen rate. But from the pragmatized and contemporary so-called immoralities now to the traditional matriarchal customs of the country.
At the Grande Mariage, the most pompous celebration and most important event in the life of a Komor man and woman, traditionally all the guns are brought out. It happens that the parents build their bride a house, while the groom showers the bride with real gold or jewels. The wedding, which is often celebrated over a period of days with hundreds of guests, is not only a major festive event but is also always associated with social advancement. At least that is the expectation of most islanders. Through this act, a family also achieves a change of class into the upper class, is accepted into the circle of the grands notables and is henceforth also more influential in the political-religious context. However, the grande mariage not infrequently also means the financial ruin of a family. Even then, young people rightly complained that the money would be better invested in education and the further development of the country instead of being squandered so senselessly. The illiteracy rate at that time was almost 50 percent and the Republic of the Comoros was one of the 15 poorest nations in the world.
7th Chapter: Climate change: How do we meet the epochal challenge?
Species extinctions & pandemics: Will we survive?
In this chapter, I would like to go into detail about the scientific findings on the SOS state of Mother Earth as a result of home-made climate change and the consequences for the world’s population, as I have been dealing with this for a good 30 years and have seen the dramatic effects worldwide. Above all, however, the indigenous peoples around the globe have always impressed me with their understanding of nature. They are also among the first to suffer and be displaced, but also the younger and next generations will be stunned to realize that we have burned almost as much gas, coal and oil in the rush to consume after the oil crisis in 1975 and especially since the beginning of the 1990s as in a million years of earth’s history before. And this, although the sun has always sent 10,000 times more energy to the earth’s surface than man needs and mankind, despite scientific knowledge, is not able to follow politically and certainly not to act adequately. I will also talk about all the polluters, the oil, coal and gas industry, which, despite knowing better, have been trying to legitimize their disastrous raison d’être at the expense of society, nature and the geosphere for 50 years with disinformation campaigns worth billions – unfortunately with success until today. Finally, I show practicable approaches to solutions and hope that the climate journey inspires you to do even more than before and to influence other people, companies positively and actively and to take politics to task. Ultimately, it is up to the consumer to live ecologically. But to do so, we all have to turn our lives around. Let’s go. We can do it
We have passed the zenith and, despite technical progress, we have to spell back and return to the elementary and fundamental roots of our civilization and evolutionary history. The earth suffers from three diseases: Extinction of species, climate change and pandemics! This is as if the patient had a liver cirrhosis, a heart weakness and a kidney insufficiency at the same time. Consequently, there will be more wars, diseases, conflicts, famine and natural disasters if we do not get the exploitation of resources and the population growth under control. Food shortages, distribution struggles and migration flows can already be seen worldwide as a result of climate change and they will increase dramatically, if we do not radically change much in our consumption patterns immediately, it is very likely that the end of humanity will be near in a hundred years and our population will largely collapse. This will not be the end of evolution, but certainly the end of an era as we humans need, know and love it to live! It is not excluded that with the big species extinction also our species will be wiped out to a large extent and the human being will become the planetary history.
First we wiped out the Pleistocene fauna in North America and in South America, then in Australia the large giant marsupials and birds, and when man populated Polynesia, the large megafauna elements disappeared all the way to New Zealand. When these are missing, it also affects the entire fauna and flora. For example, in the last 10,000 years we have destroyed about half of the earth’s natural forest cover and altered the biosphere to the point that entire animal populations have been wiped out. Whereby the Red Lists record and cover only a fraction of what humans have wiped out in terms of fauna and flora. That is, the 800 species that have been shown to have become extinct in the past 500 years do not represent the number of animals and species that have actually disappeared or are currently disappearing. We are losing many species in the last remaining primary forests long before we even discovered and scientifically described them. Today we know that in just 40 years we have wiped out 78 percent, or more than two-thirds, of the flying insects, and the mass extinction continues, because in the near future we will lose about one million animal species, according to forecasts. First we have changed the vegetation and the animal world with agriculture and resource extraction, then we have poisoned the geosphere, first with CFCs, now with greenhouse gases. Mineral resources are mercilessly exploited, sometimes under inhumane conditions, the environment is poisoned, the local population is displaced, but the profit benefits only a few. This should not only give us food for thought, but also prompt us to act, because the garbage dump of mankind is now visible not only in the most distant regions, but also on and under the surface of the oceans. And as is well known, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Micro-plastics, nanoparticles as well as pesticide toxins have long since reached the groundwater and the food chain, causing further damage to health and great suffering. Fortunately, we cannot see all the junk in space from the eye. What do we have to do to stop the destruction of our planet? Well we would have to take a whole series of drastic measures, although a disastrous, global climate tsunami is rolling towards mankind, notabene in the soon 50 year old knowledge of the harmful CO2 emissions for our planet, we continue to happily exploit fossil energies, subsidize the cattle (-feed), meat and dairy industry and consume more and more, with which the resources continue to be mercilessly exploited and fauna and flora as well as the habitat of millions of people are destroyed.
The „NASA“ scientist James Hendson warned already in the 70’s in few, precisely formulated sentences before the dramatic effects of the greenhouse gas output caused by humans on climate and atmosphere. The oil and coal industries also had warnings from their own experts and commissioned scientists. But instead of taking them seriously, the leading oil companies „Exxon“, „Standard Oil“, „BP“, „Schell“, „Total“ decided to ignore them completely and to start an unprecedented disruptive disinformation campaign that continues to this day. For this purpose, armies of lobbyists, pseudo-scientists, journalists, parliamentarians were summoned and bribed to play down and deny climate change and to sow all kinds of doubts about the scientific findings. The oil industry and its lobbyists also penetrated and infiltrated the prestigious American universities. Generous donations to the institutions prevented overly critical professors and reports. On the other hand, renowned experts, including physicists and Nobel Prize winners, were disavowed and spied upon by all perfidious means and portrayed as communists or fantasists. To this end, the oil industry used the strategy of the tobacco lobby, which had perfected these practices long before, but ultimately had to accept a widespread ban on tobacco in the workplace and in restaurants, or almost entirely in public life. Thus, the massive lobbying efforts of the oil and coal industries began to pay off from the 1970s to the present. The issue had been swept off and under the table for the time being, and with the liberalization of air traffic from 1993 and in a second important step in 1997, air traffic began to develop massively. The „Easy-Jet“ generation was just rolling along and I was stunned by the disruptive, thoughtless and unrestrained wasteful trend reversal. Instead of the insight to keep moderation, air traffic exploded.
The electric, gas and coal industries also successfully fought photovoltaics, which had been available since 1948, and the hype at the time to build or equip homes with solar panels. With massive financial resources, smear campaigns and political influence, the U.S. electricity industry first succeeded in financing its basis for its own power grid with subsidies and from taxpayers‘ money, and then fleeced the population for decades – and this model then took hold in Europe as well. But let’s imagine what it would have been like if this pioneering ecological power supply solution had become the standard back then. Then we would have built e-cars back in the 90s and made a lot less of a mess of our planet. We could have left all the coal and oil in the ground and local populations around the world would have benefited from independent, local power generation. Back to the disastrous reality.
Scientists agree that if emissions remain the same, the temperature will be 2.1 to 3.5 degrees above pre-industrial levels by 2050. If CO2 emissions were to double by mid-century, the temperature could rise by as much as 5.7 degrees. And unfortunately, this is how things will continue. That’s because the U.S. government’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) calculated in 2019 that CO2 emissions will rise from around 36 billion tons annually today to more than 42 billion tons by 2050 as a result of the industrialization of many countries, which is only just beginning. China produces the most greenhouse gas, about a quarter of the total, ahead of the U.S. at 18 percent and the EU at 17 percent. The share of CO2 emissions that are absorbed in sinks, forests or oceans and do not remain in the atmosphere is about 44 percent, according to the report.
According to „Copernicus,“ the decade from 2011 to 2020 was globally the hottest year since measurements began. In Europe, too, but especially in the Arctic, record values of up to six degrees above average were recorded in the period from 1981 to 2010. In 2020, the high temperatures are particularly extreme, as they occurred without an El Niño effect in the previous year. In 2021, temperatures are likely to rise again as a result of the La Nina effect, and this is despite the fact that we have now had a Covid-19 year of very limited air traffic. As a result, the CO2 increase will certainly continue to rise, the Arctic will continue to melt, and if the „worst case“ scenario occurs and the Atlantic roll no longer moves as it has, we are looking at dark times. In view of the unfortunate fact that after more than 30 years of procrastination and hesitation, denial and denial, watching the destruction and looking the overwhelming facts almost idly in the eye, living in the consciousness and with the guilty conscience of even more overexploitation than ever before, each of us must now take the reins into our own hands and make substantial contributions. „Reduce to the max“ is the motto. In other words, reduce resource consumption at all levels – we are all in the same boat, as Covid has impressively shown us. There is no time to lose. Politically, much more can be done than has been done so far. Lets do it. Now!
Because the precious, vital treasures of our earth are disappearing at the speed of light. Every four seconds, forests the size of a soccer field are cut down worldwide – also or primarily for soy or palm oil plantations. The destruction of rainforests by slash-and-burn in the Amazon, Congo and Indonesia accounts for eleven percent of global CO2 emissions! Biodiversity is rapidly declining, with up to 150 plant and animal species disappearing from the earth every day. The more natural habitats shrink, the greater the risk of viruses spreading from animals to humans. Corona is the most recent example. Ebola, dengue, Mers, Sars, Zika, all these viruses have also been proven to be due to climate change and dwindling biodiversity. That’s why we need to be much more determined to protect natural habitats and crack down on wildlife trafficking and wildlife markets. According to the scientific journal „Nature Ecology and Evolution“, there is a dramatic extinction of insects with serious consequences for the ecosystem and human societies. Forecasts show that we will lose over a million animal species in the next few years, and many species will be so decimated in their populations that they will no longer matter. With maximum impact on humans: The destruction of the rainforests as well as the loss of biodiversity of the native fauna and flora will lead to an increased incidence of e.g. Lyme disease. It has been proven that with less small mammal biodiversity, there is a higher Borrelia load in the ticks. Due to climate warming and the loss of biodiversity with hotter and drier summers and winters, the risk of contracting Lyme disease in temperate zones is also increasing.
On a 20 percent of the earth’s surface, 80 percent of the biodiversity hot spots of all species are found in the tropics. One of the most comprehensive studies by Anthony Warden of the University of Cambridge, in which around 100 economists worldwide examined how the global economy benefits from nature, found that if 30 percent of the earth’s surface were protected with the most important protected areas, the benefits of protecting these areas would outweigh the costs by a ratio of 1:5. In other words, if we invest one euro in protection, we gain four euros in the long term. But it will be a long time before this realization takes hold in the lowlands of the resource-intensive economy. It is simply incomprehensible that despite all the findings that were already available in the early 1990s, and at the latest in 1997 with the „IPPC“ report, and which proved the lonely callers in the desert right, hardly any effective measures were taken or consistently implemented.
Already the first „IPPC“-report of 1990 warned the world population for the first time in detail and supported with scientific knowledge about the consequences of our unbridled overexploitation – and also shook me up. So you don’t need to be a crazy doomsday prophet to believe in apocalyptic climate conditions. The scientific findings at that time and the realization of how lamely we react to the threat already allow no other conclusion than that our species will reach the end of the age if it continues like this. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there are two horror scenarios: One is the rise of the sea level by two meters by the end of the century, depending on how fast the Antarctic ice sheet continues to melt. Another is the collapse of the Atlantic Overcurrent Current (AMOC), which has already weakened. It distributes cold and warm water in the Atlantic and influences, for example, the monsoon in Africa and Asia, which is important for billions of people.
The ocean current is also known as the Gulf Stream, and in the higher waters it carries mild temperatures up to the Channel Islands, Ireland and Great Britain, and on toward the Netherlands to western Germany and Scandinavia, even in winter. The Gulf Stream system moves almost 20 million cubic meters of water per second, about a hundred times the Amazon current,“ says Stefan Rahms-torf, a researcher at the „Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research“ and the initiator and co-author of a study on the importance of this climate system (PIK), which was published in the scientific journal „Nature Geoscience“ in spring 2021. The collapse of the Gulf Stream would also have serious consequences for Europe, because the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC) has also dramatically lost strength in recent decades and changed the weather in Europe. But let’s leave the horror scenario aside and focus on Europe’s biodiversity loss, the failed EU agricultural and transport policies and take a closer look at the Swiss banking and commodity sector. There at the levers of neo-capitalism and the riches of the potentates and corporations we have to readjust the screws.
End times: The Sixth Mass Extinction has begun – are we going down with it?
At the end of 2020, Switzerland had to take stock of where it stands with regard to the protection of its biodiversity, both to review the objectives achieved in the Swiss Biodiversity Strategy and the global Biodiversity Convention, which states: „The conservation status of populations of national priority species shall be improved by 2020 and extinction shall be prevented as far as possible.“ Switzerland is on track for only one target in the biodiversity strategy, and that is forest biodiversity. For one-third of the targets, the result is lower, for one-third no progress is seen, and for the final third, developments are going in the opposite direction. The picture is also almost congruent with the national strategy for the „Aichi“ biodiversity targets, which were agreed in 2010 as part of the Bio-diversity Convention: Switzerland is on track for only one fifth. For 35 percent of the targets, however, there has been no progress at all. But among birds alone, by the end of the decade, partridge, snipe, curlew, red-headed shrike and ortolan had become extinct as breeding birds or were present in tiny numbers.
The Swiss flora was one of the richest and most diverse in Europe, but more than 700 plant species are considered to be threatened with extinction. Researchers from the „University of Bern“ and the Data and Information Center of the Swiss Flora analyzed the results with the help of 400 volunteer botanists and visited and verified over 8000 old known sites of the 713 rarest and most endangered plant species in Switzerland between 2010 and 2016. This unique treasure trove of data has now been analyzed by the „University of Bern and the results published in the scientific journal „Conservation Letters“. In their „treasure hunt“, the botanists often came up empty-handed – 27% of the 8024 populations could not be recovered. Species, which are classified by experts as most endangered, even lost 40% of their populations in comparison to the findings from the last 10 – 50 years.
We, the supposedly „clean“ Swiss, and our almost equal German neighbors are world champions in consumption, consumption, waste and CO2 emissions. Switzerland has made it to fourth place on the world ranking list of polluters and CO2 emitters, but we have exported our large footprint abroad. Thus the civilization garbage of our over all mass consuming and resources squandering society from the emergence to the destruction is banished from our eyes and our environment. One of the dirtiest industries, the textile industry, but also other polluting productions have been moved to China, Vietnam and Bangladesh in the last decades. The CO-2 emissions are thus largely outsourced to structurally weak or human rights-denying regions. For this, „My climate“ compensation certificates and similar instruments have been created to soothe our conscience, but not to alleviate the situation. Our balance sheet is by no means good and clean but simply miserable. The „My-Climate“ CO2 compensation business is pure eyewash and helps no one if we steadily increase our consumption and waste of resources instead of drastically reducing them and do not radically rethink our throwaway society.
In this country, too, biodiversity, waters, glaciers and air pollutants are in a bad way. In accounting terms, more than 30 million tons of CO2 (instead of being emitted on Swiss soil) would have to be saved outside the country’s borders. This will not only cost billions, but is also economically and ecologically absurd. These amounts for CO2 reductions not achieved domestically will be missed by the economy. The „decarbonization of society“ will not progress one millimeter in this way, the dependency and mess would become bigger and bigger, simply because of the increasing population density. Now the thin protective layer in the atmosphere is not worth a penny in the free market economy, it costs nothing and to pollute it also not. This must change!
The facts are alarming and document impressively the decline of many endangered species in Switzerland. Particularly affected are plants from so-called ruderal sites – areas that are under constant human influence. Among the affected plant species are the marginal vegetation of agriculturally used or populated areas. These populations showed losses more than twice as large as species from forests or alpine meadows. The intensification of agriculture with a large use of fertilizers and herbicides, but also the loss of small structures such as rock piles and field margins are particularly affecting this species group. Plant species of water bodies, banks and bogs are similarly affected. Here too, according to the researchers, the causes are homemade: loss of water quality due to micropollutants and fertilizer pollution from agriculture, the loss of natural river dynamics due to river straightening, the use of rivers as a source of electricity, or the draining of moorland.
In Germany, 80,000 measurements were carried out by interdisciplinary working groups from Germany, Austria, Switzerland and the Netherlands as part of the „Jena“ experiment. They had sown different numbers of plant species on more than 500 experimental plots, ranging from monocultures to mixtures of 60 species. In addition to plants, all organisms occurring in the ecosystem were studied – in the soil and above it. In addition, the material cycles of carbon, nitrogen and nitrate and also the water cycle over the entire period of 15 years. In this way, the scientists were able to demonstrate how species diversity affects the capacity of the soil to absorb, store or release water. The Jena experiment was the first to show how much the nitrogen cycle of a soil depends on many factors such as species diversity, microbiological organisms, the water cycle and plant interaction.
Species-rich meadows had a higher productivity than species-poor meadows over the entire period of the „Jena Experiment“. Consequently, if a farmer promotes and fertilizes certain species, he is on average not more successful than nature. The biomass energy (bioenergy content) of species-rich meadows was significantly higher than that of species-poor meadows, but at the same time similar to many of today’s heavily subsidized species, such as Chinese reed. Species-rich areas had better carbon storage, insect and other species numbers were significantly higher, and species interactions such as pollination occurred more frequently. Species-rich grasslands transported surface water into the soil better, and diversified ecosystems were more resilient to disturbances than species-poor monocultures were to droughts or floods.Farmers really need to roll up their arms now and ensure water conservation and biodiversify and renaturalize their farmland, or do we want to keep poisoning ourselves? Consumers have it in their hands to make do with vegan and locally produced goods and thus put an end to livestock farming, methane belching and cattle feed monocultures.
The droughts in Europe are homemade and the result of the EU’s agricultural subsidy policy.
„Three years of extreme heat and drought, like we had in Europe from 2018-2020, hasn’t happened in 250 years,“ says Dr. Andreas Marx of the „UFZ Helmholz Centre for Environmental Research“ in Leipzig, which has created a drought monitor that shows drought conditions across Germany on a daily basis. „We wouldn’t have expected a drought like this until around 2040 and not already today,“ Marx continues. Agriculture is running out of water. Cultivation can often only be sustained with artificial irrigation systems because in many places the groundwater level has dropped, making artificial watering of fields even more ecologically and economically nonsensical. Also the forest suffers from the drought and dies as Dr. Nicole Wellbrock of the „Thünen Institute for Forest Ecosystems“ states „The condition of the forests is indeed historically bad. The data collected are life-threatening for our ocosystem. „Especially the spruces and the beeches are dying rapidly in the lower elevations“. This means that valuable CO2 reservoirs are being lost across the board. 1400 billion tons of CO2 are in the lower atmosphere. If we do not decisively reduce our CO2 emissions immediately, we will have already exceeded the CO2 target in ten years.
That droughts are caused or aggravated by mistakes in land and soil management, especially by the destruction of the soil by monocultures and pesticides, is a long known fact and yet EU subsidies in the billions are paid out for it. What a madness: this is how vicious circles are created, where heat becomes drought, and drought leads to even more heat. Forest fires increase, become bigger and even develop in regions in the far north. Rivers and lakes dry up, deserts appear, as in the case of Lake Montasi in Romania, causing not only the extinction of fish, amphibians, insects and water birds, but the entire flora perishes and the whole area suffers from desert-like weather conditions, because the whole microclimate changes and desertification progresses. Romanian environmental activist Octavian Berceanu says: „Climate change is coming much faster and dramatically more drastic than we thought, pointing to our own agricultural mistakes during the Ceaușescu era, using the example of Lake Potelo. It was drained in order to increase agricultural productivity in the cultivation of large areas. The opposite happened. The mud layer, rich in nutrients, was soon exhausted and the sand of the lake bottom appeared, making the cultivation obsolete. Today, the region has become deserted and hostile to life.
The European Environmental Bureau in Bruxell represents a network of 170 environmental organizations in Europe. Celia Nyssens of the EEB says, „What makes these droughts so destructive is homemade, because we have created large-scale agricultural monocultures everywhere, which leach the soil and have no microorganisms, because it is the microorganisms that give the soil its water-holding qualities. There are more microorganisms in a handful of healthy soil than there are people in the world. The protozoa, millipedes, fungi, bacteria and algae are responsible for the absorbency of the soil. In Germany, however, more than half of the arable soil is used to grow livestock feed. The problem is our hunger for meat and the associated vicious cycle of deforestation for monocultures, which within five years degenerate into depleted soils and promote desertification. This is not only happening in Germany or Romania, but in many places in Europe, including Spain.
The environmental activist and UN expert David Dean of the organization Earth jurisprudence criticizes the monoculture cultivation in the strongest way and has visited together with the geologist Jose Maria Calafora, professor at the University of Almeria, the source of the Rio de Aguas near the village Gotcha. It hardly supplies water anymore and the whole population of more than 8000 inhabitants has disappeared because they no longer have water to drink or to cultivate their fields. One of the few who remained says that he has to buy drinking water because the little water that still comes out has become too salty and too full of lime and chlorine. When you consider that it takes 17 liters of water just to produce one plastic bottle and that the transport route to the consumer also consumes a lot of energy, you can see how grotesque the situation is. The drying up of the spring is due to the intensive monoculture agriculture in the region.
To the second absurd agrarian subsidyism example: Also in the region of Almeria the „Mar del Plastico“, the plastic sea extends on 350 square kilometers over the country. There, among other things, the tomatoes for half of Europe are planted. A tomato needs about 10 liters of water to ripen, and so the last water reserves are squeezed out of one of the driest regions in Europe so that highly subsidized fruits and vegetables can be exported. To the detriment of the local population, the fauna and flora and the entire ecosystem. This is the key moment that causes desertification, but sometimes also affects the weather and the climate, up to the jet stream over the Atlantic, which weakens and seeks new paths. Political missteps in Brussels and in the other EU states are causing this catastrophe to simply continue.
35 percent of man-made greenhouse gases could be absorbed by healthy soils, where a good 1000 billion tons of carbon are stored. When these leach out as a result of pesticide use, the eroded soils release an incredible amount more CO2 emissions than has been the case to date. That, too, would have to be prevented. Agriculture must also change radically. Monocultures are poison for our environment. Biodiversity on arable land is indispensable for fauna and flora and ultimately also for human survival. Food must also be increasingly produced and consumed locally again, instead of making endless journeys.
The palm oil industry has cut down more than half of the rainforest (the size of Germany) in the Indonesian provinces of Kalimantan and Sumatra in the last 30 years and is now starting to destroy the virgin forest in Papua New Guinea on a grand scale. The timber industry is happy about this, as are the oligarchy and the military. In the process, small farmers are inevitably expropriated, which is quite legal in Indonesia. The Indonesian parliament also recently passed a law that radically curtails national environmental, labor and social standards and provides for zero environmental impact assessments. Therefore, the progressively worded agreement is another illusory paper tiger that will lead to the worrying destruction of huge rainforest areas in Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea. With the free trade agreement with Indonesia, Switzerland would legitimize this state of affairs and once again declare the completely insufficient eco-labels as standard.
„Chronology of good intentions“ and decades of failure.
For over 50 years, the challenges facing humanity have been discussed in an endless loop. Besides the „NASA“ scientist James Hendson who warned about the CO2 emission consequences, there was the biologist Paul Ehrlich who warned about the population explosion in 1968. In 1972, the „Club of Rome“ report by Dennis and Donella Meadows on „the limits to growth“ appeared. This was the starting signal for a worldwide network of global thinking and gave a boost to environmental organizations. In 1980, then U.S. President Jimmy Carter took up the issue and initiated the „Global 2000“ study, which showed the foreseeable environmental destruction and shortage of resources. In 1992, representatives of 172 countries met in Rio‘, at the largest UN Conference on Environment and Development to date, and adopted „Agenda 21“. The results were sobering. Only the smog bells disappeared and some countries succeeded in making progress in water protection.
When the third report of the „IPPC“ Climate Council came out in 1997, and what was outlined and documented there, far exceeded all the horror scenarios and the extent of destruction that I had already noticed since 1993! The report should change also my activity lastingly. From then on, I refrained from the many air and long-distance trips and concentrated more on local destinations that could be reached by train and got rid of the automobile. In 1999, I founded the „Tourism & Environment Forum Switzerland“ in Samedan together with Gisela Femppel, an editor of the „Südostschweiz“ and with my professional colleague Heinz Schmid, which was also supported by the famous tourism director of St. Moritz, Hansruedi Danuser. The NGO was domiciled at Samedan airport, as I was living up there in the fantastic Upper Engadine at that time, during the winter of the century and the following two years. In the Engadine high valley, I could also regularly roam on horseback through the forests of the alpine slopes and, for the first time in my life, also ride through the drifting snow and the untouched white splendor. That alone was a highlight. In addition, of course, there was the particularly lush winter splendor in the winter of 1999/2000. On the Bernina Pass there were snow drifts up to 27 meters high in places. When one made the first turns on the Corviglia in the glistening sunlight early in the morning, and thus from ten o’clock onwards made one’s way over to the other side of the valley to Piz Corvatsch, because the swirling powder snow was already getting a little slushy in the sun, and then on the Corvatsch plunged into the depths from 3300 meters almost flying like a bird, the adrenalin rose to undreamt-of heights.
For the „Tourism & Environment Forum Switzerland“, which I founded in Samedan, I also created a web portal that linked scientific facts, environmentally relevant NGO projects, the responsible authorities such as the „Federal Office for the Environment“ (BUWAL), international organizations and critical media reports with sustainable travel offers and tips for environmentally conscious travelers. For three years I served as managing director and president for this environmental organization and set some accents in the Grisons with traveling exhibitions on the topic of „Climate Change in the Alps“ with a „Rail-Expo“ traveling exhibition of the Rhaetian Railway, three rail cars that were stationed in Davos, St. Moritz, Samedan, Pontresina and six other alpine locations in the Grisons and sent out the first warning signals. Members of the „Tourism & Environment Forum“ at that time were the „BUWAL/FLS“, the Swiss National Park, the „Biosphere Reserve Entlebuch“, the „Research Institute for Leisure and Tourism“ of the University of Bern and the „Europa-Institut“ in Basel, but also the newly launched car rental company „Mobility“ and „Toyota“ with the first hybrid vehicle, the „Prius“, along with some transport associations, hotels and media.
Three railroad carriages of the Rhaetian Railway were stationed at the stations of six Graubünden locations for 14 days each. In addition, we organized a live concert to kick off each exhibition. The „Tourism & Environment Forum“ was also present at the annual vacation fairs in Zurich and Berne with presentations and exhibitions. Travel more consciously, experience more, destroy less, was the motto for travelers, in order to bring about the necessary CO2 reduction measures and an energy transition at home, too. I was always able to convince an important hotel group (Sun-Star Hotels) and a large amusement park in Morschach of energetic construction measures and to communicate them as a public relations representative.
So already 30 years ago I established the first long-term institutional „Corporate Social Responsibility“ engagement of my own press agency „GMC Photopress“ in this country! Abroad, I had already been privately and journalistically involved in several wildlife projects and humanitarian missions. At that time, I published numerous environmentally critical publications and commentaries on climate change, such as „A Requiem for the Coral Reef“ in the „Mittelland-Zeitung“ or „In the diver’s paradise Maldives, a time bomb is ticking“. In the commentary I wrote the following: „It is not El-Nino who is to blame. It is the human being who progresses too far. Alarm bells are ringing around the globe. Central America has been devastated and set back decades. The coral world in the equatorial belt is threatened or already largely destroyed, the seas polluted, the animal world here and there wiped out, the Alps built up and spoiled“. In 1997, as a reaction to the IPPC climate report, I addressed climate change in the Alps in the „Südostschweiz“, under the title „Keiner kommt ungeschoren davon – Alpen sind von der Klimaerwärmung besonders hart betroffen“.
In the magazine „Touring“ and in the „Brückenbauer“, both media with million reader public appeared further critical reports of me, which resounded far beyond Switzerland, since I interviewed the „UNEP“ director Klaus Töpfer, the head of the UN environmental organization as well as with Michael Iwand, at that time director environmental management with „TUI“ (tourism union international) and Iwand Widerpart of the „German environmental assistance“ and the nature protection federation and at the ITB the largest tourism trade fair in Berlin intervened to take the topic on the agenda. Prof. Hansruedi Müller of the „Research Institute for Leisure and Tourism“ (FIF) also pleaded for „more heart-liners than hard-liners“. So I addressed this urgent climate appeal more than 30 years ago to the Swiss politicians and population and at the „ITB“ in Berlin to the „world public“ and already stated then: „The drastic trail of devastation left by industrialized man and the (un-) civilized tourist is mostly carried out on the hump of the 3rd world nations and is becoming more and more dramatic.
But we here in the Alps are also particularly affected by climate change. The temperature rise is expected to be much higher than the world average and the glaciers are melting just like the biodiversity. We can no longer stand idly by and watch this happen, I said to myself, and from then on I also gave up a car or a motorcycle and committed myself to the expansion of the rail infrastructure and bicycle paths. Also in my function as president and managing director of the „Tourismus & Umwelt Forum Schweiz“ (Swiss Tourism & Environment Forum) I gave critical speeches about my own travel industry, which was urged to do more for the environment and against the enormous damage caused by air traffic and excessive mass tourism, which won me more enemies than friends. Tourism propagandists were not happy to see the global impact of their business model increasingly criticized. I emphatically challenged the Travel Agents Association to do more than just pay the usual lip service. But what happened was that, in the words of Greta von Thunberg, „When there’s a fire, people often rub up against the fire alarm instead of putting the fire out.“ It is the same with warning climate change activists as it is with whistleblowers. Both groups are punished for their commitment, disavowed, attacked, persecuted and sometimes even murdered.
The Swiss authorities were then, as now, in a state of enforcement emergency everywhere. Whether it is compliance with the Clean Air Ordinance, noise levels for the protection of the population, international agreements on the reduction of CO2 emissions or the fulfillment of declarations of intent and objectives such as the „Agenda 21“, the „Charter of Lanzarote“ or the „Declaration of Crete“, wherever we look, we have to conclude that none of the objectives has been fulfilled even close. „The crux is that while the need for environmentally and socially responsible tourism is undisputed, still not much is happening,“ which I criticized harshly in the presentations and reports at the time as president of the „Tourism & Environment Forum.“
The tour operators, above all the three big ones „Kuoni Reisen“, „Hotelplan“ and „Tui Reisen“ hardly cared about water and energy supply and waste management on site, which led to devastating pollution of the beaches and seas, especially on the Maldives and other islands. An investigation of the „Higher Technical School for Tourism“ (HFT) concluded at that time that the „Declaration of Crete“ remained a dead paper tiger“! And the greenwashing continued unchanged but infla-tionary from then on. We have already reached certain climate tipping points in some places around the world, some scientists agree.
Between 1961 and 1990 alone, temperatures in the Alps had already risen by two degrees Celsius, while the global average had risen by only 0.6 percent. The predictions at the time for the Alpine region ranged up to five degrees more in the next 30 years. Fittingly for the „Kyoto Summit“ in December 1997, „El-Nino“ swirled through the headlines. The warning could not have been clearer enough. As recently as 1992 at the Rio Earth Summit, politicians had vowed to protect the climate system for today and future generations. But the trend was in the opposite direction. Everyone jetted off to London or New York for a few days of shopping, to Ibiza for „raves,“ etc., and to Milan to buy a pair of shoes. Suddenly a plane ticket to London cost less than a train ride from Zurich to Bern or Geneva. A catastrophic turn of events that still does not bode well. Air traffic would finally have to be taxed internationally.
True, 2020 saw a revival of the „Paris Coalition of High Ambition“ at the first virtual United Nations climate change summit, where 75 nations committed to the goal of „net zero emissions.“ Most nations are aiming for the goal by 2050. So far, however, only 75 of 197 nations have submitted new or increased climate targets. But only the UK and the EU have substantially increased their targets. For all other states, ambition is low. Far too low, in fact, for the goals of the Paris climate agreement ever to be achieved. As a result, the „Coalition for Carbon Neutrality“ proclaimed by UN Secretary-General Antonio Gutierrez has a good 65 percent of the world’s CO2 emissions at its disposal, which could still rise if the financial pledges for the green climate fund of 100 billion Swiss francs per year are advanced. The key instrument is the carbon price, which is also recognized by the EU and is to rise steadily until 2030. In 2015, William Nordhaus, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics, proposed the creation of a climate club, which would draw mutual benefit from the sharing of climate protection and exclude free riders, because this is the only way to get out of the „prisoner’s dilemma“.
Switzerland has clearly missed its climate target for 2020 and also 2021, as in previous years and in every area, buildings, industry, agriculture and especially transport. Compared to 1990, Switzerland should have reduced by 20 percent. By 2019, we had managed just 14 percent. „To stabilize global warming at 1.5 degrees, climate gases must be reduced by at least 50 percent readyis 2030,“ says ETH professor Sonja Seneviratne, an author of several reports for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. „We can’t just keep living as we are and hope that miracle technology will save us one day“ says Seneviratne. „If we continue as we are, our entire CO2 budget will be completely depleted.“ The decrease, he says, must therefore be very drastic over the next decade, and rich Switzerland, with its large footprint, must finally lead the way.
For UN Secretary-General Guttierez reminds us that the world is still on track for a global temperature rise of more than three degrees, which would amount to a catastrophe. In other words. We are still traveling at 180 kmh in terms of fossil fuel consumption. A reduction in speed is needed. The Corona pandemic in particular has shown what is possible and can be mobilized in extraordinary situations. Patient Earth is lying in the intensive care unit, gasping for breath. It is high time to act and implement drastic measures. But as was unfortunately to be expected, the climate summit in Glasgow has also turned into a debacle. The exit from the coal and oil age was again postponed to a point of no return in the future.
Butterfly effect: Hedge funds are the drivers of wars and climate change
Let’s be aware, financial markets are at the center of the neoliberal economy, they determine the prices of commodities and food worldwide and they dictate events around the globe. Hedge funds are the bane of food, water and commodity capitalism at its purest. Let’s take a closer look: In 2008, food and commodity prices rose sharply even though the world was in recession after the financial crisis. This shows that prices rose due to speculation and not due to increased demand. What started as the flap of a butterfly’s wings on Wall Street in 2010 went on to cause riots, wars and global refugee crises. The flapping of wings was triggered by then President Bill Clinton and National Bank President Alan Greenspan with the Commodity Modernization Act, i.e. the liberalization of markets that had been strictly regulated since the 1930s and limited the number of speculators. But from now on, anyone could speculate in commodities and food without limits. As a result, the financial markets licked blood and Wall Street and the hedge funds dictate the events in the most evil way.
In the same year, Russia saw over 30 percent less wheat crop due to climate change and drought. Wall-street speculated on a shortage of supply and drove up the price of wheat by 50 percent, which led to the Arab Spring in Tunisia and Egypt because Egypt imported nearly 80 percent of its wheat from Russia. A rapid rise in food prices and a small increase in oil prices inevitably leads to conflicts and warlike confrontations, scientists and mathematicians also noted. Thus, in 2011, the wars in Libya after the fall of Gaddhafi as well as in the Iraq war, both leading oil exporting states, degenerated, fueled further conflicts in the region and triggered a conflagration that engulfed the entire Orient. So, too, did the unending war in Syria. This was triggered in turn by hedge funds and speculators on Wall Street and in London. They drove up the oil price massively because they were speculating on export losses. The butterfly’s wings have fluttered here, too, and so the deregulated markets have become an engine of chaos.
This speculation and the developments in the oil states also had even more far-reaching consequences. Due to the enormous rise in the price of petrodollars, Russia and Saudi Arabia, but also Venezuela, came to immense wealth and increased their military budgets and police forces either to suppress revolts at home or for further offensives. Russia in Syria, in Ukraine, and most recently in Crimea. In the case of Saudi Arabia, war came to a head in Yemen and in many other regions in the conflict between Shiites and Sunnis, meanwhile Iran, infiltrated the Middle East in its own way and pumped it full of its crude ideologies, weapons and fighters. The rise in oil prices was also the beginning of doom for Venezuela, which perished from the resource curse. Here, too, the speculators were ultimately the trigger and responsible for the flow of refugees from Latin America to the United States and from Africa and the Orient to Europe.
In Great Britain and under the influence of the neoliberal media mogul Rupert Murdoch to the Brexit and to the right-wing radical governments in Poland, Hungary and Italy, thus also the rise of the neo-Nazis and fascists in Germany. After the boom comes the slump, after the boom comes the crash, that much economics every child has already learned in the 3rd grade. The consequences are again devastating. In Venezuela there is an apocalyptic famine, the same in Cuba, in Kenya and in the entire sub-Saharan belt, where devastating droughts lead to civil wars and in the Orient, the navel of the despots leads to disastrous economic course and catastrophic human rights situations. The completely unleashed commodity and financial market is like the plague, because thanks to algorithms and herd mentality, as well as in a cynical way, it always bets against the prosperity of fragile economies With the Covid crisis it became abundantly clear that the markets are placed above the well-being of the people and a system was created that knows no compassion for the people, but only winners and losers. Today, every detergent and every food must declare every component and the proportion of all components, whereas in artificial intelligence, where a machine makes the decisions about our being or not being, no declaration and regulation is needed. It does not get more absurd than this. This topic will be discussed in more detail in the last chapter.
A good 500 companies with well over 10,000 employees work in the commodities industry in Switzerland, which had its first notorious protagonist in March Rich, who made it to sad or dubious fame when he first hit the headlines in the 1970s. The Belgian-born US citizen ensured that commodities trading in Switzerland became significant. His unscrupulous oil deals with South Africa and Iran, bypassing international sanctions, helped the „father of the Swiss success model“ to immense wealth and put him on the list of the most wanted criminals in the USA, until Bill Clinton pardoned him in 2001. We recall that Bill Clinton and Alan Greenspan also pushed for the liberalization of food markets, triggering the hedge fund scourge. Back to Switzerland. Here Christoph Blocher and Martin Ebner were among the most ruthless liberalizers in the 1990s. We know from „Bloomberg“ journalists Javier Blas and Jack Farchy that Ebner was among the saviors of Marc Rich’s empire, and today’s „Glencore“ Ivan Glasberg boss also earned his spurs in Johannesburg, South Africa, and learned a lot from his master in illegal oil deals and sanctions evasion, even if he worked in the coal department. Low taxes, a central location in Europe, a stable Swiss franc and access to the international financial system, and weak regulation have provided fertile ground in Switzerland in recent decades for companies exploiting resources around the world. From „Glencore’s“ environment emerged other successful commodity traders such as „Vitol,“ which helped the island nation of Cuba get oil in return for sugar at favorable prices when Cuba defaulted in the 1990s.
It was rumored that „Vitol“ financed and operated a luxury hotel in Cuba and that the then like „Vitol“ boss Ian Taylor occasionally met with Fidel Castro for a cigar smoke and Cuba libre. Then, in the 1990s, the former Soviet republics joined the new commodity Eldorados. Swiss commodity traders control nearly 80 percent of global trade and operate unscrupulously. The „Gunvor“ case in the Congo, the machinations of „Credit Suisse“ in Mozambique and the money laundering affair in Bulgaria exemplify the tip of the corruption iceberg. Although the Federal Council confirmed in a report „the great risk of corruption“, it did nothing further to strengthen banking supervision in order to curb money laundering. Commodity traders „Glencore,“ „Trafigura,“ „Vitol,“ „Mercuria“ and „Gunvor“ received a total of $363.8 billion in loans from 2013 to 2019, according to research by Public Eye. „Public Eye“ also investigated the high-risk financial instruments and practices of commodity traders, which now function as banks themselves, but largely evade financial control and banking and financial supervision „finma“. „Gunvor“ paid a 164 million fine in the U.S. for misconduct in Brazil, Ecuador and Mexico. It is shocking that large corporations, banks and the super-rich can always buy their way out with ridiculous fines, while others go to jail for much lesser crimes. There are enough examples in Switzerland as well.
Only in November 2020, the Federal Council presented the consultation on the „Sustainable Development Strategy“ (SDS), and it is once again an indictment of „clean“ Switzerland. The record of showcase Switzerland looks even worse when the economic factors of the largest off-shore financial center are taken into account. At the end of 2019, Swiss banks managed a quarter of the world’s assets. A whopping 3742.7 billion Swiss francs. But the immense assets are hardly invested in sustainable projects. On the contrary. The gold mine and tax haven Switzerland favors and protects hundreds of potent headquarters of multinational commodity corporations and contributes massively to the outflow of private wealth from developing countries and thus to the global redistribution from the bottom to the top. The exploitation and greed knows no limits, not even in times of Covid-19. On the contrary, it favors the global techno-giants and super-rich. And this big shadow falls back on Switzerland. No matter how white we wash the image and how beautifully we talk ourselves into it or preach it to others!
Switzerland shines in many statistics such as gold and money wealth, happiness, patents, receiving but the reality is quite different. Beside the 810’000 millionaires and some billionaires there are in the small Switzerland over 300’000 families, which cannot pay their health insurance premium, 240’000 persons, who were operated for their tax debts and over 400’000 humans, who live under the poverty line. Social expenditures at the federal, cantonal and municipal levels have tripled in the last 15 years. In addition, one percent keeps half of the total wealth for itself. What does that mean? It means that companies in a free market economy would have to offer jobs with living wages and would have to show value creation for the community beyond coperate governance instead of dividends for rich shareholders.
The „finma“, the Swiss financial market supervisory authority, is a sleepyhead and appeasement authority par excellence. Whistleblowers are a different matter. They are persecuted and treated like war criminals. It seems to be good manners in Switzerland that rich people and financial institutions do not have to abide by any rules and are not imprisoned for their crimes. „Cow-trading is a tradition in Switzerland,“ some unctuous politician might say. But the same thing is happening in Germany, too, if you look at the German automakers‘ emissions scandal. So far, none of the glorious car managers has been personally fined and prosecuted for this, and in Switzerland, the bruised buyers of stinky cars are still waiting for compensation or retrofitting. The Swiss banks have learned nothing and still help corrupt politicians and kleptocrats to hide their illegally stolen state money, as the Pandora Papers show. Every single banker involved in this should finally be held accountable.
Capitalism and globalization critic Jean Ziegler, Geneva SP National Councillor and UN Special Rapporteur from 2000 to 2008 said: „For neoliberalism, egoism is the engine. For anti-capitalists and social people, man is animated by the desire for solidarity, reciprocity and complementarity.“ „The oligarchy of global finance capital, flanked by Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis, wants to silence NGOs,“ Ziegler says. It is the NGOs‘ job to fight against the fiscal bleeding of development aid and impunity for corporations and the super-rich, he said. „The fact that Switzerland spreads the red carpet and offers shelter to mafiosi, dictators and corrupt elites is scandalous,“ adds the former UN Special Rapporteur. Two billion people already lack access to clean drinking water. 62 UN states practice torture. „We are aware that we do not want and do not accept this canibalistic world order,“ concludes Ziegler on appeal.
Without a radical paradigm shift, we are digging our own grave
The fact is that since the 1970s, the world’s population has more than doubled and consumption has increased more than tenfold worldwide, with Switzerland leading the way in consumption. Hyper-globalization has long since reached its zenith and has squandered much political, humanitarian and social capital. At the latest since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, we have been reminded how fragile our economically rationalized and digitalized society has become – and how quickly everything can change. Just as the bark beetle causes entire forests to die, an invisible effect has been showing its impact around the globe for the past two years. Whether we have learned anything more from this about how to shape our future and how to approach it without further delays remains to be seen. It seems, however, that we continue to remain in the endless loop for too long and that substantial measures to tackle the root of the problem are still being postponed. The „Great Reset“ as Klaus Schwab formulated it at the „WEF“ has failed to materialize. Many still cannot even find a small switch to put an end to the poisoning of our soils, atmosphere, biosphere and the universe.
The policy still operates a Pflästerli strategy. It is evident that „scientific findings and the acute global threat posed by climate change are not capable of helping society to become more human. Egoism and turbo-capitalism are unfortunately still the engine of society. Such a transformation requires a lot of self-reflection, responsibility and solidarity. All this has gone out of fashion. The shouting and screaming on the (a)social media and in the filter bubbles overhear every nuance of the debate and suppress any real dialogue, any approach of solidarity as well as the ability to „see beyond one’s own horizon“. Seen in this light, the Swiss are narrow-minded, as they have always remained. This is also evident in the high percentage of Covid vaccination opponents. Even though I understand some of the fears and put basic rights and freedom above everything, I wonder what brainwashing has influenced this group and how it came about. More about this in the last chapter.
It is very regrettable, but not surprising, that the Swiss population in 2021 rejected the drinking water initiative, the pesticide initiative and the CO2 initiative at the ballot box and that the corporate responsibility initiative failed because of the majority of the cantons. This means that Switzerland no longer has a plan or a strategy for getting a grip on CO2 reduction. We are far from being considered a model student. So we can continue to spray for all we’re worth, which makes the farmers happy. Even nature-oriented farmers and organic farmers have opposed this. Pointing the finger at others is simply no longer an option, we have to pull our own hair out first.Well, the Covid-19 crisis has dampened the appetite for new restrictions and new innovations. But the Swiss economy as a whole got off lightly, except for certain circles, such as tourism, gastronomy and event industry, but even they were mostly well compensated in this country by the short-time unemployment benefits and agriculture continues to be subsidized.
Therefore, it is only right that the climate movement and the climate youth overtake or outflank the Greens on the left and demand a much faster and more consistent approach. Covid-19 is costing us trillions, if we add a few trillions for the transformation of the economy, we would have gained enormously. We absolutely must avoid further pandemics, that alone would make any climate investment worthwhile. It is in the hands of each of us to contribute to this, but it is no longer possible without drastic steps on an unprecedented scale. Long-established ways of life will have to change dramatically. So we have to start with a drastic reduction of deforestation, especially in tropical countries, because it turns out that the so-called spillover is responsible for it. This is what biologists call the process by which pathogens jump from (wild) animals to humans. Spillover gives rise to zoo-noses, i.e. diseases of animal origin. According to a study by British zoologist Kate Jones, a total of 335 new infections emerged between 1940 and 2004, 60 percent of which were of animal origin. These included the influenza A virus, the avian influenza virus H5N1, the Napah virus and probably also Sars and Covid-19. One of the best-known scientists working on zoonoses is Serge Morand, an evolutionary biologist and parasite researcher living in Thailand. Zoonoses are also caused by livestock farming, which has been shown to lead to deforestation, despite the use of antibiotics. Environmental degradation, animal diseases and epidemics are thus closely related to ecology, veterinary and human medicine.
But each of us can do a lot by reducing meat consumption, avoiding food waste, buying local, seasonal products, avoiding constantly new clothes and smart phones, using the OV instead of the car and limiting air travel to the bare minimum. Many more buildings would have to be converted to renewable energies, heating would have to be reduced and self-produced energy would have to be fed into the grid at reasonable prices. Electric stations for e-cars and e-bikes would have to be massively expanded. We must also make much better use of solar and wind energy, water protection must be applied consistently, all subsidies for fossil energy production must be discontinued, and a high fuel tax must be introduced across the board in air travel, thus significantly reducing air traffic. In the business world, carbon footprint accounting in companies and tax incentives for reduction should be introduced. In (re)construction, promote sustainable building techniques. Meadows instead of green spaces, avoid soil sealing and in forestry, cultivate mixed-age and mixed-species forests.
Furthermore, the state should create more incentives for meaningful tasks in social, educational, health care, but also in nature and environmental protection. With climate change, there would be plenty of tasks. And instead of the state paying more and more social welfare money, these human resources should be used for the climate-neutral restructuring of our society, from all age and education groups, cultural and language areas. De facto, only a few workers over 50 years of age find a job again. So why shouldn’t they be used for social tasks and nature and environmental protection projects according to their qualifications and be de-compensated accordingly. We must establish a permanent Spitex for nature. Let’s move on to the individual areas and a few suggestions:
Construction industry/ Cement industry/Building refurbishment
The cement industry is one of the biggest CO2 emitters after the oil and coal industries. However, there have long been alternative, more sustainable building materials that could be used in many places. There is a lot of potential in the construction or renovation of buildings. First of all, there is a well-insulated building envelope, which can also be done with hemp bricks and hemp fleece. With a tight building envelope, the insulation reduces energy consumption in winter. However, energy-saving houses need good ventilation of the rooms. Gas and oil heating systems are obsolete and should be equipped with geothermal probes and heat pumps, especially if solar panels are installed on the roof or on the building, so that the electricity for the heat pump and hot water comes from the sun. With a photovoltaic system, you can make a house self-sufficient in electricity and cover between 60 to 80 percent of the demand. With LED lighting, energy-efficient household appliances and a charging station for e-cars, they are well positioned to save significant operating costs in the future. In Switzerland, pension funds and large real estate companies have a duty to implement this goal quickly.
The core problem we all face is that 80 million people are added every year, and those just born now theoretically have a higher life expectancy even in developing countries. By the end of the century, there will be eleven billion of us, so we will need even more living space and even more agriculture for food production. By totally transforming the earth’s surface for agriculture and feeding future generations, we are destroying the treasure troves of biodiversity for all eternity. It cannot be that we destroy alone with the animal husbandry for the meat and milk production whole species existence and important ecological systems irretrievably. A vegan diet is therefore becoming the overriding credo for the world’s growing population. For example in the consumption behavior: less meat and milk consumption up to the vegan nutrition, less plastic packing, smaller transport and work ways, in the agriculture the use of pesticides and herbicides must be drastically reduced and incentives for the ecological cultivation be created. Each of us has it in the hand with vegan nutrition and Food Waste Abhilfe a large contribution to make. If one then also consciously buys local and seasonal fruits and vegetables,
Car: Mobility in Switzerland consumes one third of the total CO2 consumption. This is due to the mania and the love for SUVs, i.e. for the „Extremely Environmentally Harmful Vehicles“. No country in the world drives more monster cars and mostly with only one person in the vehicle. Sorry dear car lovers and PS-Protzerer, more stupidly it does not go! Therefore, there is only one solution: gasoline and diesel would have to be taxed considerably higher for the time being and banned until 2030, so that the switch to e-cars is quickly made more attractive. Public parking spaces should be gradually decimated in metropolitan areas and quickly disappear. Instead, more e-bikes, e-cars terminals should be provided on the peripheries and mainly public transport should be expanded in the cities with the help of more e-mobility. Mind you, a trip of 100 kilometers destroys 300 kg of glacial ice. The worst of the unreasonableness is two or three kilometer trips for daycare centers and shopping.
Rail: Rail transport must be made considerably cheaper, at least in Switzerland. One example is Austria, which has introduced an affordable price for an annual season ticket. You can travel around the country for a whole year for the price of a half-fare card. This will certainly give a strong impetus to the trend reversal in public transport. The SBB is lagging behind.
Air traffic: One European flight causes around 5190 kilograms of glacier melt in the Alps. And that thousands of times every day. A CO2 tax would have to be levied on all flights worldwide, including transport flights, so that the industry would also change its technology here and the fun frequent flyers would be put in their place or make an adequate contribution.
Shipping: Freight shipping gobbles up huge amounts of diesel. The more we promote and buy local products, the less has to be transported and distributed far away. Shipping also needs to look at new fuels, sails, and wind turbines, and move full speed ahead toward the energy transition.
Financial industry and oligarchs: No one on earth needs billions, that much is crystal clear. Why not put a cap on the super-rich worldwide and, for example, confiscate and redistribute every dollar over 50 million in assets. The funds needed for climate change should be collected from the super-rich. The commodity companies and tech giants would have to do their part as well as the crypto miners and Big Data miners.
War economy/arms industry: In my opinion, all states should get their act together and introduce a war material moratorium for five or ten years and the saved funds should be spent on climate protection and CO2 reduction. Because mankind is currently fighting a global battle to save our planet, which it seems to be losing. In order to survive this war against our demise, we do not need weapons, tanks, submarines and airplanes. All of which would be of no use to us if we die as a result of hunger, thirst, devastation and distribution struggles. No one comes out of this story unscathed.
Consumer goods industry: Today, many cheap products are designed in such a way that they have to be replaced soon after the warranty period has expired, either because they cannot be repaired (due to a lack of spare parts or due to their design) or because they were designed and manufactured from the outset for a short life. If you look at the quality of components, machines, clothes, etc. that were built in the past, some of which were passed down through the generations, then we all know how things could be better. The products would have to be manufactured in such a way that they can be used for at least ten or twenty years.
Consumers: We underestimate our role and influence, even if one individual can supposedly make little difference. If we want to make a difference, we could ………………………………….
Agriculture: I have already mentioned it, and it is clear to all of us that we can no longer continue to poison the soil and water to an even greater extent. If the consumers send a clear signal and the politicians cancel the subsidies for livestock farming and intensive monoculture agriculture, we will also get going here and help the farmers who practice organic farming with the cancelled subsidies of the poisoners and pesticide polluters. As in Holland, huge cultivation buildings could be built in the agglomeration around the cities, where fruits and vegetables could grow much more efficiently and economically, be harvested more easily and automatically, and be available to the local market.
Plastic packaging: 53 kilograms of single-use plastic per capita and year end up in waste, in the water or elsewhere in the environment in Switzerland. This makes Switzerland one of the largest consumers after Singapore (76 kg), Australia (59 kg), Oman (56 kg) and on par with Belgium, the Netherlands and Hong Kong. By 2040, 1.3 billion tons of plastic will pollute the environment and waterways worldwide. Of course, the packaging industry would have to use new packaging materials, but it is also up to the consumer how and what they buy.
Urban planning/self-sufficiency/social issues: In view of the rapid loss of biodiversity and the desolation of cities, I have been asking myself for a long time why all the useless lawns in front of all rental and residential buildings are not converted into gardens for inclined hobby gardeners and self-supporters among the residents, and especially the poorer people and those with a migration background and agricultural know-how could partially grow their food in front of the house. This would also counteract poverty a little and guarantee the survival of many families as well as be meaningful. Why should we all import food from Africa, China and Latin America, when we could beautify our cities, increase biodiversity and counteract climate change with local cultivation. As soon as a blade of grass makes itself felt, the lawn robot is already there. Useless Thuya hedges as far as the eye can see. Most people don’t know what to do with nature anymore. We should think about what our communities actually do with their communal areas. They create large cultivation structures instead of promoting small-scale, local cultivation. That needs to change. We need to push for greening and solarization of our cities, use less parking, more green transportation and trails, and create green spaces everywhere including on the roofs of homes and industrial facilities, promote biodiversified, local fruit and vegetable growing, or add solar panels to rooftops and highways. Buildings could also be vertically greened, as Singapore and other cities have long exemplified.
Textile industry: It is one of the dirtiest industries after the fossil raw materials industry. There is only one way forward here, dear ladies. Renunciation and more renunciation, fewer clothes, but better quality ones. The fashion madness must come to an end. There is not much more to say here.
Wind energy: Scotland and Norway are leading the way. The Scots already have zero emissions because they have installed so many wind farms that they can export green electricity. Many communities finance these plants themselves with their residents and thus become not only independent of the power supply but also green electricity suppliers. Wind energy has also become a driver of green energy in Norway. Moreover, the country apparently offers ideal conditions to inject and store CO2 deep underground in wooden spaces. Co2 can be liquefied and thus pumped deep into the earth’s layers. In Switzerland, wind energy ekes out a shadowy existence. But wind turbines could be erected here and in many other parts of the world. Here on the lakes, in the alpine valleys where the foehn blows constantly, on alpine ridges and also on the roofs of industrial plants. In any case, there is still a lot of room for improvement in wind energy.
Climate-neutral utopias?
In America, the land of unlimited possibilities, two highway lanes on the opposite side of each entrance and exit could be converted into railroad tracks and the car lanes could be covered with solar cells, so that the power supply for the electrification of traffic could also be ensured at the same time. Of course, there would also be charging stations for e-cars and e-bikes at the train stations on the highways for local transportation. The Japanese or the Chinese or even Stadler Rail could help the Yanks upgrade their infrastructure in terms of rail technology. The fracking wells would disappear and wind turbines would take their place.
8. Wellbeing and Healing with Ayurveda and Cannabis
Ayurveda treatment: In the realm of loving hands
No other medical system in the world has such a universal, profound and holistic cleansing system as the ancient Ayurvedic Pancha-Karma cure. Where stressed Westerners become healthy again, filled with Eastern wisdom and meditative peace, and which are the best Ayurvedic hot springs in Sri Lanka and India, I would like to share here based on my travels and reports for renowned health magazines.
Slowly the warm herbal sesame oil runs in a fine stream over the forehead during the Shirodhara treatment. Back and forth, evenly and soothingly. For a good 20 minutes. Everyday thoughts dissolve and make room for a soothing emptiness. Attention turns inward. Deep relaxation spreads through my body. The mirror to the soul opens. Even old memories emerge from the depths. Although the oily Ayurvedic massages make you feel like an oil sardine, you soon get used to them and enjoy the soothing touches. An extremely relaxing experience is the synchronous massage, called Abhayanga, also known as the loving hands massage. This describes the sensation during the massage very well, because being massaged synchronously by four hands is more beautiful than any caress. The gentle hand movements massage the herbal oil into the skin so that it can reach the lower layers of the tissues and involve the blood and nervous systems, isolating and subsequently eliminating the toxins and waste products.
What was developed thousands of years ago in northern India is a holistic natural system that considers body, mind and spirit as one. The Ayurvedic philosophy assumes that all matter, including human beings, can be traced back to the five elements: earth, air, water, fire and space. From this connection three basic constitutions are formed, the so-called Doshas, which are understood as essential bio-energies. The elements air and space form the Vata-Dosha and stand for the life principle movement. It controls the movement processes in the body, breathing and the nervous system. The second dosha is called pitta and is dominated by the element fire. Pitta energy is responsible for all reactions, i.e. digestive and metabolic processes. The elements earth and water influence the third dosha, the so-called kapha. Their energy is structuring, form-giving and responsible for the cell and skeleton structure as well as for the characteristic features. Only when the doshas are in balance, body and soul are healthy.
The Ayurveda cure usually begins with a pulse diagnosis by the doctor. Dr. Rupawathie Waidyawasana from the „Lotus Villa“ in Sri Lanka gently presses her fingers into my forearm above the base of my thumb. But she not only measures the pulse beat, she determines „whether it throbs strongly, glides through the body like waves, hops like a frog or trots along like an elephant“. Thus, the harmony of the three doshas, vatta, pitta and kapha, and the susceptibility to disease are determined. Dr. Buddhike of the „Paragon“ also amazes me: at once he detects three weakened organs with the pulse diagnosis. During colonization, Ayurvedic doctors were prohibited from practicing their profession. As a result, a lot of knowledge was lost, says Dr. Jayawardhana of the „Institut Indigenious Medicin“ at the university in Colombo. And then came the influence of Western medicine, which displaced traditional medicine, adds Dr. Kamal Sersinghe, a lecturer at the university in Colmobo.
Ayurveda assumes that there is everything in nature that is needed to make and keep people healthy. Thus, plants, minerals, ashes, salts, barks, woods, roots and few animal products are cooked, powdered and processed into pills creams and oils. The delicate yellow sesame oil is mixed by the Ayrveda doctor with other natural ingredients that he or she specifically adjusts to the dosha type. The oil can thus have an optimal effect on the individual constitution of each person. „The oils and the right massage technique combined together, this is how the doshas are harmonized, philosophizes Dr. Wasanta Sumana of the Beliata Ayurveda Hospital in Hambatota, Sri Lanka.
My research on Ayurveda medicine was first done in Sri Lanka in the following resorts (before the tsunami): „Aida“ in Bentota, „Lanka Princess“ in Beruwela, „Lawrence Hill“ in Hikkaduwa, „Lotus Villa“ in Ahungatta, „Paragon“ in Unawatuna, „Surya Lanka“ in Talpe and „Vattersgarden“ in …..
How to recognize a good Ayurveda resort? For evaluation you can ask yourself the following questions: Do they accept guests outside the tourist season? Has Ayurveda been practiced for many years? Is treatment individualized or standardized? Is there a midestay of at least 18 days for a Pancha Karma treatment? Does the doctor have a university or college degree? Does the <drinking water supply meet the required drinking water quality? Are the meals and medicine prepared individually? Is there a general ban on smoking. If you have clarified these questions for yourself, you have already come a long way, also as a spiritual preparation for the cure.
Ayurveda: The three Dosha types and their characteristics
The doshas shape the characteristics and functions of a person’s physical and mental abilities. Here, in a simplified way, are the three most important types out of a total of ten differentiations.
Vata – kinetic principle – breathing, & movement (joints and muscles) responsible for stimulating Agni (digestive fire), for elimination, sensory perception and speech.
Organs: Large intestine, lumbar and sacral regions, thighs, bones and sensory organs.
Qualíty: Provides cellular fluid, shapes physique/structure, makes joints supple, moisturizes skin, strengthens immune defenses and is responsible for internal development.
Y/T time: life phase from 46 – 80 years, months: November to February, times of day: 2 to 6 o’clock and from 2 to 6 o’clock.
Tip: ensure a lot of inner and outer peace, avoid cold and prefer warm food.
Pitta – thermal principle – (body temperature) it regulates metabolism, digestion, energy, heat and skin coloration. Responsible for hunger, thirst intelligence and bravery,
organs: navel, stomach, large and small intestine, sweat, blood, vision and external activity.
Qualítät: regulates the body nature, enzymes, amino acids and controls biochemical processes.
Y/T period: phase of life 17- 45 years. MOante: July to October. Daytime hours: 10 am to 1 pm and 10 pm to 2 am.
Problems: Fever, inflammation, eye irritation, bleeding gums, moles, freckles, tendency to sweat, acidity of the stomach, skin problems, ulcers, sensitive teeth, premature graying, Pitta types are often workaholics.
Tip: Eat something immediately when hungry
Kapha type: slow comprehension, good long-term memory, makes decisions thoughtfully, hard to get upset, comfortable, content person, has stamina, Negative: greed, envy, cling to material things and immovable states.
Kapha – hydro principle (synthesis and union) responsible for lubricating the joints and for oiling and greasing the tissues and skin (metabolism), potency and stability
Qualíty: regulates breathing, heartbeat, nervous system, blinking of the eyes and the movement of the olasma
Y/T period: life phase o to 16 years. Months: March to June. Daytime hours: 6 to 10 a.m. and 6 to 10 p.m.
Problems: Coughs, colds, benbulism, phlegm, depression, desire to eat, weight gain, lethargy, high blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes, water in the tissues.
What is good for the three Dosha types?
Vata type: Warm, heavy and oily foods that taste sweet, sour and salty are good. So cucumbers, carrots, sweet potatoes, cabbage, squash, radishes, asparagus, apricots, avocados, bananas, berries, honeydew melons, churches, oats, wheat, rice, nuts, poultry, meat, fish and boiled eggs. Cold, dry and light foods and cold drinks are to be avoided.
Pitta -type: Good are cold foods, foods and drinks that taste sweet or bitter, such as cauliflower, brocolli, peas, green beans, cucumbers, potatoes, squash, Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, apples, avocado, dried fruits, figs, cherries, mangoes, oranges, plums, legumes, dill, fennel, cardamom, corriander, mint, cinnamon. Hot, spicy, salty or acidic foods should be avoided.
Kapha type: light, dry and warm foods that are spicy or bitter tasting are good. Eggplant, cauliflower, brocolli, carrots, cabbage, asparagus, peppers, mushrooms, salads, apple, apricots, berries, cherries, raisins, dried fruits, all grains except oats, all legumes except white beans, garlic, honey, buttermilk, cottage cheese, madel, fish, game, shellfish, eggs, sunflower oil. Avoid heavy, oily, and clammy foods, as well as everything that is sweet, sour, and salty.
Let’s take another spiritual journey from the advanced civilizations of indigenous peoples to today’s lowlands, trials and tribulations of drug use, delving into the international and state repression machine in dealing with psychoactive substances and focusing on the local drug policy, which mainly protects and supports the pharmaceutical industry, but has little to do with prevention and public health. For while the globally acceptable drug alcohol, causes far more health damage and deaths, the hemp plant and THC consumption are still stigmatized and are banned in Northern Europe, i.e. in Germany, France, Great Britain and Switzerland. Spain and Portugal, as well as Czechoslovakia, have relaxed the laws and allowed consumption on a limited basis in so-called social clubs. In addition to the USA and Canada, which have long since legalized the drug, Mexico is now following suit.
In Switzerland, a 5-year pilot project trial phase will start in 2022, making it clear that it could take another 10 years in this country for the policy to change. The hemp plant and its substrates the cannabinoids and terpenes are condemned against better knowledge for nearly 50 years as a devil drug, condemned and criminalized, thereby donates the ancient culture and cult plant worldwide for thousands of years valuable healing and food. Thus, the hemp oil is very rich in unsaturated omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and only in the optimal ratio. The applications in medicine are incredibly wide-ranging. Cosmetics have also rediscovered the healing properties of hemp, and in France some winegrowers are beginning to enrich their wine with hemp. By the way, this was already done by the Romans. They knew about the potentized effect of alcohol and cannabis. And the indigenous high cultures in Latin America, above all Teotihuatlan, were the strongholds of experimental drug highs. Anyone who wanted to belong to the elite had to undergo a week-long drug hell trip in the dark temples. The cocktail consisted not only of cannabis but mainly of psychoactive mushrooms and cacti such as Don Pedro and mescaline.
Once we appreciated the intoxicating and horizon-expanding aspects of the THC substance in our youth in the 60’s and 80’s, as we grew older and gained new knowledge, other valuable medicinal effects were added, such as mental and physical relaxation, a good night’s sleep and ability to fall asleep, more intense and creative sex, improved skin texture, and veritable health aids for many diseases, as we will see in a moment. Mary Jane has often been blamed as a gateway drug to harder substances, ignoring the fact that alcohol use is the first and most important step toward all other drugs, and conversely, drug addiction is not to be disparaged. Today, the mix of alcohol, designer drugs and stimulant medications is particularly sought after and dangerous. Synthetic Spice products can also be deadly. A consequence of Nixon’s misguided, globally repressive and very mendacious, racially and politically motivated drug policy and thus originated in America. Under President Nixon it was claimed „cannabis turns people“ into animals. The target of the discriminatory campaign of the „War on Drugs“ were the blacks and the white opponents of the war. And in Switzerland posters were hung with the slogan „Hasch macht doof“. Here, too, the hippies, the freaks, and the „moved“ were meant.
In the 90s, first Zurich, then the whole of Switzerland became a hemp Mecca with the legendary hemp pellets and scented sachets or bath additives containing THC-containing weed and hashish. Even ping pong balls filled with MariJane with holes in them were available. At the time, weed was legal as such, as long as it was not explicitly used for „drug abuse,“ i.e., trafficking and distribution of the flowers. There were lax regulations for the production of fragrances or for brewing hemp flower beer, which also did not depend on THC content. So tons of outdoor cannabis was legally and inexpensively traded on a large scale like in the witch’s cauldron or in video stores, clothing boutiques, drug stores and other shops. This only changed when Switzerland wanted to join the UN, which insisted that Switzerland recognize the Single Convention Act of 1961. In addition, neighboring countries Germany and France put pressure on Switzerland to roll back liberalization, which the Federal Council proposed to parliament in 2002 and which was approved by both chambers the following year, because drug tourism was a thorn in their side. With the reform of the BetmG, the status similar to the EU was adopted, with the exception that in our country the tolerance limit for commercial hemp is somewhat higher and CBD has been legalized since 2016. The only problem is that you can badly half legalize a plant and still criminalize it. That is why the current article for the five-year pilot projects in the four cities (Basel, Bern, Geneva and Zurich) with 5000 people per city is also called „experimental article“. But the conditions are somewhat abstruse. It is equally frustrating to get an exemption permit for dronabinol (synthetic THC) under certain medical criteria, but it is not covered by health insurance. Instead of promoting the area-wide, sustainable, ecological and landscape-protecting outdoor cultivation, which could be used for medicine, cosmetics, food, building materials, textiles, etc. and could also be used as avalanche protection and for CO-2 reduction, which would offer mountain farmers an economic organic basis, the focus continues to be on indoor cultivation and the one-sided synthesization of the ingredients for pharmaceutical products.
Although in the USA hemp, weed, hash etc. have been largely legalized in many states for a long time, in Switzerland we are just allowing a few pilot trials, which are unsuitable in this form and which only serve to favor the pharmaceutical industry and protect it in the event of liberalization. In its „Perspectives on Drug Policy 2030“, the Federal Council announces its intention to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the sanctions procedure and thus to reassess the opportunities and risks of legalization. In other words, the government is considering decriminalization and legalization over the next ten years. Whereas Portugal already took this path ten years ago, in 2001, with quite positive consequences. The fact that the Swiss government needs 30 years or more to do this is not exactly exhilarating. There was an attempt, but Federal Councilor Ruth Dreyfuss narrowly failed in parliament with her bill. Yet Switzerland, which in the 1980s in the face of the great heroin crisis and the many drug deaths, developed a methadone distribution program that was unique in the world and decriminalized and virtually eliminated heroin use. This successful model made Zurich, and with it Switzerland, a pioneer of a humanitarian drug policy that recognized the potential for addiction. Since then, the government has relied on the four-pillar principle (prevention, therapy, harm reduction and repression).
While hundreds of traffic deaths and thousands of acts of violence under the influence of alcohol are accepted as normal, cannabis has not yet killed anyone and tends to lead to a calm, peaceful if not apathetic stoned state. Where is the widely praised proportionality and Helvetic insight into the facts? With the popular drug alcohol, one accepts all the traffic deaths, family violence excesses, rapes and aggressions? Grotesque, isn’t it? When the 2012 World Cup took place in Portugal, the government banned alcohol for three days but turned a blind eye to cannabis use. Lo and behold, it was the most peaceful soccer games ever. Now let’s delve into today’s medical facts and the political big picture. Cannabis is admittedly no longer internationally equated with heroin since the „United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs“ (CDN) voted in December 2020 at a meeting in Vienna on various proposals made in 2019 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to reclassify cannabis. At issue was removing cannabis from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs and decriminalizing it. Because cannabis had previously been on Schedule IV along with heroin and methaphetamine, the illicit opiates and cocaine, many conservative states continued to invoke the age-old regulation. drug policy shaped over 50 years ago by messianic and hypocritical U.S. policy (and the ambitions of an out-of-work U.S. alcohol prohibition chief) is in upheaval worldwide.
Prohibition has never worked, the medical potential has been neutered
Drug prohibition is supposed to protect us, we are told everywhere. Our health is enforced by coercive and criminal means. In a very flimsy, hypocritical way, although the WHO defines addiction per se as a disease. Whether it is binge eating, alcohol addiction, heroin or opium addiction, or cannabis „abuse.“ But what is the reality? An obscure, Kafkaesque tangle that defies all logic. Do the police ring the bell when diabetics, the recommendations of doctors disregard the prescription information? Do the police sanction and fine offenders for „Ritalin“ or prescription pill abuse? There have been hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. due to money-grubbing pharmaceutical companies and loose prescribing policies of opiates such as „oxytoxin“ as painkillers. A disaster of biblical proportions, exceeded only by Trump’s primitive Corona epidemic policy. In the meantime, cannabis has been legalized in many states in the USA, in Canada and in Uruguay, as well as in some countries in Europe (Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic), Switzerland is lagging behind as always and everywhere. This is probably due to the fact that the pharmaceutical giants do not want to miss out on this big business, a market worth more than five billion Swiss francs, and are lobbying the federal government to ensure that no actual liberalization is being pursued, but only pharmaceutical regulation. In other words, it will probably remain forbidden for Kreti and Pleti to grow and harvest this ancient crop in the garden next to the tomatoes and other herbs. If this were the case, Switzerland could shut down half a nuclear power plant if the growers in this country were not forced to grow the crops under lights in cellars and industrial plants with an immense demand for electricity, while hemp could secure our mountains and avalanche slopes if it were planted outside on a large scale. The only thing that is certain is that the green gold, like almost everything else in Switzerland, is turned into lucrative coal by the pharmaceutical industry and cannabis is only dispensed medically, clinically and possibly even synthetically on prescription for expensive money. Thus the CBD or THC preparations legally available at present for very few persons (approximately 3000) cost between 600 to 800 francs and the health insurance companies do not take over the costs only still or only in the rarest cases. Thus, such a legalized distribution will not eliminate the black market. And the path to a special permit has so far only been possible in four cases: for spasticity such as multiple sclerosis, for chronic pain patients, for HIV disease and for cancer and chemotherapy. It’s worth taking a brief look back to the 1980s.
„If you look back at the heroin crisis in the 1980s, you can say today that illegality and criminalization caused the greatest damage,“ says Toni Berthel, a psychiatrist who headed the „Federal Commission for Addiction Issues“ (EKSF), which has since been renamed the „Federal Commission for Addiction and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases“ (EKSN). Berthel and other addiction experts are convinced that in a free society, adults do not need „lifestyle know-it-alls,“ and that this also applies to psychoactive substances of all kinds. Berthel is convinced that bans are useless, and that regulated distribution combined with addiction prevention is the better way to go, and that „a drug-free society is an illusion. And it is no longer tenable to ban a drug with a low addiction potential and few harmful indications, such as cannabis, while a substance with such a high addiction potential as alcohol is consumed naively. On this point, Berthel and pharmacopsychologist Boris Quednow, who researches substance use and its consequences at the Psychiatric University Clinic in Zurich, agree. He, too, believes that consumption should be decriminalized as soon as possible, „otherwise you continue to punish the most severely affected.“ But regulating each substance individually is enormously complex, he says. And beyond that, there are many other questions about whether these substances would then become prescription drugs and what the requirements would be for the substances produced. So we are also talking about legalization steps for cocaine, of which more than five tons are consumed in Switzerland every year. Or about crystal meth, LSD and mescaline. However, it is also clear that without a tight framework for dispensing, one immediately loses control, because the tobacco lobby or other (also dubious) interested parties are waiting in the wings. But back to cannabis, which is the focus of the cantons here and now also in the pilot projects approved by the FOPH over a period of three years (2022 – 2025). A substance that has been used for thousands of years and has a long-proven, high medicinal potential has been unjustly stigmatized. This much is already clear today. Because:
The catalog of diseases for which cannabis has been proven to have a positive but little or no negative effects, for a long time much wider. In medicine, THC and CBD are therefore increasingly used for therapeutic purposes, for headaches and migraines, nausea or vomiting. It has anxiety-relieving, antipsychotic effects, relieves pain from nerve injuries, inhibits inflammation, suppresses muscle spasms and seizures, stimulates bone growth, lowers blood sugar levels and intraocular pressure, and can also destroy cancer cells. That’s not all, let’s take a closer look at the rich medical and scientific potential of this semi-legal, semi-illegal plant. Israeli researchers are leading the world in the study of medical cannabis. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, discovered THC 50 years ago and later CBD. Research conducted by the „Jewish University“ and „Tel Aviv University“ has shown that THC and CBD can promote the healing of bone fractures and activate lysylhydroxylases (the enzymes necessary for bone healing) in cells. THC binds to the canna-binoid receptors CB1 and CB2 in the body. When docking to CB1 receptors, it affects signal transmission to synapses, which transmit information to the central and peripheral nervous system, resulting in a feeling of happiness, relaxation and pain relief. In Israel, the healing effect of cannabis on colon cancer cells and adenomatous polyps has also been demonstrated. Here CBG was shown to cause cell arrest in colon cancer cells and apoptotic cell death. The most common form of cancer is skin cancer. i.e. melanoma.
Let us now turn to one of the main causes of death in the Western world, type 2 diabetes. Obesity a key risk factor closely linked to the disease. Certain molecules produced in the cannabis plant can help prevent and treat the disease. Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disorder in which the body cannot produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes or diabetes mellitus is much more common and occurs when the pancreas, does not produce enough insulin. If this is the case, normal blood glucose levels cannot be maintained. A UK-based is currently developing a cannabis drug that potentially eliminates the need for insulin injections in diabetes. The company has already launched an oral spray called „Sativex“ to help with the muscle spasms associated with multiple sclerosis. This drug targets the use of the cannabinoids CBD and THCV (tetrahydrocannabivarin), which are molecules that lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin production. THCV is a potent cannabinoid and has been shown to be an appetite suppressant to begin with. A study published by the American Diabetes Association examined the efficacy and safety of THCV and CBD in patients with type 2 diabetes. The researchers, found that THCV also significantly decreased fasting plasma glucose. In turn, the cannabinoids CBD and THC mutually reinforce each other’s therapeutic properties. Cannabigerol (CBG), like cannabidiol (CBD), is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid from the cannabis plant. CBG content is usually higher in indica varieties than in sativa varieties and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic, and intraocular pressure-lowering effects. Researchers from the „University of Barcelona“ have proven that CBG is a partial agonist of cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2) and acts as a regulator of endocannabinoid signaling.
Italian researchers proved that inflammation and oxidative stress play a central role in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and multiple sclerosis, and found that cannabis also exerts neuroprotective effects against inflammation and oxidative stress, protecting against neuronal cell loss. Researchers from the „Universidad Complutense“ Madrid in Spain studied the effects of CBG and identify genes associated with Huntington’s disease (e.g., gamma-aminobutyric acid A receptor (GABA). The study was conducted under the supervision of scientists from 18 countries. The Journal of Investigative Dermatology published a study in which mice with melanoma were treated with THC and CBD, and an international team of researchers found that these substances lead to the death of cancer cells through apoptosis and autophagy. The term autophagy refers to a process in which the cell disassembles itself to get rid of damaged parts. Apoptosis is the natural suicide of the cell. It breaks apart and then the immune system cleans up the rest. Through studies on animals, it has been shown that THC and CBD can stimulate and support both processes. In their study, the researchers used THC and CBD in equal amounts, as given in the drug Sativex, which is currently undergoing a testing phase as a pain medication for cancer patients. The researchers discovered the potential of cannabinoids to treat melanoma back in 2006, when they found the CB1 and CB2 receptors in melanoma cells. These receptors are also the binding sites for THC in the human body. By activating these receptors, the researchers were able to slow down the growth of cancer cells because apoptosis and autophagy were triggered by the treatment. As we can see, the purely medicinal spectrum of the hemp plant is enormous, not to mention that the plant, i.e. the seeds and the oil are very good for nutrition, because they contain an extremely high proportion and ideal ratio of unsaturated fatty acids and amino acids.
The hemp plant has indisputably a lot of medicinal potential that should be used increasingly by the pharmaceutical industry. But please not exclusively and under discrimination of those who want to grow the phytomedicinal qualities with sunlight and rainwater, CO2-neutral with lower THC potency free of charge and consume at any time carefree legal, no matter whether as a joint, as Hasch-Keckse or as hemp oil. That alone would already serve the public health and help the economy as well as the state, the police and justice. Tax revenues for youth protection and prevention, for the state and cantons, the relief of law enforcement agencies from the senseless stoner hunt, an economic innovation boost also in textiles and building materials. A few examples:
The skin is our largest organ and serves as a protective shield against infections and injuries. It is an extremely complex membrane with the epidermis and pores at the top, then in the derma with the sebaceous and sweat glands and hair follicles, followed by the subcutis with the adipocytes and then the muscle structure. The lipid layer is a physiochemical barrier with antimicrobial properties that controls the skin microbiome. The sebaceous glands (sebocytes) contribute with their lipid-rich sebum and, in case of unbalanced production, determine acne, dehydrated skin and other dermatological diseases. According to recent findings, there is an interesting link between cannabinoids and the metabolic processes in the skin. In a systematic study of the effects on the skin of the use of synthetic cannabinoids, which can be purchased over the counter, scientists found that there is an active interaction between cannabinoids and skin homeostasis. In 2015, at the dermatological University of Münster, Germany, human cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2 were detected in the sebaceous glands for the first time. Another group of researchers found that the potential of cannabinoids has a significant impact on the homeostasis of sebum production (sebum). In one experiment, CB2 receptors were specifically turned off in sebocytes, which resulted in a reduction of sebum production. In the second experiment, exogenously applied endocannabinoids were found to increase lipid pro-duction, indicating the importance of the CB2 receptor in sebocytic lipogenesis.
In other words, the phyto-cannabinoid cannabidiol clearly shows anti-acne effects by normalizing sebum production, increased proliferation of keratinocytes and bacterial inflammation. CBD does not inhibit sebum lipogenesis, but brings it into proper balanace. Also essential oil that is extracted from the hemp plant consists of a variety of terpenes and antimicrobial properties against P.acnes and are also anti-inflammatory. As a result, terpenes can or must be increasingly emphasized as another building block in the complex effect of the hemp plant for medicinal purposes and health aspects. Moreover, cannabinoids also have a key function in the skin, which is not limited to the immune cells. The modulatory effect is also active in the sebaceous glands and many other cell types that contain phatogenic and hazard-associated recognition receptors. These cells coordinate and formulate local immune responses and the production of pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators. And all this happens under the strict regime of the human cannabinoid system (ECS), as explained by the source of these exciting findings, Dr. Christian Löfke, cell biologist at the organic hemp producer „BioBloom“.
Hemp fiber was already highly valued in shipping, and recently it has come back into the conversation as a building material, opening up entirely new, sustainable construction methods for building everything from micro houses to apartment buildings. The excellent, breathable insulating materials can be used for floors, interior and exterior walls, false ceilings and even the roof. First of all, there is hemp lime for exterior walls, which can be used very flexibly in a wide variety of constructions. The hemp can be used in blocks of any size (like bricks) or it can be used to construct entire walls and floors in a tailor-made way. Hemp clay is used in interior walls and floor construction because of its excellent thermal mass. Hemp wool shines due to its exceptional insulating properties combined with high lightness and toughness. Hemp fleece, in turn, is a good impact sound insulator. And hemp lime opens up completely new, sustainable applications in the construction and wood industries. For example, a farmhouse with timber framing can be completely restored and the outer walls sealed with hemp lime. Which notabene fulfills all energy standards without additional use of other insulating materials. Hemp lime is made from hemp shives (chopped hemp stalks) that are already used as animal litter and then, with the addition of lime and water, results in a kind of natural concrete. The procedure can be made also with loam instead of lime, whereby the building method could be opened again for many other world regions. A small house requires about two tons of hemp hurds and fibers, while a single-family house can require 15 tons of hemp hurds and four tons of hemp fibers.
According to estimates by the U.S. firm Grand View Research, cannabis companies will generate $73 billion worldwide in 2027. The London-based firm „Prohibition Partners“, which specializes in cannabis, estimates the market volume for Europe at 115 billion euros by 2028. The sales potential for Switzerland is currently estimated at a good five billion, but it could be much higher. Currently, Canadian companies are leading the way, followed by companies in the U.S. and the U.K., but there are also some quite big players in Switzerland. Drug prohibition never worked, the medical potential was neutered. We’ve known that for 50 years now. So we should at least give grass now, instead of letting valuable time pass with abstruse pilot projects. The population is mature enough for this and no longer wants to be patronized and taken for fools.
9. places of longing: Australia, Aborigines and South Sea pearls
Finally, a very relaxing trip to Australia, and then we’re off to the South Seas. Let’s start the journey on the world’s largest sand island in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Queensland, where tropical forested dunes tower on the shores of crystal clear freshwater lakes amidst emerald green rainforests. Off Fraser Island’s coast, humpback whales and dolphins cavort. But the island biotope is not only a refuge for rare plant species and endemic animal species; homo ecotourism is also increasingly nesting here. Sand dunes up to 240 meters high, 120 kilometers of beach, numerous crystal clear freshwater lakes and a large sheltered bay, Hervey Bay, where whales can be seen between August and October, are the attraction of the island microcosm.
Fraser Island is ancient and carries the eternity of over 220 million years of evolutionary history on its hump. Sand has washed up and accumulated on the island for two million years. During the Ice Age, this landscape was formed and in its present form it has existed for about 6000 years. With the warming of the climate 140,000 years ago, the first traces of the Aborigines appeared there, but it is assumed that the „Butschulla“ aborigines settled on „KGari“ Island only 20 million years ago. For the western world Fraser Island was discovered by James Cook in 1770.
A legend of the Butschulla tribe about evolutionary history says that the Creator once sent the gods Jendigi and Gari to earth. They created mountains, rivers and lakes, and the goddess Gari insisted on staying on earth. So Jendigi transformed the goddess Gari into a beautiful island with over 40 lakes, so clear that Gari could see him in the sky. He also created animals and humans and taught them to reproduce. This is the story of the creation of Fraser Island, the world’s largest sand island, 120 km long and 25 km wide. Over the millennia, the sea has washed up gigantic sand dunes.
The gigantic freshwater reservoirs together hold ten to twenty million mega-liters of fresh water. The crystal clear drinking water of Lake McKenzie, lined with bright white sand beaches, invites you to take a dip. Dingoes can also be seen on the shore. However, they do not come to drink, but because of the bulging provision bags of the tourists. Many a fine morsel falls off for the wild dogs.
Already in the apron of the Australia journey I made myself strong for the „whale prohibition“ and reported about it in different newspapers, among other things in the Sunday newspaper under the title „Lieber touristic ausschlachten, als abschlachten“! Now I wanted to fulfill myself the dream and participate in a whale watching. Hervey Bay is only one of a dozen places in the Great Barrier Reef where the whales cavort. About 100 people crowd to the railing on the „Kingfisher“ catamaran, scanning the horizon for fountains or a towering tail fin. „There they are,“ one yells, and the crowd cheers! A colossus weighing perhaps 30 tons with a body certainly over 16 meters long shoots high into the air like a silvery arrow performs a pirouette and then dives headfirst back into the waters. What a sublime sight! Fortunately, they are protected here.
„Whale-watching“ has blossomed into a 600 to 700 million tourism industry in the 1990s. Whale-watchers travel to Baja California, the coast of Brazil, Patagonia or South Africa to see the swimming mammals. As early as 1994, Australia was earning more than 50 million a year from whale watching. No wonder, the giants of the seas are fascinating in every way! Like encoded messages (today they are probably lamentations) their tones sound from the depth of the ocean, similar to a sonar, the echo-sounding system of shipping they determine their course with radar signals. They send out exact transmission intervals and are able to pick up the signals of the sound waves with their sensitive sense and to analyze and locate them precisely, so that they can orientate themselves over thousands of kilometers. The songs, which can last up to thirty minutes, are used for communication with conspecifics. From the turquoise shores of the Great Barrier Reef now to a completely different area, which stands in contrast to the maritime life, but equally fights for survival.
Opal seekers in Coober Pedy: Hope lives underground
Between Adelaide and Alice Springs, somewhere in the middle of a glowing, hot, inhospitable lunar landscape, lies the then 5,000-strong nest of Coober Pedy, also known as „Opal Mining City“. The inhabitants live in subterranean mole-like constructions and also spend the day underground, in the tunnels, equipped with dynamite to carry out further blasting. Glimpses into the lives of opal prospectors in a dynamite-laden underground. Driven by the hope of quick riches and exposed to the risk of failing mouse-poor, real fortune seekers thus, from all parts of the earth. But what is it that draws people here? Desolation, scorching heat, lots of dust and rubble, and endless hardships. Nothing is spared the opa prospectors here. Four-fifths of the population lives underground in the tunnels, which have ventilation shafts to the top. The supermarket, gas station and church are also underground. Here in the hot outback, men from Albania, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Poland and even Swiss are among them. They are all looking for the precious stones. At that time, you could just stake a „claim“ and start drilling and blasting. Lucky men who left Coober Pedy as rich men are few and far between. The large cemetery in the desert nest is eloquent testimony to that. There is also a letter carrier for the region. John Stillwell’s oxen tour clearly shows the local dimensions. Twice a week, John drives from Coober Pedy to William Creek, a provincial nest of nine houses, and then to Oodnadata, a dilapidated Aborginies settlement, delivering mail to three farmers over the 650 kilometers. John has been doing this tour for six years now and he has done the route over 700 times. He also crosses the Moon Plain Area, a dry, stony, sandy moonscape dotted with small hills to the Anna Creek cattle ranch, whose fence is over 9600 kilometers long. The farm is thus almost as big as the Netherlands. Then we continue to William Creek and although there are only nine houses, there is probably the most expensive satellite phone booth in the world and a shady parking lot with parking meter. We continue along an old Aborginies trail to the underground hot springs and follow the „Great Overland Telegraph line“. At sunset we played another round of desert sand golf.
South Sea Pearls: At the Gate to Paradise
A mosaic of light and color surrounds the widely scattered chain of islands. Each of these islands, covered in emerald green vegetation, is fringed by turquoise blue and wreath-shaped reefs. They limit the depth of the sea, turn its opulent underwater splendor upwards and unfold the beauty of the colorful coral gardens with great abundance of species and shield the islands, which are often only a few meters above the sea surface, from the surf. After an interminably long flight from Zurich, via Paris, New-York, San Francisco and Hawaii, I landed at the „gateway to paradise“ on Tahiti – also called the „island of love“ and synonymous with the stuff dreams are made of. The French overseas territory with its 118 islands is divided into the Austral and Society Islands, the Marquesas and the Tuamotu Archipelago. The choice is difficult. But basically, there are two types of islands that unite to form a brilliant ensemble: high volcanic islands like Moorea, Huahine or Tahiti and flat atolls like Tetiaroa.
Tahiti, the „island of multicolored waters“ is also a symbol of the transfigured myth that covers the South Seas like its sparkling firmament with enchanting impressions. In the South Seas the creator once wanted to show what he was capable of, the poet Robert Brooke recorded. Gaugin, too, fell into a painterly impressionist frenzy of colors and senses. Especially Moorea, which is less than half an hour away from Papeete by catamaran, is taken to heart by many. The vacation island, on which several volcanic peaks rise like lances into the sky, became famous through Dino de Laurenti’s film „Mutiny on the Bounty“. Right next to the 900 meter high Mount Rotui lies the famous Cook Bay. Indeed, one cannot help but paint the South Seas in the most beautiful colors and praise it in the highest terms. In view of the gentle and strong charisma of the islanders, one is tempted to elevate their world to a paradise on earth. When graceful, strong men row their canoes through the water as swift as an arrow, or graceful creatures sit under the coconut palms, mango, papaya, avocado and breadfruit trees. Since then, Europeans have measured the South Seas with the yardstick of their wishes and dreams; poets of all stripes fantasize, fabricate and compose much crazy beauty. But a place of vicious pleasures, the South Seas is not, despite all matriarchal mores and permissive sensuality. But there is a conspicuous number of transvestites (raerae) in Papeete. And a Polynesian peculiarity are the marus – sons feminized from an early age by their mothers, usually the last born in a family that has no daughters. They behave like women and do the housework. Both marginalized groups enjoy a high level of social acceptance.
Thirty years after the French invasion of Tahiti and Mururoa by an army of nuclear physicists, engineers and military men, the South Sea Islanders know not only the god of love, but also the god and power of money. Life in paradise has its price and it is high. Problems with alcohol and other drugs as well as poverty and slumming are on the rise. In fact, travel writers can’t help but describe the South Seas in the most beautiful colors and, in view of the gentle and tranquil way of life of the extremely hospitable islanders, elevate it to the status of paradise. High volcanic islands like Moorea, Huahine and Tahiti, flat atolls like Marlon Brando’s kingdom of Tetiaroa. Like Tahiti, Huahine is divided into a large and a small island. Between them is a strait that is very popular with surfers. Bora Bora has the most spectacular and beautiful lagoon in the world. Truly, the only 30 square meters small but 30 million years old atoll is a precious jewel in the Pacific. At that time, many tourists also took Moorea to their hearts because of the movie „Mutiny on the Bounty“, which was filmed there in Oponohu Bay.
10. (A)social media, Big Data, AI, Whistleblowers and disruptive media moguls.
Critically questioning the role of all media
In the final chapter, we take another somewhat creepy journey through the world of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and the (a)social media that so strongly influence all of our lives. As is so often the case, the technologies are helpful and good, but are mostly being used and commoditized in disruptive ways. Anyone who goes outside quickly realizes that they need to dress warmly. Anger, hatred and denunciation dominate the debate climate, prevent genuine discourse and lead to camp formation and wagon mentality. They fuel discord and prevent the necessary dialogue. A reasonable exchange between the pole positions hardly comes about any more, a discussion progress and enrichment for both sides fall under the table. One gets the impression that the discrediting of people who think differently is used as a cheap substitute for serious, well-founded and solution-oriented politics. Instead of connecting more and more with everything alive, we have successively focused our cognitive abilities on the smart phone, PCs and laptops and no longer see beyond (our own) horizon. It is striking that the view has been reduced to a display and 35 cm horizon and that most people are constantly swiping around on the smart phone instead of facing an interesting dialog or flirting a little. Interesting encounters on public transport have largely been lost, with almost everyone just staring at their displaly as if they were part of the machine, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
In contrast to the pandemic, we have still not fully recognized the negative effects of digitalization and have not put the ingenious and progressive potential of technologies and the Internet at the service of society and humanity, but have unconditionally left tech giants to our exploitation, enslavement and dehumanization and are blithely playing along with the tragic game. The gradual disconnection from everything that makes us human and humanity itself, the constant artificial seduction of apps and algorithms that dictates our lives, is where very few of us now differ from gambling addicts, tablet and alcohol addicts, even fixers. Actually, seen in the masses, we no longer differ from digi-tal zombies and hardly all that much from robots that either function according to „schema F“ or are discarded and dulled. What if the next global pandemic was a world-wide cyberattack on the Internet. Then the world would literally stand still, but millions of people would go crazy. Those who still have access to their simple, living basic needs and with all their fibers, unbroken curiosity and joy of exchange with strangers would be deterred. Where is the freedom left there? We need a sensible global income and social policy, not an economic growth policy for the sake of a few and ruin for all. Most social media, especially „Facebook“ and „Twitter“ are like „infernal machines for destabilizing whole societies“.
The US and Donald Trump have just proven it and taken it to extremes, but the disruptive SM demon is in constant use around the world, directing governments and society before it. We have become media empowered but not media literate – and most get lost in an endless loop using these perfidious techno-tools that divide society. The hypocritical and irresponsible net lords pursue a „Kafkaesque censorship policy“: Sometimes following the with the banishment of a few nipples obscure evangelical morals and opaque filters, for that they ignore posts that incite to violence, be it in the USA and Europe or with dictatorial neighbors and despots, as the military junta in Burma gave free rein to agitators in the expulsion of the Rohinas (and was not censored) and in China anyway in dealing with the Iugurs, the Hong Kong Chinese, Taiwanese, etc. What distortions of reality and discourse are being propagated or suppressed here? Where exactly are the limits of what is justifiable? How are conflicting goals, political influence and abuse of power limited and prevented?
Quite simply, binding and precisely formulated ethical standards and journalistic principles would have to be introduced for everyone, in terms of factual accuracy and source citation, and full transparency would have to be established in the filter settings and the „world view“ of the platform. But most importantly, companies should be taxed enough to actually make a social contribution to world affairs and not just make Marc Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and a few others multi-billionaires. No one person should own one or more billions on their own. Billionaires would have to give every cent over 100 million of mine back to society. But: The oligarchy of the globalized finance capital wants to silence the NGOs and the Swiss foreign minister Ignazio Cassis wants to put the development organizations on a short leash and cut their contributions, while it is only logical that civil organizations also get politically involved in the fight against injustice and inequality. NGOs must be in a position to get to the root of the evil and, through research, get to the bottom of the dirty dealings of the extractive and financial industries and take action on a civil level against misery and exploitation. For there is much to be done:
Two billion people have no access to clean water, 62 UN states practice torture, millions of people and children starve to death, although the world could produce enough food for all. For neoliberalism, the cannibalistic world and economic order and selfishness is the engine of history. For anti-capitalists and social movements, every human being is inspired by the desire for solidarity, reciprocity and complementarity with the poorest people, and the idea of a more just world is not a utopia but a necessity to be constantly worked on. Is it presumptuous to dream of a post-capitalist world and not lose sight of this goal. „When human consciousness is finally freed from the capitalist alienation of human values, the transformation process of the new order will begin in the framework of respect for all economic, social and cultural rights and values will be based.
Everything important is unpurchasable, everything purchasable is unimportant. Renunciation creates free space. Those who hardly need money do not have to earn much and can turn to more meaningful things than slave labor. There is still a lack of an ideal superstructure – everyone looks out for himself, egoism and self-promotion flourish. Many indulge in a superficial, consumption-oriented and meaningless existence. There are neo-ascetics, pragmatic idealists, robust materialists and exuberant capitalists. From the liberation from social constraints follows a turbo-individualism that torpedoes the ideal foundations and the cohesion of our society and renounces compassion, solidarity and respectability. After the emergence of religion and politics, the gods of capitalism lose their luster and, if present, their meaning-giving power. More appearance than reality was the motto for a long time. The varnish is off and the shine of unbridled capitalism is fading in the field of tension between turbo-capitalism and social market economy. Many things are currently being put to the test: the image of man, gender roles, the world order and the economic order, the intergenerational contract and the welfare state.
We are in a purgatory of paradoxes. Division and fragmentation have shattered the social order, and digitization is partly to blame. Have we now reached the point where we replace the lost values with even more laws and coercive state measures and protect society and the state from exuberant contemporaries and, at the same time, protect ourselves from the encroachments and interventions of the state and give up fundamental rights and freedoms more and more? They are already as full of holes as an Emmental cheese.
20 years ago, the terrorist attacks of September 11 on the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York took place. These fundamentally changed the world and replaced the „Cold War“ with the Soviet Union, with NATO Allies immediately joining the U.S. in unconditional solidarity and declaring alliance default for the first time in NATO history. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. security apparatus was left without a significant enemy. The „War on Terror“ gave the war machine a renewed boost and large military budgets. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were the result, and Europe blithely participated – also in the knowledge of the torture prisons of the USA in Afghanistan, Iraq, the Eastern Bloc and Guantanamo. Switzerland also helped in the US kidnapping and torture flights and played a disastrous collaborative role in humanitarian terms. Germany is no better off and the British do what the Americans want anyway. But we Swiss are also the lapdogs of the United States and kowtow at all levels. In addition, we are also the European, not to say global intelligence operations hub with all the international organizations and the many oligarchs and tax evaders and Mafiosis who live and work here. They all love Switzerland.
Let us also recall the horrific images of the Abu Ghuraib torture scandal during the U.S. occupation of Iraq, which caused a worldwide sensation. In it, Iraqi inmates at Abu Ghuraib prison were abused, raped and tortured by guards, often to the point of death. „Most of the inmates were „innocents who were in the wrong place at the wrong time,“ a general later said. In December 2002, Donald Rumsfeld approved 16 special interrogation methods for Guantanamo, including intimidating detainees with dogs, requiring them to strip naked during interrogations and assume uncomfortable postures for hours. Solitary confinement, interrogation for up to 20 hours, and deprivation of hot meals were also part of the regime. Since the war in Afghanistan, detainees have been held in an internment camp in Guantanamo Bay as well as on Diego Garcia; without judicial process or protection under the Geneva Conventions. There too, there have been reports and evidence of mistreatment and torture.
Since there is no internationally recognized definition of terrorism under international law, states have continued to expand the term, ramping up and inflating the security apparatus into a preventive surveillance state, and now anyone and everyone is a suspect. Terrorism today includes crimes that have nothing to do with political, subversive violence. This is also the case in the new Swiss Police Measures Act (PMT), in which even the spread of fear and terror is considered terror. I wonder where all the freedom-trychlers, the original Swiss, SVP-Corona-deniers and conspiracy theorists have been, when our basic rights have been constantly curtailed for two decades and the population has nodded off all the tightening and restrictions. A tragedy and a hypocrisy beyond compare.
In criminal law, there has been a gradual shift to the preventive and thus to the private sphere. Preventive surveillance has increased dramatically and disproportionately. After 2015, Switzerland also adopted an anti-terror strategy and tightened the Intelligence Act, with coercive measures now permissible on the basis of suspicions, vague circumstantial evidence and equally opaque algorithms in dragnet searches. And the perfidious thing is that surveillance measures have now been extended to „violent extremism,“ again a very vague legal paraphrase of who, why, or from what point in time is classified as „extreme.“
The Curse of Big Data and Our Willful Negligence with Data Handling.
As the fuel of information capitalism, Big Data establishes the dictatorship of tech giants and information elites because the sellers have the data and key technologies for analysis. All the more tragic is our careless indifference to excessive data collection of any kind. All corona vaccination and conspiracy theorists would have to deal with this as intensively as with the new vaccine. The danger that the triad of information, emotional and behavioral control suma surum leads to a risk technology for our society, freedom and democracy is more than real. The Big Data moguls and data octopuses such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and others are beyond the control of the state. Rules for the information economy hardly exist. Equally, there is no social or political optic and strategy for dealing with Big Data and intelligent machines. We simply accept that our basic human rights, such as the right to privacy, are completely undermined and that our data circulate in a completely untraceable manner and are exploited in a non-transparent manner, and we contribute diligently to the gold rush mood and at the same time to tactical obfuscation with our unquestioning blogs and contributions. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly clear that intelligent machines will radically change our everyday lives and society, both in our interpersonal dealings and in influencing or destroying our value and legal systems as well as forms of government and communication.
Those industries that bring Big Data products with total surveillance to market have no compunction and know no limits when it comes to lucrative business. George Orwell sends his regards. His fictions, which were already creepy at the time, have been surpassed by far. Almost silently, information capitalism has crept into our foundations and into our lives. Hypertasking has degenerated into a grotesque hype. Regularly observing how fleeting the users are and how superficial the information is makes me nauseous. More and more data is supposed to improve or optimize our lifestyle, according to the motto: Hedonism, egoism and subjectivism are good. Me, myself and I. What else? This is how indoctrination with fascist ideologies and manifestos works best. The division of society has already taken place to a frighteningly disruptive degree. The attack on the solidarity of the community and the division of society is also well advanced. The alarm bells are ringing, but no one is listening. As with climate change, this problem is also gladly suppressed.
Unfortunately, we are not simply victims but active accomplices. It is up to us how naive we want to remain, how far we want to distance ourselves from reason and lull ourselves into a false sense of security by blithely participating in the whole data octopus circus. Personally, I have therefore already ended all my social media activities in 2013 and also do not use a single app on the smart phone and certainly not „Google“ is activated. On the one hand, this leads to isolation and compartmentalization, but on the other hand, it favors farsightedness and sharpness through a more focused view and insight, as well as serenity and the willingness to engage in dialogue as a result of the not constantly stimulus-flooded echo chamber apocalypse. Of course one accepts some restrictions for the peaceful rest.
In the beat of our pulse we reveal our innermost. And even if we still exercise as much control as possible over what we reveal, we can no longer escape the dictates of exploration. And the quality of the systems, the nature of the data collected about us and the knowledge gained from it remain hidden and cannot be verified by us. Unfortunately, unscientific approaches to the data we collect are also the rule rather than the exception. The primary data that we ourselves disclose is linked to secondary data, i.e. other clues and traces that we have left behind digitally. The sources are monitored by sensors and in this sense, everyone who carries the spy with the smartphone in his pocket is himself a source of data fusion, when phone calls, chats, calendars, internet are siphoned off and evaluated by nnknown powers.
Since we don’t know exactly who collects which data and how and who receives it, and we don’t know what the final result will be, we have no influence on false evaluations and misjudgments. Seen in this light, all freedom-loving Corona vaccination opponents should have parted with their smartphones a good ten years ago. Even more so, as life is more complex and multi-layered than algorythmic logic puzzles, also the collected data can be outdated, from questionable sources, wrong or incomplete and distort the picture. For this purpose, there is a special method called Bayesian statistics, which works with conditional probabilities, but this is neither used by many data miners nor is it the last word in wisdom. In contrast to the previous social development towards more individualization, it is now the intelligent machines that turn us into standardized people and, depending on the case, also misclassify and categorize us with sometimes fatal consequences. Furthermore, it is important to know that data fusion is subject to continuous adaptation because the world is changing rapidly and the amount of data is growing exponentially.
The adaptation can be done in two ways, either the data scientist adapts the algorythms itself or in the case of artificial intelligence, the machine adapts itself to the changed conditions. We should be aware that this adaptation process is as flawed as humans or the human brain. But it is of little use to us, because we and also the states have little or no influence over this branch of business. Learning machines are pure optimizers; this may still be acceptable for commercial transactions, but the situation is completely different when conclusions about the behavioral predictions of individuals are subjected to this rigid scheme. Does the increasing quantification and measurement mean that we are merely mistaken more precisely and sacrifice humanity for it?
Thus „Google“ has not only created the Intrnet from space for infrastructurally weak, remote regions, but also the key military technology for surveillance from space, because the „Google“ drones are „HALE“ drones and fly at an altitude of a good 20 kilometers above the earth. „Google’s“ drones can circle for years over any zone of the world and are impossible to fight with conventional air defense systems, because their fine structure makes them hardly dedectable. Such a „HALE“ drone is the dream of every dictator and many states, but the sovereignty lies with a private company. And this is the case in many areas of Big Data key technologies today. Certain companies today have more power than influential states, and this should also give us pause for thought.
The excesses and fatal consequences of misguided algorithms for the world population can be seen for the first time on a large scale in the banking crisis of 2008. Until then, the financial mathematical models pretended to be able to pulverize loss risks of securities, but this did not happen and the house of cards system collapsed. Then we had the Wirecard scandal a similar construct based on bubbles and fraud on a grandiose scale. Has the financial industry or the world learned anything? No, because the collapse of the financial system due to capital accumulation had suddenly become „too big to fail“ in 2009, which sent a fatal signal to the turbo-capitalists. „Just keep doing what you’re doing, but do it a little better,“ was the message. Yes, hallelujah, so high-frequency trading and the capital system are still ticking time bombs and the greed mentality has torn a deep chasm through society and taken an abysmal leave of a solidary and balanced society.
It used to be said that God sees everything, but that is tempi passati. God has been replaced by a tech triumvirate: the „NSA“ sees everything, „Google“ knows everything and „Apple“ listens in on everything. But if private companies now place themselves above the sovereignty of states and laws and disregard our fundamental rights, what is in store for us? When the constant fulfillment of duty, unconditional obedience, constant optimization and a streamlined, conforming and steriotypical behavior becomes the hubris of existence. Are we blind, deaf or just negligently stupid to just go along with the whole game and abolish ourselves? That is completely schizophrenic! Let’s remember that a state by decree or a foreign power by espionage and sabotage, as well as criminal gangs can get at the data. It is only a matter of time. Not to mention what criminal, extortionist, and disruptive activities emanate from the companies themselves. It is no wonder that the division of society has become extremely aggravated by digitalization, that elections are manipulated with Boots and so many on the social medias fall for the flood of Boots. The more intelligent the machines become, the more stupid and uncritical we become, because we no longer understand anything and can no longer escape the pull or the magic of the digital gods.
In fact, I don’t have an app on my smartphone, I don’t use chats, and I stopped all social media appearances in 2013. However, only a few can afford this way of life and this luxury of freedom.
Man or machine – who is superior? Who makes the decisions?
An example of Big Data in military use with deadly consequences: At the end of August 1988, the nine-year war between Iran and Iraq was supposed to end with several hundred thousand deaths. For years, the warring parties had repeatedly attacked civilian oil tankers in the Persian Gulf. After Kuwait’s request for escort to the U.S., American troops moved to deploy tanker escorts. In all, six NATO countries were involved in this operation to keep the Strait of Hormuz clear. The U.S. cruiser „USS Vincennes“, which had a complete air defense system consisting of the most modern radars at the time, extensive air defense armament and its own air reconnaissance center on board, was also on the scene. The Combat Information Center (CIC) is where all the threads come together. The high-tech radar system „Aegis“ has the task of evaluating complex air battles with up to 200 aircraft in real time and sorting out a large number of threats, be it missiles launched from the ground or the detection of enemy aircraft, their armament, course and other details.
Also on the scene was the „US Montgomery“, which was requested by the captain of the „US Vincennes“ to assist in an engagement. Although the „US Montgomery“ did not have the same high level aerial reconnaissance equipment, it was able to exchange tactical information with the „US Vincennes“ through a „Link-II data link“ and was thus able to see the same real-time situational picture of the sister ship’s „Aegis“ system on her „CIC“ and numerous monitors. Meanwhile, the „US Montgomery“ was attacked by an enemy boat on July 3, 1988, a flying object also appeared in the sky that had taken off from Iran. To identify enemy aircraft, manuals of civilian flight plans, „IFF codes“ and other information are included. „IFF“ stands for Identification, Friend or Foe. Automatically, the response, „Squark Mode,“ came back from the aircraft’s transponder. A „Squak Mode“ starting with II indicates a military aircraft, a „Squark“ starting with III indicates a civil aircraft.
What unfolded next is a sequence of chaos, software problems and disinformation that counted among one of the most tragic air traffic disasters before the July 17, 2014.shooting down of a KLM plane by the Russians in Ukraine that hit and killed 298 people. At 10:17, Captain Mohsen Rezaian had started the short routine flight from Bandar Abbas to Dubai with 290 Mecca pilgrims on board. The flight distance of only 120 miles required a short climb of the civilian Airbus 320 commercial aircraft. The flight of Iran Air 655 was probably doomed by the fact that military aircraft had also landed at Bandar Abbas airport the day before due to military aerial reconnaissance. When the white dot appeared on the radar of the „US Vincennes“ and the commercial aircraft did not listen to the warnings of the US naval officer and the „Aegis“ system mistakenly classified the aircraft as an „IFF Model II“, i.e. a fighter jet, the situation escalated. Since a fire control beam apparently did not cause the Iranian aircraft to turn away, it was shot down and a number of people lost their lives. What was the cause? The Fogarty Report of the Parliamentary Inquiry sheds light on this. The analysis of the black box of the „US Vincennes“ shows that the „Aegis“ system worked flawlessly. So where did the false reports and misinterpretations lead Captain Rodgers to give the order to fire?
First of all, it should be noted that when a system has to detect and classify several dozens to hundreds of aircraft in real time, it is an extremely complex system. When this system or software begins to make its own decisions and draw consequences from the consequences of the observation, it can be considered intelligent and is far superior to humans, as the following example from aviation history shows
The collision of two airplanes near Überlingen on July 1, 2002, in which the Boeing DHL 611 on its way to Brussels collided with the Russian Tupolev Bashkirian Airlines 2937 on its way to Barcelona in the Lake Constance region, is one of the most serious air traffic accidents in Germany, but it was caused by a Swiss air traffic controller who had to pay for it with his life, as the father of a daughter who was killed took revenge and murdered the air traffic controller. When the safety distance between the two aircraft became dangerously close, both flying objects used the Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System „TCAS,“ to process the data from the contact, such as course and speed, and warn their crews. While the system of the Russian pilot, Alexander Gross, instructs to climb, the British pilot, Paul Philipps, is instructed to descend, which he does immediately. Only now does the air traffic controller from Skyguide in Zurich intervene and a man-machine decision conflict and momentous intervention by a human occurs. The air traffic controller also sends the Tupolev on a descent contrary to the instructions of the „TCAS“, whereupon the momentous collision occurs. The black box recordings of the conversation between the copilot and the pilot prove the fact and the wrong decision of the stressed air traffic controller. This shows that whenever a machine makes a decision, the human being is overwhelmed and rather trusts his own instinct.
What does this mean for Big Data in commercial use?
In the course of writing my book I deliberately put the chapters online already in the draft stage to observe which stories seem to be interesting, how the search engines spread the keywords and what reactions there are to them. Well it shows the following picture in a nutshell. The grazing of the online information is mainly driven by countries like China, Russia, USA and also Iran and in no time a flood of applications for systematic monitoring of the content pours in as well as a tidal wave of pishing emails and other cyber attacks. It’s not particularly surprising but nevertheless impressive how seamlessly the Internet is being scoured today. In addition, spyware programs such as „PRISM“, „Tempora“ and „Boundless Informant“ come into play, as we have known since Edward Snowden. And that brings us to whistleblowers. Thanks to courageous whistleblowers like Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, or Edward Snoden or investigative journalists and research networks like „Bellingcam“, some dirty tricks of despots, corrupt politicians, military operations, surveillance measures and economic crimes come to light. Fortunately, one would think. Butfar from it.
„Julian Assange has provided evidence of the most serious state-sanctioned crimes we torture and mass murder“ says none other than the UN Special Rapporteur Nils Melzer in his book „The Case of Julian Assange – History of a Persecution“. Apparently, Melzer’s visit to investigate alleged human rights violations, announced at the Ecuadorian embassy in April 2019, led to a three-day coordinated blitz by the three countries involved that enabled Assange to be extradited to the British police and has since been back in custody. First, the Ecuadorian embassy withdrew his asylum status and citizenship without due process of law, and at the same time the British government received an extradition request from the U.S. authorities, after which Assange was handed over to the British police and has been in custody ever since. Before that, he spent seven years in asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy to avoid extradition to the U.S. via Sweden. The U.S. extradition request is currently underway.
„The fact that the person who exposed mass murderers and crimes of torture against humanity should now himself be imprisoned as a criminal for 175 years, while not a single crime has been atoned for or those responsible punished,“ is evil for Europe, Melzer continues. „I didn’t think it was possible at first that Sweden or the UK would disregard human rights in such a way. But when it comes down to the wire, the rule of law doesn’t work anymore, even here in Europe. Julian Assange is, so to speak, „the skeleton in the closet of the self-righteous West.“ This has already shaken him (Melzer), although he has experienced and seen a lot as an ICRC delegate. Also the proceedings in Sweden because of alleged rape and other sexual offenses had been stopped, after Meltzer had written a letter to the Swedish government and had pointed out to them about 50 partly most serious procedural violations.
When asked whether this could also happen in Switzerland, the UN Special Rapporteur’s answer is: „Absolutely.“ He says he regularly has to approach massive discussions with the authorities in this country as well. The „crypto affair“ with the maipulated cipher devices is probably the most recent example that came to light, he said. Here, too, the Federal Council knew nothing about the affair, Parliament remained quiet and did not set up a commission of inquiry, and the judiciary did not take any action either, „which shows that the separation of powers does not always work in Switzerland either,“ says Melzer. Christoph Meili, who in 1997 made public the dormant assets of Holocaust victims and fled to the USA. Or HervéFalciani, a former computer scientist at „HSBC“ bank in Geneva, who provided French, British and German tax authorities with data on thousands of tax cheats. Switzerland sentenced him to prison in 2015 for „economic espionage“ and demanded his extradition from Spain when Falciani was arrested in Madrid in 2018.
But back to the Assange case, he said the U.S. government’s unprecedented campaign is aimed at stalling Wikileaks‘ methods of allowing whistleblowers to anonymously publish large amounts of secret data. Seventeen of the 18 charges Assange faces in the U.S. involve mundane journalistic activities such as researching and publishing evidence of government abuse of power. „Assange himself never had a duty of secrecy,“ Melzer says. Assange is a journalist or publicist who obtained and published information. „That’s not a criminal offense,“ Melzer concludes. If he were convicted of being a spy for this, all investigative journalists worldwide could face the same in the future. That would be the end of democratic surveillance of state power. But there is hope, because under English law, no one can be extradited for a political offense. Espionage is by definition political. Last but not least, international law prohibits any extradition to a country where there is a threat of torture. This is well known to be the case in the U.S. for espionage charges.
The situation was different with Chelsea Manning, then known as Bradley Manning. He leaked to WikiLeaks a U.S. military video of the July 12, 2007, airstrikes in Baghdad and more than 250,000 diplomatic dispatches. The video shows civilians being shot from U.S. gunships, including Reuters reporters, accompanied by cynical comments from the helicopter crew. On July 30, 2013, he was found guilty on 19 of 21 counts and sentenced on August 21, 2013, to 35 years in prison and a $100,000 fine. Manning was released on May 17, 2017.
In 2013, Edward Snowden – a former technical employee of the US intelligence agencies NSA and CIA, who published the existence of the programs used for total surveillance of global Internet traffic. He, too, had to flee and absconded to Russia.
Müller’s first reports came from Soweto, where he lived underground with the oppressed black population and reported on the inhumane repression of the Apardheit regime . Müller also experienced the civil war between “ ANC ” and “ IFP ” and got a picture with an “ ICRC delegate in the refugee camps and with UN inspectors in prisons like the notorious “ Pollsmoor Jail ” in Cape Town. He’s humanitarian, social and environmental projects and visions Gland ieben and 5 0 countries visited.
Daniel Hauser, notary and lawyer
Silvio Imseng, bookworm, philosopher, painter and graphologist
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Kutscher,
Aiala Cella,
Switzerland: Nelson Mandela, Dalai Lama, Chinese MP Wen Jibao (WEF Davos) , Federal Councilor Eveline Widmer Schlumpf (RHB 100 years) , Dalai Lama (Kongresshaus Zurich) , Ali Reza, Iranian Embassador in Switzerland in the Iranian Embassy in Bern, Niklaus Meienberg (Historian / journalist / writer), Jimmy Cliff, Bob Marley (AJZ)
South Africa: Nelson Mandela, Mangosutu Buthelezi IFP Chief & Kwa Zulu Natal Minister, Credo Vusama Mutwa (Zulu-Sangoma / writer), Walter Msimang (Satour Director South Africa), South Africa Ambassador in Bern Ms. Dr. Konji Sebati, South African Embassy in Bern, Dr. Jan Player, (Rhino Saver / Wilderness Leadership School), Margrit Thatcher (Former British Prime Minister), Alex Joc hheim (Satour Director Switzerland) , Miss South Africa 1994 ??? and Chris Hani’s daughter ???
Grenada: Prime Minister Breathwater
Cuba: Geraldine Japlin , Pope Karol Józef Wojtyła
India: Prime Minister Narenda Moodi,
Poland: General Jaruselski! Henry Zwirko (Minister of the Civil Aviation Authority) , Pope Karol Józef Wojtyła
Austria: Gorbachev’s Foreign Minister Shevardnadze. (In Lanserhof)
Trinidad: Mighty Sparrow, King of Calypso, Calypso & Steeld. Festival, legends,
Kenya: Dr. James Kisia; Deputy Secretary General of the ICRC Kenya Red Cros s
Auszug aus dem noch unveröffentlichten Buch «DAS PENDEL SCHLÄGT ZURÜCK – POLITISCHE & ÖKOLOGISCHE METAMORPHOSEN» des Zürcher Fotojournalisten Gerd Michael Müller
Das Buch des Zürcher Foto-Journalisten Gerd Michael Müller nimmt Sie ab den wilden 80er Jahren mit auf eine spannende Zeitreise durch 30 Länder und 40 Jahre Zeitgeschichte mit Fokus auf mehrere politische und ökologische Vorgänge in Krisenregionen rund um den Globus. Er beleuchtet das Schicksal indigener Völker, zeigt die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes auf, rückt ökologische Aspekte und menschenliche Schicksale in den Vordergrund, analysiert scharfsichtig und gut informiert die politischen Transformationsprozesse. Müller prangert den masslosen Konsum und die gnadenlose Ausbeutung der Ressourcen an, zeigt die Auswirkungen wirtschaftlicher, gesellschaftlicher und politischer Prozesse auf und skizziert Ansätze zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels. Pointiert hintergründig, spannend und erhellend. Eine Mischung aus globalem Polit-Thrillern, gehobener Reiseliteratur, gespickt mit sozialkritischen und abenteuerlichen Geschichten sowie persönlicher Essays – den Highlights und der Essenz seines abenteuerlich wilden Nomaden-Lebens für die Reportage-Fotografie. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buchs zählen Sie zu den kulturell, ökologisch sowie politisch versierten Globetrotter.
Vor dem Hintergrund der im vorherigen Kapitel: „Der Schweizer Geheimdienst diente Wouter Basson alias «Doktor Tod»“ geschilderten Ereignisse, erstaunt es wenig, dass sich «Oerlikon-Bührle» nicht an den Waffenausfuhrstopp von 1963 gebunden fühlte und 1964/1965 nicht nur die vom Ausfuhrstopp betroffenen 30 Oerlikon 35-mm-Geschütze illegal nach Südafrika, sondern 1965 zusätzliche 90 Geschütze für 52,7 Mio. Franken und – über Italien – 45 Superfledermaus-Feuerleitgeräte für 54 Mio. Franken nach Südafrika lieferte. Selbst nachdem im Zuge des Bührle-Skandals vom November 1968 ein Teil dieser illegalen Geschäfte bekannt wurde – die widerrechtliche Lieferung von Geschützen und Munition nach Südafrika – ging einfach weiter! Die letzten 16 Geschütze wurden 1969 über den Hafen von Genua nach Südafrika verschifft, was den Schweizer Behörden bekannt war, aber nie Gegenstand der damals laufenden Strafuntersuchungen wurde. „Sie übten sich konsequent in fahrlässiger Ahnungslosigkeit, aktiver Duldung und Mitwirkung, was die illegalen Geschäfte von «Oerlikon-Bührle» erst möglich machte“, schrieb der Autor der Studie, Peter Hug. Wie neue Dokumente aus Südafrika erstmals belegen, ging zudem das illegale Rüstungsgeschäft mit dem Apartheidstaat weit über den «Oerlikon-Bührle-Konzern hinaus.
Auch die «Hispano Suiza (Suisse) SA» in Genf lieferte im grossen Stil illegal 20-mm Geschütze nach Südafrika. Grundlage bildete ein Liefervertrag von 1967 für 126 Hispano-20-mm Geschütze, Munition und die Übertragung von Lizenzrechten im Wert von über 21 Mio. Franken. Per Bundesratsentscheid wurde 1969 eine Ausdehnung der Strafuntersuchung über die «OerlikonBührle AG» hinaus auf politischem Weg ausgeschlossen. Mit Unterstützung des damaligen Verteidigungsministers Giulio Andreotti und Geheimdienstchefs General Egidio Viggiani unterliefen auch die «Contraves Italiana» in Rom und die «Oerlikon Italiana» in Mailand in grossem Stil das italienische Waffenausfuhrverbot nach Südafrika.
„Die Schweizer Behörden unterstützten die Unterlaufung des Waffenembargos über Tochter- und Partnerfirmen in den Nachbarstaaten, indem sie bei der Zulieferung von Bestandteilen aus der Schweiz keine Endverbraucher-Bescheinigungen forderten, so dass diese von dort problemlos nach Südafrika weitergeschoben werden konnten“,protokollierte Peter Huber in seinem Bericht zur Aufarbeitung des düsteren Kapitels bei den Beziehungen der Schweiz zum sanktionierten Apartheidstaat. .
Das wichtigste Schlupfloch bildete die Weigerung der Schweiz, die Uno-Resolution 182 (1963) vom 4. Dezember 1963 umzusetzen, die alle Staaten aufrief, den Verkauf und die Auslieferung von Ausrüstungsgütern und Material zu stoppen, das in Südafrika zur Herstellung und den Unterhalt von Waffen und Munition diente. Erst 1996 unterstellte die Schweiz die Übertragung von Lizenzrechten für die Herstellung von Rüstungsgütern im Ausland einer Bewilligungspflicht.
Das «Lyttelton Engineering Works» in Pretoria fertigte ab 1964 Läufe zur 35-mm Oerlikon-Kanone und ab Anfang der 1970er Jahre ganze Geschütze. Die «Pretoria Metal Pressings fertigte gestützt auf Lizenzverträge mit der Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik «Oerlikon Bührle»ab 1964 Oerlikon 30-mm- und 35-mm Munition, die «African Explosives» and Chemical Industries» die dafür benötigten Treibladungsmittel. Ab 1967 fertigte Südafrika auch die 20-mm Geschützläufe und –Munition der «Hispano Suiza in Lizenz.
Um 1964 stieg die «Plessey (South Africa) Ltd. in die Fertigung von «Contraves Mosquito» Panzerabwehrraketen ein, wobei diese Lizenz-produktion nicht restlos geklärt werden konnte. Dies gilt auch für die Fertigung von «Tavaro»–Zünder-Bestandteilen durch die «Instrument Manufacturing Corp of South Africa» in Plumstead bei Kapstadt.
1972 schloss die «Gretag AG» Regensdorf in Südafrika einen Lizenzvertrag zu Fertigung ihrer Chiffriergeräte ab. 1974 stieg die Tochtergesellschaft der «Wild Heerbrugg AG»im St. Gallischen Rheintal, die «Wild South Africa» in Johannesburg, in die Fertigung optischer Geräte für die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte ein. All diese Lizenzübertragungen waren von Zulieferungen und technischen Beratungsdienstleistungen begleitet. All dies wurde von den weitmaschigen Bestimmungen der Schweizer Kriegsmaterial-Ausfuhrregelungen nicht erfasst. Weder in der Industrie noch bei den Behörden wurden jemals Stimmen laut, die sich gegen die Nutzung dieser Schlupflöcher ausgesprochen hätten.
Die Militär- und Nuklearsanktionen der Uno von 1977 und die Schweiz Anfang der 1970er Jahre leiteten die Vereinten Nationen einen intensiven Diskussionsprozess über die Frage ein, inwiefern internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen auf die Lage der Menschenrechte einwirkten. Einige Uno-Gremien gingen sehr weit, indem sie behaupteten, jegliche wirtschaftliche, politische und kulturelle Tätigkeit in Südafrika trage zur Erhaltung der Apartheidpolitik bei.
Indem die schweizerische Aussenpolitik jeweils bestritt, dass zwischen Direktinvestitionen in Südafrika und gegenseitigen Handels- und Finanzbeziehungen und der Lage der Menschenrechte in Südafrika ein Zusammenhang be-stand, stand sie in einer Extremposition. Und ich war damals als 16 jähriger plötzlich ins Weltgeschehen involviert, da ich von 1975 bis 1978 meine kaufmännische Ausbildung bei der «Oerlikon Bührle» in Zürich machte und sechs Monate in der Exportabteilung arbeitete und dort all die Exportpapiere, Ausfuhrbewilligungen, Akkreditive usw. ausfertigte und mich daran erinnerte, wie ich stutze, gewisse Rüstungsgüter über die Tochterfirmen in Italien und Spanien auszuführen und einfach deren Adresse als Exporteur einfügte.
Nachdem die politische Verunsicherung, die 1976 das Massaker von Soweto und die darauf folgende Repressionswelle innerhalb und ausserhalb Südafrikas in der Schweizer Regierung erneut kaum Spuren hinterliess, sah sich die Schweiz auf internationaler Ebene zunehmend isoliert. In dem Masse, wie sich die soziale Basis des Widerstandes in Südafrika Anfang der 1980er Jahre verbreiterte und die Repression der südafrikanischen Regierung härter wurde und sich militarisierte, rückte die Schweiz noch näher an Südafrika heran.
Alle anderen Staaten schlossen sich dem Ruf nach mehr oder weniger weitgehenden Sanktionen an. Die Schweiz war mit ihrem kategorischen Nein im Uno-System sehr einsam geworden. Parallel schlossen sich auch in der Verwaltung die Reihen. So etablierte sich über alle Departe-mente hinweg eine gegenüber konkreten Veränderungen immune und stark ideologisierte Haltung, die nicht in der Lage war, auf die das breite Spektrum der Uno-Südafrika-Diskussion differenziert zu reagieren.
Innenpolitisches Gegenstück dieser starren Haltung bildete eine Verhärtung der Fronten entlang des links-rechts-Schemas. Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der alle wichtigen Bundesämter und die mit ihnen verbundenen Verbände und Anstalten die Politik unterstützten, die Schweiz in der Südafrikafrage ausserhalb der überwältigenden Mehrheit der Uno-Mitgliedstaaten zu positionieren, mag heute überraschen. Gerade diese Selbstverständlichkeit bestätigt indes, dass der Konsens und die Blindheit in der Bandbreite weit verbreitet und verankert war.
Trotz Widerstand der Bundespolizei traf sich der südafrikanische Sanitätsarzt 1980 auch mit dem Schweizer Oberfeldarzt; weitere Treffen folgten. Nahmen 1977 das Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und 1979 das Militärprotokoll noch gegen den Austausch von Offizieren der Flieger- und Flabtruppen zwischen den beiden Staaten Stellung, leitete Flugwaffenchef Arthur Moll 1980 eine Wende ein. Er traf den südafrikanischen Luftwaffenchef an der Flugschau in Farnborough und lud diesen zum Erstaunen seines Partners wenige Tage später zu einem offiziellen Besuch nach der Schweiz ein.
Grundlage bildete das 1983 abgeschlossene Geheimschutzabkommen. Damit erhielten die südafrikanischen Militärpiloten Einblick in geheime Methoden der Kampfführung und technische Einzelheiten der Schweizer Flugwaffe. Der Pilotenaustausch setzte sich während den ganzen 1980er Jahren fort. Neben der militärisch-technischen ist auch die politische Ebene zu beachten. Mit der Verschärfung der gesellschaftlichen Konflikte innerhalb Südafrikas und dem sich erhöhenden internationalen Druck auf Südafrika bauten die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte im Verlauf der 1980er Jahre ihre Propagandatätigkeit massiv aus.
Die Streitkräfte und vor allem der militärische Nachrichtendienst scheuten zur Durchsetzung ihrer sogenannten Comops»-Projekte Geld noch Kontakte bis hin zu gewaltbereiten rechtsextremen Kräften. In der Schweiz baute der südafrikanische Militärattaché und andere Kontaktpersonen Kontakte zu teilweise schillernden Figuren am äussersten rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums auf, darunter zu Jürg Meister, Chefredaktor der von Karl Friedrich Grau herausgegebenen «Intern Informationen».
Wie aus den Unterlagen des militärischen Nachrichtendienstes Südafrikas hervorgeht, mass dieser dem Kontakt zu Leuten wie dem Zürcher «Subversivenjäger» Ernst Cincera, dem Leiter des Schweizerischen Ostinstituts, Peter Sager, und dem Präsidenten der Arbeitsgruppe südliches Afrika, Christoph Blocher, grosse Bedeutung zu. Comops»–Operationen in der Schweiz betrafen Pressionsversuche auf Fernsehen, Radio und Printmedien.
Proteste der «Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung der Schweiz blieben ungehört. Mehr Fragen als Antworten werfen eine lange Reihe unaufgeklärter Fälle auf, bei denen die Bundespolizei und andere Untersuchungsorgane starke Hinweise auf Verbrechen und Sanktionsbrüche erhielten, aus Rücksichtnahme auf die südafrikanische Regierung und ihre prominenten Freunde in der Schweiz aber davor zurückschreckte, die beschafften Informationen gerichtlich zu verwerten. Im Falle einer Rüstungsfirma in der Ostschweiz, die im grossen Stil Waffenschieber-geschäfte mit Südafrika abschloss, begnügte sich die Bundespolizei damit, der Konzernspitze zu empfehlen, einen der ungeschickt operierenden Mitarbeiter aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen und dafür zu sorgen, dass die Schiebereien diskreter abgewickelt wurden.
Sehr weit ging die Zusammenarbeit der Eidgenössischen «Pulverfabrik Wimmis mit dem führenden südafrikanischen Hersteller von Munition und Treibladungspulver «Somchem». «Wimmis» stellte der «Somchem» 1979 via «Oerlikon-Bührle AG» eine Produktionslizenz für Treibla-dungspulver für 20-mm- und 35-mm-Munition zur Verfügung, bildete «Somchem»-Ingenieure in topgeheimen Anlagen in «Wimmis» aus und hielt sich mit ihren Spitzenkräften, darunter dem Direktor und dem Chefchemiker, mehrfach während Wochen bei der «Somchem» auf, um aufgetretene Probleme bei der Lizenzproduktion und der übrigen Herstellung militärischer Explosivstoffe zu lösen.
«Oerlikon-Bührle» gewährte im Rahmen des Projektes «Sleeve» und «Skavot» im grossen Stil technische und Management-Hilfe zur Fortentwicklung des 35-mm-Fliegerabwehrsystems. Zahlreiche topgeheime Geschäfte liessen sich in den 1980er Jahre nachweisen, die Südafrika mit Unterstützung des militärischen Geheimdienstes in der Schweiz abwickelte, darunter vom Heer die Projekte «Floor», «Jansalie», «Algebra», «Fargo» und «Nack», von der südafrikanischen Luftwaffe die Projekte «Divorce» und «Finial» für die Flugplatz-Navigation und ein Projekt, um Probleme bei den Mirage-Flugzeugen zu beheben. Ferner das Projekt «Aquila», das die Beschaffung von Ausrüstungsgütern im Raume Genf betraf, das Projekt «Janitor», das dem Aufbau eines zivil-militärischen Luftraumüberwachungssystems diente, oder die Projekte «Alexandri» und «Bessie», die die südafrikanische Flotte in den 1980er Jahren in der Schweiz abwickelte.
Der Schweizerische Bundesrat hatte am 16. April 2003 allen Grund, die Einsicht in Südafrika-Akten in der Schweiz zu stoppen. Denn es sind in der Schweiz viele, die aus tiefer politischer Überzeugung die Apartheid-Regierung in Südafrika unterstützt und am völkerrechtswidrigen und völkerrechtskonformen Geschäft mit dieser kräftig mitverdient haben. Diese rabenschwarze, rassistische Haltung und nahe an Kriegsverbrechen andienende Schweizer Vergangenheit wurde bis heute nur mangelhaft aufgearbeteitet und hatte für keine der Beteiligten rechtliche Konsequenzen. Alles wurde helvetisch diskret und sauber unter den Tisch gewischt und jegliche Mitverantwortung abgelehnt. Dabei haben wir es hier mit einer ebenso rassistischen Nazi-Doktrin und Kriegsverbrechen zu tun.
Das war also die Ausgangslage, die mich antrieb, mir selbst ein Bild von der Situation und den Lebensumständen der Schwarzen Bevölkerung in Südafrika unter dem Apartheidregime zu machen, wie wir gleich im nächsten Kapitel erfahren. Doch zuvor noch einen Blick auf die heutigen helvetischen Rüstungsgütern allen voran der «PC-12 Spectre Pilatus Porter» , der den Amerikanern bei Aufklärungsflügen und gezielten Tötungen ausgezeichnete Dienste leistet. Insgesamt 28 modifizierte «PC-12» stehen derzeit für die US-Luftwaffe im Einsatz.
Im Februar 2021 feierte die US-Air Force 600000 «PC-12» Flugstunden und einen preisgekrönten Flug im Rahmen der «Find, fix and finish»–Spezialoperationen in Afghanistan, im Irak, in Somalia und im Jemen, bei denen auch Zivilisten und Kinder ums Leben kamen. Der preisgekrönte «Draco»-Flug (der Spitzname für den modifizierten PC-12 Spectre) fand am 14. August 2018 im afghanischen Gebiet von Ghasni statt, als die Taliban die afghanischen Streitkräfte aufrieben. Bei dieser Schlacht kamen 150 Soldaten der afghanischen Arme, 220 Taliban und 95 ZivilistInnen ums Leben.
Und nun zur politischen Dimension in der Schweiz. Das Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (secco) wuste seit spätestens 2008, dass der «PC-12 Spectre» der «Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG» in Stans auch in den USA für militärische Zwecke verwendet und durch die Firma «Sierra Nevada Corporatioin» (SNC) mit gesicherten Datenverbindungen ins Pentagon und zur NATO-Einsatzzentrale und Full-Motion-Videoübermittlung ausgerüstet wurden.
Das «secco» wusste auch, dass die Amis damit die afghanischen Streitkräfte ausrüsten wollten – also dass es sich um brandaktuelle Kriegseinsätze handelt, als weitere achtzehn Stück bestellt wurden. Das galt trotz besseren Wissens nicht einmal als Rüstungsgüter-Export qualifiziert unter dem fadenscheinigen Vorwand, die Schweiz liefere nur die zivile Standart-Version. Dass das «secco» mit dieser scheinheiligen Argumentatioin durchkommt ist ein Skandal.
Mit der Apartheidregierung gegen den Kommunismus Die militärischen, rüstungsindustriellen und nuklearen Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika und die Apartheid-Debatte der Uno, 1948–1994
Synthese der Studie von Peter Hug(NPF 42)
Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika waren politisch, militärisch und rüstungsindustriell in jenen Jahren am intensivsten, als die Durchsetzung der südafrikanischen Politik der Rassentrennung (Apartheid) am stärksten von schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen und offener Gewaltanwendung begleitet war, nämlich in den 1980er Jahren.
Die Schweizer Industrie hat das Waffenembargo, das die Uno über Südafrika verhängte, in grossem Stil unterlaufen. Sie verletzte selbst die von der Schweiz definierten Regeln über die Waffenausfuhr, obschon sie weit enger gefasst waren als jene der Uno. Die Verwaltung war über viele illegale und halblegale Geschäfte informiert. Sie duldete sie stillschweigend, unterstützte sie teilweise aktiv oder kritisierte sie halbherzig. Der Bundesrat war aber über das Meiste nicht informiert und nahm seine Aufgabe der politischen Oberaufsicht kaum wahr. Dies trifft auch auf die nachrichtendienstliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Schweiz und Südafrika zu. Der Austausch nachrichtendienstlicher Informationen setzte fünf Jahre früher ein, als bisher bekannt war, und trug direkt zur Anbahnung von Rüstungsgeschäften, der Bekämpfung von Apartheidgegnern und zur politischen Propaganda zugunsten der südafrikanischen Regierung bei.
Die Schweizer Industrie gehörte auch zu den Stützen des geheimen südafrikanischen Atomwaffenprogramms. Die «Gebrüder Sulzer AG» und die «VAT Haag» lieferten wichtige Komponenten zur südafrikanischen Urananreicherung, die für die sechs von Südafrika hergestellten Atombomben das notwendige spaltbare Material bereitstellte. Die Schweiz war insofern in mehrfacher Hinsicht eine Stütze der Apartheidregierung. Sie verfügte im internationalen Vergleich nur über eine schwache innenpolitische Lobby, die Menschenrechtsfragen höher gewichtete als strategische und wirtschaftliche Interessen.
Durch die Distanz zur Uno blieben auch nach 1945 eine Neigung zu rassistischen Vorstellungen politisch wirksam, die ab Ende der 1970er Jahre durch einen ebenso unreflektierten Antikommunismus abgelöst wurde. Für die meisten Akteure aus Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und allen Departementen war es gebräuchlich, mit der Apartheid-Regierung Südafrikas zusammenzuarbeiten. Im Klima des Kalten Krieges wurde jede Kritik daran mit dem Argument erstickt, das antikommunistische Bollwerk am Kap müsse erhalten bleiben.
Die dank Netzwerkbildung und Androhung von Gerichtsklagen erkämpfte Einsicht in südafrikanische Gegenakten und der begrenzte Einblick in Bestände des Schweizerischen Bundesarchivs und des Vororts des Schweizerischen Handels- und Industrievereins zeigen auf, dass die Schweiz während der Apartheidzeit zu Südafrika enge militärische, nachrichtendienstliche, rüstungsindustrielle und nukleare Beziehungen unterhielt.
Die Fragestellung des Projekts lautete, wie die auf Südafrika bezogene Aussenpolitik der Schweiz ausgestaltet war und welche inneren und äusseren Entstehungsbedingungen ihr zugrunde lagen. Indem die Uno der wichtigste Ort war, wo die Völkergemeinschaft die süd[1]afrikanische Apartheidpolitik diskutierte, bot sich die Südafrikadiskussion in der Uno als geeigneter Prüfstein an, um die Haltung der aussenpolitischen Verantwortungsträger in der Schweiz gegenüber der südafrikanischen Apartheidpolitik zu untersuchen. Das Projekt klärte in einem ersten Schritt, welche Rolle die offizielle Schweiz in diesem Uno-Prozess spielte, wie sich dieser in der Schweiz auf die staatlichen und gesellschaftlichen Institutionen und die öffentliche Wahrnehmung übersetzte und wie die Uno-Südafrikapolitik der Schweiz auf ihre multilaterale Stellung und auf Aspekte ihrer bilateralen Beziehungen mit dem Apartheidstaat zurückwirkte.
Der Blick auf den Wellenschlag der Uno-Südafrika-Diskussion in die schweizerische Behörden- und Verbandslandschaft bildete das methodische Instrument, um die Sensibilität von Staat und Gesellschaft der Schweiz gegenüber der Menschenrechtsfrage in Südafrika zu untersuchen und zu klären, wie Regierung, Behörden, Verbände und weitere gesellschaftliche Kreise der Schweiz die mit der Apartheidpolitik verbundenen Menschenrechtsprobleme wahrgenommen und wie sie auf diese reagiert haben. In einem zweiten Schritt sollte anhand eines geeigneten Bereichs der bilateralen Beziehungen die Frage geklärt werden, inwiefern die von der Uno geprägten Normen gegen die Apartheid das Verhalten der Schweiz gegenüber Südafrika beeinflussten. Ausgewählt wurden die militärischen, rüstungsindustriellen und nuklearen Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika, da diese von der Uno besonders aufmerksam beobachtet und teilweise geächtet wurden.
Die Gegenüberstellung der Ergebnisse aus den verschiedenen Ebenen der multilateralen Analyse mit jenen der erwähnten Bereiche der bilateralen Beziehungen stellte methodisch einen ausreichend vielschichtigen Interpretationsrahmen bereit, um trotz des lückenhaften Zugangs zu den einschlägigen Quellen gesicherte Aussagen treffen zu können. Die südafrikanische Regierung verfolgte im 20. Jahrhundert fast durchgängig das Ziel, als anerkanntes Mitglied der «zivilisierten» Völkergemeinschaft in allen wichtigen internationalen Organisationen gleichberechtigt mitzuwirken und war bereits in der Völkerbundzeit auf der internationalen Bühne präsent. Die Schweizer Diplomatie mass der südafrikanischen Stimme in internationalen Organisationen schon damals einiges Gewicht zu.
Nach 1945 zeichneten sich zwischen der Uno-Politik der Schweiz und der Südafrikanischen Union erneut Berührungspunkte ab. Das spezifische Verhältnis der beiden Staaten zum nationalsozialistischen Deutschland war dafür ausschlaggebend. Da die Schweiz Deutschland nie den Krieg erklärt hatte, war sie auf die Fürsprache von Uno-Gründerstaaten angewiesen, um ihr Ziel, die Mitwirkung in möglichst vielen Uno-Organisationen unter internationaler Anerkennung der Neutralität, zu erreichen. Zu den potenziellen Verbündeten der Schweiz gehörte neben Grossbritannien auch die Südafrikanische Union.
Hier war die wichtigste innenpolitische Opposition, die Nationale Partei, während des Krieges ebenfalls für die Neutralität eingetreten. Sie leitete nach dem Krieg – ähnlich wie die Schweiz, aber anders als die Alliierten –, aus der Niederschlagung des Nationalsozialismus ebenfalls keinen Bedarf für eine internationale Menschenrechtspolitik ab. Begleitet von einem starken Aufschwung der bilateralen Handelsbeziehungen zwischen der Schweiz und der Südafrikanischen Union bildete deren für die Schweiz innerhalb der Uno interessante Position ein wichtiges Argument, damit die Schweizer Regierung im September 1945 dem Parlament den Ausbau der diplomatischen Beziehungen und die Eröffnung einer Gesandtschaft in Pretoria beantragte. 1949 gehörte die Schweiz zu den ersten Staaten, denen der neu gewählte nationalistische Premierminister Malan einen offiziellen Besuch abstattete.
Die Anfänge der Uno-Südafrika-Diskussion und die Schweiz, 1945–1960 In der Uno-Vollversammlung bildete sich früh ein menschenrechtlich begründeter Konsens gegen die Politik der rassisch getrennten Entwicklung (Apartheid) in Südafrika heraus. Auf Antrag Indiens forderte schon die erste Uno-Vollversammlung 1946 die südafrikanische Regierung auf, die rassischen Verfolgungen und Diskriminierungen zu beenden. 1950 erklärte die Uno-Vollversammlung die Apartheid an sich als rassendiskriminierend und damit menschenrechtswidrig. Wenn auch der Kalte Krieg die Arbeit der Uno-Menschenrechtskommission behinderte und die Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte von 1948 rechtlich unverbindlich blieb, kam diesen nach dem Krieg aufgrund der Shoah eine kaum überschätzbare moralische Autorität zu.
Die Westmächte hatten zwar ein grundlegendes strategisches Interesse an einer antikommunistisch orientierten Regierung in der Südafrikanischen Union. Sie konnten sich aber dem menschenrechtlich und antikolonial begründeten Uno-Konsens, die südafrikanische Regierung zur Beseitigung der Apartheid aufzurufen, nicht entziehen. Die Schweizer Diplomatie beobachtete den Menschenrechtsdiskurs der Uno mit Argwohn. Er galt ihr – so argumentierte auch die südafrikanische Regierung – als Instrument der Grossmächte zur Durchsetzung ihrer Hegemonialinteressen.
Die Regierungen der Schweiz und der Südafrikanischen Union stimmten auch in weiteren Fragen überein: Im entschiedenen Antikommunismus, der Auffassung, dass die deutschen Verbrechen nicht geahndet werden müssten, und der Betonung der nationalen Souveränität, die sich gegen tatsächliche oder vermeintliche Übergriffe der Grossmächte richtete. Die Schweizer Diplomatie hatte zudem – ganz im Unterschied zu den USA und anderen westlichen Staaten – im Innern keine Rücksicht auf antirassistische Interessengruppen zu nehmen.
Zwar bezogen die Schweizer Gewerkschaftsvertreter in der «Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation» (ILO) und die Vertreter und Vertreterinnen der Frauenrechtsorganisationen und der Lehrer- und Volkshochschulverbände in der Internationalen Organisation für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur (Unesco) klar Stellung für die Menschenrechte und gegen jede Form der rassischen Diskriminierung. Ihre Konfliktbereitschaft war aber gering, und für den Bundesrat und den diplomatischen Apparat der Schweiz war es ein Leichtes, deren Einsatz für die Menschenrechte und gegen den Rassismus zu marginalisieren.
Dies gelang umso eher, als auch die Wissenschaft in der Schweiz den von der «Unesco» betriebenen Bruch mit dem pseudowissenschaftlich begründeten, in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts weit über den Nationalsozialismus hinaus verbreiteten Rassismus zunächst nicht mitmachte, und rassistische Denkmuster ausser- und innerhalb des diplomatischen Apparates bis weit in die 1960er Jahre verbreitet blieben.
Damit bildete sich in den frühen 50er Jahren eine gesellschaftliche Konstellation heraus, die über das Ende der Apartheid hinaus bestimmend blieb: Einer strategisch begründeten Nähe der wirtschaftlichen, politischen und gesellschaftlichen Elite der Schweiz zur südafrikanischen Regierung stand eine schwach organisierte, aber von breiten Kreisen in der Bevölkerung geteilte, menschenrechtlich und moralisch begründete Ablehnung jeder Form der Rassendiskriminierung gegenüber. Im Zweifelsfall hatte dabei eine Kombination aus Gleichgültigkeit, Eigennutz und Antikommunismus vor moralischen Kategorien Vorrang.
Südafrikas Rüstung und die Schweiz vor dem Uno-Embargo 1963 Die nationalistische Regierung in Pretoria konnte ihre Politik der nationalen Unabhängigkeit nur schrittweise durchsetzen. Die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte fristeten bis 1960 ein Schattendasein und stellten nicht mehr als ein schlecht ausgerüstetes und schlecht ausgebildetes Anhängsel der britischen Kolonialpolitik dar. Mehr als die Hälfte des Beschaffungshaushalts der 1950er Jahre floss in «Centurion»-Kampfpanzer, die die Südafrikanische Union im Rahmen des «Middle East Defence» Konzepts – von ungenügend ausgebildeten Truppen bedient und technisch kaum unterhalten – den britischen Streitkräften zur Verfügung hielt.
Als sich diese aufgrund geopolitischer Veränderungen nach der Suezkrise aus dem Mittleren Osten zu[1]rückzogen, entschied die Südafrikanische Union, die «Centurion»-Kampfpanzer aufzugeben. Die Hälfte, über 100 Stück, ging nach der Schweiz. Zwar beantragte im Schweizer Parlament die Sozialdemokratische Fraktion im Herbst 1960 unter Hinweis auf die Apartheidpolitik Südafrikas Nichteintreten.
Im Klima des Kalten Krieges fanden aussenpolitische und menschenrechtliche Überlegungen gegen das Argument, es gelte, hier und in Südafrika den Kommunismus abzuwehren, ausserhalb des linken Lagers jedoch keine Unterstützung. Anfang der 1960er Jahre beschleunigte sich die Loslösung Südafrikas aus dem britischen Commonwealth. Die nationalistische Regierung betrieb eine Politik der nationalen Stärke und Eigenständigkeit und vervielfachte innert weniger Jahre die Militärausgaben der südafrikanischen Republik. Zahlreiche südafrikanische Militärdelegationen reisten quer durch Europa und klärten das Angebot an Rüstungsgütern ab.
Auch in der Schweiz empfingen ab 1960/61 die Spitzen der Verwaltung, der Armee und der Wirtschaft hochtrangige Delegationen der südafrikanischen Streitkräfte. Praktisch sämtliche wichtigen Anbieter von Waffen und militärischen Ausrüstungsgütern der Schweiz unterbreiteten den südafrikanischen Beschaffungsbehörden Angebote. Politische Vorbehalte gab es in Wirtschaft, Militärdepartement und Schweizer Armee keine. Im Gegenteil wirkten das Militärdepartement in Bern und die diplomatische Vertretung der Schweiz in Südafrika bei der Anbahnung und Abwicklung von Rüstungsgeschäften aktiv mit und stellte die Schweizer Armee der privaten Rüstungsindustrie ihre Schiess- und Waffenplätze zur Verfügung, damit diese ihre Produkte den südafrikanischen Beschaffungsdelegationen vorführen konnte.
Im Dezember 1961 erteilte das südafrikanische Verteidigungsministerium der Oerlikon-Bührle-Gruppe»den Auftrag, bis Ende 1963 36 Zwillings-Fliegerabwehrgeschütze 35 mm und 18 Feuerleitgeräte Superfledermaus mit Munition und Zubehör im Wert von 43 Mio. Franken zu liefern. 1963 folgte der Auftrag, für die französische Defa»-Kanone, die der Bewaffnung der Mirage-Flugzeuge diente, 30-mm-Munition im Wert von 10,6 Mio. Franken zu fertigen und Südafrika das Lizenzrecht zur Fertigung dieser Munition zu übertragen. In beiden Fällen bemühte sich auch die «Hispano Suiza (Suisse) SA» in Genf um die Grossaufträge, ging aber leer aus. Der Bundesrat erteilte «Oerlikon-Bührle» mit unbedeutenden Auflagen umgehend die Fabrikationsbewilligung. Bührles Lobbying erwies sich als wirksamer als jenes seiner Konkurrenten.
In der Uno leitete 1963 das Massaker von Sharpeville eine Wende ein.
Vollversammlung und Sicherheitsrat schritten vom Anti-Apartheidkonsens zur Tat und riefen alle Staaten dazu auf, gegen die Apartheidregierung Beugemassnahmen zu ergreifen. Die westlichen Staaten unterstützten die Uno-Resolutionen, solange sie keine obligatorischen Zwangsmassnahmen anordneten. Der Widerspruch zwischen verbaler Anti-Apartheidpolitik und faktischer Unterstützung der südafrikanischen Regierung veranlasste die Uno, sich ab Mitte der 1960er Jahre direkt an die Weltöffentlichkeit zu wenden.
Dies verlieh der Anti-Apartheidpolitik der Uno zunehmend Kampagnecharakter. Sie arbeitete eng mit Nichtregierungsorganisationen zusammen, um den Druck auf jene westlichen Regierungen zu erhöhen, die Südafrika unterstützten. Die Erfolgschancen dieser Methode stiegen in all jenen Ländern, in denen starke NGOs die Anti-Apartheidkampagne der Uno wirksam umsetzten. In der Schweiz waren in den 1960er Jahren allein Frauenrechtsorganisationen und die Gewerkschaften bereit, Uno-Menschenrechtsfragen aufzugreifen. Den Frauenrechtsorganisationen war es zu verdanken, dass die Schweiz aktiv am «Unesco»-Übereinkommen über die Bekämpfung der Diskriminierung im Unterrichtswesen von 1960 mitwirkte.
Der Bundesrat legte dieses dem Parlament allerdings nie zur Genehmigung vor. Deutlich nachhaltiger war der Einfluss der Gewerkschaften auf die Schweizer Südafrikapolitik in der« Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO). 1961 stimmten auch die Schweizer Regierungsvertreter im vorberatenden Ausschuss der 45. Session der Internationalen Arbeitskonferenz erstmals der moralischen Verurteilung der südafrikanischen Apartheidpolitik zu.
Gegen den Widerstand des Südafrika-freundlicheren Politischen Departements setzte der Direktor des «Bundesamts für Industrie, Gewerbe und Arbeit» (Biga) die Position durch, die erfolgreiche Fortentwicklung der multilateralen Zusammenarbeit in der «ILO sei höher zu gewichten als die bilateralen Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika. Entsprechend unterstützten die Schweizer Regierungsvertreter an der 48. Session der Internationalen Arbeitskonferenz von 1964 erneut eine weitgehende Resolution, die die südafrikanische Apartheidpolitik verurteilte und die Grundlage für ein langjähriges ILO-Programm gegen die Apartheid bildete. Wie die Analyse des Wellenschlags der übrigen Uno-Südafrika-Diskussionen in die breit auf[1]gefächerte schweizerische Behörden- und Verbandslandschaft deutlich machte, war die fall[1]weise Unterstützung der Antirassismuspolitik der Unesco und ILO aber singulär.
Die damals fehlende Bereitschaft, die Verstrickungen der Schweiz in die Shoah zu klären, übertrug sich auf die Verleugnung von Verstrickungen in die südafrikanische Apartheidpolitik. Südafrika galt als antibolschewistisches Bollwerk, das zwar zu unschönen Methoden griff, um seine prowestliche Politik durchzusetzen, in seinen antikommunistischen Bestrebungen aber uneingeschränkte Unterstützung verdiente. Entsprechend verweigerten Bundesrat und Verwaltung mit der Uno jegliche Zusammenarbeit, um das 1963 vom Sicherheitsrat zweifach angeordnete Waffenembargo durchzusetzen.
Aus Schweizer Sicht bestand kein Anlass, gegen die südafrikanische Regierung Beugemassnahmen zu ergreifen. Aufgrund einer ungeschickten Informationspolitik von Bundesrat und «Oerlikon-Bührle» sah sich die Schweizer Regierung im Dezember 1963 zwar aus innenpolitischen Gründen gezwungen, die Waffenausfuhr nach Südafrika zu stoppen.Dieser Stopp war aber als vorübergehend konzipiert. Von einem politischen Willen, diesen Stopp wirksam durchzusetzen, fehlte jede Spur.
Nach dem sogenannten Stopp der Waffenausfuhr nach Südafrika von 1963 Der politische Wille blieb in den massgebenden Kreisen der Schweiz allgegenwärtig, die südafrikanische Regierung beim Ausbau der Streitkräfte und rüstungsindustriellen Basis zu unterstützen. Dieser Wille war nicht auf die Dunkelkammern des Nachrichtendienstes und einiger gewinnsüchtiger Rüstungsindustrieller beschränkt, sondern in Behörden und Exportindustrie verbreitet. Es gibt keinen Hinweis darauf, dass diese in ihren Kontakten zu Vertretern der südafrikanischen Verwaltung, Streitkräfte oder Industrie jemals Menschenrechtsfragen angesprochen hätten.
Es finden sich aber zahlreiche Belege, dass die führenden Kreise in der Schweiz ohne nähere Überprüfung des Arguments die Behauptung der südafrikanischen Regierung unterstützten, sie allein garantiere, dass das strategisch wichtige Land mitsamt den an ihm vorbeiführenden Seerouten nicht in kommunistische Hand fiel. Zwar missfielen die Apartheid und die Methoden zu deren Absicherung manchen Spitzenbeamten und Politikern in der Schweiz. Im Kern ging der tatsächliche oder vermeintliche Kampf gegen den Kommunismus aber allen andern Überlegungen vor.
Ab 1965 war in der Schweiz ein südafrikanischer Militärattaché akkreditiert. 1966 knüpften der damalige Generalstabschef der Schweizer Armee, Paul Gygli, und Oberst Helmut von Frisching von der «Untergruppe Nachrichten und Abwehr (UNA) zum Chef des «südafrikanischen Heeres, General Charles Alan Fraser, ausgesprochen herzliche Kontakte. Auf Vorschlag Gyglis reiste eine südafrikanische Militärmission nach der Schweiz, um im Hinblick auf die Streitkräftereform Südafrikas das Rekrutierungs- und Ausbildungssystem der Schweizer Armee kennen zu lernen. Auf besonderes Interesse stiess beim militärischen Nachrichtendienst Südafrikas die Art und Weise, wie die Schweizer Armee im Rahmen der «psychologischen Kriegführung» so genannt «Subversive» bekämpfte.
Kaum hatte die südafrikanische Regierung mit Unterstützung des US-Geheimdienstes «CIA» 1969 das berüchtigte «Bureau of State Security» (BOSS) als zivilen Nachrichtendienst errichtet, unterhielt dessen nicht minder berüchtigter Chef, General Hendrik Van Bergh, persönliche Kontakte zu Vertretern der Partnerdienste in der Schweiz. 1974 führte die «BOSS»-Abteilung «Z-Squad» von der Schweiz aus eine der ersten von der südafrikanischen Regierung angeordneten aussergerichtlichen Ermordungen eines schwarzen Oppositionellen durch.
Ab 1972 bauten auf Bestreben des damaligen UNA-Chefs Oberstbrigadier Carl Weidenmann auch die militärischen Nachrichtendienste der Schweiz und Südafrikas einen engen Informationsaustausch auf. 1974 unternahm Brigadier FriedrichGünther-Benz zwei Reisen nach Südafrika und liess in einem breit gestreuten Bericht keine Zweifel an der Unterstützung der südafrikanischen Regierungspolitik offen. 1975 war der Chef Abteilung Nachrichtendienst in der UNA, Oberst i Gst Peter Hoffet, mitsamt Frau und Tochter während drei Tagen Gast des südafrikanischen Militärattaché.
«Oerlikon-Bührle»war skrupelos und wurde vom Schweizer Politfilz gedeckt
Vor diesem Hintergrund wundert es wenig, dass sich «Oerlikon-Bührle» nicht an den sogenannten Waffenausfuhrstopp von 1963 gebunden fühlte und zwischen Sommer 1964 und Mai 1965 nicht nur die vom Ausfuhrstopp betroffenen 30 Oerlikon 35-mm-Geschütze illegal nach Südafrika auslieferte, sondern im August 1965 einen weiteren Grossauftrag annahm, um zusätzliche 90 Oerlikon 35-mm-Geschütze für 52,7 Mio. Franken und – über Italien – 45 Superfledermaus-Feuerleitgeräte für 54 Mio. Franken nach Südafrika zu liefern. Selbst nachdem im Zuge des Bührle-Skandals vom November 1968 ein Teil dieser illegalen Geschäfte bekannt wurde – die widerrechtliche Lieferung von 36 Geschützen und Munition für 54 Mio. Franken nach Südafrika – fuhr «Oerlikon-Bührle» fort, das illegale Geschäft noch abzuschliessen.
Die letzten 16 Geschütze wurden im August 1969 über den Hafen von Genua nach Südafrika verschifft, was den Schweizer Behörden bekannt war, aber nie Gegenstand der damals laufenden Strafuntersuchungen wurde. Die Behörden übten sich konsequent in fahrlässiger Ahnungslosigkeit, bewusster Duldung und aktiver Mitwirkung, was die illegalen Geschäfte von «Oerlikon-Bührle» erst möglich machte. Wie neue Dokumente aus Südafrika erstmals belegen, ging zudem das illegale Rüstungsgeschäft mit dem Apartheidstaat weit über den «Oerlikon-Bührle-Konzern hinaus.
Auch die «Hispano Suiza (Suisse) SA» in Genf lieferte im grossen Stil illegal 20-mm-Geschütze nach Südafrika. Grundlage bildete ein Liefervertrag von 1967 für 126 Hispano-20-mm-Geschütze, Munition und die Übertragung von Lizenzrechten im Wert von über 21 Mio. Franken. Per Bundesratsentscheid wurde 1969 eine Ausdehnung der Strafuntersuchung über die «Oerlikon[1]Bührle AG» hinaus auf politischem Weg ausgeschlossen.
Von der Verwaltung gedultete, widerrechtliche Kriegsmaterialgeschäfte führte auch die «Autophon AG» in Solothurn durch, die der südafrikanischen Staatspolizei ab 1966 für 3 Mio. Franken Radioverbindungsmaterial mit Sendern und Empfängern lieferte. Wie weit die Mitwirkung der zuständigen Behörden bei der Verletzung des Kriegsmaterialbeschlusses ging, zeigt ein weiterer Vorfall vom Februar 1965. Das Politische Departement erhielt Kenntnis davon, dass die Kriegstechnische Abteilung entgegen allen Anordnungen des Bundesrats in eigener Kompetenz «Oerlikon-Bührle» die Bewilligung ausstellte, für 232’000 Franken Bestandteile zu 35-mm-Fliegerabwehrgeschützen nach Südafrika zu liefern. Auch das Politische Departement sah keinen Anlass, dieses widerrechtliche Geschäft vertieft abzuklären.
Der Kriegsmaterialbeschluss von 1949 enthielt so viele legale Schlupflöcher, das Rüstungsgeschäft mit Südafrika fortzusetzen, dass dieses nur in Ausnahmefällen – «Oerlikon-Bührle», «Hispano-Suiza», «Autophon» – rechtswidrig erfolgte. Das Kriegsmaterialgesetz von 1972 machte diese Schlupflöcher noch weitmaschiger. In seine Bestandteile zerlegtes Kriegsmaterial winkten die Zollorgane nach Südafrika durch. Davon profitierte neben «Oerlikon-Bührle» auch die«Degen & Co. AG»in Niederdorf, deren Zünderbestandteillieferungen per Bundesratsentscheid nicht mehr als Kriegsmaterial galten.
Mit Unterstützung des damaligen Verteidigungsministers Giulio Andreotti und Geheimdienstchefs General Egidio Viggiani unterliefen die «Contraves Italiana» in Rom und die «Oerlikon Italiana» in Mailand in grossem Stil das italienische Waffenausfuhrverbot nach Südafrika. Die Schweizer Behörden unterstützten die Unterlaufung des Waffenembargos über Tochter- und Partnerfirmen in den Nachbarstaaten, indem sie bei der Zulieferung von Bestandteilen aus der Schweiz keine Endverbraucherbescheinigungen forderten, so dass diese von dort problemlos nach Südafrika weitergeschoben werden konnten.
Das wohl wichtigste Schlupfloch bildete die Weigerung der Schweiz, die Uno-Resolution 182 (1963) vom 4. Dezember 1963 umzusetzen, die alle Staaten aufrief, den Verkauf und die Auslieferung von Ausrüstungsgütern und Material zu stoppen, das in Südafrika zur Herstellung und den Unterhalt von Waffen und Munition diente.
Erst 1996 unterstellte die Schweiz die Übertragung von Lizenzrechten zur Herstellung von Rüstungsgütern sowie andere Beihilfen zum Aufbau einer Rüstungsproduktion im Ausland einer Bewilligungspflicht. Das «Lyttelton Engineering Works» in Pretoria fertigte ab 1964 Läufe zur 35-mm-Oerlikon-Kanone und ab Anfang der 1970er Jahre ganze Geschütze. Die «Pretoria Metal Pressings fertigte gestützt auf Lizenzverträge mit der Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik «Oerlikon Bührle»ab 1964 Oerlikon 30- mm- und 35-mm-Munition, die «African Explosives» and Chemical Industries» die dafür benötigten Treibladungsmittel. Ab 1967 fertigte Südafrika auch die 20-mm-Geschützläufe und -Munition der «Hispano Suiza in Lizenz.
Auch «Contraves», «Wild Heerbrugg AG», «BBC» und «SBG» waren involviert
Um 1964 stieg die«Plessey (South Africa) Ltd. in die Fertigung von «Contraves Mosquito» Panzerabwehrraketen ein, wobei diese Lizenzproduktion nicht restlos geklärt werden konnte. Dies gilt auch für die Fertigung von «Tavaro»–Zünder-Bestandteilen durch die«Instrument Manufacturing Corp of South Africa» in Plumstead bei Kapstadt. 1972 schloss die «Gretag AG» Regensdorf in Südafrika einen Lizenzvertrag zu Fertigung ihrer Chiffriergeräte ab. 1974 stieg die Tochtergesellschaft der «Wild Heerbrugg AG»im St. Gallischen Rheintal, die «Wild (South Africa) » in Johannesburg, in die Fertigung optischer Geräte für die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte ein. All diese Lizenzübertragungen waren von Zulieferungen und technischen Beratungsdienstleistungen begleitet. All dies wurde von den weitmaschigen Bestimmungen der Schweizer Kriegsmaterialausfuhrregelungen nicht erfasst. Weder in der Industrie noch bei den Behörden wurden jemals Stimmen laut, die sich gegen die Nutzung dieser Schlupflöcher ausgesprochen hätten.
Die Militär- und Nuklearsanktionen der Uno von 1977 und die Schweiz Anfang der 1970er Jahre leiteten die Vereinten Nationen einen intensiven Diskussionsprozess über die Frage ein, inwiefern internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen auf die Lage der Menschenrechte einwirkten. Einige Uno-Gremien gingen sehr weit, indem sie behaupteten, jegliche wirtschaftliche, politische und kulturelle Tätigkeit in Südafrika trage zur Erhaltung der Apartheidpolitik bei. Indem die schweizerische Aussenpolitik grundsätzlich bestritt, dass zwischen Direktinvestitionen in Südafrika und gegenseitigen Handels- und Finanzbeziehungen einerseits und der Lage der Menschenrechte in Südafrika andererseits ein Zusammenhang bestand, markierte sie auf der anderen Seite der Skala eine Extremposition.
Nachdem die politische Verunsicherung, die 1976 das Massaker von Soweto und die darauf folgende Repressionswelle innerhalb und ausserhalb Südafrikas in der Schweizer Regierung erneut kaum Spuren hinterliess, sah sie sich auf internationaler Ebene zunehmend isoliert. In dem Masse, wie sich die soziale Basis des Widerstandes in Südafrika Anfang der 1980er Jahre verbreiterte und die Repression der südafrikanischen Regierung härter wurde und sich militarisierte, rückte die Schweiz auf internationaler Ebene noch näher an Südafrika heran. Im Uno-System lag die Hoffnung der Schweizer Diplomatie nun ganz darauf, dass die afrikanischen Staaten und andere Kritiker der Apartheidpolitik in Südafrika in ihren Resolutionsentwürfen so extreme Positionen einbrachten, dass ein Nein leicht zu begründen war. Als die Gruppe der 77» ab 1985 unter Führung Ägyptens dazu überging, differenziertere Resolutionen zu formulieren, um auch die letzten Neinsager wie die USA, Israel oder die Schweiz in den weltweiten Anti-Apartheid-Konsens einzubinden, erhöhte dies nicht etwa die Verhandlungsbereitschaft der Schweiz, sondern verstärkte deren Isolation.
1984/85 rief die südafrikanische Regierung den Ausnamezustand aus.
Alle anderen Staaten schlossen sich dem Ruf nach mehr oder weniger weitgehenden Sanktionen an. Die Schweiz war mit ihrem absoluten Nein im Uno-System nun sehr einsam geworden. Parallel schlossen sich auch in der Verwaltung die Reihen. Eine differenzierte Haltung an einer Konferenz im Uno-System lässt sich letztmals 1981 nachweisen, als die Schweizer Delegation in der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) einer weitreichenden Anti-Apartheid-Erklärung, der Einsetzung eines Anti-Apartheid-Ausschusses und einem umfassenden Aktionsplan gegen die Apartheid zustimmten. Nach 1981 finden sich in der schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung keine Vorschläge mehr, an multilateralen Konferenzen des Uno-Systems abweichenden Positionen zu vertreten, obschon dies angesichts des permanenten Ausnahmezustandes in Südafrika besonders dringend gewesen wäre, um eine internationale Totalisolation der Schweiz zu vermeiden.
Abgesehen von den bilateral konzipierten, aber nicht aktiv aussenpolitisch vertretenen «positiven Massnahmen» der Direktion für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit und humanitäre Hilfe (DEH) etablierte sich über alle sieben Departemente hinweg eine gegenüber konkreten Veränderungen immune und insofern stark ideologisierte Haltung, die nicht in der Lage war, auf die uneinheitliche, ein breites Spektrum abdeckende Uno-Südafrika-Diskussion differenziert zu reagieren. Innenpolitisches Gegenstück dieser starren Haltung bildete eine Verhärtung der Fronten entlang des links-rechts-Schemas, das unfähig zu Kompromissen war. Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der alle wichtigen Bundesämter und die mit ihnen verbundenen Verbände und Anstalten die Politik unterstützten, die Schweiz in der Südafrikafrage ausserhalb der überwältigenden Mehrheit der Uno-Mitgliedstaaten zu positionieren, mag heute überraschen. Gerade diese Selbstverständlichkeit bestätigt indes, dass der Konsens breit war.
Grundlage bildete ein stärker auf ideologischen Vorstellungen als auf konkreten Analysen beruhender Anti-Kommunismus, der in Südafrika allein durch die weisse Minderheitsregierung garantiert zu sein schien. Der Aufschwung der militärischen und rüstungsindustriellen Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika, 1976–1990 Dieser anhand der im Schweizerischen Bundesarchiv überlieferten Akten über die Beziehungen der Schweiz zur Uno gewonnene Befund wird in den Dokumenten aus schweizerischen und südafrikanischen Militärarchiven bestätigt. Die militärischen und rüstungsindustriellen Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika erfuhren in den 1980er Jahren eine deutliche Vertiefung. Ab 1980 liess sich der bisher in Rom, Köln oder Wien stationierte südafrikanische Militärattaché in Bern nieder, während inzwischen viele andere Staaten nicht mehr bereit waren, südafrikanische Militärattachés zu akkreditieren.
Es kam zu zahlreichen direkten Kontakten zwischen den Verteidigungsministerien Südafrikas und der Schweiz sowie zwischen den südafrikanischen Streitkräften und der Schweizer Armee. Militärverwaltung und Truppen empfingen südafrikanische Militärdelegationen zu Studienreisen über die Panzerausbildung, über die Ausgestaltung der Wehrpflicht, über eine wirksame Strukturierung der Militärverwaltung, militärischen Finanzplanung, Logistik-Funktionen der Armee und zeigten sich bereit, Erfahrungen betreffend «Militärpolitik», «Strategie» und «Luftwaffe» auszutauschen.
Trotz Widerstand der Bundespolizei traf sich der südafrikanische Sanitätsarzt 1980 auch mit dem Schweizer Oberfeldarzt; weitere Treffen folgten. Nahmen 1977 das Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und 1979 das Militärprotokoll noch gegen den Austausch von Offizieren der Flieger- und Flabtruppen zwischen den beiden Staaten Stellung, leitete Flugwaffenchef Arthur Moll 1980 eine Wende ein. Er traf den südafrikanischen Luftwaffenchef an der Flugschau in Farnborough und lud diesen zum Erstaunen seines Partners wenige Tage später zu einem offiziellen Besuch nach der Schweiz ein.
Schweizer Offiziere wollten mit der südafrikanischen Luftwaffe zusammenarbeiten
Grundlage bildete das 1983 abgeschlossene Geheimschutzabkommen. Damit erhielten die südafrikanischen Militärpiloten Einblick in geheime Methoden der Kampfführung und technische Einzelheiten der Schweizer Flugwaffe. Der Pilotenaustausch setzte sich während den ganzen 1980er Jahren fort. Neben der militärisch-technischen ist auch die militärisch-politische Ebene zu beachten. Mit der Verschärfung der gesellschaftlichen Konflikte innerhalb Südafrikas und dem sich erhöhenden internationalen Druck auf Südafrika von aussen bauten die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte im Verlauf der 1980er Jahre ihre Propagandatätigkeit massiv aus. Die Streitkräfte und vor allem der militärische Nachrichtendienst scheuten zur Durchsetzung ihrer sogenannten Comops»-Projekte – Comops» steht für Communication operations – weder Geld noch Kontakte bis hin zu gewaltbereiten rechtsextremen Kräften. In der Schweiz baute der südafrikanische Militärattaché und andere Kontaktpersonen Kontakte zu teilweise schillernden Figuren am äussersten rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums auf, darunter zu Jürg Meister, Chefredaktor der von Karl Friedrich Grau herausgegebenen «intern informationen».
Wie aus den Unterlagen des militärischen Nachrichtendienstes Südafrikas hervorgeht, mass dieser dem Kontakt zu Leuten wie dem Zürcher «Subversivenjäger» Ernst Cincera, dem Leiter des Schweizerischen Ostinstituts, Peter Sager, und dem Präsidenten der Arbeitsgruppe südliches Afrika, Christoph Blocher, grosse Bedeutung zu. Comops»–Operationen in der Schweiz betrafen Pressionsversuche auf Fernsehen, Radio und Printmedien sowie die Mitwirkung an Sportanlässen, allen voran Militärsportanlässen wie dem internationalen Zweitagemarsch in Bern. Erst als andere Staaten wie die Niederlande drohten, den Zweitagemarsch zu boykottieren, falls die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte weiterhin mit grossen Delegationen vertreten seien, durften diese ab 1988 nur noch in zivil teilnehmen.
Proteste der «Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung der Schweiz waren ungehört geblieben. Mehr Fragen als Antworten werfen eine lange Reihe unaufgeklärter Fälle auf, bei denen die Schweizer Bundespolizei und andere Untersuchungsorgane starke Hinweise auf Verbrechen und Sanktionsbrüche erhielten, aus Rücksichtnahme auf die südafrikanische Regierung und ihre prominenten Freunde in der Schweiz aber davor zurückschreckte, die beschafften Informationen gerichtlich zu verwerten. Im Falle einer bekannten Rüstungsfirma in der Ostschweiz, die im grossen Stil Waffenschiebergeschäfte mit Südafrika abschloss, begnügte sich die Bundespolizei damit, der Konzernspitze zu empfehlen, einen auf diesem Feld eher ungeschickt operierenden Mitarbeiter aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen und dafür zu sorgen, dass die Schiebereien diskreter abgewickelt wurden.
Sehr weit ging die Zusammenarbeit der Eidgenössischen «Pulverfabrik Wimmis mit dem führenden südafrikanischen Hersteller von Munition und Treibladungspulver «Somchem». «Wimmis» stellte der «Somchem» 1979 via Oerlikon-Bührle AG» eine Produktionslizenz für Treibladungspulver für 20-mm- und 35-mm-Munition zur Verfügung, bildete «Somchem-Ingenieure in top[1]geheimen Anlagen in «Wimmis» aus und hielt sich mit ihren Spitzenkräften, darunter dem Direktor und dem Chefchemiker, mehrfach während Wochen bei der «Somchem» auf, um aufgetretene Probleme bei der Lizenzproduktion und der übrigen Herstellung militärischer Explosivstoffe zu lösen. «Oerlikon-Bührle»gewährte im Rahmen des Projektes «Sleeve» und «Skavot» im grossen Stil technische und Management-Hilfe zur Fortentwicklung des 35-mm-Fliegerabwehrsystems.
Zahlreiche weitere solcher topgeheimen Geschäfte liessen sich für die 1980er Jahre nachweisen, die Südafrika mit Unterstützung des militärischen Geheimdienstes in der Schweiz abwickelte, darunter vom Heer das Projekt «Floor», «Jansalie», «Algebra», «Fargo» und «Nack», von der südafrikanischen Luftwaffe das Projekt «Divorce» und «Finial» betreffend Flugplatz-Navigation, ein weiteres Projekt, um Probleme der Materialermüdung bei Mirage[1]Flugzeugen zu beheben, das Projekt «Aquila», das die Beschaffung von Ausrüstungsgütern im Raume Genf betraf, das Projekt «Janito»r, das dem Aufbau eines integriert zivil-militärischen Luftraumüberwachungssystems galt, oder die Projekte «Alexandri» und «Bessie», die die südafrikanische Flotte in den 1980er Jahren in der Schweiz abwickelte. Ohne Einblick in die einschlägigen Archive der mitwirkenden Firmen bleibt freilich im Dunkeln, welchen Umfang und welche Bedeutung diesen Projekten im Einzelnen zukam.
Gemessen an der gesamten Rüstungsmaschinerie Südafrikas dürften diese rüstungsindustriellen Beziehungen der Schweiz zum Apartheidstaat nicht grundsätzlich ins Gewicht gefallen sein. Gemessen an der politischen Brisanz, die mit diesen Geschäften verbunden war, bleibt gestützt auf die südafrikanischen Militärakten festzuhalten:
Der Schweizerische Bundesrat hatte am 16. April 2003 allen Grund, die Einsicht in Südafrika-Akten in der Schweiz zu stoppen. Denn es sind in der Schweiz viele, die aus tiefer politischer Überzeugung die Apartheidregierung in Südafrika unterstützt und am völkerrechtswidrigen und völkerrechtskonformen Geschäft mit dieser kräftig mitverdient haben.
Deren Aufklärung erscheint unumgänglich, wenn den laufenden Bestrebungen der Uno und auch der Schweiz, die Wirtschaft stärker in eine präventiv ausgerichtete Menschenrechtspolitik einzubeziehen, zum Durchbruch verholfen werden soll. Die Nuklearbeziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika Südafrika stieg bereits in den 1950er Jahren zum grössten Uranproduzenten der Welt auf.
Schweiz-Südafrika: Die Uran-Deals in den 70er Jahren
Noch in den 1970er Jahren war Südafrika das einzige Land, das bereit war, Uran ohne Auflagen gegen die Weiterverbreitung von Atomwaffen zu exportieren. Für die Schweiz, die wie Südafrika ein Atomwaffenprogramm unterhielt, aber über kein eigenes Uran verfügte, war Südafrika deshalb ein interessanter Partner und Lieferant. Die ab 1952 vom Bundesrat verfolgten Bestrebungen, von Südafrika Uran zu erhalten, fanden 1954 die Unterstützung der Schweizerischen Bankgesellschaft. Auch bei späteren Aktionen lautete das Ziel, das südafrikanische Uran ohne Auflagen zu erhalten («whether it would be sold unconditionally»).
Innerhalb der 1957 gegründeten Internationalen Atomenergieagentur (IAEA) in Wien vertraten die beiden Staaten – wie auch in anderen Uno-Organisationen – regelmässig ähnliche Positionen und unterstützten gegenseitig ihre Kandidaten für die Wahl in den Gouverneursrat. Zwischen Donald Sole, der Südafrika im Gouverneursrat der IAEA vertrat, und dem Delegierten des Bundesrats für Atomenergie, Urs Hochstrasser, dessen Wahl in den Gouverneursrat Südafrika 1963 unterstützte, ergab sich eine enge Beziehung. Hochstrasser nutzte die Begegnungen mit Sole, um am Rande von internationalen Treffen die bilateralen Nuklearbeziehungen zwischen den beiden Staaten zu vertiefen und zu versuchen, aus Südafrika grosse Mengen an Uran zu beziehen, um damit staatliche Vorräte anzulegen.
Der südafrikanisch-israelische Atomwaffentest von 1979, den ein Vela-Satellit aufgrund des typischen Doppelblitzes als solchen erkannt hatte, löste in der Schweiz keine Überprüfung der Nuklearbeziehungen zu Südafrika aus. Das Politische Departement schenkte einseitig jenen Stimmen Glauben, die behaupteten, es habe sich um einen Fehlalarm gehandelt. Heute wissen wir, dass die Schweizer Diplomatie der falschen Seite Gehör geschenkt hatte. Wie Präsident Frederik Willem de Klerk am 24. März 1993 bekannt machte, baute Südafrika sechs Atombomben. Bereits im März 1969 meldete der Schweizer Botschafter in Pretoria ein erstes Mal nach Bern, die südafrikanische Regierung beanspruche für sich das «Recht, eine Atommacht mit eigenen Atombomben zu werden».
Das dafür benötigte spaltbare Material stammte aus der Urananreicherung, die Südafrika mit technischer Unterstützung aus der Schweiz, Deutschland und anderen Staaten aufbaute. Als Donald Sole 1968 vom südafrikanischen «Atomic Energy Board» den formellen Auftrag erhielt, in Europa Technologie zur Urananreicherung zu beschaffen, empfing ihn auch Urs Hochstrasser zu diesem Thema. 1970 unterhielt sich Hochstrasser am Rande einer «IAEA»-Konferenz mit dem Direktor des Atomic Energy Board of South Africa, Abraham J. A. Roux, über das südafrikanische Programm zur Urananreicherung und sicherte zu «abzuklären, ob seitens der schweizerischen Wirtschaft ein Interesse für eine Zusammenarbeit mit der südafrikanischen Industrie besteht. Im Hinblick auf die politischen Probleme wird es vermutlich am besten sein, wenn man die Angelegenheit auf die Ebene direkter privater Kontakte verlegt.»
Hochstrasser zeigte sich auch ein Jahr später «der politischen Implikationen einer Zusammenarbeit mit Südafrika bewusst. Eine offizielle Mitwirkung schweizerischer Amtsstellen kommt seines Erachtens nicht in Frage, dagegen sei gegen private Kontakte (namentlich der Privatindustrie)» zum südafrikanischen Programm für Urananreicherung «nichts einzuwenden». 1977 machte die Gebrüder Sulzer AG klar, dass sie hochsensitive Technologie an das südafrikanische Urananreicherungsprogramm liefern werde und lehnte «ausdrücklich jede politische Beurteilung ab.
Da es sich um ein Geschäft in dreistelliger Millionenhöhe’ handle, sei «Sulzer» gewillt, bis an die Grenze des rechtlich Machbaren zu gehen.» Die Lieferungen, deren Einzelheiten ungeklärt sind, erfolgten über die Tochtergesellschaft in Südafrika. Später lieferte auch die Firma «VAT Aktiengesellschaft für Vakuum-Apparate-Technik» in Haag (Kanton St. Gallen) Vakuumventile aus Aluminium nach Südafrika, die in der Urananreicherungsanlage eine wichtige Rolle spielten. Die Aktiengesellschaft «Brown, Boveri & Cie» in Baden (BBC), die über Jahrzehnte eine enge Geschäftsbeziehung zur südafrikanischen Elektrizitätsliefergesellschaft «Escom» (Electricity Supply Commission) unterhielt, bewarb sich 1975 für die Lieferung von zwei Turbogruppen und Zubehör von je 1000 Megawatt zum Bau des Atomkraftwerks «Koeberg im Werte von 3’230 Millionen Franken.
Der Bundesrat gewährte trotz internationaler Proteste die Exportrisikogarantie. Südafrika entschied sich indes für einen anderen Lieferanten. Im Juli 1979 gaben die USA bekannt, dass sie nicht bereit waren, Südafrika auf 3 Prozent angereichertes Uran zum Betrieb des im Bau befindlichen Atomkraftwerks «Koeberg» bei Kapstadt zu liefern, es sei denn, Südafrika schliesse sich dem internationalen Atomsperrvertrag an. Südafrika weigerte sich, worauf die Kernkraftwerk «Kaiseraugst» AG in die Lücke sprang und das für die Erstausstattung des AKW «Koeberg» benötigte leicht angereicherte Uran lieferte. Die AKW «Koeberg I und II» gingen 1984 und 1985 in Betrieb.
Ein Schweizer Konsortium («Elektrowatt», «Motor Columbus», «BBC», «Sulzer») bemühte sich bei Escom» um den Auftrag, den technischen Unterhalt des AKW «Koeberg» sicherzustellen, ging aber leer aus. Zwischen 1971 und 1985 pflegte das «Schweizerische Institut für Nuklearforschung» (SIN) in Villigen mit Südafrika auf dem Gebiete der Beschleunigertechnik und Urananreicherung eine enge wissenschaftlich-technische Zusammenarbeit, bildete südafrikanische Atomwissenschaftler aus und stellte die Grundlagen zum Bau eines südafrikanischen Beschleunigerrings zur Verfügung.
1985 intervenierte das Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten vergeblich im Bundesrat gegen die Teilnahme von SIN-Direktor Prof. Jean-Pierre Blaser an den Einweihungsfeierlichkeiten in Südafrika. Bundesrat Alfons Egli setzte sich nach Absprache mit Schulratspräsident Maurice Cosandey erfolgreich für die Reise ein. Die Schweiz bezog auch völkerrechtswidrig in Namibia abgebautes Uran. In der Schweiz niedergelassene Firmen handelten damit. Die politischen Behörden sahen trotz internationaler Proteste keinen Anlass einzugreifen.
Auszug aus dem Buch «DAS PENDEL SCHLÄGT ZURÜCK – POLITISCHE & ÖKOLOGISCHE METAMORPHOSEN»des Zürcher Fotojournalisten Gerd M. Müller. Das ganze Manuskript ist als E-Book-Version auf zu finden.
Dieses Buch des Zürcher Foto-Journalisten Gerd Michael Müller nimmt Sie ab den wilden 80er Jahren mit auf eine spannende Zeitreise durch 30 Länder und 40 Jahre Zeitgeschichte mit Fokus auf viele politische Vorgänge in Krisenregionen. Er beleuchtet das Schicksal der indigenen Völker, zeigt die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes auf, rückt ökologische Aspekte und menschenrechtliche Schicksale in den Vordergrund, prangert den masslosen Konsum und die gnadenlose Ausbeutung der Ressourcen an, zeigt die Schmetterlingseffekte der Hedge Funds und Auswirkungen wirtschaftlicher, gesellschaftlicher und politischer Prozesse auf und skizziert Ansätze zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels. Pointiert, hintergründig, spannend und erhellend Eine gelungene Mischung aus gehobener Reiseliteratur, globalem Polit-Thriller, gespickt mit abenteuerlichen Geschichten und persönlichen Essays – den Highlights seines abenteuerlich wilden Nomaden-Lebens für die Reportage-Fotografie eben. Der Autor publizierte Hunderte von Reportagen in deutschsprachigen Tageszeitungen und Magazinen.
Peter Regli war so eine Kultfigur des «Kalten Krieges» und als Chef des schweizerischen Nachrichtendienstes 1991 bis 1999 eine illustere, zwielichtige Geheimdienst-Figur. Er organisierte in den frühen 1980er Jahren geheime Pilotenaustausche mit dem Apartheidregime. Laut dem ehemaligen Geheim-dienstchef Südafrikas, Chris Thirion, vereinbarten die Geheimdienste der Schweiz und Südafrikas 1986 auch einen Know-how-Austausch über C-Waffen. Am 25. Januar 1988 traf der Leiter des südafrikanischen ABC-Waffen-Programmes, Wouter Basson, der später als «Doktor Tod» in die Geschichte einging, sowie Polizeigeneral Lothar Neethling mit Vertretern des «AC-Laboratoriums Spiez» in Bern zusammen. Unter dem «Project Coast» wollte der Militärarzt Basson mit B- und C-Waffen damals mögliche Aufstände der schwarzen Bevölkerung im Keim ersticken. „Eine grauenhafte Vorstellung, dass die Schweiz bei diesem teuflischen Plan im geheimen mitgewirkt hat und an der Vernichtung von zehntausenden von Schwarzen hätte beteiligt gewesen sein können.“ Das zeigt die damalige Doktrin und das schablo-nenartige Denken der Geheimdienste. Heute ist das nicht viel besser mit politisch hochstilisierten Feindbildern und undurchsichtigen Algorhtmen.
Vor Reglis erzwungenen Rücktritt liess er 1999 sämtliche Akten über die nachrichtendienstliche und militärische Zusammenarbeit mit dem Apartheidregime vernichten. 2003 reichte das (VBS) eine Strafanzeige und leitete eine Administrativuntersuchung gegen ihn im Zusam-menhang mit den umstrittenen Kontakten des Geheimdienstes zum südafrikanischen Apartheid-Regime ein. Obwohl auch eine Parlamentarische Untersuchungskommission (PUK) diese Operation als unrechtmässig bezeichnete, wurde Regli 2007 vom Bundesrat vollständig rehabilitiert.
Die Aktenvernichtungen sei im Interesse der Schweiz gewesen. Reglis Rehabilitierung war allerdings umstritten, sie wurde von Hilfswerken und der politischen Linken (Sozialdemokraten, Partei der Arbeit, Grüne) mit Empörung quittiert. Doch wie kam Regli überhaupt zu diesen hochrangigen ausländischen Kontakten zur «CIA», zum «Mossad» und zum südafrikanischen Geheimdienst? Quellen aus dem «NDB»-Umfeld führen zu den geheimen Sitzungen des «Club de Berne» teilnahm. Diese informelle Organisation wurde während des Kalten Kriegs 1971 in Bern gegründet. Sie vereinigt die Chefs aller Geheimdienste und der Bundespolizeien aus etwa zehn Ländern wie Deutsch-land, den USA, Grossbritannien und der Schweiz und ist auch heute noch operativ tätig. Ziel ist der regelmässige Informationsaustausch zwischen westlichen Geheimdiensten und Bundespolizeikorps über aktuelle Bedrohungen. Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern zählte auch die Schweiz. Auch Israel spielte eine entscheidende Rolle und der Austausch mit dem israelischen Inlandsgeheimdienst «Schin Bet» und dem Auslandpendant «Mossad» war intensiv. Initiator des «Berner Clubs» war der italienische Geheimdienstchef Umberto Federico d’Amato.
Quellen aus dem NDB»-Umfeld führen zu den geheheimen Sitzungen des «Club de Berne» teilnahm. Diese informelle Organisation wurde während des Kalten Kriegs 1971in Bern gegründet. Sie vereinigt die Chefs aller Geheimdienste und der Bundespolizeien aus etwa zehn Ländern wie Deutschland, den USA, Grossbritannien und der Schweiz und ist auch heute noch operativ tätig. Ziel ist der regelmässige Informationsaustausch zwischen westlichen Geheimdiensten und Bundespolizeikorps über aktuelle Bedrohungen.
Ziel war es damals, ein gemeinsames Chiffrier-System aufzubauen, das auch hervorragende Dienste bei der Abhörung fremder Nationen und 2020 zur «Crypto-Affäre» führte.. Mitte der 70er Jahre erhielt der Club eine aktive Rolle beim Vorgehen gegen linke Terrororganisationen wie die «RAF», die Rote Armee Fraktion in Deutschland oder die «Roten Brigaden» in Italien und so wurde ein weiteres, vom ersten getren-ntes Meldesystem aufgebaut. Nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11.September hat der «Club» eine verstärkte Bedeutung als Gremium der politischen Konsultation zwischen Geheim- und Staatsschutzdiensten erhalten. Aus der Organisation ist ein breit abgestütztes internationales bekanntes aber immer noch sehr diskretes Gremium geworden. 2001 initiierte der «Club» die «Counter Terrorism Group» (CTG). Diese soll angeblich seit 2016 ein europäisches Geheimdienstzentrum in Den Haag leiten. Seit 2016 laufen Sondierungen mit Europol, da die «CTG sich mit den polizeilichen Strukturen der EU oder einzelner Mitgliedstaaten vernetzen wollte. 2017 bezeichnete der deutsche Abge-ordneter Andrej Hunko den «Berner Club und dessen informellen Zusammenschluss «CTG» als „kaum kontrollierbar. Er kritisierte auch die zunehmende Vergeheimdienstlichung der Polizeiarbeit. In Österreich wurde der Berner Club im Rahmen der BTV-Affäre in den Medien genannt. In Deutschland anlässlich der Kontroverse um die Äusserungen von Verfassungsschutzpräsident Hans-Georg Maassen zu den Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz 2018 bekannt. Seine Rede vor dem «Berner Club» am 18. Oktober 2018 hatte seine Versetzung in den einstweiligen Ruhestand zur Folge.
Zwar kein Oerlikon Bührle Flabgeschütz aber doch mit Schweizer Know How im Einsatz gegen die Schwarze Bevölkerung in Südafrika. Im Bild ein Panzer in Hillbrow/Johannesburg. GMC Photopress/Gerd M. Müller
Aviva Guttmann, eine Historikerin am «King’s College» in London, ist eine der Forscherinnen mit Zugang zu den «Club-de-Berne» Aufzeichnungen der 80er- und 90er-Jahren, die in ausländischen Archiven gelagert sind. Sie sagt, „dass Regli Kraft seines Amts Mitglied gewesen sein muss“ und ist sich sicher ist, „dass Regli stets über einen Wis-sensschatz verfügte, der weit über seinen Dienstgrad hinausging“. Durch die Teilnahme am «Club de Berne» er-hielt Regli Informationen der «CIA» und vom «Mossad». Ein klassischer Modus Operandi für jeden Nachrichten-dienstchef. Doch Regli ist dabei zu weit gegangen, indem er ein zu hohes Risiko einging, die Sicherheit des Landes und die internationalen Verpflichtungen sowie Neutralität der politischen Schweiz zu gefährden.
Dass Regli sich mit «CIA» und «Mossad» austauschen konnte, hat auch mit anderen Personen zu tun, die ihm den Rücken frei hiel-ten und Türen öffnete, wie der Leiter des internen Nachrichtendiensts «DAP», Urs von Daeniken und seinem Vor-gesetzten, Peter Huber, beide Mitglieder im «Club de Berne». Sie fielen nach der «Fichenaffäre» 1989 in Ungnade und wurden aufgrund des öffentlichen Drucks kaltgestellt. Alt-Bundesrat Adolf Ogi erinnert sich und erzählt, dass der Geheimdienstchef für ihn immer mehr zum „Problem geworden sei, weil „Regli zu eng mit Personen aus dem Apartheid-Regime verbandelt war, die ein chemisch-biologisches Waffenprogramm aufgebaut hatten.“
Carla Del Ponte wollte Regli wegen der damals bekannt gewordenen Südafrika-Affäre sogar verhaften. Doch dazu kam es nicht, erst kam noch die Bellasi-Affäre, benannt nach dem ehemaligen Geheimdienstbuchhalter Dino Bellasi, der von Regli mit 8,9 Millionen Franken ausgestattet und beauftragt wurde, ein geheimes Waffenarsenal aufzubauen. Als Bundesrat Ogi im November 1995 die Leitung des Militärdepartements übernahm und in sein Amt einarbeitete, hoffte er, von seinem Vorgänger, dem FDP-Bundesrat KasparVilliger Informationen zu erhalten, doch der liess seinen Nachfolger auflaufen und gab ihm keine Informationen über die Abläufe des «SND» oder über die Amtsführung von Peter Regli. So kam es auch, dass Ogi bis zum 12. Februar 2020 nichts von der Kontrolle des «CIA» und «BND» über «Crypto AG» wusste, wie er selber sagt.
Auch beruflich hatte ich zu Beginn der 90er Jahre bei meiner Public Relation Ausbildung und bei der PR-Agentur «Leipziger & Partner» in Zumikon mit dem Militär zu tun, obschon ich als Dienstverweigerer und Befürworter der «Armeeabschaffungs-Inititave» und kein Armee-Freund oder Kriegswaffen-Fetischist war. Mein Chef, Dr. Emil S., war Oberst im Militär, «AUNS»-Mitglied und ein kleiner Nazi und gehörte so betrachtet nicht zu meinen speziellen Freunden oder Vorbildern. Aber beruflich gesehen, war er ein PR-Ass und bestens vernetzt, wodurch ich trotz meiner Aversion gegen Ernst Cincera, Peter Sager und Christoph Blocher viel von seinem Know-How und Kontakten zum militärischen Kader oder zu gemässigten Zivilorganisationen wie «Helvetas» und dem «Europa Institut» profitierte. Bei der PR-Agentur Leipziger & Partner organisierte ich u.a. das «Forum 91» und das «Colloquium Sicherheitspolitik & Medien» mit «NATO»-General Klaus Naumann als Gast, zwei hochpolitische Foren mit hochrangigen Militärs, Politikern, Wissenschaftlern und Medienvertretern.
Da prallten zwei Welten aufeinander: Hier der junge Freak, der Sympathie für die «Armee-Abschaffungs-Initiative» hatte und sich der Rekrutenschule entzog, dafür aber gerne Zivildienst leistete. Einer der auch mit der Anti-AKW-Bewegung sympathisierte! Auf der anderen Seite das bürgerliche Establishment, die Spitze der Schweizer Armee bis hin zum Gastreferenten, «NATO»-General Klaus Naumann, der nur von drei Kantonspolizisten eskortiert in die Aula hereingeführt wurde. Da ich das Sicherheitsdispositiv im Detail kannte, wäre es für mich einfach gewesen, einen Terrorakt zu verüben, bei dem die Schweizer Armeespitze einen empfindlichen Schlag hätte hinnehmen müssen. Insgeheim malte ich mir aus, wie es wohl gewesen wäre, wenn ich die Militärelite mit einem Schlag mit einem der 35mm Flabgeschosse aus meinem früheren Lehrbetrieb «Oerlikon Bührle» oder einem anderen Sprengsatz hätte vernichten können. Da habe ich gemerkt, dass man auch als Pazifist einige abgründige Szenarien in Erwägung ziehen kann, wenn man in militärischen Kategorien denkt, so wie das in Militär- und Spionagekreisen und bei meinem Chef eben alltäglich und branchenüblich war.
Die 80er Jahre waren also geprägt von grossen politischen Umwälzungen, die die Jugendbewegung ausgelöst hatte und so eine ganze Generation politisiert hat. Denn die innenpolitischen Umwälzungen hatten auch viel mit der internationalen Lage zu tun. Mit den Schematas des Kalten Krieges, dem Vietnam-Krieg, dem Sechs Tage Krieg und Einmarsch Israels in den palästinensischen Gebieten, den Befreiungs-bewegungen in Lateinamerika und dem Kampf der «Roten Armee Fraktion» (RAF) und der «Roten Brigaden» in Italien. Dadurch befeuert waren die jungen Aktivisten auch geneigt, die Armee abzuschaffen und die AKWs abzuschalten (eine Folge auch des Reaktorunfalls von Tschernobyl). Wir schauten also weit über den Tellerrand hinaus und solidarisierten oder engagierten uns mit den Sandinisten in Nicaragua, die sich von Diktator Somoza verabschieden wollten. Auch die imperialistischen Scharmützel der USA in Kuba brachten uns auf. Und so ist es kein Wunder das wir in die Welt hinaus zogen, um Neues zu entdecken und altes abzuschaffen.
In der dunkelsten Zeit der Apartheid in Südafrika, in den 80er-Jahren organisierte Peter Regli, damals Chef der Luftwaffe, einen geheimen, Austausch von Militär-Piloten mit Südafrika. Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika waren politisch, militärisch und rüstungsindustriell in den 1980er Jahren am intensivsten, als die Durchsetzung der südafrikanischen Politik der Rassentrennung (Apartheid) am stärksten und von schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen sowie offener Gewaltanwendung begleitet war. Die Schweizer Industrie hat das Waffenembargo, das die Uno über Südafrika verhängte, in grossem Stil unterlaufen. Sie verletzte selbst die von der Schweiz definierten Regeln über die Waffenausfuhr, obschon sie weit enger gefasst waren, als jene der Uno. Die Verwaltung war über viele illegale und halblegale Geschäfte informiert. Dies trifft auch auf die nachrichtendienstliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Schweiz und Südafrika zu. Der Austausch nachrichtendienstlicher Informationen trug direkt zur Anbahnung von Rüstungsgeschäften, der Bekämpfung von Apartheidgegnern und zur politischen Propaganda zugunsten der südafrikanischen Regierung bei. In der dunkelsten Zeit der Apartheid in Südafrika: in die 80er Jahren organisierte Peter Regli, damals Chef der Luftwaffe, einen geheimen, Austausch von Militär-Piloten mit Südafrika.
Laut Aussage des ehemaligen Chef des südafrikanischen Geheimdiensts Chris Thirion,, pflegten die schweizerischen und südafrikanischen Dienste einen jahrelangen Informationsaustausch über chemische Waffen. Damals war Wouter Basson Leiter des südafrikanischen Chemiewaffenprogramms. Die südafrikanischen Medien gaben ihm den Übernamen «Doktor Tod». Er leitete die «Operation Coast», ein streng geheimes und tödliches Programm der Apartheidregierung, das an politischen Gegnern und Schwarzafrikanern getestet werden sollte.
All dies ist in einem klassifizierten Bericht von Professor Schweizer und in der Studie «Mit der Apartheid-Regierung gegen den Kommunismus» von Peter Hug festgehalten. Anfang 1988 trafen sich also Wouter Basson und der südafrikanische General Lothar Neethling in Bern mit Vertretern des AC-Labors Spiez. Gemäss Basson wurde das Treffen von Jürg Jacomet arrangiert. Der ominöse Waffenhändler war Reglis «Agent in Südafrika». 1991, ein Jahr nach dem Sturz des Apartheidregimes, statteten Basson und Neethling Bern einen weiteren Besuch ab, diesmal direkt im Büro von Regli.
1992 half JacometBasson, eine halbe Tonne «Mandrax zu beschaffen, ein extrem giftiges Lähmungsmittel. Ein Deal, der Regli fädelte. Zwei Jahre später konnte Regli im Gegenzug auf Jacomets Unterstützung beim Kauf von zwei russischen SA-18-Boden-Luft-Raketen zählen. Die «Operation Coast» wurde 1992 abgebrochen. Die parlamentarische Aufarbeitung dieser problematischen Beziehung begann viel zu spät und nur durch Medienberichte ausgelöst.
Township in Soweto at this struggeling times for freedom and equal rights. Image: GMC/Gerd M. Müller
Nur ein Mitglied des Bundesrats wusste von Reglis Deals, gemäss der parlamentarischen Untersuchung von 2003: Kaspar Villiger. Professor Schweizer, der Villiger ebenfalls befragt hat, zweifelt heute an der Kooperationsbereitschaft des ehemaligen FDP-Bundesrats: «Es gilt als sicher, dass er nicht alles gesagt hat. Für den emeritierten Professor ist der Fall Regli und Südafrika immer noch nicht abgeschlossen. Trotz eindeutiger, äusserst problematischer Kontakte, privater Geschäfte und einiger Kompetenzüberschreitungen konnte ihm schwarz auf weiss keine direkte Beteiligung am «Projekt Coast» nachgewiesen werden. Immerhin hat Regli in Gegenwart seines Anwaltes zugegeben, dass er Wouter Basson, den Leiter des Chemiewaffenprogramms, mindestens sechs Mal getroffen und mit ihm Geschäftliches besprochen habe.
Von den verbrecherischen Forschungen dieses Arztes hatte er also Kenntnis, sagt Schweizer. Aber diese gut dokumentierten Befunde blieben für Regli bisher folgenlos. Das lag vor allem daran, dass Regli sämtliche Akten und Memos über seine Besuche im September 1999 vernichtet hatte. Dort nutzte er die Gelegenheit, alle Dokumente im Zusammenhang mit seinen Aktivitäten in Südafrika zu vernichten. Er berief sich dabei– ironischerweise – auf den Datenschutz, seine Persönlichkeitsrechte und den «Fichenskandal» der damaligen Bundespolizei.
Südafrika: Flüchtlingskinder spielenSpringseil
Die Aktenvernichtung sei in den 70er- bis 90er-Jahren eine typische schweizerische Eigenheit gewesen, sagt Geheimdiensthistoriker. Vor allem zu den Kooperationen mit ausländischen Intelligence Services seien Dokumente geschreddert worden, sofern überhaupt etwas schriftlich festgehalten worden sei. „Die Geheimdienste in den USA, Deutschland und England haben das nicht in diesem Ausmass gemacht.“
Zu den «Cryptoleaks». «SRF-Rundschau», «ZDF» und die «Washington Post» hatten gezeigt, dass die Zuger Exportfirma Crypto AG im Dienste des amerikanischen und deutschen Geheimdiensts über lange Jahre hinweg manipulierte Verschlüsselungsgeräte verkauft hatte. Die «Crypto AG» ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Der gesamte Schweizer Nachrichtendienst war in den 1990er-Jahren geprägt von Dünkel, Intrigen und informellen Beziehungen zu westlichen und illusteren Geheimdiensten.
Es gab einen kleinen Zirkel von Insidern an der Spitze, der unbeaufsichtigt von Bundesrat und Parlament den persönlichen Austausch mit amerikanischen, südafrikanischen oder israelischen Spionen pflegte. Dank des 280-seitigen Dokuments namens «Minerva» wurde beweisen, dass der «BND» und die «CIA» zwischen1970 und 1993 ein Geheimbündnis hatten, um rund 100 Staaten auszuspionieren. Auch das Verfahren gegen die «Crypto AG» musste ergebnislos eingestellt werden. In den Medien sind diverse Namen aus dem bürgerlichen Lager aufgetaucht. Der geheime CIA-Bericht «Minerva» nannte als Mitwisser beispielsweise den Zuger FDP-Parlamentarier Georg Stucky, ein Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats von «Crypto AG» und Alt-Bundesrat Kaspar Villiger.
Die Affäre Bühler der 1992 beim Verkauf von Verschlüsselungsgeräten an das iranische Verteidigungsministerium verhaftet wurde. Der Aussendienst-Mitarbeiter wurde der Spionage verdächtigt und sass neun Monate lang in einem iranischen Gefängnis. Der Fall Bühler zwang die Bundesanwaltschaft, eine Untersuchung zur «Crypto AG» durchzuführen.
Diese kam fälschlicherweise zum Schluss, dass es keine Manipulation an Geräten gab. Mehrere Quellen aus dem «NDB»-Umfeld bezeugen aber, wie eng der Ex-Chef des Strategischen Nachrichtendiensts mit den Amerikanern zusammenarbeitete. Sie nannten ihn «den Souffleur» mit engem Draht zum damaligen «CIA»-Direktor William H. Webster, dem israelischen Geheimdienst «Mossad» oder dem südafrikanischen Geheimdienst – alles Protagonisten aus dem «Club de Berne».
Der militärisch ausgerichtete Nachrichtendienst «SND» punktete mit dem Satellitenabhörsystem «Onyx» in Leuk, Zimmerwald und Heimenschwand. Damit gelang es der Schweiz uneingeschränkt alle Datenübertragungen via Fax, E-Mail oder Telefon nach Suchkriterien abzuhören. Zudem gab es den Dienst für Analyse und Prävention (DAP). Dieser wurde nach der Fichenaffäre 1989 gegründet und war beim Eidgenössischen Justiz- und Polizeidepartement angesiedelt.
Das Buch des Zürcher Foto-Journalisten Gerd Michael Müller nimmt Sie ab den wilden 80er Jahren mit auf eine spannende Zeitreise durch 30 Länder und 40 Jahre Zeitgeschichte mit Fokus auf viele politische Vorgänge in Krisenregionen rund um den Globus. Er beleuchtet das Schicksal indigener Völker, zeigt die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes auf, rückt ökologische Aspekte und menschenrechtliche Schicksale in den Vordergrund und analysiert scharfsichtig und gut informiert die politischen Transformationsprozesse. Müller prangert den masslosen Konsum und die gnadenlose Ausbeutung der Ressourcen an, zeigt die Auswirkungen wirtschaftlicher, gesellschaftlicher und politischer Prozesse in einigen Ländern auf und skizziert Ansätze zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels. Pointiert, hintergründig, spannend und erhellend. Eine gelungene Mischung aus globalen Polit-Thrillern, geho-bener Reiseliteratur, gespickt mit sozialkritischen und abenteuerlichen Geschichten sowie persönlichen Essays – den Highlights und der Essenz seines abenteuerlich wilden Nomaden-Lebens für die Reportage-Fotografie eben. Es erwartet Sie eine Reise durch die epochale Vergangenheit und metamorphorische Phasen vieler exotischer Länder rund um den Globus. Nach der Lektüre dieses Buchs zählen Sie zu den kulturell, ökologisch sowie politisch versierten Globetrotter.
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1. Kapitel: Die «Bewegten Zeiten»währendden Jugendunruhen in den 80er Jahren
Die Reise rund um den Globus zu verschiedenen Konfliktherden und kulturellen Highlights beginnt in meiner Heimatstadt Zürich. Mit 18 Jahren bereits berufstätig rollte ein Tsunami auf das konservative Bürgertum und die politische Klasse zu. 1980 war das Jahr, das die biedere Gesellschaft in der Schweiz aufrütteln und im Laufe der 80er-Jahre umpflügen sollte. Im Mai desselben Jahres begannen die «Opernhauskrawalle» als Auftakt zu den nachfolgenden «Zürcher Jugendunruhen». Auslöser dafür war die latente Unzufriedenheit der Jugend mit den für sie zur Verfügung stehenden Einrichtungen und Freiräumen. Das manifestierte sich am augenfälligsten Beispiel der bevorstehenden Abstimmung über einen städtischen Subventionsbeitrag von 60 Mio. Franken an das Opernhaus und im Gegenzug dazu keine 10‘000 Franken für die «Rote Fabrik», damals das einzige Jugendkulturzentrum der Stadt Zürich. Zu jener Zeit gab es noch die Sperrstunde für alle um Mitternacht, eine halbe Stunde später mussten alle brav zu Hause sein. Der Freizeitspass und weitere kulturelle Angebote hielten sich in engen Grenzen. Freiräume für pubertierende Jugendliche gab es überhaupt keine, nur ein oder zwei Freizeitzentren, die hautpsächlich auf Sport fokussiert waren.
Drei kurze Sätze waren in meiner Jugend prägend: „Das kannst du nicht!“ „Das darfst du nicht!“ Und: „Das geht nicht!“. Dies war für uns Motivation pur für eine Revolution nach dem Motto: „Na klar geht das!“ Warst du einen Zacken neben der Spur, das heisst abseits der biederen bürgerlichen Norm von Moral und Ordnung, wurdest du eines Aussätzigen gleich behandelt. Radio und TV waren damals tote Hose. In der Schweiz und in ganz Europa mutete es einen in den 70er grau Jahren und trist in jeder Hinsicht an, die Bevölkerung verharrte in ihrem bieder-konservativen Korsett. Ein Nachtleben, Internet oder Streaming gab es nicht. Gute Musik oder Filme waren rar bis Videotheken aufkamen und der «Walkmen» die Musikwelt veränderte. Aber Handy, Labtop, PC, Social Media und Co. existierten noch nicht. Kein Wunder, dass es in der jugendlichen Szene schon länger brodelte und plötzlich entlud sich das Pulverfass, das die Gesellschaft nicht nur in der Schweiz sondern in ganz Europa erschüttern sollte. Nach den 68ern kam die nächste anarchistische Jugendrevolte.
Diese Tristesse war eine Folge der Ölkrise, des «Kalten Krieges», der Mauer und der Bedrohung durch die kommunisten Regime, des Vietnamkrieges, der immer brutaler und grotesker wurde. Erst die flächendeckenden Napalm-Bombardements auf die vietnamesische Zivilbevölkerung mit den grauenhaften Bilder von brennenden Menschen und Kindern, dann die «Agent Orange» Entlaubungsaktionen und all den verstümmelten Toten sowie der unmenschlichen Gefangenenlager. („Das war einfach nur grauenhaft und sinnlos“). Da schrien Herz, Seele und Verstand nach Gerechtigkeit, wenn nicht gar nach Vergeltung! Unerklärlich an diesem Vernichtungskrieg war, dass er jahrzehntelang nicht vom US-Kongress abgesegnet, sondern allein von der «CIA» finanziert wurde und die hat die Kriegskosten dadurch bezahlt, indem US-Truppen im Goldenen Dreieck das Opium tonnenweise in die leeren Bombenflugzeuge verfrachteten und dann nach Mexico brachten, wo das Opium zu Heroin verarbeitet wurde. So hat sich Amerika die Heroinflut vor die eigene Haustüre geschafft und den Mexikanern ihre Drogenlabore und -kartelle beschert.
Bei dieser kafkaesken Operation ist der «CIA» definitv das «I» also die «Intelligence» abhanden gekommen oder man könnte es auch anders sagen und die «CIA» als «Criminal Intelligence Agency» bezeichnen. Nebst dem «Kalten Krieg» kam noch die atomare Bedrohung im «Kalten Krieg» hinzu und nicht zuletzt auch die Gefahr vor den Atommeilern selbst. Auch die Schweiz wollte damals eine Atommacht werden und im Zuge dieser irrwitzigen Absicht, ist es in der Schweiz im Januar 1969 zu einem Reaktorunfall in Lucens im Kanton Waadt gekommen. Dann kam es zu dem Reaktorunfall in Tschernobyl, der bis heute das Gemüse im Tessin und anderswo in Europa belastet. Später haben dann die Gebrüder Tinner wieder einmalskandalträchtig bewiesen, dass man das Schweizer „Atom Know How“ auch exportieren kann, zum Beispiel nach Pakistan.
Schon Peter Regli, ein Schweizer Geheimdienst-Offizier, arbeitete mit dem Apartheidregime beim ABC-Waffenprogramm zusammen. Die opportunistische Schweiz hat also nicht nur ihre politische Kurzsichtigkeit exportiert, sondern auch Südafrika und Pakistan mit Atom-Know-how und Uran versorgt. Doch zurück nach Zürich zur hiesigen explosiven Lage im Vorfeld der Abstimmung für den „Opernhauskredit“. Am jährlich stattfindenden «Allmendfest» über Pfingsten mit den ersten Open Air Konzerten, wurden Flyer für eine Demo verteilt und Jugendzentren gefordert. An jenem warmen und wunderschönen Pfingst-Wochenende wurde mir die Bedeutung der Hippie-Bewegung vor Augen geführt, so nach dem Motto: «Peace, Love, Happiness & Freedom». Natürlich kifften fast alle auf dem Gelände, einige hatten auch einen LSD-Trip intus und die Stimmung war absolut grandios. Die Musik war rockig, punkig und auf Rebellion getrimmt, denn schliesslich brodelte es schon seit den 68ern in der Subkultur unter den Jugendlichen und so kam dieser Power-Sound gerade zur richtigen Zeit.
Zufällig fuhr ich am Samstag-Nachmittag dem 30. Mai 1980 mit dem Tram beim Zürcher Opernhaus vorbei, exakt in dem Moment, als Hundertschaften von Polizisten aus dem von Demonstranten blockierten Opernhaus-Eingang herausquollen und auf die am Boden liegenden Personen (die sogenannten «Kulturleichen») einschlugen. Sie malträtierten Frauen und Männer gleichermassen ein. Diese nackte Staatsgewalt und brutalen Szenen verschlugen mir und anderen Passanten den Atem und liessen die Wut in unseren Bäuchen explodieren. Sogleich stieg ich aus dem Tram, da brannten schon die ersten Container und die Scharmützel mit der Polizei begannen. Als die Polizisten sogleich mit aller Härte vorgingen und mit Tränengas und Gummigeschossen um sich schossen, als auch Wasserwerfer einsetzten, eskalierte die Situation innert wenigen Stunden, da sich an diesem frühen Samstagabend viele Jugendliche infolge des Bob Marley Konzert im Hallenstadion auf dem Heimweg befanden und dann in die Innenstadt strömten. Viele nahmen spontan an den Protesten teil, die sich schon nach kurzer Zeit zu veritablen Strassenschlachten ausgeweiteten. Von da an hatte die Polizei für drei, vier Tage nichts mehr unter Kontrolle und die Strassenkämpfe entluden sich mit voller Wucht.
Der Kantonspolizeiposten am Limmatquai wurde umzingelt, zwei der Polizeifahrzeuge brannten völlig aus und auch der Eingang zum Rathaus sah dementsprechend übel aus. Die Luft im Niederdorf war geschwängert mit beissenden Tränengasrauchschwaden, dichter, als London im November-Nebel. Das Ausmass der Zerstörung war unfassbar, ebenso die Ohnmacht der Sicherheitskräfte, als sich der jahrelang aufgestaute Frust der Jugendlichen und Alt-68iger in blanke Wut verwandelte, mit dem die Demonstranten den Opernhausbesucher die einseitige Subventionspolitik aufzeigen wollten. Der ersten Krawallnacht folgten einige weitere Strassen-Schlachten im Lauf dieses Jahres, in der sich die «Bewegig» der Autonomen jeweils Mittwoch’s in den Volksversammlungen (VV’s) im Volkshaus oder vereinzelt auch auf dem Platzspitz formierten. Fast jeden Samstag waren Demonstrationen angesagt, regelmässig verbarrikadierten die Geschäfte im Niederdorf um 14.00 Uhr ihre Schaufenster mit Brettern, weil die Proteste weiterhin an Fahrt aufnahmen und sich bis hin zu Grossdemonstrationen mit fast 20‘000 Personen formierten. Die Forderung der Jungend war schlicht und einfach: „Wir wollen ein autonomes Jugendzentrum“, ein «AJZ» muss her! Und zwar „subito!“
Dann am 15. Juli 1980 spielte sich in der Sendung «CH-Magazin» einer der grössten Skandale in der Geschichte des Schweizer Fernsehens ab und wurde zum Gesprächsthema Nr. 1 des Landes. Die Zürcher Jugendunruhen, die mit solcher Heftigkeit über das biedere Land hereingebrochen waren, schlugen Wogen bis zum Hudson River und wurden auch von der «New York Times» aufgegriffen. Die beiden vom Fernsehen eingeladenen Vertreter/innen der Jugendbewegung, Herr und Frau Müller, liessen den beiden Stadtvertreter/innen, im Gespräch mit Stadträtin Emillie Lieberherr und dem Polizeikommandanten mit ihrer Polit-Persiflage die Hosen runter. Die Protagonisten der Jugendbewegung, „Herr und Frau Müller“, kehrten den Spiess um und präsentierten sich als stock-konservatives Paar, dass die Politik geradezu unverschämt dazu aufforderte, mit aller Härte gegen die «Krawallanten» vorzugehen, denn zur Option stünden viel grössere und härtere Geschosse (z.B. aus Nord-Irland). „Auch der Einsatz von Napalm müsse diskutiert werden“. Ansonsten wäre es auch mit einem «Ticket nach Moskau einfach“, also ohne Rückfahrkarte getan. Verblüfft und konsterniert, traute ich erst meinen Ohren nicht, verstand dann aber rasch die Pointe des kafkaesken Auftritts, der schweizweit für Entrüstung und Schlagzeilen sorgte.
Die überschäumende Kreativität der «Bewegig» und ihrer Aktivisten und Aktivistinnen sollte in einem weiteren Medien-Coup gipfeln. Als der Tagesschausprecher Leon Huber am 3. Mai 1981 die Nachrichten verlass, hielten ihm plötzlich zwei maskierte Männer das Schild «Freedom für Giorgio Bellini» (ein anarchistischer Tessiner Buchhändler, der mit einer Gruppe militanter Autonomer Sprengstoffanschläge auf AKWs verübte und einen Strommasten in die Luft sprengte, weil sie Atomkraftwerk-Gegner waren) vor die Brust und in die Kamera und verschwanden unerkannt. „Wir haben uns köstlich amüsiert über diese unverfrorene und medial spektakuläre Aktion“. Weitere Details gefällig, wie die spektakuläre TV-Aktion ablief? Insgesamt fünf als PolizistInnen verkleidete Personen (zwei Frauen und drei Männer), betraten das Fernsehstudio unter dem Vorwand einer Drogenrazzia, was damals offenbar beim Schweizer Fernsehen kein Stirnrunzeln oder einen Verdacht hervor rief. So drangen zwei Personen in den Regieraum ein und sorgten dort für Ablenkung und ein wenig Chaos. Zeitgleich betraten zwei weitere Personen in die Sprecherkabine und hielten dem Nachrichtensprecher das Schild frech vor die Nase in die Kamera der Hauptausgabe.
Doch es kommt noch besser: Als die beiden Chaoten aus dem Regieraum angehalten und der Polizei übergeben werden sollten, holten die KollegInnen von der Sprecherkabine die beiden ab und sagten, sie nähmen sie gleich mit und so kamen alle fünf unerkannt davon. Zurück zum Tessiner Giorgio Bellini, dem Anarchisten der in Zürich einen revolutionären Buchladen an der Engelstrasse betrieb. Als das Schweizer Stimmvolk am 18. Februar 1979 die «Atomschutzinitative» mit einem knappen Anteil von 51,2 Prozent ablehnte machte sich eine kleine Gruppe von militanten AKW-Gegnern auf den Weg ins Fricktal. Die Gruppe «Do it yourself» hatte acht Kilo Sprengstoff im VW-Bus und sprengte damit den Informations-Pavillion beim geplanten KKW Kaiseraugst in die Luft. Personen kamen dabei keine zu Schaden – darauf legte die Gruppe grössten Wert, doch über den materiellen Schaden hinaus, entzündeten die AktivistInnen eine harsche politische Debatte, denn Sprengstoffanschläge hatten in der Schweiz bis anhin zum Glück Seltenheitswert. Nach diesem Sprengstoffanschlag in Kaiseraugst folgten weitere Anschläge auf die AKW‘s Leibstadt und Gösgen. Auf die Frage, wie die Gruppe an den Sprengstoff heran gekommen sei, sagte Bellini, dass dieser in der Landwirtschaft und auf dem Bau verfügbar war und zu seiner Zeit sowas wie „das Spielzeug für die, dem Kindesalter entwachsenen war“. In der Tat kann ich das bestätigen und hinzu fügen, dass wir schon als Kinder auch mit Armee-Pistolen und anderen gefährlichen Waffen oder explosiven Material gespielt haben und bereits als 14 jährige auf grösseren Motorrädern ohne Helm mit riskanten Jumps die gut zehn Meter hohe Steilwand in der Kiesgrube hochbretternd unsere Stunts und Akrobatenküste übten. Das was damals alles nichts Aussergewöhnliches und natürlich auch mit gewissen Risiken verbunden. Doch welch eine grossartige Freiheit unter vielen weiteren. „Kein Vergleich zur heutigen Schisskultur und Risikoarmut!“
Doch zurück zur Gruppe «Do it yourself». Die AktivistInnen gingen sehr professionell vor und lernten vom „Klassenfeind“ und seinen Institutionen. So wurde das berühmte Guerilia-Handbuch eines Schweizer Geheimdienst-Offiziers «Der totale Widerstand – Kriegsanleitung für jedermann» zur Hilfe genommen und bei der Spurentilgung half die Fachzeitschrift «Kriminalistik» den militanten AKW-Gegnern weiter. Zur selben Zeit gab es auch noch den zum Bündner «Öko-Terroristen» abgestempelten Marco Camenisch, der 1979 ebenfalls zwei Sprengstoffanschläge auf Strommasten verübte und zu zehn Jahren Zuchthaus verbannt wurde. Die beiden waren aber nicht die einzigen radikalen AKW-Gegner. Einer ging noch weiter, Chaim Nissim, der später für die Grünen im Genfer Kantonsparlament sass, griff 1982 mit einem Raketenwerfer sowjetischer Bauart, Typ RPG-7 den Reaktor Creys-Malville im französischen Rhônetal an, ohne ihn allerdings in die Luft jagen zu wollen.
Dann kam der Aushebungstermin für die Rekrutenschule beim Militär, auf die ich gar nicht erpicht war, denn im Zuge des Vietnamkriegs und des Eisernen Vorhangs, der Europa teilte, war mir nicht danach zu Mute, Teil einer Kriegsmaschine zu werden. Ganz im Gegenteil: Ich war pazifistisch eingestellt und habe auch für die Armee-Abschaffungsinitiative gestimmt, womit ich also ein veritabler Staatsfeind in den Augen von Politik und Militär war. Nichts desto trotz, setzte ich alles daran, nicht eingezogen zu werden. Und der Zufall half mir dabei, denn kurz vor dem Aushebungstermin fand das Allmendfest statt, einer der ersten Hippie-Events in Zürich. An besagtem sehr heissen Pfingswochenende, lief ich mit nacktem Oberkörper auf dem Festivalgelände rum und traf einen alten Schulkollegen, der mit Siebdruck grosse Cannabisblätter auf die T-Shirts druckte. Da ich keines anhatte, druckte er das Hanfblatt direkt auf meinen Rücken und da ich schnell bräunte, war drei Tage später beim Abwaschen der Farbe, erstrahlte das grosse Cannabisblatt viel heller, auf der gebräunten Rückenhautoberfläche, was dazu führte, dass ich bei der Musterung in der Reihe stehend auffiehl und sich schallendes Gelächter verbreitete, als die angehenden Rekruten und die Aushebungsoffiziere das sahen worauf ich sofort zum Aushebungsoffizier überstellt wurde. Als der dann im Fragebogen auch noch las, dass ich Marihuanna täglich konsumiere und auch noch ein paar andere Substanzen aufführte, wurde ich zwei Jahre zurückgestellt und beim zweiten Aushebungstermin dann in Folge unveränderter Situation vom Militärdienst befreit und dem Zivilschutz zugeteilt. Das war einer meiner glücklichsten und befreiendsten Momente, auch wenn damit eine Pilotenkarriere ausgeschlossen war, doch eine pazifistische Haltung war mir weitaus wichtiger.
Legal? Illegal? „Scheissegal!“, das war das Motto der rebellischen Jugend
Als nach monatelangen Protesten endlich das «AJZ» (Autonomes Jugendzentrum Zürich) auf dem heutigen Car-Parkplatz in einer alten Fabrikanlage aufging, entlud sich zu unserer Freude das ganze Kreativpotential, das so lange im Verborgenen schlummerte. Das war ein radikaler Schub für uns gebeutelte «StadtindianerInnen». Autonome sprossen aus allen WG-Löchern hervor und die Hippies lebten ihren Kult und ihre Musik nun hemmungslos in aller Öffentlichkeit aus. Zumindest im «AJZ» – einem in der Tat rechtsfreien Raum aber mit massiver Polizeiüberwachung durch Spitzel. Das Zürcher Polizeicorps wurde daraufhin «subito» um über 30 Personen aufgestockt nur zur Überwachung der „Bewegung“ und überdies ein weitaus grösseres Heer von Spitzeln in der ganzen Stadt rekrutiert, um die Hippie-Szene und alle anderen subversiven Elemente zu überwachen. Und deren waren viele. Zugegeben: Nach all den Repressionen und drakonischen Strafen wurden die Sprüche der Jugendlichen radikaler. „Macht aus dem Staat, Gurkensalat», war nur eine der unmissverständlichen Parolen, die überall an den Wänden prangten und bei den Demos lauthals skandiert wurden. Das war damals für Papa Staat schon «Landesverrat» und so wurden wir Sympatisanten auf die Stufe von Terrorristen gestellt und wahlweise als Kommunisten, Maoisten oder Palästina-Freunde abgestempelt.
Der Staat ging mit aller Härte auf die Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten los. Es gab im Bildungssystem, in der Verwaltung und in Teilen der Wirtschaft geheime Absprachen über Arbeits- und Ausbildungsverbote von „Linken“ bei Tätigkeiten wie Lehrer und Pädagogen, Piloten, Ingenieure oder kommunale Tätigkeiten. Auch den Militärdienstverweigerern wurden viele Berufsbildungstüren verschlossen und deren Tätigkeiten verwehrt. So kam es auch zu vielen subtilen Verstössen und weniger subtilen Gewaltexzessen seitens der Polizei und Staatsorgane. Ich erinnere mich an einen Vorfall, bei dem ich mit dem Moped und zwei Mädels vorne und hinten drauf vom Niederdorf zum AJZ rüber fahren wollte, dabei am Polizeiposten Urania vorbei kamen, worauf uns beim Landesmuseum ein Polizeifahrzeug den Weg abschnitt, indem der Fahrer das Auto unmittelbar vor uns quer stellte (halb auf der Strasse und halbwegs schräg auf dem Trottoir) zum Stehen kam, worauf drei Türen aufgerissen wurden und drei heldenhafte, flinke Polizisten heraus sprangen, gerade noch bevor ich mit dem Moped in die hintere, offene Tür rein fuhr. Was für eine hinreissend filmreife Aktion, um drei Jugendliche auf einem lahmen Töffli, die nun wirklich keinen Fluchtweg hatten und wie eine hoch kriminelle, schwer bewaffnete Bande überwältigt wurden. Die Schwerverbrecher-Jagd endete mit einer Busse und mein Vater musste mich vom Polizeiposten abholen. Nicht bei allen Einsätzen verlief es so glimpflich.
Während den Unruhen verlor einer meiner Freunde durch ein Gummigeschoss ein Auge und meine Freundin Lena schleiften sie an den Haaren herum bis ihr Gesicht arg zerschrammt war. Ich wurde ein zweites Mal, zusammen mit 300 anderen Personen während einer Demo an der Nüschelergasse verhaftet und während der 24 stündigen Untersuchungshaft illegal erkennungsdienstlich behandelt, danach freigelassen und später mit Fr. 80.- für die Haft entschädigt. Weitere spektakuläre Guerilla-Aktionen, zeigten uns, dass die Demut und der Respekt vor der Obrigkeit am erodieren war. «Underground»-Bar’s und illegale Clubs schossen wie Pilze aus dem verdorrten Zürcher Boden. Gekifft wurde überall auch im Freien und in den Parks kreisten die Joints, so dass die Polizei gar nicht mehr nach kam, überall einzuschreiten. Die Marihuana- Euphorie» und der Duft der Freiheit waren einfach zu gross und der süssliche Gras-Geruch überströmte den Abgas und Dieselgeruch bei weitem. „Nie war die Freiheit lebendiger, grossartiger, vielfältiger und anarchistischer, als in den 80er Jahren“, einer Zeit, die ich als „Freiheits-Zenit des 20. und des 21. Jahrtausends“ bezeichne.
Am Zürichsee-Ufer wurde weit verbreitet oben ohne gebadet und die Frauen genossen die Freiheit und die Freuden und die neue Unabhängigkeit, die Ihnen die Pille und damit die Möglichkeit zur autonomen Schwangerschaftsverhütung verschaffte voll auszuleben, was sich auch in ungehemmter Sexualität und Polygamie oder in Form der ersten Schwulen- und Trans-Parties ausdrückte. Es war damals unter uns kein Verbrechen und weder für Frauen noch für Männer verpönt, mit Dutzenden von Partner Sex zu haben und im Verlauf eines Jahres verschiedene Partnerschaftsmodelle auszuprobieren. «Sex, Drugs & Rock & Roll» oder lieber «Amore et Anarchia»? Nun, warum die Qual der Wahl? Am besten alles zusammen! Jede Art von Einschränkung wurde abgelehnt, Hedonismus pur war das Ziel und die Zeit der Paradiesvögel war angebrochen. Wir wollten uneingeschränkt auf allen Ebenen experimentieren und die freie Liebe ausprobieren, derweil unverheiratete Paare damals gesetzlich noch nicht einmal zusammen leben durften.
So prüde war Zürich und die ganze Schweiz damals. Umso erstaunlicher ist es, dass die Mädels nur so dahin schmolzen wie Eiscreme oder selbst das Zepter übernahmen, heftig flirteten und auf einen One Night Stand aus waren. Jedenfalls wurde man damals als junger Mann hin und wieder hemmungslos von Frauen angemacht, die nur ein Ziel hatten, die Lust und das Bett zu teilen und alle möglichen Sachen auszuprobieren. Eine ebenso aphrodisierende wie inspirierende Zeit, die bis heute ihres gleichen sucht! Die Frauen waren für uns Lichtgestalten, viele von ihnen sehr feministisch selbstbewusst und experimentierfreudig. „Emanzipation, ja klar, sagten wir uns und führten endlich auf politischem Weg das Frauenstimmrecht ein. One (wo)man, one vote“, das galt bei der Jugendbewegung für Männer und Frauen gleichermassen. Es gab sehr viele Aktivistinnen, die sich entweder Gehör verschafften oder einfach taten, was sie wollten und wie sie es wollten und es störte sich aus unseren Kreisen niemand daran. Wir, also auch die Männer, schminkten uns gegenseitig und liefen öfters mit schwarz geschminkten Lippen, farbenfroh bemalten Gesichter und flatternden Haaren durch die Strassen zur «Roten Fabrik“, ins «Drahtschmidli» oder ins «AJZ» und haben so auch vor 50 Jahren das Frauenstimmrecht unterstützt und schliesslich durchgesetzt.
In meiner frühen Jugend war ich begeistert von Pippi Langstrumpf, vom Buch und der TV-Serie. Das freche Mädel war revolutionär und mein anarchistisches, feministisches Vorbild für die „Befreiung von Kinder, Küche und Kirche“ damit vorgespurt. Die autonomeste und frechste Rotzgöre und der erste weibliche Punk, der mir begegnete, hat wohl auch mein Frauenbild geprägt. Sinnlich, frech, unkonventionell, unabhängig und voll geil drauf! Handkehrum waren Tom Sawyer und Huckley Berry Finn meine abenteuerlich, brüderlichen Vorbilder. Ich liebte ihre Lagerfeuer-Romantik und Streiche. Sie waren unsere Vorbilder und die Schreckgespenster unserer Eltern. Doch auch wir betrieben viel Unfug und loteten die Grenzen mächtig aus. Kitas gab es nicht, mein Spielplatz war der grosse Zollikerberg-Wald mit all seinen tierischen Bewohnern und Geheimnissen. So verschwand ich den ganzen Tag im Gestrüpp des Zolliker Waldes, verweilte bei den Kaulquappen und Feuersalamandern an den Teichen, kletterte bis in die Baumspitzen und baute Baumhütten und Staudämme wie die Biber und kam nur zum Mittagessen und dann erst Abends wieder zurück. Eine Aufsicht gab es nicht, dafür jede Menge Abenteuer bis eben hin zu Schusswaffengebrauch, frisierten Floretts und Motocross-Töffs mit denen wir die Steilwände der Kiesgruben hochfuhren, lange bevor wie einen Führerausweis hatten und anderen wilden Spielereien. Wir konnten uns irre austoben, etwas was den Jugendlichen heute für die persönliche Entwicklung fehlt, da sie oft nur noch virtuell am Geschehen teilnehmen und schon da reizüberflutet durchdrehen. Ein weiteres Problem ist auch das eher abstrakte, virtuelle Anbandeln und der digitale Austausch mit dem anderen Geschlecht sowie das heutige Sexual- und Rudelverhalten an sich, dass einerseits wieder ultra konservativ, andererseits extrem egozentrisch geworden ist. Da kann kein Spass mehr aufkommen, wenn man sich auf ein Rudel Jungs oder eine Mädchen-Traube einlassen muss, um in die Nähe des oder der Auserwählte/n zu kommen.
Zurück in die experimentell sehr bewegten 80er Jahre. Die ungehemmte Lust an der Befreiung von allen sexuellen Zwängen hielt bis zu den ersten HIV-Infektionen ab Mitte der 80er Jahre an und erschütterte dann vorerst einmal nur die Schwulenszene. «AIDS» war zu «AJZ»-Zeiten noch kein Thema und so entwickelten sich auch in der Horizontalen viele neue Experimente und Lebensentwürfe. Die ersten Teenager kamen gerade von Indien, von Baghwan aus Poona oder von Goa zurück und waren entweder spirituell total «high» oder ständig «stoned». Der Afghanistan Krieg dagegen spülte unendlich viel Afghan-Haschisch und Heroin, der Bürgerkrieg im Libanon den «roten Libanesen» in unsere verrauchten WG-Stuben und veränderte das Leben, das Stadtbild und auch die politische Weltanschauung. «Thai-Sticks» und «Acapulco Gold» aus Mexico oder «Durban Poison» aus Südafrika machten die Runde und «Zenzemillia» wurde zum geflügelten Wort in der Kifferszene.
Es war die Zeit der Rebellion, der freien Entfaltung, der Politisierung, der Sex- und Drogenorgien und Strassenschlachten, musikalisch untermalt von den «Rolling Stones», «Doors» oder «Deep Purple», die ebenso zu unseren Musikgöttern zählten wie Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin und Jil Scott Heron. Nichts war mehr wie früher und es gab auch kein zurück! Als Mitte der 1970er die «Punks» erst in New York und dann die Punkszene in London aufkam, schwappten die Ausläufer auch auf die Schweiz über. Die Sex Pistols und Talking Heads, Ramones oder under sex zählten zu den heissesten Bands, der damaligen Zeit. Bald entwickelten sich in lokale Szenen, allen voran in Zürich. 1977 gab es in Zürich einen harten Kern von etwa 50 Jugendlichen, welche die Schweizer Punk– und New Wave-Bewegung massgebend beeinflusste. Ihre ersten Treffpunkte waren der Punk-Kleiderladen «Booster» und der «Hey Club», die erste Punk-Disco in Zürich oder die Reithalle in Bern sowie bei Hausbesetzungen, bei denen die Punks an vorderster Front standen. Auch in Winterthur gab es eine stark politisierte Punk-Szene, die sich häufig als Gegenbewegung zum rechtsextremen Umfeld, also zu den Skinheads in der Schweiz verstanden. Auch in Basel gab es ein «AJZ», indem die Punks und Autonomen sich trafen.
Mit dem Piratensender «Radio 24» von Roger Schawinski, der erst vom «Piz Gropera» aus Italien sendete, wurde auch die karge Medienlandschaft, bestehend aus «Radio Beromünster» (unsäglich) dem Schweizer Fernsehen (langweilig und einfältig), dem «ORF» (ebenso bieder) und der «ARD» (nicht viel besser), umgepflügt. «MTV» hielt Einzug mit den ersten Kultvideos revolutionierte nicht nur die Musik- und Medienwelt, sondern auch die Jugendszene und Subkultur und mit Radio «DRS3» kam hierzulande noch ein genialer Jugendsender in der Schweiz hinzu. Erst später bekamen dann auch Lokalradios eine Lizenz und bald gab es in jedem Kanton mindestens einen, wenn nicht zwei alternative Radio-Sender.
Die ersten Wohngemeinschaften zu Beginn der 70er Jahre bereicherten die neuen Lebensentwürfe und Formen der Jugendbewegung und schufen so auch viel Solidarität und Engagement mit anderen Untergrundbewegungen, Freiheitskämpfern und unterdrückten Staaten wie Palästina, Nicaragua und das von US-Soldaten besetzte Vietnam. Die Zeit war reif, für grosse gesellschaftspolitische Veränderungen. Zürich wurde zum Hot Spot für die aufblühende Jugendkultur, die gerade in allen Farben und Formen explodierte und die Grundlage für den unglaublichen Liberalisierungsschub hinsichtlich kultureller Freiräume lieferten. „So ausgeflippt und trendy hat man die Städte Zürich, Bern und Basel nie zuvor und nie mehr danach gesehen“! Wir gingen neugierig und mit Respekt auf das andere Geschlecht ein und auf Andersdenkende oder Aussehende zu und das machte die Bewegung so einzigartig.
Es war die Zeit der Anarchisten und Utopisten. Wir debattierten und kritisierten heftig, stritten und solidarisierten uns mit den unterdrückten Völkern. Im Strudel dieses explosiven Befreiungsversuchs und des grenzenlosen Lebens wurden rauschende Parties ohne Ende gefeiert, doch immer mehr harte Drogen, wie Heroin, Kokain und Amphetamine kamen dazu. Als das «AJZ» in einer alten Fabrikanlage beim Carparkplatz am Sihlquai aufging, spülte es allerlei schräge Vögel und Drogendealer mit rein. Bald lieferte sich die italienische Drogenmafia mit der türkischen einen Bandenkrieg, der teilweise auch im «AJZ» ausgetragen wurde. Eine Weile lang, war es richtig gefährlich, sich mit diesen Typen anzulegen und wir mussten einen Wachdienst aufziehen, um die schlimmsten Eskalationen zu verhindern. In den frühen 80er Jahren starben jährlich hunderte Jugendliche an einer Überdosis «Aitsch» (der Slang-Name für Heroin). Die Situation verbesserte sich erst, als Emilie Lieberherr, die Frauenrechtsvorkämpferin und spätere Sozialvorsteherin und Stadträtin die Methadon-Abgabe einführte und die Fixer, Dealer und Drogentoten von den Zürcher Strassen verschwanden und die Süchtigen sich in den Kontakt- und Methadon-Abgabestellen wieder trafen.
Jährlich starben Hunderte von Jugendlichen an Heroin
Ich bin damals mit 17 Jahren aus der Elternwohnung aus- und in eine Wohngemeinschaft (WG) an der Forchstrasse gezogen, in der Rico B. und Tommy M., zwei Literaten wohnten und die Kulturzeitschrift «Babayaga» (russische Hexe) herausgaben, die in der Spinnerei Wettingen von Kaspar P. gedruckt wurde. Andy, ein weiterer Wohngenosse arbeitete im grössten Plattenladen von Zürich und er hatte seine über 1200 LPs (Schallplatten) umfassende Kollektion in unsere WG verfrachtet. Dadurch eröffnete sich ein unfassbares musikalisches Universum für uns und wir schwebten musikalisch im siebten Himmel. Von da an ging die Post ab, denn wir waren alle „subversive“ Elemente in den Augen der Obrigkeit. „Lieber subversiv, als konservativ“, sagten wir uns gelassen und legten los, die Welt zu verändern. Wie gesagt, durften unverheiratete Paare damals noch nicht zusammen leben. Da uns dies offensichtlich „Wurscht“ war, sah die Polizei öfters mal ungebeten in der WG rein. Da sich dort in der zu unterst befindlichen 5-Zimmer Wohnung zumeist Tag und Nacht gut 10-15 Leute aufhielten, waren die Zweier-Patrouillen leicht überfordert und zogen unter Hundegebell und jugendlichen Beifall rasch wieder ab. Umso mehr wurden wir dafür bespitzelt, da hier auch viele «AJZ»-Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten ein und aus gingen. Doch statt «aus dem Staat Gurkensalat“ zu machen, explodierte das Kreativpotential in der Gastronomie, Clubszene, der graphischen Industrie und in der Medienlandschaft. Schliesslich ging es uns ja nicht um die eine Konterrevolution und Abschaffung der Demokratie oder der Etablierung einer Anarchie anstelle von Parlament und Bundesrat, sondern schlicht um mehr Freiheit in der Freizeit, im Beruf, in der Familie, bei der Sexualität, beim Drogenkonsum und dem Nachtleben. So wurden die Bewegten medial sehr kreativ, gaben Strassenzeitungen heraus, druckten Flyer und Poster, hängten sie auch überall auf (Wildplakatierung) und probierten allerlei Neues aus. Zürich entwickelte sich von einem Provinznest zur Weltstadt und die Aufbruchstimmung führte zu einem der bedeutendsten, gesellschaftspolitischen und kulturellen Wandel der letzten 50 Jahre in der Schweiz.
Sobald das «AJZ» beim heutigen Carparkplatz aufging, machten wir uns daran, das alte Fabrikareal und die Gebäude umzubauen und einzurichten. Es wurden allerlei Gremien gebildet: Handwerker-, «Beizen-», «Frauen-», «Drogen-» und die «Kurvengruppe», also für Jugendliche, die von zu Hause ausgebüxt und polizeilich ausgeschrieben waren. Zwei meiner Freunde, die Rimoldi-Brüder, waren in der «Beizengruppe», meine erste und meine um sechs Jahre ältere Freundin MicheleLang in der «Kurvengruppe» und ich bei der „Drogengruppe“. Es war eine rauhe, aber herrliche Zeit einer grandiosen Aufbruchstimmung. Das «AJZ» war in der Tat sehr autonom und wir alle eine grosse bunte Familie von kreativen Individualisten, Alchemisten, Anarchisten und Überlebenskünstlern. Doch einhergehend mit der Heroinschwemme kam es zu vielen sehr Toten, die Jüngsten waren damals gerade 13 Jahre alt. Auch Mandy, meine spätere, damals ein Jahr jüngere, also 17 jährige Freundin starb später an einer Überdosis. Diese unmenschliche Misere dauerte so lange, bis das Methadon-Programm auch infolge von HIV-Infektionen zum Zug kam und Dr. Uchtenhagen zusammen mit der Stadträtin Emilie Lieberherr die Junkies von der Gasse holte, um sie nun endlich menschenwürdig im Methadon-Programm zu betreuen. Das war ein mutiger Schritt in die richtige Richtung und das Methadon-Modell wurde auch international kopiert.
Das AJZ war unsere Heimat! Hier traffen wir uns, hier schliefen wir oft, hier engagierten wir uns sehr kreativ. Einer der Höhepunkte zu dieser Zeit war das spontane Konzert von Jimmy Cliff auf dem Carparkplatz. Er kam eines Morgens ins «AJZ» mit seiner Entourage und war begeistert von der Zürcher Jugend Bewegung und dem autonomen Jugendzentrum Und zwar so sehr, dass er sich zu einem spontanen Konzert hinreissen liess und wir in Windeseile versuchten eine Bühne zu bauen und die Installationen für die Musikanlage und die Lautsprecher vorzunehmen. Radio 24, RogerSchawinskis Piratensender auf dem Piz Gropero in Norditalien erfuhr davon und so sprach sich das Spontankonzert schnell in der ganzen Stadt rum. Ab 16.00 Uhr strömten immer mehr Jugendliche zum AJZ und brachten den Tram und Strassenverkehr am Sihlquai zum Erliegen. Auf dem Platz fanden sich an die 3000 Personen zusammen, die frenetisch und musikalisch als auch mit Marie-Jane voll berauscht mit Jimmy Cliff in Ekstase gerieten. „Unforgetable times, indeed – und prägende Momente für viele meiner Generation.“ Auch Bob Marley seinerseits hat uns im AJZ besucht, er war aber eher reserviert und mit sich selbst beschäftigt.
Während dieser Zeit verbrachte ich auch viel Zeit in der Roten Fabrik, die ebenfalls zu einem der wenigen Hot-Spots in Zürich für Jugend-liche der damaligen Zeit gehörte. Dort lernte ich auch meine dritte Freundin, eine ebenfalls sieben Jahre ältere Frau und Künstlerin namens Betty Weber kennen. Sie war eine Nubierin, also eine schwarze Frau und zudem eine sehr kreative Malerin, Fotografin und Skulpteurin. Ich hatte keine Berührungs-ängste zu reiferen Frauen jeglicher Hautfarbe und lernte zudem offensichtlich auf „alten Pfannen kochen“, wie wir damals eine Beziehung zwischen einem jüngeren Mann und einer älteren Frau salopp nannten.
Nach der Lehre reiste ich erst einmal sechs Monate lange durch die USA. Ich kaufte mir in Danville (Ill.) einen grossen Chevi Station Wagon und fuhr damit quer durchs Land bis nach San Francisco und L.A. und wieder zurück bis nach Chicago – ganz nach dem Motto des Buches von Jack Kerouack, «On the road again». Die Reise verlief ebenso wild und aufregend, wie in diesem fantastischen Buch beschrieben, mit dem Unterschied, dass ich alleine unterwegs war, aber genau deshalb spontaner auf eine unmenge Leute und Frauen traf. Hier zwei kleine Anek-toden: Ausgerechnet in der keuschen Mormonen-Staat Salt Lake City wurde ich, damals ein knackiger junger 19-jähriger Hippie von zwei Frauen auf dem Parkplatz angesprochen, derweil meine Ex-Freundin aus der Schweiz, die mich gerdade für 14 Tage besuchte, im Einkaufszentrum shoppen ging. Die beiden attraktiven Frauen hatten mein Licence Plate entdeckt und wollten wissen, ob ich auch aus Chicago sei. Aus dem Gespräch entwickelte sich eine spontane Einladung, die ich gerne befolgte und so landeten wir in dem Haus der beiden Ladies. Ich hatte eine gute Zeit und spannende Diskussionen mit den beiden, während meine Ex-Freundin, die kaum englisch sprach, sich langweilte. Irgendwann legte sie sich schlafen, worauf die eine Lady mich ungeniert anmachte, ich aber eher auf ihre Freundin scharf war. Später erfuhr ich, dass die Lady, die mit mir flirtete, was das Zeug hielt, meine Ex-Freundin mit einer Schlaftablette abserviert hatte, damit wir uns ein wenig vergnügen konnten. Die kennen nichts, dachte ich mir und so hatte ich letztlich mit beiden zusammen ein amouröses Abenteuer, an dass ich mich noch lange errinnerte. Das war so ein bisschen Woodstock Feeling mit Sex, Drugs and Rock‘n Roll.
In San Franzisco blieb ich über einen Monat bis zum Greatfull Dead Neujahrskonzert. Ich parkierte meinen Chevi Station Car auf dem Parkplatz unter der Golden Gate Bridge und dort gab es eine grosse Community von Leuten, die dort in ihren Wohnmobilen oder Station Cars lebten. Man konnte sich dort locker die ganze Zeit aufhalten, musste aber jede Nacht nach drei Uhr für drei Stunden verschwinden. Dann fuhr ich jeweils nach Berkley rüber und hängte dort mit den Nachtschwärmern rum, um gegen sechs Uhr in der Früh auf den Parkplatz zurückzukehren und mich schlafen zu legen. Auch hier gab es zwei formidable Femme fatal, die fast jeden Abend eine Nummer schoben. So gab es u.a. recht viele freizügige und experimentelle Eskapaden auf der Reise 1981, die quer durch die USA von der Ost- zur Westküste und zurück führte mit über 20‘000 bewältigten Meilen und mindest zehn Reifenwechseln. Fast jede dritte Nacht wurde ich von der Polizei kontrolliert, egal wo ich gerade parkierte. Mit der Zeit liess ich dann im Strahl der Scheinwerfer, die Scheiben runter, streckte schlaftrunken den Schweizer Pass raus und sagte, dass ich Morgen schon wieder weiter ziehen würde. Damit war die Sache erledigt. Beeindruckend war auch der junge Pastor in Denver, der nicht nur kokste sondern seine Nächte auch bei Zockerrunden verbrachte und dann frisch fröhlich und unschuldig wie ein Engel wieder in der Kirche stand und Psalme sang. Soviel zu den Evangelischen Geistlichen, aber eben doch viel besser, als die klammheimlichen pädophilen Priester, die es ja zu Hauf gab und immer noch gibt. Es gäbe noch ganz viel über den USA-Trip im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zu erzählen, doch kehren wir in die Schweiz der 80er Jahre zurück.
Im Strudel SchweizerPolitskandale
In den 80er Jahren gab es noch hinreichend gute Jobs. Erst arbeitete ich noch im Rechenzentrum der Oerlikon Bührle, danach bei einer internationalen Handelsfirma, später bei der «Brauerei Hürlimann» im Export, danach wieder für kurze Zeit bei einer Handelsfirma, der ich den gesamten Import von Getreidemehl aus Schweden vom Strassenverkehr auf die Bahn verlagerte und so schon in den frühen 80er Jahren ein erstes ökologisches Ziel umsetzte, dass der Firma auch noch viel Geld sparte, da die Bahnlösung erheblich günstiger war. Danach kamen drei Reiseleiter-Einsätze für je drei Monate im Senegal, in Polen und in London. Als ich von den drei Auslandeinsätzen und dem anschliessenden Aufenthalt im Untergrund in Südafrika von dort zurückkehrte, arbeitete ich beim «Media Daten Verlag», der die «Werbewoche» und das «Media Trend Journal» heraus gab und wurde dann Anzeigenleiter der «Neuen Zürcher Zeitung» für die Bereiche Tourismus, Schulen und Institute und war der Verkaufsleiter der «Swiss Review of World Affairs», dem damaligen, hochkarätigen, englisch sprachigen Magazin der «Neuen Zürcher Zeitung» «NZZ». Später produzierte ich die Wälzer, der «Portraits der Schweizer Werbewirtschaft» und «Portraits der Schweizer Kommunikationswirtschaft» beim «Bertschi-Verlag». Durch die Verlagstätigkeit rückte ich dem Journalismus immer näher und beschloss das Handwerk über eine PR-Ausbildung am «SAWI» zu erlernen.
Im Oktober 1989 nahm ich an einem einwöchigen Journalismus-Workshop mit dem „linken“ Journalisten, Schriftsteller und Historiker Niklaus Meienberg teil, der kurze Zeit zuvor den «Villiger-Skandal» im 2. Weltkrieg aufgedeckt hatte. Und uns nun überraschend nach Kreuzlingen zur Asylantenempfangsstelle führte, bei der wir noch am selben Abend unserer Ankunft eine menschenunwürdige Situation vorfanden. Vor der geschlossenen Asylanten-Empfangsstelle hatten gut ein Dutzend frierender Flüchtlinge ein Feuer angezündet, um sich vor der bitteren Oktoberkälte zu schützen und aufzuwärmen, denn sie seien von der Asylanten-Empfangsstelle ausgeschlossen worden, erklärten sie uns. Die Polizei war gerade dabei das Feuer zu löschen, was uns in Rage brachte. Niklaus Meienberg kam so richtig in Fahrt und der wortgewaltige Hühne orchestrierte eine verbale Schandtirade feinster Didaktik. Aber Meienberg wäre nicht Meienberg, wenn den Worten nicht auch Taten folgen würden und so wies er uns an, die Flüchtlinge in die Jugendherberge zu verschieben, die zum Glück gerade noch geöffnet hatte. Der arme Herbergen-Verwalter fiel fast vom Stuhl als er das Dutzend frierender und heruntergekommener Flüchtlinge im Schlepptau der JournalistInnen vor sich sah, so ging das übliche bürokratische Prozedere mit den Papieren los und musste nach den ersten fünf Personen, aufgrund fehlender Identitäts-Papiere, als hoffnungslos, abgebrochen werden, worauf die Flüchtlinge wenigsten mit ein bisschen Druck und Kostenübernahme (durch die Teilnehmenden) diese Nacht in der Wärme verbringen konnten.
Meienberg indes hatte schon am nächsten Morgen die halbe Deutschschweizer Presse auf den Plan gerufen und über die menschenunwürdigen Vorkommnisse und Praktiken (Strafaktion) vor der Flüchtlingsstelle hingewiesen. So sahen wir uns plötzlich im Presse-Trubel mit einer Schar Journalisten konfrontiert und belagerten mit diesen zusammen das Flüchtlingszentrum, bis wir mit dem Leiter der Empfangsstelle eine Aussprache hatten. Dann kamen die Politiker und Stadträte zu Wort, die mauerten. Auch PeterArbenz, der damalige Flüchtlingsdelegierte des Bundes meldete sich zu Wort und stellte dem Empfangsstellenleiter einen Persilschein aus, derweil die kirchlichen Organisationen mehr Menschenwürde einforderten. Und so war die ganze Woche action. Der Kurs ging am Freitag-Abend zu Ende, jeder konnte über Nacht eine Story über das Geschehen der letzten Woche schreiben und sie Meienberg am Samstag-Morgen zeigen, der dann einen kurzen Kommentar dazu abgab, der allerdings lausig und launisch ausfiehl. Doch hatte ich das Glück, dass mein Beitrag in der damals renommierten «Weltwoche» mit der Essenz eines anderen Schreibwerkstatt-Teilnehmers gemeinsam just zu meinem Geburtstag abgedruckt wurde. Das war der Einstieg und Ansporn, weiter in diese Richtung zu gehen und weil Fotografieren schon länger zu einer Leidenschaft herangewachsen war, wollte ich Journalismus und Reportage-Fotografie miteinander kombinieren. Zoff und Stoff gab es ja genug, wie ihr gleich erfährt.
Im Jahre 1990 war ans Licht gekommen, dass sowohl die Bundesbehörden, als auch die kantonalen Polizeikorps seit Beginn des Jahrhunderts rund 900‘000 «Fichen» über politisch verdächtige Personen angelegt hatten. Laut offiziellen Angaben waren mehr als 700‘000 Personen und Organisationen erfasst, also über ein Zehntel der Bevölkerung wurden als subversiv eingestuft. Der Beobachtungsradius zielte zuerst auf ausländische Anarchisten, Schweizer Sozialisten und Gewerkschafter, Schriftsteller, unwillkommene politische Flüchtlinge und Ausländer, die oft wieder ausgewiesen wurden. Mit dem Aufkommen des Antikommunismus wurden vor allem linksstehende Politiker und Mitglieder von Gewerkschaften überwacht. Offizielles Ziel der «Fichierung» war es, das Land vor aus dem Ausland gesteuerten subversiven Aktivitäten zu schützen. Die Bekämpfung der Subversion war während des Kalten Krieges ein weitverbreitetes Schlagwort. Die Parlamentarische Untersuchungskommission «PUK» brachte zu Tage, wie weit dieser schwammige Begriff aufgefasst wurde.
Wie aus den Unterlagen der «Untergruppe Nachrichtendienst und Abwehr» (UNA) hervorging, empfanden eifrige Staatsschützer „Alternative“, „Grüne“, Friedensbewegte, Drittwelt-Aktivisten, Frauenbewegungen und Fremdarbeiterbetreuer, Anti-AKW-Aktivisten, „Linke“ aller Art per se, als potentiell gefährlich einzustufen seien, denn sie könnten kommunistisch unterwandert, feind- oder fremdgesteuert oder sonst wie manipuliert sein. So bestellte auch ich meine «Fiche» beim Polizei und Justizministerium, die dann doch detaillierter als angenommen ausfiehl, was das Bewegungsprofil und die Kontakte angeht, aber ansonsten sehr belanglos war, bis auf die vielen schwarzen Stellen in dem 14 seitigen Protokoll, das wohl mehr die Spitzel-Identitäten verdecken und schützen sollte, als Staatsgeheimnisse, staatsfeindliche Aktivitäten oder einen «Landesverrat» des Überwachten zu Tage gebracht hätte. Es zeigte den blinden Eifer der Behörden und das traurige Abbild ihrer Spitzel. Die wenigsten von uns waren Marxisten, Leninisten, Maoisten oder Kommunisten oder Staatsfeinde auch wenn das Motto: «Macht aus dem Staat Gurkensalat» skandiert wurden. Da wurde viel Staatspropaganda aufgefahren, um mit Kanonen auf Spatzen zu schiessen. Aber ein «Ticket nach Moskau einfach», haben wir «Chaoten» trotzdem nie erhalten.
Dann gab es noch einen weiteren Politskandal: Die «P-26» Geheimloge (Projekt 26) war eine geheime Kaderorganisation zur Aufrechterhaltung des Widerstandswillens in der Schweiz im Fall einer Besetzung. Sie wurde 1979/1981 als Nachfolgerin des Spezialdienstes in der Untergruppe Nachrichtendienst und Abwehr (UNA) eingesetzt und 1990 nach der Bekanntmachung durch eine Parlamentarische Untersuchungskommission (PUK) durch Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger aufgelöst. Für die P-26-Mitglieder war in Friedenszeiten keine Bewaffnung vorgesehen, doch darum scherte sich der illustre Geheimbund nicht. Vorgesehen war, dass sie als Gruppe auf Befehl einer allenfalls im Ausland verbleibenden Exilregierung aktiv würden, um als Nachrichtenquelle zu dienen, ein Kampfauftrag war nicht vorgesehen, denn der war allein der Armee vorbehalten. Dennoch hortete die Untergrund-Organisation Waffen und legte grosse Munitionsdepots an. Ein weiterer Skandal setzte dem ganzen Abhör-, Bespitzelungs- und Geheimdienstzirkus noch die Krone auf. Doch es kommt noch viel dicker. Auch der Schweizer Nachrichtendienst war unterwandert mit „Kalten Kriegern“.
Die Schweiz als Apartheid-Gehilfe der Buren
Peter Regli war so eine Kultfigur der «Kalten Krieger» und als Chef des schweizerischen Nachrichtendienstes 1991 bis 1999 eine illustere, zwielichtige Geheimdienst-Figur. Er organisierte in den frühen 1980er Jahren geheime Pilotenaustausche mit dem Apartheidregime. Laut dem ehemaligen Geheimdienstchef Südafrikas, Chris Thirion, vereinbarten die Geheimdienste der Schweiz und Südafrikas 1986 auch einen Know-how-Austausch über C-Waffen. Am 25. Januar 1988 traf der Leiter des südafrikanischen ABC-Waffen-Programmes, Wouter Basson, der später als «Doktor Tod» in die Geschichte einging, sowie Polizeigeneral Lothar Neethling sichmit Vertretern des «AC-Laboratoriums Spiez» in Bern zusammen. Unter dem «Project Coast» wollte der Militärarzt Basson mit B- und C-Waffen damals mögliche Aufstände der schwarzen Bevölkerung im Keim ersticken. „Eine grauenhafte Vorstellung, dass die Schweiz bei diesem teuflischen Plan im geheimen mitgewirkt hat und an der Vernichtung von zehntausenden von Schwarzen hätte beteiligt gewesen sein können.“ Dies zeigt die damalige Doktrin und das schablonenartige Denken der Geheimdienste. Heute ist das vermutlich nicht viel besser mit politisch hochstilisierten Feindbildern und den Algoryhtmen.
Vor Reglis erzwungenem Rücktritt liess er 1999 sämtliche Akten über die nachrichtendienstliche und militärische Zusammenarbeit mit dem Apartheidregime vernichten. 2003 reichte das (VBS) eine Strafanzeige und leitete eine Administrativuntersuchung gegen ihn im Zusammenhang mit den umstrittenen Kontakten des Geheimdienstes zum südafrikanischen Apartheid-Regime ein. Obwohl auch eine Parlamentarische Untersuchungskommission (PUK) diese Operation als unrechtmässig bezeichnete, wurde Regli 2007 vom Bundesrat vollständig rehabilitiert. Die Aktenvernichtungen sei im Interesse der Schweiz gewesen. Reglis Rehabilitierung war allerdings umstritten, sie wurde von Hilfswerken und der politischen Linken (Sozialdemokraten, Partei der Arbeit, Grüne) mit Empörung quittiert. Doch wie kam Regli überhaupt zu diesen hochrangigen ausländischen Kontakten zur «CIA», zum «Mossad» und zum südafrikanischen Geheimdienst? Quellen aus dem «NDB»-Umfeld führen zu den geheimen Sitzungen des «Club de Berne». Diese informelle Organisation wurde während des Kalten Kriegs 1971 in Bern gegründet. Sie vereinigt die Chefs aller Geheimdienste und der Bundespolizeien aus etwa zehn Ländern wie Deutschland, den USA, Grossbritannien und der Schweiz und ist auch heute noch operativ tätig. Ziel ist der regelmässige Infor-mationsaustausch zwischen westlichen Geheimdiensten und Bundespolizeikorps über aktuelle Bedrohungen. Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern zählte auch die Schweiz. Auch Israel spielte eine entscheidende Rolle und der Austausch mit dem israelischen Inlandgeheimdienst «Schin Bet» und dem Auslandpendant «Mossad» waren intensiv. Initiator des «Berner Clubs» war der italienische Geheimdienstchef Umberto Federico d’Amato.
Ziel war es damals, ein gemeinsames Chiffrier-System aufzubauen, das auch hervorragende Dienste bei der Abhörung fremder Nationen und 2020 zur «Crypto-Affäre» führte.. Mitte der 70er Jahre erhielt der «Club» eine aktive Rolle beim Vorgehen gegen linke Terrororganisationen wie die «RAF», die Rote Armee Fraktion in Deutschland oder die «Roten Brigaden» in Italien und so wurde ein weiteres, vom ersten getrenntes Meldesystem aufgebaut. Nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11.September hat der «Club» eine verstärkte Bedeutung als Gremium der politischen Konsultation zwischen Geheim- und Staatsschutzdiensten erhalten. Aus der Organisation ist ein breit abgestütztes internationales bekanntes aber immer noch sehr diskretes Gremium geworden. 2001 initiierte der «Club» die «Counter Terrorism Group» (CTG). Diese soll angeblich seit 2016 ein europäisches Geheimdienstzentrum in Den Haag leiten. Seit 2016 laufen Sondierungen mit «Europol», da die «CTG sich mit den polizeilichen Strukturen der EU oder einzelner Mitgliedstaaten vernetzen wollte. 2017 bezeichnete der deutsche Abgeordneter Andrej Hunko den «Berner Club» und dessen informellen Zusammenschluss «CTG» als „kaum kontrollierbar. Er kritisierte auch die zunehmende Vergeheimdienstlichung der Polizeiarbeit. In Österreich wurde der «Berner Club» im Rahmen der «BTV-Affäre» in den Medien genannt. In Deutschland anlässlich der Kontroverse um die Äusserungen von Verfassungsschutzpräsident Hans-Georg Maassen zu den Ausschreitungen in Chemnitz 2018 bekannt. Seine Rede vor dem «Berner Club» am 18. Oktober 2018 hatte seine Versetzung in den einstweiligen Ruhestand zur Folge.
Aviva Guttmann, eine Historikerin am «King’s College» in London, ist eine der Forscherinnen mit Zugang zu den «Club-de-Berne» Aufzeichnungen der 80er- und 90er-Jahren, die in ausländischen Archiven gelagert sind. Sie sagt, „dass Regli Kraft seines Amts Mitglied gewesen sein muss“ und ist sich sicher ist, „dass Regli stets über einen Wissensschatz verfügte, der weit über seinen Dienstgrad hinausging“. Durch die Teilnahme am «Club de Berne» erhielt Regli Informationen der «CIA» und vom «Mossad». Ein klassischer Modus Operandi für jeden Nachrichtendienstchef. Doch Regli ist dabei zu weit gegangen, «indem er ein zu hohes Risiko einging, die Sicherheit des Landes und die internationalen Verpflichtungen sowie Neutralität der politischen Schweiz zu gefährden. Dass Regli sich mit «CIA und «Mossad austauschen konnte, hat auch mit anderen Personen zu tun, die ihm den Rücken frei hielten und Türen öffnete, wie der Leiter des internen Nachrichtendiensts «DAP». Urs von Daeniken und sein Vorgesetzter, Peter Huber, beide Mitglieder im «Club de Berne». Sie fielen nach der «Fichenaffäre» 1989 in Ungnade und wurden aufgrund des öffentlichen Drucks kaltgestellt. Alt-Bundesrat Adolf Ogi erinnert sich und erzählt, dass der Geheimdienstchef für ihn immer mehr zum „Problem geworden sei, weil „Regli zu eng mit Personen aus dem Apartheid-Regime verbandelt war, die ein chemisch-biologisches Waffenprogramm aufgebaut hatten.“
Carla Del Ponte wollte Regli wegen der damals bekannt gewordenen Südafrika-Affäre sogar verhaften. Doch dazu kam es nicht, erst kam noch die Bellasi-Affäre dazwischen, benannt nach dem ehemaligen Geheimdienstbuchhalter Dino Bellasi, der von Regli mit 8,9 Millionen Franken ausgestattet und beauftragt wurde, ein geheimes Waffenarsenal aufzubauen. Als Bundesrat Ogi im November 1995 die Leitung des Militärdepartements übernahm und in sein Amt einarbeitete, hoffte er, von seinem Vorgänger, dem FDP-Bundesrat KasparVilliger Informationen zu erhalten, doch der liess seinen Nachfolger auflaufen. Dieser gab ihm keine Informationen über die Abläufe des «SND» oder über die Amtsführung von Peter Regli. So kam es auch, dass Ogi bis zum 12. Februar 2020 nichts von der Kontrolle des «CIA» und «BND» über «Crypto AG» wusste, wie er selber sagt.
Beruflich hatte ich zu Beginn der 90er Jahre bei meiner Public Relation Ausbildung und bei der PR-Agentur «Leipziger & Partner» in Zumikon mit dem Militär zu tun, obschon ich als Dienstverweigerer und Befürworter der «Armeeabschaffungs-Inititave» und daher kein Armee-Freund oder Kriegswaffen-Fetischist war. Mein Chef, Dr. Emil S., war Oberst im Militär, «AUNS»-Mitglied und ein „kleiner Nazi“ und gehörte so betrachtet nicht zu meinen speziellen Freunden oder Vorbildern. Aber beruflich gesehen, war er ein PR-Ass und bestens vernetzt, wodurch ich trotz meiner Aversion gegen Ernst Cincera, Peter Sager und Christoph Blocher viel von seinem Know-How und Kontakten zum militärischen Kader oder zu gemässigten Zivilorganisationen wie «Helvetas» und dem «Europa Institut» profitierte. Bei der PR-Agentur «Leipziger & Partner» organisierte ich u.a. das «Forum 91» und das «Colloquium Sicherheitspolitik & Medien» mit «NATO»-General Klaus Naumann als Gast, zwei hochpolitische Foren mit hochrangigen Militärs, Politikern, Wissenschaftlern und Medienvertretern.
Da prallten zwei Welten aufeinander: Hier der junge Freak, der Sympathie für die «Armee-Abschaffungs-Initiative» zeigte und sich der Rekrutenschule entzog, dafür aber gerne Zivildienst leistete. Einer der auch mit der Anti-AKW-Bewegung sympathisierte! Auf der anderen Seite das bürgerliche Establishment, die Spitze der Schweizer Armee bis hin zum Gastreferenten, «NATO»-General Klaus Naumann, der nur von drei Kantonspolizisten eskortiert in die Aula hereingeführt wurde. Da ich das Sicherheitsdispositiv im Detail kannte, wäre es für mich einfach gewesen, einen Terrorakt zu verüben, bei dem die Schweizer Armeespitze einen empfindlichen Schlag hätte hinnehmen müssen. Insgeheim malte ich mir aus, wie es wohl gewesen wäre, wenn ich die hiesige Militärelite mit einem Schlag mit einem der 35mm Flabgeschosse aus meinem früheren Lehrbetrieb «Oerlikon Bührle» oder einem anderen Sprengsatz hätte vernichten können. Da habe ich gemerkt, dass man selbst als Pazifist einige abgründige Szenarien in Erwägung ziehen kann, wenn man in militärischen Kategorien denkt, so wie das in Militär- und Spionagekreisen und bei meinem Chef eben alltäglich und branchenüblich war.
Die 80er Jahre waren also geprägt von grossen politischen Umwälzungen, die die Jugendbewegung ausgelöst hatte und so eine ganze Generation politisiert hat, denn die innenpolitischen Umwälzungen hatten auch viel mit der internationalen Lage zu tun. Mit den Schematas des Kalten Krieges, dem Vietnam-Krieg, dem Sechs Tage Krieg und Einmarsch Israels in den palästinensischen Gebieten, den Befreiungsbewegungen in Lateinamerika wie den Sandinisten in Nicaragua, den Tupamors oder dem «Sender Luminoso» in Peru sowie der Kampf der «Roten Armee Fraktion» (RAF) in Deutschland und der «Roten Brigaden» in Italien. Dadurch befeuert waren die jungen Aktivisten auch geneigt, die Armee abzuschaffen und die AKWs abzuschalten (mitunter eine Reaktion wegen des Reaktorunfalls von Tschernobyl). Wir schauten also weit über den Tellerrand hinaus und solidarisierten oder engagierten uns mit den Sandinisten in Nicaragua, die sich von Diktator Somoza verabschieden wollten und mit den Palästinänsern. Während den Jugenunruhen trugen wir alle die pälästinänsischen Tücher als Schutz gegen die Tränengaspetarden. Auch die imperialistischen Scharmützel der USA in Kuba, auf Grenada und in Panama brachten uns in Rage. Und so ist es kein Wunder, dass wir in die Welt hinaus zogen, um Neues zu entdecken und altes abzuschaffen.
Natürlich waren mir/uns damals all diese politischen Fakten nicht in dieser Dichte und Detailtreue bekannt, doch die vielen Skandale passten in das «ideologische Feindbild», dass ich auf privater und geschäftlicher Ebene beim Lehrbetrieb Oerlikon Bührle und später bei der PR-Ausbildung erlebte.
2. Internationalisierung und Politisierung
Senegal 86: Zwischen den Fronten und in der Welt der Hexen und Heiler
Der Senegal ist eine Welt der Geister, Hexen, Heiler und Wahrsager. Alles ist sehr mystisch angehaucht. Es werden Flüche ausgesprochen und Leute verhext und irgendwie fürchtet sich jeder davor. Daher tragen auch alle einen Boubou, einen Glücksbringer, der sie schützen soll. Auch der Kleiderkult ist legendär. Die schönsten, sehr farbenprächtigen Kleider und Kostüme werden in Dakar feilgeboten. Die bunt bemalten Pirogen, die Einbaumboote reihen sich am Strand im Getümmel der Fischer und Händler auf. Als Transportmittel gibt es Minibusse, die in alle Richtungen fahren und überall anhalten, wo ein Fahrgast ein- oder aussteigen möchte. Dakar ist eine äusserst pulsierende Metropole. Tag und nachts, denn erst ab den Abendstunden ist die Temperatur angenehm, derweil sie über Mittag bis auf 40 Grad ansteigt.
Mich faszinierte vor allem der Silberschmid-Markt. Hier wurden unglaublich schöne Ringe aus Horn, mit ziseliertem Silber reich geschmückt, angefertigt. Spannend waren auch die hier feilgebotenen Textilien und Kleider. Zum ersten Mal im Leben suchte ich mir die Stoffe für meine Lokal-Kolorit-Bekleidung selbst aus, brachte sie zum Schneider und liess mir die Kleider nach Wunsch und auf Mass zuschneidern. Für alle Völker des Senegals ist Musik, kombiniert mit Tanz und Erzählung, die wichtigste kulturelle Ausdrucksform. Ich hatte das Glück bei einem Konzert von Fela Kuti dabei zu sein.
1986 wurde ich als Stations- und Reiseleiter erst drei Monate im Senegal, dann in Warschau in Polen (also im damaligen Ostblock) und zuletzt in London für weitere drei Monate eingesetzt. Beim ersten Resident Manager Einsatz im Senegal war Flaute angesagt (sowie in Covid-Zeiten), denn damals war «AIDS» gerade erst auf dem Radar aufgetaucht und noch rätselte die Medizin darüber, woher das Virus kam und wie es übertragen wird. Erst vermutete man noch durch eine Fliege aus Afrika, dann kamen Affenbisse in Frage. Daher war nicht viel los im «Club Aldiana» nahe M’Bour. Hier, rund vier Stunden Autofahrt von Dakar aus in den Süden, entlang der Küste gelegen, gab es einen prächtigen Fischermarkt mit quirligem Treiben und buntbeamlten Pirogen, den Einbaum-Fischerbooten. Im «Club Aldiana», in dem die meisten Gäste logierten, fuhr ich drei Mal pro Woche mit den abreisenden Feriengästen zum Flughafen nach Dakar hoch und brachte die ankommenden Gäste in den Club runter. Dies war jedes Mal eine recht abenteuerliche Reise, weil viele Transfers bei Dunkelheit statt fanden. Interessant war auch, dass sich zu dieser Zeit auffallend viele weisse Frauen mitte 40 und älter als Touristinnen dort aufhielten, um sich offensichtlich mit viel jüngeren Senegalesen die Zeit zu vertreiben.
Die islamische Republik Senegal erstreckt sich von den Ausläufern der Sahara im Norden, wo das Land an Mauretanien grenzt, bis an den Beginn des tropischen Feuchtwaldes im Süden, den Nachbarn Guinea und Guinea-Bissau, sowie von der kühlen Atlantikküste im Westen in die heiße Sahel-Region an der Grenze zu Mali im Osten. Gut 90 Prozent der Bewohner des Landes bekennen sich zum sunnitischen Islam.Das Land befindet sich also an der Atlantikküste im Übergang von der kargen Vegetation der Sahelzone im Norden zu den fruchtbareren Tropen im Süden und wird genau in Ost-West-Richtung verlaufende Landgrenze von einem 300 Kilometer tiefen Einschnitt durchtrennt, der das Staatsgebiet von Gambia bildet. Wer also von Dakar aus in den Süden des Landes in die Casamance will, muss zwangsläufig durch Gambia hindurch. Diese Grenze zwischen Gambia und Senegal erschwert die Verbindung der senegalesischen Südwestregion Casamance zum Rest des Landes.
Der Salzsee Lac Retba unweit Dakars ist wegen seiner rosa Verfärbung aufgrund der Aktivität von Organismen im Wasser berühmt. Er ist bedeutend für die Salzgewinnung und den Tourismus; die UNESCO hat ihn zum Welterbe erklärt. Sehenswert sind auch die Region Saint-Louis, sie erstreckt sich in West-Ost-Richtung über rund 300 Kilometer bei einer durchschnittlichen Breite von 65 Kilometer entlang des Südufers des Senegal-Stroms. Im Westen der Region liegt der Nationalpark Djoudj, der Heimat von tausenden Vogelarten ist.
Das bedeutendste Volk des Senegal sind die Wolof und das ist auch die meistverbreitete Sprache unter den vielen Dialekten. Die Wolof gründeten zwischen dem 15. und dem 19. Jahrhundert mehrere feudalistische Königtümer, deren Spuren bis heute in der Gesellschaft des Landes sichtbar sind. Dann gibt es die Serer, ein katholisches Bauernvolk im Zentrum und Westen des Senegal, der sonst zu 95 Prozent islamisch ist. Die Diola leben im Süden des Landes, in der Casamance und sind vor allem Reisbauern. Die Mandinka, Bambara und Soninke sind Ethnien, die starke, grenzüberschreitende Verbindungen, vor allem nach Mali, haben. Der Senegal ist also ein Vielvölkerstaat.
Durch die «AIDS»-Krise, die den Afrika-Tourismus drastisch reduzierte, hatte ich Zeit für eine kurze Reise in den Süden Senegals in die Casamance und durchquerte dabei auch Gambia. In einem kleinen Kaff mietete ich einen Bungalow und lief mit meiner Kamera in der Wildnis nahe der Grenze rum und wurde unvermittelt im Gestrüpp von einer Soldatentruppe des Militärs von Guinea-Bissau angehalten und stundenlang verhört. Da der Kommandant nur portugiesisch sprach, dauerte es eine Weile, bis ich erfuhr, dass es einen Konflikt wegen des Öl-Vorkommens im Grenzgebiet zwischen den beiden Ländern gäbe und ich erinnerte mich an einen TV-Beitrag vor wenigen Tagen, dass sich exakt zu diesem Zeitpunkt die Streitparteien in Genf zu Verhandlungen trafen.
Dies war mein Rettungsanker und Trumpf, als Schweizer in dieser prekären Situation. So versuchte ich dem Kommandanten klar zu machen, dass es äusserst schlecht wäre, wenn sie mich gefangen nähmen und damit die Verhandlungen in Genf gefährdeten. Das verstand er und liess mich dank einer verhältnismässig grosszügigen Geldspende unbeschadet von Dannen ziehen. Erleichtert lief ich in die Casamance, also in den Senegal zurück. Dort angekommen, hatte ich kein Bargeld mehr, um die Miete für die Lodge zu zahlen. Dazu musste ich erst eine Tagesreise entfernt nach Zuiginchor reisen, um den Reisecheck zu wechseln. Also erzählte ich dem Hotelier vom Grenzerlebnis und meiner Spende, bei der die Miete drauf ging und lief dann erschöpft zum Bungalow, um erst einmal schlafen zu gehen.
Doch es dauerte nicht lange, dann fuhren zwei Militärjeeps mit Getöse vor meiner Hütte vor und acht waffenstarrende Soldaten stiegen aus. Diesmal waren es senegalesische Soldaten, aber das beruhigte mich nicht eben. „Sie hätten Befehl, mich zum Militärgouverneur zu eskortieren“, sagten sie zu mir. „Was ist denn jetzt schon wieder los?“, dachte ich und versuchte den Adrenalinschub zu bremsen. Eine halbe Stunde später sass ich vor dem Militärkommandanten, der mich über den Grenzvorfall ausfragte. Er habe vom Vermieter davon Kenntnis erhalten und möchte mehr dazu wissen. „Scheisse“, dachte ich mir, heute ist aber ein anstrengender Tag, geht nun die Kriegs-Diplomatie wieder von vorne los? Jetzt gilt es, möglichst alles runter zu spielen und so wenig wie möglich zu sagen, dachte ich mir. Das übte ich dann gute vier Stunden lang mit dem senegalesischen Kommandanten, worauf wir beide ziemlich fix und fertig war. An einem Tag zwei Militärverhöre bei verfeindeten Staaten, das war schon eine Härteprobe spezieller Güte.
Am Ende des Einsatzes im Senegal, der von den ersten «AIDS-Kranken und «HIV»-Fällen überschattet wurde, lud ich meine letzten Gäste in M’Bour in ein maurisches Cafe ein, dass auch «Vielle Prune» also einen ganz feinen «Zwetschgenschnaps» servierte – eine absolute Rarität in Afrika. Meine Gäste wussten aber sofort, um welches Getränk es sich dabei handelt. Schmunzelnd erklärte mir der etwas über 50 jährige Mann, dass er VR-Präsident der «Destillerie Willisau» sei und dieses Getränk herstelle und vertreibe. So freuten wir uns noch mehr über die nächsten paar Tropfen und als der Gast erfuhr, dass ich nach Warschau versetzt werde, meinte er sofort: „Oh, da kenn ich einen ganz feinen Menschen und hochrangigen Politiker, da wir den Wodka aus Polen importieren“. Also schrieb er mir den betreffenden Namen auf einen Zettel und gab ihn mir zur Empfehlung und Kontaktaufnahme mit. Dank dieser „Schnaps-Connection“ im Senegal hatte ich, ohne es damals gerade zu ahnen, ein Ass für meine nächste Mission gezogen. wie wir gleich erfahren nach einem kurzen, zeitgemässen Diskurs über den Senegal wie man ihn heute sieht.
Der Senegal ist eine sehr junge Nation, mit rund 40 Prozent arbeitslosen Jugendlichen, die im März 2021 einen fünf Tage andauernden gewalttätigen Protest ausgefochten hat, bei dem Gerichte, Polizeistationen, Rathäuser, regierungsnahe Medien, die Häuser von Politikern und viele francophone Einrichtungen angegriffen wurden. Derweil die Jugend gegen die Korruption und Unfähigkeit der Regierung(en) auf die Barrikaden stieg, geht fast die Hälfte der Kinder gar nicht zur Schule, in abgelegenen Regionen sogar bis zu 70 Prozent. Bildungspolitisch haben alle Regierungen komplett versagt und mit ihnen die französische Regierung, worin schon mal das Grundproblem liegt. Der Zorn richtet sich auch gegen die Abhängigkeit von Frankreich, welche wirtschaftlich als auch währungspolitisch mit dem CFA eng mit Frankreich verbunden ist. Im Land der „Teranga“, was auf Wolof soviel wie Gastfreundschaft bedeutet, gibt es fast 250 Niederlassungen von französischen Unternehmen. Seit Jahren weigern sich die korrupten Politiker in Dakar, die immer wieder vorgebrachten Forderungen einzugehen, die neokoloniale Abhängigkeit endlich zu beenden. Das ist auch der Hintergrund der Antiimperialistischen Panafrikanischen Revolution (Frapp) des Aktivisten Guy Marius Sagna.
Die wichtigsten Wirtschaftszweige sind der Export von Erdnüssen nach China, die Fischerei- und Landwirtschaft, der Tourismus sowie der Bausektor. China ist zu einem wichtigen Akteur in der Region geworden, doch die senegalesischen Fischer beklagen sich, dass die chinesischen Trawler auch die Fischbestände vor Senegals Küste leerfischen. Die traditionellen Grundnahrungsmittel der Bevölkerung des Senegal sind Hirse und Sorghum, die vorwiegend als Brei gegessen werden, sowie Hülsenfrüchte und Kuhmilch. Doch zählt auch der Senegal zu den Ländern die immer mehr unter dem Klimawandel und der dadurch fortschreitenden Desertifizierung leiden. Nun will man einen 15 Kilometer breiten grünen Gürtel quer durch Afrika mit Bäumen bepfanzen um der fort-schreitenden Desertifizierung Einhalt zu gebieten. Denn der eklatante Wassermangel in vielen Regionen am Rande der Sahelzone, die Dürre und das Austrocken und Veröden ihrer Böden, treibt viele Menschen in die Verzweiflung. Aber immerhin ist Senegal eines der stabilsten Länder Afrikas mit einer funktionierenden Demokratie und keinem einzigen Militärputsch aber einigen Hundert Toten beim Abspaltungskampf der Casamance.
Warschau 86: In Pole-Position hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang
Bei meiner Ankunft in Warschau, wo 14 Tagen zuvor ein Verkehrsflugzeug der «LOT» abgestürzt war und dabei rund 140 Menschen starben, konnte ich mit einem älteren Mann sprechen, der Englisch verstand und mir bei den Zoll- und Einreiseformalitäten für die 70 Fluggäste aus dem Westen behilflich war. Als ich mich bei ihm für seine Hilfe bedankte und nach seinem Namen fragte, antwortete er: „Mein Name ist Henry Zwirko. Wie bitte, entfuhr es mir, dies war doch der Name, der auf dem besagten Zettel stand, den mir der letzte Gast im Senegal überreicht hatte. Das konnte doch kein Zufall sein, dachte ich intuitiv, war aber gleichzeitig mit den Pässen und Einreisepapieren beschäftigt, was sich wohl noch stundenlang hinziehen konnte, insbesondere da ich ja nach einem kurzen Briefing von wenigen Stunden in der Schweiz als Neuling hier hinter dem «Eisernen Vorhang» in Warschau angekommen war. Doch das Prozedere wurde durch den Mann der sich als eben dieser Henry Zwirko vorgestellt hatte, mit wenigen sanften, aber entschiedenen Worten an den Grenzbeamten, erheblich abgekürzt und wir konnten alle rasch ungehindert die Grenzkontrolle passieren. „OK“, dachte ich mir, der Mann ist in der Tat vielversprechend. Kein Wunder reicht sein Einfluss weit, schliesslich ist er ja polnischer Kabinetts-Minister und sein Vater ein Kriegsheld des 2. Weltkrieges. Soviel wusste ich schon über ihn. Aber dass ich diesen besonderen Mann gleich bei meiner Ankunft in Warschau treffen würde, war schon sehr unheimlich. Im Nachhinein bestätigte sich meine Vermutung, dass der VR-Präsident dem Treffen ein wenig nachgeholfen und mir damit den Weg in eine aussergewöhnlich verschlossene Welt eröffnet hat, um die mich viele Geheimdienstler zu dieser Zeit inklusive unsere Spionageabwehr sicher beneidet hätten.
Auf ganz natürliche Art und Weise entwickelte sich eine vorzügliche Kooperation zwischen Henry Zwirko und mir. Da der offizielle Touristen-Umrechnungskurs von Schweizer Franken und D-Mark gut sieben Mal höher lag, als der in Warschau angebotene Schwarz-marktkurs, stieg ich alsbald jede Woche ein bis zwei Mal mit einer halben Million Zloty’s, die Henry mir besorgte, in den Transferbus ein, mit dem wir die neuen Gäste aus Zürich abholten. Und während dem Transfer vom Flughafen zu den Hotels, erzählte ich den Gästen, wie mühsam und gefährlich der illegalen Umtausch sei und offerierte, als guter Reiseleiter während der Fahrt ins Stadtzentrum jedem Gast 200 Franken zu einem guten Kurs zu wechseln. Das Geschäft lief wie geschmiert und der Buschauffeur und die lokalen Guide’s kamen dabei auch immer auf ihre Kosten und schauten diskret weg. So arbeitete ich mich souverän in die Tiefen von Korruption, Komplizen- und Planwirtschaft ein und hatte bald Geld wie Heu oder Millionen von Zloty’s in Lokalwährung ausgedrückt.
Nur, es gab nichts zu kaufen! Gar nichts, ausser Schnaps und käuflichem Sex an jeder Ecke. Ausserhalb der Touristenhotels war es sehr trist, abgesehen von ein paar sehr geheimen Orten für die Elite, in denen all die Leckerbissen, wie ein Chateau Briand oder Tartar und frische Säfte aufgetischt wurden. Ich war nur drei Mal an diesem erlauchten Ort, der für Polens Elite bestimmt war. Aber einmal sass auch Präsident Wojciech Jaruselski (der Einäugige, der den Russen die Stirn bot) mit seiner Entourage an einem der Nebentische. Das war für mich schon fast so, als wäre ich im Kreml angekommen!
Einige Jahre später hatte ich ein unerwartetes Treffen mit Gorbatschew’s Aussenminister Eduard Schewardnadse in der Sauna eines berühmten Medical Wellness Hotel mit herausragendem Schlafdiagnostik-Center im Vorarlberg. Zum Glück oder wie der Zufall es so will, hatte ich eine russisch sprachige Ukrainerin als Fotomodell dabei, daher konnten wir ein paar Worte mit ihm zusammen wechseln. Offensichtlich plagten den russischen Aussenminister Schlaflosigkeits-Symptome! Wohl aufgrund der aussenpolitischen Spannungen, denn es lief ja nicht gerade gut für die Russen. Doch zurück nach Warschau; keine zwei Wochen nach meiner Ankunft in Warschau und einer ersten Rundreise in Polen nach Krakau und Zakopane, trafen die Leichenspezialisten und Forensiker aus dem Ausland ein, um den Flugzeugabsturz vor drei Wochen zu untersuchen.
Daraufhin wurde unsere ganze Reisegruppe (stets so um die 50 bis 70 Personen) von einer Stunde auf die andere aus dem einzigen Mittelklassehotel, dem «Forum» in Warschau, rausgeschmissen. Wir mussten fortan für die nächsten 14 Tagen mit lausigen, heruntergekommenen Hotels auskommen und manchmal zu Dritt ein Hotelzimmer oder zu zweit ein Doppelbett teilen. Das war dann in etwa so wie im Militärdienst – den ich ja nur vom Hören Sagen kannte. Doch die zu 90 Prozent männlichen Gäste nahmen es relativ gelassen hin, „wir sind ja hier im Ostblock“.
Und sie waren mit kistenweise Vodka und Champagner, die ich zur Krisenbewältigung aufgeboten hatte, gut versorgt und damit echt zufrieden gestellt. Die meisten waren eh nur für eine „Touristen-Attraktion“ hier: Warschau war damals das Bangkok Europa’s und das weibliche Angebot reichlich anzüglich in jeder Hotelbar verfügbar. Ganze Bauernverbände und Aussendienstmitarbeiter mit „schwarzen Provisions-Kassen“ kamen aus der Schweiz hier her, um sich ein wenig hinter dem Eisernen Vorhang zu vergnügen.
Nur dafür hatte ich absolut keine Zeit und Muse! Der eigenen Loge beraubt und dazu täglich auf der Suche nach neuen Unterkünften, die Transfers, die komplizierte Benzinbeschaffung auf dem Schwarzmarkt und andere bürokratischen Hürden hielten mich auf Trab. Schwierig war es vor allem, immer wieder Sprit für meine Arbeitsfahrten und Transfers ergattern. Ich schlief die ersten fünf Tage im Auto – zusammen mit dem Fahrer, dann teilte ich mit einem geschäftlich in Polen weilenden Schweizer Geschäftsführer ein paar Nächte ein durchhängendes Doppelbett. Dies gab mir den Rest! Als mir das sozialistische Zigeunerleben zu bunt wurde, liess ich mit dem bündelweise verfügbaren Dollarschmiermittel die lokalen Gäste aus den Hotels rausschmeissen, in dem ich das Doppelte oder Dreifache des Zimmerpreises auf den Tisch legte. Mit der Zeit liefen dergestalt einige Dinge wie geschmiert und als Sahnehäubchen mietete ich mir eine der schönsten und teuersten Luxussuiten im einzigen 5-Stern Hotel in Warschau, damals das «Victoria» Hotel direkt am Hauptplatz. Von dieser Staatsgast-Suite konnte ich dann auch den Papstbesuch des polnischen PontifatiusKarol Józef Wojtyła besser, als alle anderen Kamerateams von meinem Fenster aus mitverfolgen. PontifatiusWojtyła sah ich übrigens 1993 in Kuba wieder, als der polnische Papst der Karibikinsel und Fidel Castro einen Besuch abstattete. Auch dort war ich beim päpstlichen Umzugs Tam Tam an vorderster Front dabei.
Hatte ich Zeit für mich, holte ich die arbeitslosen Mädchen in der Lobby und von der Hotel-Bar hoch, denn zu meiner Suite gehörte auch ein Piano Player im Salon zwischen den beiden Flügeln, denn Platz gab es genug in meiner Suite mit zwei Schlafzimmern und einem Salon. Bald hatte ich ein halbes Privat-Bordell bei mir zu Gast. Die drei Monate in Polen waren unvergesslich und viel spannender, als die Zeit im Senegal. Mit einer jungen polnischen Studentin, die ein paar wenige Worte Englisch konnte, gingen bei mir dann die Pferde durch. Ich fuhr mit ihr in den Wald zu einem naheliegenden Gestüt, wo wir uns zwei Hengste ausliehen, um in einem Höllentempo durch die herrlichen Wälder zu preschen. Also genauer gesagt, hatte ich einfach keine andere Wahl, denn sie galoppierte davon und mein Gaul raste sofort hinter her, da gab es kein Bremspedal mehr. Das Wettrennen der Pferde hatte begonnen und meine zweite Reitstunde im Leben verlief nicht eben im Anfängermodus sondern im gestreckten Galopp.
Die herabhängenden Äste streiften und peitschten uns die ganze Zeit ums Gesicht, sodass wir tief gebückt den Höllenritt vollführten bis zu der Stelle, als ihr Gaul scharf bremste, worauf mein Hengst ebenfalls eine Notbremse vollzog und wir beide elegant und recht virtuos nach einem Salto Mortale im Gebüsch landeten. Immerhin hatte ich das Zaumzeug noch im Griff und es in meiner zweiten Reitstunde etliche Kilometer im gestreckten Galopp durch Polens wilde Wälder geschafft, unversehrt zu bleiben. Einfach grandios! Wild, ja geradezu hemmungslos ungestüm war auch der Sex, den wir hatten, bevor wir wieder aufstiegen und mit den Pferden zurück trotteten.
Leider war es aufgrund der sprachlichen Verständigung sehr schwierig mit der Lokalbevölkerung in Kontakt zu kommen, mit ihnen zu kommunizieren und an ihrem Leben teil zu nehmen. Da blieben mir nur die hübschen Hostessen im Hotel übrig, deren Sprache ich verstand. Doch nun geht es weiter nach London, heisst es im Fax aus der «Imholz» Reiseleiter-Zentrale in Zürich.
London 87: Die ersten Kontakte zu «ANC»-Exilanten
In London angekommen und nach kurzer Zeit eingelebt, traf ich nach einem „Betriebsunfall“ eines italienischen Reiseleiter-Kollegen, der ohne Aufenthaltsbewilligung hier arbeitete und den ich dann im Gefängnis besuchte, auch auf «ANC»-Exilanten, die vor dem rassistischen Apartheid-Regime geflüchtet waren. Gerade erst waren die UNO-Sanktionen in Kraft getreten und das südafrikanische Regime wurde erstmals an den Pranger gestellt. Da der Bruder eines unserer Londoner Reiseleiters in Südafrika lebte, wollten ein paar aus unserer Reiseleiter-Crew in diesen turbulenten Zeiten ans Kap der guten Hoffnung reisen und hernach in Botswana durch das Okavango Delta streifen. Das klang verheissungsvoll und wurde nach unserem Einsatzende in London auch so in die Tat umgesetzt, doch zuvor kehrte ich in die Schweiz zurück, um hier im Lande mit «ANC»-Exilanten und mit der «Anti-Apartheid Bewegung» (AAB) Informationen aus London auszutauschen und um weitere Kontakte im südafrikanischen Untergrund zu knüpfen. Dergestalt gut für die Südafrika-Mission gerüstet, kam der Abflug im November 1989 rasch näher. Doch blenden wir kurz zurück, was in Südafrika in den letzten zehn Jahren geschehen war.
1950, als die Südafrikanische Regierung ihr Volk in Rassen unterteilte (Population Registration Act 35), zahlten die Schweizer Banken die ersten Kredite über 35 Millionen Franken. Als die Regierung dann Mischehen verbot (Prohibition of Mixed Marriage Act), flossen weitere 85 Millionen Franken an den Appartheid-Staat, der bis 1983 über dreieinhalb Millionen Schwarze enteignet und in «Homelands» deportiert hat. Und so gehörten 87 Prozent des Landes auf einmal den 16 Prozent Weissen.
Am 26. Juni 1955 beschliesst der ANC mit anderen Schwarzenorganisationen die Freiheitscharta und proklamiert Südafrika gehöre allen Menschen, die hier leben. Am 21. März 1960 kommt es in Sharpville zum ersten Massaker, bei der 69 Menschen von der Polizei erschossen und weitere 180 Personen schwer verletzt werden. Die Regierung ruft den Notstand aus und erlässt immer neue Gesetze, um die Schwarzen in Schach zu halten. 1962 wird Nelson Mandela verhaftet. Daraufhin empfiehlt die UNO-Vollversammlung einen Abbruch der Beziehungen mit Südafrika und 1963 doppelt der UNO- Sicherheitsrat mit einem Waffenembargo nach. Die Schweiz beschliesst zwar ein Exportverbot, aber keine Sanktionen. Dennoch werden 35 mm Kanonen von «Oerlikon Bührle» und PC-Pilatus Porter nach Südafrika geliefert.
1967 werden fast 700‘000 Schwarze innerhalb eines Jahres verhaftet, weil sie gegen die Passgesetze verstossen haben sollen. Die Ausgaben für die Innere Sicherheit betrugen bereits 17 Prozent des Bruttosozialproduktes. Als die Briten im März 1968 eine zweiwöchige Einstellung des Goldhandels beschliessen, sprintet die Schweiz in die Bresche. Nun fliesst Südafrikas Reichtum in rauhen Mengen in die Goldhandelsmetropole Schweiz. «SBG», «SKA» und «SBV» sichern sich dreiviertel des weltweiten Goldhandels.
Ein Jahr später platzt die «Bührle-Affäre». Die Oerlikoner Waffenschmide hatte via Frankreich Waffen im Wert von 52,7 Millionen Franken nach Südafrika geliefert. 1973 beschliesst die «UNO» Vollversammlung Südafrika mit der «Resolution 3068» auszuschliessen und die Apartheid als «Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit» einzustufen, derweil die Anleihen der drei Schweizer Banken schon auf 2,2 Milliarden Franken angestiegen sind. Während jedes zweite Kind unter fünf Jahren in den Homelands stirbt, geht es den weissen Herren am Kap und der «Zürcher Goldküste» immer besser. «Oerlikon Bührle» hat mehrmals die Sanktionen umgangen. Ich erinnere mich daran, dass ich in der Exportabteilung als Lehrling die Ausfuhrbewilligungen, Frachtpapiere und Akkreditive einfach auf die «Oerlikon Bührle» Holding in Spanien oder in Italien ausstellen musste.
1979 kommt es zum Massaker in Soweto, als am 16. Juni 15‘000 Schüler dagegen protestierten, fortan in Africaans unterrichtet zu werden. 575 Menschen starben bei dem Aufstand, der sich über Monate hinzog. Die Schweizer Banken verdoppelten ihr Kreditvolumen. 1980 erklärt der reformierte Weltbund» die Apartheid zur Häresie. Dies liessen die Schweiz und den Schweizer Geheimdienst kalt. Peter Reggli richtet unbeeindruckt von den Sanktionen den Pilotenaustausch mit südafrikanischen Kampfpiloten in die Wege, der Bundesrat wurde darüber aber erst 1986 orientiert. Die Summe der Kreditvergaben der Schweizer Banken an das Apartheid-Regime vervierfachte sich. Jahr um Jahr um 100 Prozent.
Infolge der internationalen Ächtung des Apartheid Regimes profitierte die Schweiz von der Menschen verachtenden, rassistischen Politik der Weissen am Kap. Die «ILO» forderte die Weltkonzerne auf, sich aus Südafrika zurückzuziehen und kritisierte die «SBG» namentlich als Sanktionsbrecherin. Nichts desto trotz erhält das südafrikanische Regime 1985 von Schweizer Banken weitere 75 Millionen Franken an Krediten zur freien Verfügung. 1986 wird der Ausnahmezustand über das hochverschuldete Land verhängt und über 10‘000 Menschen wurden verhaftet, 1800 von ihnen kamen dabei um. „Der Frieden wurde zur Bedrohung der öffentlichen Sicherheit“, sagt Erzbischoff Desmond Tutu, als das Kirchenblatt, die «New Nation» geschlossen wurde.
Als 1987 die USA Firmen bestrafen wollte, die sich nicht an die Sanktionen hielten, kam Südafrikas Präsident Peter Botha und sein Aussenminister nach Zürich um sich mit «SBG»-Vizedirektor Georg Meyer und den Vorstand der «Vereinigung Schweiz-Südafrika» zu treffen, wo ihnen an Ort und Stelle ein „Orden der guten Hoffnung“ und weitere 70 Millionen übergeben wurde. Und 1989 kommt Südafrikas Regime dank Robert Jeker auch noch zu einer Verschnaufpause bei der Rückzahlung der offenen Kredite über acht Milliarden Franken. Dies war die Ausgangslage damals, die mich bewog, in Südafrika für einen Augenschein und weitere Recherchen in den Untergrund zu gehen. Da ereignete sich noch ein kleiner Schicksalswink, der mich in dem Vorhaben bestärkte.
Wie so viele Aktivisten, schrieb ich der damaligen «SGB» (und heutigen «UBS»), die damals sehr stark in Südafrika aktiv war und das Apartheid-Regime unterstützte, einen Brief in der ich der Bank mitteilte, dass ich mein Konto aus Protest gegen die Finanzpolitik und das «SBG» Engagement auflöse und sie bat, das Guthaben auf ein anderes Konto zu überweisen. Das geschah auch mit einem unwirtlichen Belehrungsbrief der «UBS». Auf meinem neuen Konto trafen dann aber aus Versehen 5000 Franken mehr ein. Das war wie ein Zeichen „von höheren Mächten“, dass ich auf dem richtigen Pfad bin und die Mission „von oben“ genehmigt und befürwortet wird. Also beantragte ich ein «loose leaflet» Visa, das auf einem Papier und nicht im Pass gestempelt wurde, damit kein geächteter Eintrag im Pass stand, der aufgrund der Sanktionen zu Reiseeinschränkungen geführt hätte und flog ich nach Johannesburg. Ich hatte ja zuerst in London und dann auch in der Schweiz Kontakte zu ANC-Exilanten und war gerüstet mit einigen Kontakten in Soweto und andern Orts im Land der weissen Herren, zu denen die Schweizer Regierung, Finanzbranche und Bergbauindustrie noch immer gute Kontakte pflegte.
Der Schweizer Geheimdienst diente Wouter Basson alias «Doktor Tod»
Die Beziehungen der Schweiz zu Südafrika waren politisch, militärisch und rüstungsindustriell in den 1980er Jahren am intensivsten, als die Durchsetzung der südafrikanischen Politik der Rassentrennung (Apartheid) am stärksten und von schweren Menschenrechtsverletzungen sowie offener Gewaltanwendung begleitet war. Die Schweizer Industrie hat das Waffenembargo, das die Uno über Südafrika verhängte, in grossem Stil unterlaufen. Sie verletzte selbst die von der Schweiz definierten Regeln über die Waffenausfuhr, obschon sie weit enger gefasst waren, als jene der Uno. Die Verwaltung war über viele illegale und halblegale Geschäfte informiert. Dies trifft auch auf die nachrichtendienstliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen der Schweiz und Südafrika zu. Der Austausch nachrichtendienstlicher Informationen trug direkt zur Anbahnung von Rüstungsgeschäften, der Bekämpfung von Apartheidgegnern und zur politischen Propaganda zugunsten der südafrikanischen Regierung bei. In der dunkelsten Zeit der Apartheid in Südafrika: in den 80er-Jahren organisierte Peter Regli, damals Chef der Luftwaffe, einen geheimen, Austausch von Militär-Piloten mit Südafrika. Laut Aussage des ehemaligen Chefs des südafrikanischen Geheimdiensts Chris Thirion, pflegten die schweizerischen und südafrikanischen Dienste einen jahrelangen Informationsaustausch über chemische Waffen. Damals war Wouter Basson Leiter des südafrikanischen Chemiewaffenprogramms. Die südafrikanischen Medien gaben ihm den Übernamen «Doktor Tod». Er leitete die «Operation Coast», ein streng geheimes und tödliches Programm der Apartheidregierung, das an politischen Gegnern und Schwarzafrikanern getestet werden sollte.
All dies ist in einem klassifizierten Bericht von Professor Schweizer und in der Studie «Mit der Apartheid-Regierung gegen den Kommunismus» von Peter Hug festgehalten. Anfang 1988 trafen sich also Wouter Basson und der südafrikanische General Lothar Neethling in Bern mit Vertretern des AC-Labors Spiez. Gemäss Basson wurde das Treffen von Jürg Jacomet arrangiert. Der ominöse Waffenhändler war Reglis «Agent in Südafrika». 1991, ein Jahr nach dem Sturz des Apartheidregimes, statteten Basson und Neethling Bern einen weiteren Besuch ab, diesmal direkt im Büro von Regli. 1992 half JacometBasson, eine halbe Tonne «Mandrax» zu beschaffen, ein extrem giftiges Lähmungsmittel. Ein Deal, der Regli einfädelte. Zwei Jahre später konnte Regli im Gegenzug auf Jacomets Unterstützung beim Kauf von zwei russischen SA-18-Boden-Luft-Raketen zählen. Die «Operation Coast» wurde 1992 abgebrochen. Die parlamentarische Aufarbeitung dieser problematischen Beziehung begann viel zu spät und nur durch Medienberichte ausgelöst.
Der Bundesrat war blind auf beiden Augen und kaum informiert über die engen Verflechtungen Reglis mit Südafrika. Die Wahrheit kam Stück für Stück ans Licht. Nur ein Mitglied des Bundesrats wusste von Regli’s Deals, gemäss der parlamentarischen Untersuchung von 2003, nämlich Kaspar Villiger. Professor Schweizer, der Villiger ebenfalls befragt hat, zweifelte aber an der Kooperationsbereitschaft des ehemaligen FDP-Bundesrats und sagte: „Sicher hat er mir gegenüber nicht alles gesagt“. Für den emeritierten Professor ist der Fall Regli und Südafrika nicht abgeschlossen auch wenn Regli’s Beziehungen zu Südafrika offiziell abgeschlossen sind und 2007 zu seiner Rehabilitation führten. Irre, nicht? Trotz eindeutiger Kontakte, problematischer Kontakte, privater Geschäfte und mehrerer Kompetenzüberschreitungen konnte ihm keine direkte Beteiligung am «Projekt Coast» nachgewiesen werden, auch wenn Regli in Gegenwart seines Anwaltes zugegeben, hatte, dass er Wouter Basson, den Leiter des Chemiewaffenprogramms, mindestens sechs Mal getroffen und mit ihm vertrauliches besprochen habe. Von den verbrecherischen Forschungen dieses Arztes hatte Regli also Kenntnis, sagt Schweizer, aber diese gut dokumentierten Befunde blieben für ihn bisher folgenlos.
Das lag daran, dass Regli sämtliche Akten und Memos über seine Besuche im September 1999 vernichtet hatte. Wenige Monate bevor er vom Bundesrat wegen der laufenden Untersuchung in Frühpension gedrängt wurde, wird Regli ins Armeearchiv versetzt. Dort nutzte er die Gelegenheit, alle Dokumente im Zusammenhang mit seinen Aktivitäten in Südafrika zu vernichten. Er berief sich dabei ironischerweise auf den Datenschutz, seine Persönlichkeitsrechte und den «Fichenskandal» der damaligen Bundespolizei. Die Aktenvernichtung sei in den 70er- bis 90er-Jahren eine typische schweizerische Eigenheit gewesen, sagen Geheimdiensthistoriker. Vor allem über die Kooperationen mit ausländischen Intelligence Services seien Akten geschreddert worden, sofern überhaupt etwas schriftlich festgehalten worden sei.
Zu den «Cryptoleaks». «SRF-Rundschau», «ZDF» und die «Washington Post» hatten gezeigt, dass die Zuger Exportfirma «Crypto AG» im Dienste des amerikanischen und deutschen Geheimdiensts über lange Jahre hinweg manipulierte Verschlüsselungsgeräte verkauft hatte. Die «Crypto AG» ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs. Der gesamte Schweizer Nachrichtendienst war in den 1990er-Jahren geprägt von Dünkel, Intrigen und informellen Beziehungen zu westlichen und anderen illusteren Geheimdiensten. Es gab einen kleinen Zirkel von Insidern an der Spitze, der unbeaufsichtigt von Bundesrat und Parlament den persönlichen Austausch mit amerikanischen, südafrikanischen oder israelischen Spionen pflegte. Dank des 280-seitigen Dokuments namens «Minerva» wurde beweisen, dass der «BND» und die «CIA» zwischen1970 und 1993 ein Geheimbündnis hatten, um rund 100 Staaten auszuspionieren.
Auch das Verfahren gegen die «Crypto AG» musste ergebnislos eingestellt werden. Auch hier stellen wir ein hohes Mass an politischer Verschleierung fest. In den Medien sind diverse Namen aus dem bürgerlichen Lager aufgetaucht. Der geheime CIA-Bericht «Minerva» nannte als Mitwisser beispielsweise den Zuger FDP-Parlamentarier Georg Stucky, ein Mitglied des Verwaltungsrats von «Crypto AG» und AltBundesrat Kaspar Villiger. Dann war da noch die «Affäre Bühler», der 1992 beim Verkauf von Verschlüsselungsgeräten an das iranische Verteidigungsministerium verhaftet wurde. Der Aussendienst-Mitarbeiter wurde der Spionage verdächtigt und sass neun Monate lang in einem iranischen Gefängnis. Der Fall Bühler zwang die Bundesanwaltschaft, eine Untersuchung zur «Crypto AG» durchzuführen. Diese kam fälschlicherweise zum Schluss, dass es keine Manipulation an Geräten gab. Mehrere Quellen aus dem «NDB»-Umfeld bezeugen aber, wie eng der Ex-Chef des Strategischen Nachrichtendiensts mit den Amerikanern zusammenarbeitete. Sie nannten ihn «den Souffleur» mit engem Draht zum damaligen «CIA»-Direktor William H. Webster, dem israelischen Geheimdienst «Mossad» oder dem südafrikanischen Geheimdienst – alles Protagonisten aus dem «Club de Berne». Der militärisch ausgerichtete Nachrichtendienst «SND» punktete mit dem Satelliten-abhörsystem «Onyx» in Leuk, Zimmerwald und Heimenschwand. Damit gelang es der Schweiz uneingeschränkt alle Datenübertragungen via Fax, E-Mail oder Telefon nach Suchkriterien abzuhören. Zudem gab es den «Dienst für Analyse und Prävention» (DAP). Dieser wurde nach der «Fichenaffäre» 1989 gegründet und war beim Eidgenössischen Justiz- und Polizeidepartement angesiedelt.
Die Schweizer Industrie gehörte zu den Stützen des geheimen südafrikanischen Atomwaffenprogramms. Die «Gebrüder Sulzer AG» und die «VAT Haag» lieferten wichtige Komponenten zur südafrikanischen Urananreicherung, die für die sechs von Südafrika hergestellten Atombomben das notwendige spaltbare Material bereitstellte. Damit war die Schweiz ohne Zweifel in mehrfacher Hinsicht eine Stütze der Apartheidregierung. Wie kam es dazu? Durch die Distanz zur Uno blieben auch nach 1945 eine Neigung zu rassistischen Vorstellungen politisch wirksam, die ab Ende der 1970er Jahre durch einen ebenso unreflektierten Antikommunismus abgelöst wurde. Im Klima des Kalten Krieges wurde jede Kritik daran mit dem Argument erstickt, das antikommunistische Bollwerk am Kap müsse erhalten bleiben. Denn sowohl in Angola als auch in Mocambique machte sich der Kommunismus mit Hilfe der Kubaner breit.
Der begrenzte Einblick in das Schweizerische Bundesarchiv und die des «Vorort» des Schweizerischen Handels- und Industrievereins» zeigen auf, dass die Schweiz während der Apartheidzeit zu Südafrika sehr enge militärische, geheimdienstliche, rüstungsindustrielle und nukleare Beziehungen unterhielt. Auch empfing die Schweiz schon zu Beginn der 60er Jahre die Spitzen der Verwaltung, Armee und Wirtschaft sowie hochrangige Delegationen der südafrikanischen Streitkräfte. Das Militärdepartement in Bern und die diplomatische Vertretung der Schweiz in Südafrika halfen bei der Anbahnung und Abwicklung von Rüstungsgeschäften aktiv mit und stellte die Schweizer Armee der privaten Rüstungsindustrie ihre Schiess und Waffenplätze zur Verfügung, damit diese ihre Produkte den südafrikanischen Beschaffungsdelegationen vorführen konnte.
Es bestand aus Schweizer Sicht kein Anlass, gegen die südafrikanische Regierung Beugemassnahmen zu ergreifen. Erst aufgrund der ungeschickten Informationspolitik von Bundesrat und der arroganten Haltung von «Oerlikon-Bührle» sah sich die Schweizer Regierung im Dezember 1963 aus innenpolitischen Gründen gezwungen, die Waffenausfuhr nach Südafrika zu stoppen.Dieser Stopp war aber nur als vorübergehend konzipiert. Von einem politischen Willen, ein Ausfuhrverbot durchzusetzen, fehlte nach wie vor jede Spur. Nach dem «Stopp der Waffenausfuhr» nach Südafrika von 1963 blieb der politische Wille in den massgebenden Kreisen der Schweiz allgegenwärtig, die südafrikanische Regierung beim Ausbau der Streitkräfte und rüstungsindustriellen Basis zu unterstützen. Menschenrechtsfragen wurden in diesen Kreisen nie angesprochen.
Ab 1965 war in der Schweiz ein südafrikanischer Militärattaché akkreditiert. 1966 knüpften der damalige Generalstabschef der Schweizer Armee, Paul Gygli, und Oberst Helmut von Frisching von der «Untergruppe Nachrichten und Abwehr (UNA) zum Chef des «südafrikanischen Heeres, General Charles Alan Fraser, «herzliche Kontakte». Auf Gyglis Vorschlag reiste eine südafrikanische Militärmission in die Schweiz, um im Hinblick auf die Streitkräftereform Südafrikas das Rekrutierungs- und Ausbildungssystem der Schweizer Armee kennenzulernen. Auf besonderes Interesse stiess beim militärischen Nachrichtendienst Südafrikas die Art und Weise, wie die Schweizer Armee im Rahmen der «psychologischen Kriegführung» so genannt «Subversive» bekämpfte.
Kaum hatte die südafrikanische Regierung mit Unterstützung des US-Geheimdienstes «CIA» 1969 das berüchtigte «Bureau of State Security» (BOSS) als zivilen Nachrichtendienst errichtet, unterhielt dessen nicht minder berüchtigter Chef, General Hendrik Van Bergh, persönliche Kontakte zu Vertretern der Partnerdienste in der Schweiz. 1974 führte die «BOSS»-Abteilung «Z-Squad» von der Schweiz aus eine der ersten von der südafrikanischen Regierung angeordneten aussergerichtlichen Ermordungen eines schwarzen Oppositionellen durch. Ab 1972 bauten auf Bestreben des damaligen UNA-Chefs Oberstbrigadier Carl Weidenmann auch die militärischen Nachrichtendienste der Schweiz und Südafrikas einen engen Informationsaustausch auf. 1974 unternahm Brigadier FriedrichGünther-Benz zwei Reisen nach Südafrika und liess in einem breit gestreuten Bericht keine Zweifel an ihrer Unterstützung der südafrikanischen Regierungspolitik offen. 1975 war der Chef Abteilung Nachrichtendienst in der UNA, Oberst i Gst Peter Hoffet, mitsamt Frau und Tochter während drei Tagen Gast des südafrikanischen Militärattaché.
Makabere Waffengeschäfte und Atomdeals gedeckt vom Schweizer Politfilz
Vor diesem Hintergrund erstaunt es wenig, dass sich «Oerlikon-Bührle» nicht an den Waffenausfuhrstopp von 1963 gebunden fühlte und 1964/1965 nicht nur die vom Ausfuhrstopp betroffenen 30 Oerlikon 35-mm-Geschütze illegal nach Südafrika, sondern 1965 zusätzliche 90 Geschütze für 52,7 Mio. Franken und – über Italien – 45 Superfledermaus-Feuerleitgeräte für 54 Mio. Franken nach Südafrika lieferte. Selbst nachdem im Zuge des Bührle-Skandals vom November 1968 ein Teil dieser illegalen Geschäfte bekannt wurde – die widerrechtliche Lieferung von Geschützen und Munition nach Südafrika – ging einfach weiter! Die letzten 16 Geschütze wurden 1969 über den Hafen von Genua nach Südafrika verschifft, was den Schweizer Behörden bekannt war, aber nie Gegenstand der damals laufenden Strafuntersuchungen wurde. „Sie übten sich konsequent in fahrlässiger Ahnungslosigkeit, aktiver Duldung und Mitwirkung, was die illegalen Geschäfte von «Oerlikon-Bührle» erst möglich machte“, schrieb der Autor der Studie, Peter Hug.Wie neue Dokumente aus Südafrika erstmals belegen, ging zudem das illegale Rüstungsgeschäft mit dem Apartheidstaat weit über den «Oerlikon-Bührle-Konzern hinaus.
Auch die «Hispano Suiza (Suisse) SA» in Genf lieferte im grossen Stil illegal 20-mm-Geschütze nach Südafrika. Grundlage bildete ein Liefervertrag von 1967 für 126 Hispano-20-mm-Geschütze, Munition und die Übertragung von Lizenzrechten im Wert von über 21 Mio. Franken. Per Bundesratsentscheid wurde 1969 eine Ausdehnung der Strafuntersuchung über die «OerlikonBührle AG» hinaus auf politischem Weg ausgeschlossen. Mit Unterstützung des damaligen Verteidigungsministers Giulio Andreotti und Geheimdienstchefs General Egidio Viggiani unterliefen auch die «Contraves Italiana» in Rom und die «Oerlikon Italiana» in Mailand in grossem Stil das italienische Waffenausfuhrverbot nach Südafrika. „Die Schweizer Behörden unterstützten die Unterlaufung des Waffenembargos über Tochter- und Partnerfirmen in den Nachbarstaaten, indem sie bei der Zulieferung von Bestandteilen aus der Schweiz keine Endverbraucher-Bescheinigungen forderten, so dass diese von dort problemlos nach Südafrika weitergeschoben werden konnten“,protokollierte Peter Huber in seinem Bericht zur Aufarbeitung des düsteren Kapitels bei den Beziehungen der Schweiz zum sanktionierten Apartheidstaat. .
Das wichtigste Schlupfloch bildete die Weigerung der Schweiz, die Uno-Resolution 182 (1963) vom 4. Dezember 1963 umzusetzen, die alle Staaten aufrief, den Verkauf und die Auslieferung von Ausrüstungsgütern und Material zu stoppen, das in Südafrika zur Herstellung und den Unterhalt von Waffen und Munition diente. Erst 1996 unterstellte die Schweiz die Übertragung von Lizenzrechten für die Herstellung von Rüstungsgütern im Ausland einer Bewilligungspflicht. Das «Lyttelton Engineering Works» in Pretoria fertigte ab 1964 Läufe zur 35-mm Oerlikon-Kanone und ab Anfang der 1970er Jahre ganze Geschütze. Die «Pretoria Metal Pressings fertigte gestützt auf Lizenzverträge mit der Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik «Oerlikon Bührle»ab 1964 Oerlikon 30-mm und 35-mm-Munition, die «African Explosives» and Chemical Industries» die dafür benötigten Treibladungsmittel. Ab 1967 fertigte Südafrika auch die 20-mm Geschützläufe und –Munition der «Hispano Suiza in Lizenz. Um 1964 stieg die «Plessey (South Africa) Ltd. in die Fertigung von «Contraves Mosquito» Panzerabwehrraketen ein, wobei diese Lizenzproduktion nicht restlos geklärt werden konnte. Dies gilt auch für die Fertigung von «Tavaro»–Zünder-Bestandteilen durch die «Instrument Manufacturing Corp of South Africa» in Plumstead bei Kapstadt. 1972 schloss die «Gretag AG» Regensdorf in Südafrika einen Lizenzvertrag zu Fertigung ihrer Chiffriergeräte ab. 1974 stieg die Tochtergesellschaft der «Wild Heerbrugg AG»im St. Gallischen Rheintal, die «Wild South Africa» in Johannesburg, in die Fertigung optischer Geräte für die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte ein. All diese Lizenzübertragungen waren von Zulieferungen und technischen Beratungsdienstleistungen begleitet. All dies wurde von den weitmaschigen Bestimmungen der Schweizer Kriegsmaterial-Ausfuhrregelungen nicht erfasst. Weder in der Industrie noch bei den Behörden wurden jemals Stimmen laut, die sich gegen die Nutzung dieser Schlupflöcher ausgesprochen hätten.
Die Militär- und Nuklearsanktionen der Uno von 1977 und die Schweiz Anfang der 1970er Jahre leiteten die Vereinten Nationen einen intensiven Diskussionsprozess über die Frage ein, inwiefern internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen auf die Lage der Menschenrechte einwirkten. Einige Uno-Gremien gingen sehr weit, indem sie behaupteten, jegliche wirtschaftliche, politische und kulturelle Tätigkeit in Südafrika trage zur Erhaltung der Apartheidpolitik bei. Indem die schweizerische Aussenpolitik jeweils bestritt, dass zwischen Direktinvestitionen in Südafrika und gegenseitigen Handels- und Finanzbeziehungen und der Lage der Menschenrechte in Südafrika ein Zusammenhang bestand, stand sie in einer Extremposition. Und ich war damals als 16 jähriger plötzlich ins Weltgeschehen involviert, da ich von 1975 bis 1978 meine kaufmännische Ausbildung bei der «Oerlikon Bührle» in Zürich machte und sechs Monate in der Exportabteilung arbeitete und dort all die Exportpapiere, Ausfuhrbewilligungen, Akkreditive usw. ausfertigte und mich daran erinnerte, wie ich stutze, gewisse Rüstungsgüter über die Tochterfirmen in Italien und Spanien auszuführen und einfach deren Adresse als Exporteur einfügte.
Nachdem die politische Verunsicherung, die 1976 das Massaker von Soweto und die darauf folgende Repressionswelle innerhalb und ausserhalb Südafrikas in der Schweizer Regierung erneut kaum Spuren hinterliess, sah sich die Schweiz auf internationaler Ebene zunehmend isoliert. In dem Masse, wie sich die soziale Basis des Widerstandes in Südafrika Anfang der 1980er Jahre verbreiterte und die Repression der südafrikanischen Regierung härter wurde und sich militarisierte, rückte die Schweiz noch näher an Südafrika heran. Alle anderen Staaten schlossen sich dem Ruf nach mehr oder weniger weitgehenden Sanktionen an. Die Schweiz war mit ihrem kategorischen Nein im Uno-System sehr einsam geworden. Parallel schlossen sich auch in der Verwaltung die Reihen. So etablierte sich über alle Departemente hinweg eine gegenüber konkreten Veränderungen immune und stark ideologisierte Haltung, die nicht in der Lage war, auf die das breite Spektrum der Uno-Südafrika-Diskussion differenziert zu reagieren. Innenpolitisches Gegenstück dieser starren Haltung bildete eine Verhärtung der Fronten entlang des links-rechts-Schemas.
Die Selbstverständlichkeit, mit der alle wichtigen Bundesämter und die mit ihnen verbundenen Verbände und Anstalten die Politik unterstützten, die Schweiz in der Südafrikafrage ausserhalb der überwältigenden Mehrheit der Uno-Mitgliedstaaten zu positionieren, mag heute überraschend wirken. Gerade diese Selbstverständlichkeit bestätigt indes, dass der Konsens und die Blindheit in der Bandbreite weit verbreitet und verankert war. Trotz Widerstand der Bundespolizei traf sich der südafrikanische Sanitätsarzt 1980 auch mit dem Schweizer Oberfeldarzt; weitere Treffen folgten. Nahmen 1977 das Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten und 1979 das Militärprotokoll noch gegen den Austausch von Offizieren der Flieger- und Flabtruppen zwischen den beiden Staaten Stellung, leitete Flugwaffenchef Arthur Moll 1980 eine Wende ein. Er traf den südafrikanischen Luftwaffenchef an der Flugschau in Farn-borough und lud diesen zum Erstaunen seines Partners wenige Tage später zu einem offiziellen Besuch nach der Schweiz ein. Grundlage bildete das 1983 abgeschlossene Geheimschutzabkommen. Damit erhielten die südafrikanischen Militärpiloten Einblick in geheime Methoden der Kampfführung und technische Einzelheiten der Schweizer Flugwaffe. Der Pilotenaustausch setzte sich während den ganzen 1980er Jahren fort. Neben der militärisch-technischen ist auch die politische Ebene zu beachten. Mit der Verschärfung der gesellschaftlichen Konflikte innerhalb Südafrikas und dem sich erhöhenden internationalen Druck auf Südafrika bauten die südafrikanischen Streitkräfte im Verlauf der 1980er Jahre ihre Propagandatätigkeit massiv aus.
Die Streitkräfte und vor allem der militärische Nachrichtendienst scheuten zur Durchsetzung ihrer sogenannten «Comops»-Projekte Geld noch Kontakte bis hin zu gewaltbereiten rechtsextremen Kräften. In der Schweiz baute der südafrikanische Militärattaché und andere Kontaktpersonen Kontakte zu teilweise schillernden Figuren am äussersten rechten Rand des politischen Spektrums auf, darunter zu Jürg Meister, Chefredaktor der von Karl Friedrich Grau herausgegebenen «Intern-Informationen». Wie aus den Unterlagen des militärischen Nachrichten-dienstes Südafrikas hervorgeht, mass dieser dem Kontakt zu Leuten wie dem Zürcher «Subversivenjäger» Ernst Cincera, dem Leiter des Schweizerischen Ostinstituts, Peter Sager, und dem Präsidenten der Arbeitsgruppe südliches Afrika, Christoph Blocher, grosse Bedeutung zu. Comops»–Operationen in der Schweiz betrafen Pressionsversuche auf Fernsehen, Radio und Printmedien.
Proteste der «Anti-Apartheid-Bewegung» der Schweiz blieben ungehört. Mehr Fragen als Antworten werfen eine lange Reihe unaufgeklärter Fälle auf, bei denen die Bundespolizei und andere Untersuchungsorgane starke Hinweise auf Verbrechen und Sanktionsbrüche erhielten, aus Rücksichtnahme auf die südafrikanische Regierung und ihre prominenten Freunde in der Schweiz aber davor zurückschreckte, die beschafften Informationen gerichtlich zu verwerten. Im Falle einer Rüstungsfirma in der Ostschweiz, die im grossen Stil Waffenschiebergeschäfte mit Südafrika abschloss, begnügte sich die Bundespolizei damit, der Konzernspitze zu empfehlen, einen der ungeschickt operierenden Mitarbeiter aus dem Verkehr zu ziehen und dafür zu sorgen, dass die Schiebereien diskreter abgewickelt wurden. Sehr weit ging die Zusammenarbeit der Eidgenössischen «Pulverfabrik Wimmis» mit dem führenden südafrikanischen Hersteller von Munition und Treibladungspulver «Somchem».
«Wimmis» stellte der «Somchem» 1979 via «Oerlikon-Bührle AG» eine Produktionslizenz für Treibladungspulver für 20-mm- und 35-mm-Munition zur Verfügung, bildete «Somchem-Ingenieure in topgeheimen Anlagen in «Wimmis» aus und hielt sich mit ihren Spitzenkräften, darunter dem Direktor und dem Chefchemiker, mehrfach während Wochen bei der «Somchem» auf, um aufgetretene Probleme bei der Lizenzproduktion und der übrigen Herstellung militärischer Explosivstoffe zu lösen. «Oerlikon-Bührle»gewährte im Rahmen des Projektes «Sleeve» und «Skavot» im grossen Stil technische und Management-Hilfe zur Fortentwicklung des 35-mm-Fliegerabwehrsystems. Zahlreiche topgeheime Geschäfte liessen sich in den 1980er Jahre nachweisen, die Südafrika mit Unterstützung des militärischen Geheimdienstes in der Schweiz abwickelte, darunter vom Heer die Projekte vdas die Beschaffung von Ausrüstungsgütern im Raume Genf betraf, das Projekt «Janitor», das dem Aufbau eines zivilmilitärischen Luftraumüberwachungssystems diente, oder die Projekte «Alexandri» und «Bessie», die die südafrikanische Flotte in den 1980er Jahren in der Schweiz abwickelte.
Der Schweizerische Bundesrat hatte am 16. April 2003 allen Grund, die Einsicht in Südafrika-Akten in der Schweiz zu stoppen. Denn es sind in der Schweiz viele, die aus tiefer politischer Überzeugung die Apartheid-Regierung in Südafrika unterstützt und am völkerrechtswidrigen und völkerrechtskonformen Geschäft mit dieser kräftig mitverdient haben. Diese rabenschwarze, rassistische Haltung und nahe an Kriegsverbrechen andienende Schweizer Vergangenheit wurde bis heute nur mangelhaft aufgearbeitet und hatte für keine der Beteiligten rechtliche Konsequenzen. Alles wurde helvetisch diskret und sauber unter den Tisch gewischt und jegliche Mitverantwortung abgelehnt. Dabei haben wir es hier mit einer ebenso rassistischen Nazi-Doktrin und den übelsten Menschenrechtsverbrechen zu tun.
Das war also die Ausgangslage, die mich antrieb, mir selbst ein Bild von der Situation und den Lebensumständen der Schwarzen Bevölkerung in Südafrika unter dem Apartheidregime zu machen, wie wir gleich im nächsten Kapitel erfahren. Doch zuvor noch einen Blick auf die heutigen helvetischen Rüstungsgütern allen voran der PC-12 Spectre Pilatus Porter, der den Amerikanern bei Aufklärungsflügen und gezielten Tötungen ausgezeichnete Dienste leistet. Insgesamt 28 modifizierte PC-12 stehen derzeit für die US-Luftwaffe im Einsatz. Im Februar 2021 feierte die US-Air Force 600000 PC-12 Flugstunden und einen preisgekrönten Flug im Rahmen der «Find, fix and finish»–Spezialoperationen in Afghanistan, im Irak, in Somalia und im Jemen, bei denen auch Zivilisten und Kinder ums Leben kamen. Der preisgekrönte PC-12 «Draco»-Flug (der Spitzname für den modifizierten PC-12 Spectre) fand am 14. August 2018 im afghanischen Gebiet von Ghasni statt, als die Taliban die afghanischen Streitkräfte aufrieben. Bei dieser Schlacht kamen 150 Soldaten der afghanischen Arme, 220 Taliban und 95 ZivilistInnen ums Leben.
Und nun zur politischen Dimension. Das Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (secco) wuste seit spätestens 2008, dass der PC-12 Spectre der Pilatus Flugzeugwerke AG in Stans auch in den USA für militärische Zwecke verwendet und durch die Firma Sierra Nevada Corporatioin (SNC) mit gesicherten Datenverbindungen ins Pentagon und zur NATO-Einsatzzentrale und FUll-Motion-Videoübermittlung ausgerüstet wurden. Das secco wusste auch, dass die Amis damit die afghanischen Streitkräfte ausrüsten wollten – also dass es sich um brandaktuelle Kriegseinsätze handelt, als weitere achtzehn Stück bestellt wurden. DAS galt trotz besseren Wissens nicht einmal als Rüstungsgüter-Export qualifiziert unter dem fadenscheinigen Vorwand, die Schweiz liefere nur die zivile Standart-Version. Dass das secco mit dieser scheinheiligen Argumentatioin durchkommt ist ein Skandal.
3. Im Kampf gegen die Apartheid im südafrikanischen Untergrund
3. Im Kampf gegen die Apartheid im südafrikanischen Untergrund
Durch die Jugendunruhen der frühen 80er Jahre politisch sensibilisiert, als AKW-Gegner, Pazifist, und Dienstverweigerer auf der politisch linken Seite angelangt sowie durch die berufliche Tätigkeit während der Lehre bei der «Oerlikon Bührle Waffenschmiede für das Geschehen auch in humanitärer Hinsicht auf Südafrika fokussiert, beschloss ich also durch die in London geknüpften Kontakte zu ANC-Exilanten und die durch die «Anti Apartheid-Bewegung» (AAB) in der Schweiz zusätzlich geknüpften Kontakte Ende 1986 nach Johannesburg zu fliegen mit dem Ziel, die angespannte Situation und die menschenunwürdigen Zustände selbst vor Ort kennenzulernen. Und da der Bruder eines der Reiseleiter-Kollegen in London in Südafrika lebte, hatte und wir 1987 eine Expedition ins Okavango Delta im benachbarten Botswana planten, hatte ich ein ambitiöses und abenteuerliches Programm vor mir.
Erst lebten mein ehemaliger Vorgesetzter in London und ich einige Wochen im Nobelquartier der Weissen in Hillbrow. Gewöhnungsbedürftig war zunächst einmal die schwarze Haushälterin, die im Mietpreis inbegriffen war! Dann natürlich die Beschränkungen für die schwarze Bevölkerung in allen Bereichen des öffentlichen Lebens, jene menschenverachtende Rassentrennung und –diskriminierung, mit den entsprechenden Passgesetzen für die jeweiligen Ethnien. Es gab auch eine indische Community in Durban und die malayischen Mischlinge in Kapstadt, was ganz schön kompliziert war, vor allem die Umsiedlungspläne, die auch in die Tat umgesetzt wurden. So wurde gemäss Angaben des Innenministeriums und der NGO «Black Sash», über eine halbe Million Schwarze Menschen in die Homelands zwangsumgesiedelt und enteignet. Damit kamen die weissen Farmer zu ihren grossen Farmen in ertragsreichen Regionen.
Behutsam machte ich mich mit den lokalen Verhältnissen vertraut, besuchte in Johannesburg das «Khotso House» in dem einige Widerstandsorganisationen wie die «Black Sash» aber auch die «UDF» Gewerkschaft ihre Büro’s hatte. Das Haus wurde rund um die Uhr bespitzelt und öfters von der Polizei durchsucht. Viele engagierte «ANC»-Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten wurden verhaftet, gefoltert oder ohne Anklage eingesperrt. Eines der prominentesten Opfer des Apartheid-Regimes, neben Nelson Mandela war Stephen Biko. Biko beteiligte sich 1972 an der Gründung der Graswurzelbewegung «Black Community Programmes» (BCP), die von der Regierung mit einem Bann belegt wurde. Auch war er an der Gründung des «Zimele Trust Fund», einem Fond für die Opfer des Apartheid-Regimes beteiligt. Im August 1977 wurde er von der Sicherheitspolizei verhaftet, weil er gegen Auflagen verstossen hatte. Sie verhörten und folterten Biko und schleppten ihn bewusstlos 1000 Kilometer nach Pretoria, wo er am 13. September 1977 verstarb. Die gewaltsame Tötung Biko’s führte zu einem internationalen Eklat. Biko wurde zu einem Symbol der Widerstandsbewegung gegen das Apartheid-Regime.
Ich kam just zu dem Zeitpunkt in Südafrika an, als die «New Nation», eines der letzten liberalen, kritischen Blätter der katholischen Bischofskonferenz unter Desmond Tutu verboten und geschlossen wurde und führte mit dem soeben entlassenen Chefredaktor Gabu Tugwana ein letztes Interview, das damals in der «WOZ» (Wochenzeitung) erschien und war somit der erste ausländische Journalist, der das Dekret des verhassten Innenministers sah und fotografierte. Das Apartheid-Regime zensurierte oder verbot viele Zeitungen, bis alle möglichen kritischen Stimmen verstummt waren. Die Ausgaben für die Innere Sicherheit, das heisst für die Aufrechterhaltung des rassistischen Apartheidsystems verschlang über 20 Prozent des Bruttoinlandproduktes. Dann getraute ich mich, mit dem Vororts-Zug von Down town Johannesburg nach Soweto, also in die schwarzen Townships zu fahren, damals eine äusserst gefährliche Sache. In Soweto angekommen, war man als Weisser zu dieser Zeit ziemlich allein und auffällig unterwegs.
Zum Glück hatte ich lange Haare und sah weder wie ein Bure noch wie ein Engländer aus, was wohl viele davon abhielt, mich in den Town Ships umzulegen. Da wuchs dann doch eher die Neugier in ihnen, was ich denn hier zu suchen hätte und so konnte ich sie dank meinen in London und Zürich geknüpften «ANC»-Kontakten beruhigen, sodass sie mir vertrauten und mich in die Town Ships einführten. Einige Wochen lebte ich bei einer achtköpfigen Familie in einer kleinen Bretterbude umgeben von zehntausenden weiteren Bretterbuden ohne Licht, Strom oder Wasseranschluss.
Ziel war es, die Lebensbedingungen der Schwarzen und ihren Alltag im Rahmen der rassistischen Gesetze am eigenen Leib zu spüren und mit eigenen Augen zu sondieren. Bald war es mir möglich, mich mit meinen schwarzen Freunden in Soweto frei und sicher in der näheren Umgebung zu bewegen. Und so erschrak ich selbst höllisch, wenn ich plötzlich wieder vor einem Panzerfahrzeug der «SADF» (South African Defence Force) stand und Schusswaffen auf mich gerichtet waren und einer der Bewaffneten von oben runter rief; „What are you doing here? Beim ersten Treffen fiel mir nichts Besseres ein, als dieselbe Frage an ihn zu richten, nur noch einen Unterton schärfer. „What the hell are you doing here?“ und zog behutsam meinen Schweizer Pass hervor, was half, die angespannte Situation zu entschärfen und sie liessen mich dann jeweils unbeschadet laufen.
1994: Mandelas Freilassung und sein Besuch in der Schweiz
Aus dieser ersten Reise entstand eine tiefe Verbindung mit dem Land, dass ich über 20 Mal besuchte und dabei NelsonMandela zwei Mal traf. Das erste Mal kurz nach seiner Freilassung hier in Soweto, das zweite Mal, als Präsident von Südafrika und frisch gekürter Nobelpreisträger im Zürcher «Dolder Hotel» vor der «class politique» und wirtschaftlichen Elite (Nationalbankpräsident und Bankenvertreter), als Mandela über seine Vision eines neuen Südafrikas als „Regenbogennation“ sprach. Auch ich war zu diesem historischen Treffen eingeladen und machte ein paar Bilder von Mandela. Allerdings war ich nicht darauf vorbereitet, dass er infolge seines durch die lange Haft eingebüssten Augenlichts durch Blitzlicht geblendet würde und hatte ohne Blitzlicht die falsche Filmempfindlichkeit im Kasten. Ich hätte mich ohrfeigen können, keine andere Filmrolle dabei zu haben.
Als Mandela sich nach seiner Ansprache beim Apéro unter die Menge mischte, hielt ich mich diskret im Hintergrund auf. Doch offensichtlich hatte Mandela ein gutes Gedächtnis und sehr aufmerksame Augen, vielleicht erinnerte er sich sogar, wo und wann in Soweto ich in der Menge der Schwarzen kurz nach seiner Freilassung als einziger Weisser stand. Auf jeden Fall veranlasste ihn das, auf mich zuzutreten und mich darauf anzusprechen, ob wir uns schon mal getroffen hätten. Da war ich erstaunt! Als ich ihm antwortete, „ja in Soweto“, reichte er mir verblüffenderweise beide Hände. Das war sehr berührend! Dieses Gefühl, vielleicht doch etwas bewirkt zu haben und dafür einen prominenten Dank samt unglaublicher Wertschätzung zu erfahren. Daraufhin starrten mich alle anwesenden Banker und Politiker im Raum an und fragten sich, wer wohl der langhaarige Freak hier sei. Das blieb zum Glück ein Geheimnis von mir, Mandela und der südafrikanischen Botschafterin in Bern, Frau Dr. KonjiSebati, bei der ich einst zu Gast in der Botschaft in Bern bei einem hochrangig besetzten Anlass war.
Durch diesen Kontakt kam ich als Reisejournalist und PR-Berater zu dieser Zeit tätig zu einem PR-Mandat für das südafrikanische Fremdenverkehrsamt «SATOUR» und erhielt dazu das PR-Mandat der südafrikanischen Fluggesellschaft («SAA») über Jahre hinweg. Das hatte ich dem diplomatischen Spagat zwischen den Untergrund-Kontakten (von denen nur wenige wussten) und den Kontakten zur weissen Elite, die ebenfalls sehr diskret abliefen, zu verdanken. Und auch dem traurigen Umstand, dass die Schweizer in Südafrika eine zentrale Rolle beim Goldhandel spielten, bei den «AKW’s», bei der militärischer Unterstützung des Apartheid-Regimes mit Kampfjets und Pilotentraining und letztlich sowohl bei der Umschuldung als auch beim Transformationsprozess eine wesentliche Rolle spielten und so auch den Goldhandel übernahmen. Bis heute ist die Schweiz die Goldhandelsgrossmacht geblieben und wickelt fast 80 Prozent des Edelmetallhandels ab.
Blenden wir an dieser Stelle knapp zwei Jahrzehnte zurück, zum 5. August 1962, als Mandela zusammen mit Cecil Williams während einer Autofahrt nahe Howick in Natal unter dem Vorwurf festgenommen wurde, er führe den verbotenen «ANC» im Untergrund an. Die Verhaftung erfolgte, nachdem er knapp eineinhalb Jahre in Freiheit und im politischen Untergrund gearbeitet hatte, unterbrochen von öffentlichen Auftritten für den «ANC» im Ausland. Der Prozessauftakt wurde auf den 15. Oktober 1962 festgesetzt. Die Folge war Mandelas Verurteilung am 7. November 1962 zu fünf Jahren Gefängnis wegen Aufruf zur öffentlichen Unruhe (drei Jahre Haft) und Auslandsreisen ohne Reisepass (zwei Jahre). Er übernahm in dieser Gerichtsverhandlung seine Verteidigung selbst.
Nach Verkündigung des Urteils wurde er Ende Mai 1963 auf die Gefängnisinsel Robben Island geschafft, aber schon bald wieder nach Pretoria geholt, nachdem am 11. Juli die übrige «ANC» Führungsspitze festgenommen worden war. Ab dem 7. Oktober 1963 stand Mandela in Pretoria im «Rivonia»-Prozess mit zehn Mitangeklagten wegen «Sabotage und Planung bewaffneten Kampfes» vor Gericht. Am 20. April 1964, dem letzten Prozesstag vor der Urteilsverkündung, begründete Mandela in seiner vierstündigen, vorbereiteten Rede ausführlich die Notwendigkeit des bewaffneten Kampfes, weil die Regierung weder auf Appelle noch auf den gewaltlosen Widerstand der nicht-weißen Bevölkerung in ihrem Bestreben nach Gleichbehandlung eingegangen sei und stattdessen immer repressivere Gesetze erlassen habe.
Am 11. Februar 1990 wurde Mandela nach 26 Jahren aus der Haft entlassen. Staatspräsident Frederik de Klerk hatte dies veranlasst und Tage zuvor das Verbot des «African National Congress» (ANC) aufgehoben. Mandela und de Klerk erhielten 1993 den Friedensnobelpreis für ihre Verdienste. Am Tage seiner Freilassung hielt Mandela eine Rede vom Balkon des Rathauses in Kapstadt aus, Tage später richtete er einen weiteren Appell an die gut 120‘000 Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer im Fussballstadion in Johannesburg. Dort stellte er seine Politik der Versöhnung («Reconciliation») vor, indem er «alle Menschen, die die Apartheid aufgegeben haben», zur Mitarbeit an einem «nichtrassistischen, geeinten und demokratischen Südafrika mit allgemeinen, freien Wahlen und Stimmrecht für alle» einlud.Im Juli 1992 wurde Mandela einstimmig zum Präsidenten des «ANC» gewählt. So konnte er die Verhandlungen mit der Regierung über die Beseitigung der Apartheid und Schaffung eines neuen Südafrikas an die Hand nehmen. 1994 als er zum Präsidenten Südafrikas gekürt worden ist, erschien seine Autobiographie «Der lange Weg zur Freiheit» und dort schrieb er:«Während dieser langen, einsamen Jahre der Haft wurde aus meinem Hunger nach Freiheit für mein eigenes Volk der Hunger nach Freiheit aller Völker, ob weiß oder schwarz».
Südafrika 94:IKRK-Einsätze im «ANC-IFP» Bürgerkrieg
Nach dem das Apartheid-Regime durch den UNO-Boykott und den südafrikanischen Widerstand zusammenbrach, kam es zu einem erbittertem Machtkampf zwischen dem «ANC» (African National Congress) und Buthelezi`s «IFP» (Inkhata Freedom Party). Der Bürgerkrieg forderte X-tausend Opfer und machte Zehntausende zu Flüchtlingen. Eine weitere Tragödie, denn zuvor hatte das weisse Regime im Zuge der Rassentrennung Hundertausende von schwarzen Menschen wie Vieh zwangsumgesiedelt. Nun gab es wieder eine Welle von Vertriebenen im Land und Grabenkämpfe unter den Schwarzen. Es war eine erklärte Strategie, der abtretenden beziehungsweise gefährdeten Machthabern, mit allen Mittel Zwietracht unter den Schwarzen zu säen und so hat das Botha-Regime Buthelzi als Gegenkandidat zu Mandela aufzustellen. Alle Mittel der Destabilisierung wurden angewandt und die Saat ging auf. Der darauf folgende Bürgerkrieg war fürchterlich.
Im Südafrika der Nach-Apartheid beschäftigten die Menschen vor allem eins: die ständig wachsende Gewalt-Kriminalität. Hatte die Polizei früher in erster Linie die Verfolgung politischer Gegner zum Ziel, fochten die Sicherheitskräfte und Politiker nun einen fast aussichtslosen Kampf gegen die Brutalität der Kriminalität aus. Der «Taxi-/Minibus-Krieg» in Durban forderte seit Jahren zahlreiche unschuldige Menschenleben. In Kapstadt tobte ein Bandenkrieg unter 80‘000 Jugendlichen, auch Johannesburg wurde Schauplatz zahlreicher Verbrechen. Als Tourist oder Geschäftsreisender spürte man die «Atmosphäre der Angst» intensiv. Die Polizeikräfte operierten wie paramilitärische Organisationen und hatten einen üblen Ruf, in den jeweiligen Städten.
Die Arbeitslosigkeit betrug fast 40 Prozent und liess so die weit verbreitete Armut und die Kriminalität in die Höhe schnellen, begünstigt durch die Ohnmacht und Korruption des mit sich selbst beschäftigten Justiz- und Polizeiapparates, der im Zuge des radikalen Umbaus gelähmt war. Täglich wurden in Südafrika über 60 Menschen, also jährlich insgesamt gegen 20‘000 Personen umgebracht. Südafrikas Gefängnisse platzten aus allen Nähten. Strafuntersuchungen bleiben jahrelang unbearbeitet liegen. Auch Jugendliche unter 14 Jahren waren vielfach lange Zeit inhaftiert.
Ende 1993begleitete ich einen Freund von mir, Daniel S., der als IKRK-/Rotkreuz Südafrika-Delegierter in Johannesburg stationiert war, auf seiner Reise in die Flüchtlingslager, um die dortige Lage zu sondieren, den Opfern zu helfen und die Friedensbemühungen zur Stabilisierung des Landes im Hinblick auf eine demokratische Verfassung und Regierung der «Regenbogen-Nation» zu unterstützen. Wir fuhren zu den damaligen Hotspots «Margate» und «Ladysmith»,«Ezakhweni» und «Emphangeni», «Mfung» und «Obizo» sowie «Empendle» protokollierten die abgebrannen Häuser und die Toten, führten Gespräche mit Hinterbliebenen und versuchten zwischen den Konfliktparteien zu vermitteln. Eine schwierige, wenn nicht fast aussichtslose Aufgabe.
1994 kam es zu einem weiteren interessanten Treffen, mit Miss South Africa Basetsana Kumalo und an ihrer Seite Kwezi Hani, die junge Tochter von Chris Hani, der gerade ermordet worden war. ChrisHani war Generalsekretär der South African Communist Party (SACP), ein hochrangiges Mitglied des «ANC» sowie Stabschef von dessen bewaffnetem Arm «Umkhonto we Sizwe» (MK).
Als sich in den frühen 1990er Jahren das Ende der Apartheid abzeichnete, war er im «ANC» nach Nelson Mandela eine der beliebtesten Führungsfiguren. Hani wurde im April 1993 von dem polnischen Einwanderer Janusz Waluś ermordet. Dahinter stand ein Komplott, dessen Drahtzieher der ehemalige Parlamentsabgeordnete Clive Derby-Lewis von der Konserwatiewe Party war. Ziel war es, den Verhandlungs-prozess, der zur Beendigung der Apartheid führen sollte, zu zerstören.
Ein teuflischer Plan, der aufging. Das Treffen mit Basetsane fand in einem Spielcasino statt und wurde offensichtlich beobachtet. Es war ja auch eine brandheisse Zeit und die Bespitzelung politischer Akteure und deren Familien und Umfeld eine wohlbekannte Tatsache. Und so wurde auch ich zur Observationszielscheibe. Erst versuchte ein Schwarzer und später zwei Weisse Herren mich unauffällig diskret aber mit Nachdruck auszufragen. Und eine weitere illustre Person versuchte mich dann sogar in Gabarone, also in Botswana zu kontaktieren und in Südafrikas interne Machtkämpfe zu involvieren. Ich lehnte alle Annäherungsversuche ab und kam so ungeschoren aus den Wirren der politischen Machtkämpfe davon.
Im Februar 1996 begann die von Mandela eingesetzte Wahrheits- und Versöhnungskommission (TRC) unter Leitung des Friedensnobelpreisträgers Desmond Tutu. mit der Aufarbeitung der Verbrechen zur Zeit der Apartheid. Die wurde vor allem zur Abrechnung und Demontage von Winnie Mandela genutzt, die in diesen Jahren nach Madibas Freilassung viel mehr gelitten hatte und härter kämpfen musste, als ihr Mann. Es war die damalige ANC-Spitze, die beschloss Winnie müsse sich von Nelson trennen um ihm die Wahl zum Präsidenten zu sichern. Winnies Stern stand immer unter dem Nelsons, aber sie war die eigentliche Powerfrau, die während seiner Haftzeit Mandelas Augen und Ohren waren und sie war es, die die Massen mobilisierte. Einigen Gruppen gingen die in Mandelas Amtszeit erreichten sozialen Verbes-serungen auch in Bezug auf die AIDS-Krise, nicht weit genug. Kritiker bemängelten ebenso, dass die Verbrechen des Apartheid-Regimes nicht strafrechtlich genug gesühnt wurden.
Kinder unter sechs Jahren, schwangere und stillende Mütter erhielten zum ersten Mal eine kostenlose Gesundheitsfürsorge; 1996 wurde die Gesundheitsfürsorge für alle Südafrikaner kostenfrei. Mit dem «Land Restitution Act» (1994) und dem «Land Reform Act 3» (1996) wurden Schritte zu einer Landreform unternommen. Während seiner Amtszeit wurden zahlreiche Gesetze der Apartheid-Zeit widerrufen, Armee und Polizei wurden neu aufgestellt.
Im Rahmen meines humanitären Engagements in Südafrika konnte ich dank dem Zulu-Heiler Credo Vusama Mutwa 1997 auch das Pollsmoor-Gefängnis in Kapstadt (in dem Nelson Mandela die letzten Jahre seiner Haft verbrachte) mit einem kanadischen UN-Gesundheitsinspektorenteam besuchen. In dem für 3‘000 Häftlinge konzipierten Gefängnis waren rund 7‘000 Häftlinge inhaftiert. Fast 30% der Insassen waren damals HIV-positiv und viele Häftlinge wurden jahrelang ohne Anklage festgehalten, etliche verstarben. Es waren schockie-rende Zustände, die wir da antrafen. Ein Esslöffel als Kostprobe in der Gefängnisküche reichte aus, dass ich hernach Staphylokokken und Streptokokken hatte. Pädagogisch befremdend war auch, dass es im Kinderspielzimmer einzig eine Plastik-Schusswaffe als Spielzeug gab. So züchtet man von Kindesbeinen an eine neue nach-wachsende Generation von Armut getriebener Krimineller heran.
Den Zulu-Sangoma, Bantu-Schriftsteller & Historiker Credo Vusama Mutwa lernte ich im «Shamwari Game Reserve» kennen zusammen mit Dr. Jan Player, dem Rhinozeros-Retter und «Wilderness-Leadership-School»-Gründer. Die ganze Nacht über erzählte mir der gebildete Mensch die spirituellen Geheimnisse und ethnischen Zusammenhänge sowie kulturellen Eigenschaften und Besonderheiten der Bantu-Völker von Nord- bis Südafrika. Auch war er der erste, der den Klimawandel erkannte und mir erklärte, was es für die Völker und Regionen bedeutet, wenn der eine oder andere Käfer, diverse Insekten, die Schildkröten oder andere Wildtierarten und Meeressäuger aussterben und das zu Dürren und Plagen führe. In prophetischer Weitsicht hat Credo die Konflikte erkannt die daraus entstehen würden sowie es auch bei Staudamm-Projekten immer wieder zu Konflikten kommt, weil das ja die Lebensgrundlage vieler Menschen in mehreren Ländern verändert. Auch die Plagen wie wir sie in den letzten 20 Jahren erleben, hat er voraus gesagt. Und das gute 10 Jahre vor dem erste «IPPC» Klimabericht.
Nur war ich gerade mit meiner Tochter und ihrer Mutter unterwegs und hatte noch Termine und Treffen bezüglich Wildlife- und Ökoprojekte und konnte nicht hier bleiben, um Credo beim «Kaya Lendaba» zu helfen. Ich war hin und her gerissen. Der Zulu-Heiler wollte die Wunden der Regenbogennation heilen und beim «Shamwari Game Reserve» ein multikulturelles Dorf bauen, in dem alle südafrikanischen Ethnien vertreten sein würden. Es sollte als Leuchtpfahl für die Wiedervereinigung Südafrikas dienen und helfen, die Konflikte zu beenden. Gerne hätte ich die Ausbildung zu einem «Sangoma», also einem Heiler gemacht, da Credo mir die Qualifikationen und die geistig spirituelle Weltsicht zutraute.
Dies erfüllte mich mit Stolz und wäre wohl eine wegweisende Weiche in meinem Leben gewesen, denn ursprünglich wollte ich auch mal als Game Ranger in einem dieser neu entstehenden Wildlife-Reservate arbeiten. Ich konnte mir nichts Schöneres vor stellen, als Wildlife-Manager in einem intakten und geschützten oder schützenswerten Umfeld zu arbeiten. Daher reiste ich immer wieder nach Botswana, Südafrika und Namibia, um mir einen Teil dieses Traums zu erfüllen und es war immer ein grossartiges Gefühl im Busch und in der Wildnis unterwegs zu sein.
Kommen wir nun zur aktuellen Lage am Kap der guten Hoffnung, die keineswegs rosiger geworden ist. Nach den Freveln des Apartheidregimes kam eine neue schwarze Elite, die sich an Südafrika ebenso schamlos bereicherten, wie ihre weissen Vorgänger. Hier zwei Beispiele:
2011: Gadaffis Milliarden in Zumasund Ramaphos Händen untergetaucht
Aziz Pahad wurde von Mandela 1994 als stellvertretender Aussenminister berufen und war von 1999 – 2008 für die Regierung tätig. Zuvor sammelte er für Mandelas Wahlkampf Spendengelder und erhielt auch von Gadaffi ca. 15. Mio. Der libysche Diktator unterstütze auch Thabo Mbeki. Doch dieser wollte Gadaffis Wunsch „König von Afrika“ zu werden nicht nachkommen und versagte ihm die Unterstützung, was dazu führte, das Gadaffi sich als nächsten Jacob Zuma kaufte und ihm zur Wahl zum südafrikanischen Präsidenten verhalf. Durch die jahrzehntelangen Beziehungen zum «ANC»plante Gadaffi, im Schlimmsten Fall einen Rückzugsort und Stützpunkt im Ausland zu haben von wo aus er die Konterrevolution starten konnte und dazu hatte er ein Teil seinen unvorstellbaren Vermögens von ca. 150 Milliarden Dollar (Forbes) am 26.12.2010 nach Johannesburg fliegen lassen. Die Maschine landete direkt auf dem am 2. Weihnachtstag verwaisten Militärstützpunkt Waterkloof. Angeblich gab es insgesamt 179 solcher Flüge von Tripolis, die allesamt von Militärpiloten ausgeführt wurden. Die Flugdaten wurden nach jeder Operation. gelöscht,
Der Wert der Fracht, die in ICRC Halbmond beschrifteten Containern mit lybischem Dialekt aus Syrte beschriftet geliefert wurden, betrug. 12,5 Mia. US Dollar. Nebst Bergen von Bargeld auch Tonnen von Gold und Diamanten. Der Serbe George Darmanovitch, ein als Zumas Handlanger bekannter Secret Service Agent fotografierte die Sendung bei der Ankunft in Johannesburg und bestätigte Rechercheuren, dass das Geld mit Lastwagen vom «ANC» abgeholt wurde. Er war offensichtlich ein wenig zu lautselig über den Inhalt und Umfang der Fracht. Jedenfalls wurde Darmanovitch kurze Zeit später in Belgrad, wo er seine Familie traf, auf offener Strasse erschossen und seine beiden Killer fand man hernach ebenfalls nur noch alsLeichen. Das war also eine Nummer zu gross für Darmanovitch und seine Mördergewesen.
Ab diesem Zeitpunkt verschwanden Gaddafis Milliarden irgendwo in Südafrika und nur wenige wissen, wo sie sind. 2012 kamen die ersten Gerüchte auf, dass beträchtliche Vermögen des toten Diktators in Südafrika sind. Daraufhin kontaktierte die lybische Übergangsregierung den Tunesier Eric Goaied, der ein enger Freund Gaddafis war. Er sollte in Südafrika nach den verschwundenen Vermögenswerten suchen. Unter anderem auch, weil die neue Regierung eine Armee aufbauen und dazu über 200 Kampfhelikopter und G5 sowie anderes Kriegsmaterial für gut fünf Milliarden beschaffen musste, aber kein Geld hatte.
Als die libysche Regierung, namentlich Taha Buishi den hohen Finderlohn (von 10 Prozent also 1, 25 Mia. Dollar) für die Rückführung der Gaddafi-Vermögen bestätigt hatte, lockte dies ein paar Schatz-sucher auf den Plan, die sich diesen Deal nicht entgehen lassen wollten. Der Tunesier Goaied kontaktierte in Südafrika seinen Freund Johan Erasmus, ein ehemaliger Agent des Apartheid-Regimes und schillerndem Waffenhändler mit guten Kontakten zu Waffenkonzernen wie «Denel» in Südafrika aber auch in Libyen. Auch Darmanowitch war bei dem Kriegswaffen-Deal dabei. Und er war es ja, der den Libyern verriet, dass sich Teile ihres Volksvermögens hier befände. Er sandte auch Fannie Fondse, dem damaligen Chef einer Sondereinheit des «ANC Secret Service» und einer speziellen Söldnertruppe, die zum Schutz Gaddaffis in Libyen völkerwiderrechtlich tätig war, zu. Beim Aufstand mussten die Söldner Hals über Kopf fliehen. Er kannte auch Darmanovitch und erhielt von ihm die Fotos mit den Containern.
Als Taha Buishi, der libysche Gesandte, den ehemaligen Sicherheitschef des «ANC» Tito Maleka kontaktierte und den ANC beschuldigte, sich das Gadaffi-Vermögen angeeignet zu haben, ging dieser mit seinem Freund Dr. Jackie Mphaphudi, der Winni Mandela gut kannte und Mandelas Tochter Zondwana Gadaffi Mandela behandelte zu Jacob Zuma, um nach den verschwunden Milliarden zu Fragen. Dieser antwortete: Er sei zwar der Präsident Südafrikas, „dies ist aber die Sache des Finanzministers Matthew Phosa“.Dann kam es zu einem weiteren Treffen hochrangiger «ANC»-Mitglieder zur Thematik Libyen-Gelder, die Jackie Mphaphudi protokollierte. Schliesslich organisierte Jackie auch ein Treffen zwischen Taha Buishi, dem libyschen Regierungsvertreter und dem südafrikanischen Präsidenten Jacob Zuma auf dessen Anwesen in Khandla bezüglich der 12,5 Millarden Dollar die Gadaffi 2010 nach Südafrika verfrachtete.
Also wussten Zuma, Esposa und einige andere ANC Spitzen von dem Geld, doch beschieden sie den lybischen Gesandten, dass erst ein formelles Gesuch der Libyschen Regierung vorliegen müsse, um welche Werte es gehe. Und dieses Gesuch müsste von einer stabilen Regierung legitimiert und durch die Unterschriften des amtierenden lybischen Premierminister, dem Finanzminister und dem Gouverneur der Nationalbank als auch vom Leiter der Rückführungsbehörden unterzeichnet werden. Mit dem libyschen Mandat und dem Glauben, der Südafrikanischen Regierung zu dienen, will das Team um Tito Maleka nicht nur den ANC vom Schmutz befreien und der Staatsplünderung einen Riegel vorschieben, sondern dem libyschen Volk das Geld zurück zu geben.
Mohammed Dschibril, Premierminister Übergangsregierung Libyen 2011, traf sich mit Zuma und wollte ihm klarmachen, Gaddafi zum Rücktritt zu bewegen. Das klappte nicht. Doch im Frühling flog Zuma nach Lybien, danach ruft Zuma Dschibril für Treffen mit Zuma und Phosa an, doch dann geriet alles ausser Kontrolle: Offensichtlich gab Gaddafi Zuma Geld, damit er an der Macht bleibt und Zuma ihm Gaddafi bei der Flucht aus Libyen helfen könnte. Matthey Phosa leitete als Schatzmeisterdie Operation, Gadaffi und sein Vermögen ausser Land zu schaffen. Beide Teams kommen zum selben Schluss, dass Phosa die Schlüsselfigur sei, denn er wollte einen Teil der Provision. Fannie hat den Beleg für„die Provisionzahlung“. Phosa machte also seinen Anspruch auf einen Teil des Geldes geltend. Dies machte er auch Titos Team klar, die mittlerweile Taha Buishi in Libyen ausgebootet hatten.
Als wäre dies nicht schon spannend genug, wird der Schatzsucher-Krimi noch um ein dubioses Kapitel reicher. Denn Gaddafis Finanzminister, Bashir Al Sharkawi, alias Bashir Saleh, ein mittlerweile seit Jahren von Interpol gesuchter Mann läuft noch immer frei in Johannesburg herum, derweil der untergetauchte Sohn Gaddafis, Said, sich auf eine Präsidentschaftskandidatur im unbekannten Exil vorbereitet. Nachdem Gaddafis Ex-Banker Johannesburg bei einem Attentat verletzt und sein Laptop gestohlen wurde, floh er ins Ausland.2018 wurde Zuma aufgrund der „Staatskorruption im grossen Stil“ zum Rücktrittgezwungen und Libyen versank im Bürgerkrieg.Nun zum nächsten Kapitel von Korruption und Kleptokratie in Südafrika.
Gupta Leaks: Südafrika als Beute indischer Klepokraten
Der Menschenrechtsanwalt Brian Currin erhielt 2017 Informationen zugespielt die von einem Laptop des Gupta Clans stammten. Das führte ihn auf die Spur eines riesigen Korruptionsskandals, der die Züge von Staatsvereinnahmung durch private Unternehmer erreichte. Das Land am Kap der guten Hoffnung wurde systematisch geplündert. Die Guptas machten Milliardengeschäfte im Energie- und Transportsektor, wuschen das Geld in Dubai, den Arabischen Emiraten und in Hong Kong und als es ihnen an den Kragen gehen sollte, setzten sie sich mit all dem gestohlenen Geld nach Dubai ab. Wie es zur südafrikanischen Staatsplünderung kam, recherchierten auch die beiden Investigativ-Journalisten Susan Comrie und Thanduxolo Jika (Sunday Times/Mail & Guardian). Zum ersten Mal aufgefallen sind die Guptas, als sie rund 200 Hochzeitsgäste mit Charter-Flugzeug auf Militärflugplatz eingeflogen, von Polizeifahrzeugen und vom Sicherheitsdienst eskortiert. Die Kosten von rund zwei Millionen Dollars für die Hochzeit haben die Guptas über «Estina» aus der Milchwirtschaft abgezweigt und dafür die Beiträge für die schwarzen Bauern geplündert. Das Geld wurde mit Hilfe von «KPMG» in Dubai gewaschen und dann damit die Kosten für die Hochzeit in Millionenhöhe bezahlt. Auch «McKinsey» und «SAP» profitierten erheblich von den Schatteneliten und korrupten Ministern im Dienste der Guptas. Pravin Gordhan, Südafrikas Finanzminister (2009 bis 2014) sagt, dass Südafrika schon wenige Wochen nach Zumas Inthronisierung einen gigantischen Stromausfall hatte und dass der nicht von Ungefähr kam. Barbara Hogan, die damalige Ministerin für staatliche Unternehmen wurde von Zuma gefeuert. Auch sie geht hart mit ihm ins Gericht: Zuma versprach zwar gigantische Investitonen in die Infrastruktur des Landes, doch das Geld dafür hatten wir nicht. „Das begriff er einfach nicht“, sagt Hogan und fuhr fort mit den Worten: „Ihm geht es nicht ums Land, nicht um die Probleme Südafrikas, ihm geht es einzig um seine Auserwählten“.
Mit Malusi Gigaba fing das Unheil an, als er in die Regierung kam und alle wichtigen Posten in den Staatsunternehmen sukkzessive mit Gupta-Vertrauten besetzte. Wo werden die meisten öffentlichen Gelder ausgegeben und wie kommen wir daran? Das war das Geschäftsmodel der drei indischen Brüder, die mit ihrem mausarmen Vater 1993 nach Südafrika kamen. Zuerst kam«Transnet» dran. «Transnet» verwaltet alle Flughäfen, Bahnhöfe und Transportfirmen. Malusi Gigaba setzte Brian Molefi als CEO und Arnosch Sinn als Finanzvorstand ein (2 Aufträge für Lokomotiven im Wert von 5 Mia. gingen an zwei chinesische Firmen) «Mc Kinsey» erhielt mehr als eine Milliarde für Berateraufträge von Salim Essa, Geschäftspartner der Guptas. 450 Mio. Provision sprangen für die Guptas beim Lokomotiven-Deal heraus. Gelder die über Offshore Firmen nach Hong Kong und in die Arabischen Emirate abflossen. Dann kam Duduzane Zuma,der Sohn Zumas zum Zug. Er war eng mit den Guptas verbandelt und hat mit ihnen die Korruption perfektioniert und der Kleptokratie Vorschub geleistet.
Auch Cyril Ramaphosas, einst ein Gewerkschaftsanführer, der durch die Lizenzen der Bergbau-Unternehmen am Ende der Apartheid zum Milliardär wurde, wird Vizepräsident von Zuma und reist kurz darauf nach Russland für einen Atom-Deal und den Bau von acht Atomkraftwerken in Südafrika, die mehr als 100 Mia. US Dollar kosten würden, worauf die «Shiva» Uranmine von den Guptas gekauft wurde und Zumas Sohn einen Führungsposten zugeschanzt bekam. So brachten sie sich für den Atom Deal in Stellung, der den Geldregen noch vergrössern sollte. Und Russland wollte damit erreichen, dass Südafrika vom Geberland abhängig ist und der Zuma-Clan beabsichtigte sich mit Hilfe der Guptas einer noch grösseren Staatsplünderung zu verschreiben. Moe Shaik, Leiter des südafrikanischen Geheimdienstes (2009 -2011) wurde zwar von Zuma angeheuert, aber als die Amerikaner besorgt waren, dass das Geld für die Atomkraftwerke aus dem Iran kämen, musste der damalige Geheimdienstchef mit seinem Chef, Präsidenten, also mit Zuma darüber sprechen und kurzerhand aufgrund der Meinungsverschiedenheiten von seinem Job zurücktreten.
Zuma ist wie Trump, nur die eigenen Interessen zählen. Nicht viel besser erging es Finanzminister Nhlanhla Nene, der das Geld für den Atom-Deal mit Russland einfach nicht herbei zaubern konnte. Er wurde ebenfalls entlassen und durch Freunde der Guptas ersetzt. Desmond van Rooyen wurde darauf hin zum neuen Finanzminister erkürt, kam mit drei Beratern ins Finanzministerium, war aber nur vier Tage lang im Amt, dann wurde Zuma aufgrund der Proteste und gewaltigen Kursstürze an der Börse dazu gezwungen, das Trio wieder ab- und durch den langjährigen Finanzminister Pravin Gorham zu ersetzen.
Ab 2016 gab es immer mehr Enthüllungen über die Kleptokratie der Guptas und ein mutiges ANC Mitglied, der damalige stv. Finanz-minister Mcebesi Jonas enthüllte, dass auch ihm ein Ministerposten von den Guptas angeboten wurde. Mcebesi war der erste, der die Käuflichkeit einzelner Personen und das enge Korruptionsgeflecht zwischen Zuma, den Guptas und einigen ANC-Profiteuren offen aussprach und kritisierte. Er lehnte es ab, ein Vasall der Guptas zu werden, weil es der hart umkämpften Demokratie Südafrikas einen Dolchstoss versetzen würde. Die Guptas Leaks bestätigen die krummen Deals mit den staatlichen Konzernen «Escom», «Transnet» im Kohlebergbau und bei beim Waffenkonzern «Denel». 2015 wird BrianMolefi auch noch zum Chef von «Eskom» gemacht und auch Arnosch Sinn stösst dazu. Die beiden plündern das Unternehmen schamlos aus und machen den Zuma-Clan und die Guptas noch viel reicher.
Mandela würde sich im Grab umdrehen und schäumen vor Wut, wenn er sähe, wie rasch sich die schwarze Elite bereichert und das Land am Kap der guten Hoffnung ausgebeutet hat. Daher verlassen wir nun Südafrika und machen eine Reise ins Nachbarland nach Botswana, das dank seiner Diamantenminen eines der reichsten afrikanischen Ländern ist und überdies durch den Reichtum auch seine Tierwelt besser schützen konnte, als die umliegenden Länder. Die Central Kalahari und das Okavango-Delta, das weltgrösste Binnendelta sind auch der Lebensraum der Bushmänner und Frauen.
1986-2006: Mit den Khoi-San durch die Kalahari gestreift
Botswana darf für sich in Anspruch nehmen, alle Facetten eines funkelnden Diamanten zu besitzen. Der grandiose Artenreichtum im Okavango-Delta von Fauna und Flora, die facettenreiche Wildnis, die ihr Antlitz ständig ändert. Ein Augenschein als Zaungast im Garten Eden Afrikas, wo sich ein lebenswichtiges Geflecht von Wasseradern befindet, das grösstenteils ausgedorrte südliche Afrika vom Atlantik bis zum Indischen Ozean mit dem lebenswichtigen Elixier versorgt. Der Okavango, drittgrösster Fluss unter dem südlichen Wendekreis, entspringt dem regenreichen Hochland Angolas. Obschon es nur wenige Hundert Kilometer zum Meer wären, steuert der Strom nach 1600 Kilometern Irrweg auf die 800‘000 Quadratkilometer grosse Kalahari zu – und fächert sich im weltgrössten Binnendelta auf.
In Mändern dringen die Flussarme in die öde und dürstende Wüste vor und formen ein einzigartiges Biotop mitten in der Kalahari. Das weltgrösste Binnendelta hat ungefähr die Grösse Schleswig-Holsteins. 95 Prozent aller Wasserreserven Botswanas stammen aus dem Okavango-Delta durch das in normalen Jahren mehr als 18,5 Milliarden Wasser fliessen. Wobei der grösste Teil fast 80 Prozent im Sand der Kalahari versickert. Blickt man von oben auf die urwüchsige Landschaft der Okavango-Sümpfe, die von einem Labyrinth aus Flussarmen, Sümpfen, Inseln, Steppen und Lagunen durchzogen ist, so schillert die Kalahari bis zum Horizont mal goldgelb, dann wieder tiefgrün mit blauen Tupfern.
1986 nach dem ersten Aufenthalt in Südafrika mit drei Schweizer Reiseleiter aus London, brach ich zu einer Expedition ins Okavango Delta im Nachbarstaat Botswana auf. Von Johannesburg fuhren wir mit zwei Landrovern erst nach Pretoria, dann weiter nördlich bis wir den Grenzfluss Limpopo erreichten, da kam auch schon die erste echte Herausforderung. Die Überquerung des gut 40 Meter breiten Flusses konnte nur dank zwei Fahrzeugen und Seilwinden bewerkstelligt werden. Das heisst, dass die Seilwinde des vorderen Fahrzeugs schwimmend oder mit einem Boot über den Fluss gebracht und dort an einem Baum befestigt wird. Die zweite Seilwinde wird hinten am ersten Fahrzeug angemacht und dann geht’s ab ins Wasser, das nur so über die Motorhaube schwappt. Der Zug der vorderen Seilwinde und die Stabilisierung mit der hinteren mit dem am Ufer stehenden Landrovers erfordert eine gute Kooperation beider Fahrzeuglenker. Die Durchquerung des Limpopo mit dem zweiten Vehikel erfolgt dann nur noch mit der Seilwinde des zuvor durch den Fluss gefahrenen Fahrzeuges und verläuft etwas turbulenter aber doch meisten glatt, da man ja schon eine Spur gelegt hat.
Dann ging es durch die Madikgadikdadi Salt Panels, einer öden, salzverkrusteten, topfebene Salzpfanne nach Maun und von dort über Kasane weiter zur 3rd Bridge, dann zum Savuti Channel im Moremi Game Reserve und schliesslich gelangten wir bei den Victoria-Fällen an. Das hört sich jetzt ganz einfach an, war aber ein höllisch heisser Trip mit vielen Lehrstücken zum Überleben in der afrikanischen Wildnis. Zum Glück war Johann, ein erfahrener und verlässlicher südafrikanischer Safari-Guide, der uns in die Gefahren der Bush-Erlebnisse einführte. Es war beängstigend in einem kleinen Zelt zu schlafen und ein paar Elefanten des Nachts vor bzw. über einem stehen zu haben und dabei prasselten die Äste herunter, als sie mit ihren Rüsseln über uns in den Kronen frassen. Erst wollten wir nicht im, auf oder unter den Landrovern schlafen und so umstellten wir unser Zelt mit den Camping Stühlen zur dilettantischen Abwehr (und als eine Art „akustisches Alarmsignal“ vor dem Gefressen werden).
Zum Glück hatte unser Guide ein gutes Ohr und den sechsten Spürsinn eingeschaltet und warnte uns eines Nachts mit den Worten. „Die Löwen sind da, kommt schnell her und klettert aufs Dach rauf.“ Also hüpften wir flink wie die Gazellen mit Riesensprüngen zu den Fahrzeugen und dort angekommen geschmeidig hoch und siehe da, schon ertönte das laute Löwengebrüll und ein beachtliches Rudel strich als gleich um unsere Fahrzeuge herum. Da wäre es im Zelt höchst ungemütlich geworden, denn die Raubtiere haben schliesslich von Natur aus einen riesen Hunger und müssen auch noch ihre Babies füttern. In einer anderen Nacht wachte ich auf und musste das viele Bier ausspülen, das wir jeden Abend tranken. Also suchte ich mit der Taschenlampe aus dem Zeltschlitz heraus die Umgebung nach reflektierenden Augen ab, die im Schein der Taschenlampe aufblitzen würden. Noch etwas benommen vom Alkohol und der nächtlichen Hitze über 40 Grad sah ich nichts dergleichen und wollte schon raus, da lief ein Flusspferd, das direkt keine zwei Meter vor dem Zelteingang stand und graste, ein paar Schritte weiter und nun sah ich bedeutend mehr von der nächtlichen Umgebung, blieb aber infolge des tierischen Nachbarn vorsichtshalber geräuschlos im Zelt liegen, denn Flusspferde sind die Todesursache Nummer 1 in Botswana.
Als wir nach einer Woche staubtrockener Tour bei über 40 Grad (nachts) halb verdurstet endlich bei 3rd Bridge, ankamen, gab es kein Halten mehr, als wir das köstliche Rinsal endlich sahen. Alle stürzten sich wie übermütige Kinder in den Hippo- und Krokodil-Pool rein und planschten fröhlich rum, als gäbe es keine Gefahren. Wir waren damals ziemlich „lucky“, denn normalerweise wimmelt es hier ja von Krokodilen, Flusspferden und anderen gefrässigen Wildtieren. Jahre später zu Gast bei den feudalen Wildlife-Lodges kurvte jeweils ein Motorboot im Kreis um die Schwimmer rum, damit gewiss kein Krokodil oder Hippo in der Nähe der Badenden Gäste tummelt und Fressgelüste entwickelte. Ein anderes Mal musste ich beim Durchstreifen des Bushs einen herannahenden Löwen mit Steinwürfen, Staub aufwirbelnd und wütendem Fauchen sowie gottverdammten Flüchen in die Flucht schlagen. Was genau den Ausschlag für seinen majestätischen Rückzug gab, erfuhr ich nie. Der Puls blieb jedenfalls noch lange in Rekordhöhe. Doch fiel mir ein Stein vom flatternden Herzen.
Dann stiessen wir auf Willy Zingg, einen ehemaligen Schweizer Militärpiloten, der hier in Botswana hängen blieb und zu einer Legende heran wuchs. Nicht nur seine furchtlosen Alligator-Beutezeuge auch seine tollkühne Flugakrobatik war weit herum bekannt war. Er war ein Haudegen wie er im Bilderbuch steht. Wir lernten ihn damals unter höchst dramatischen Umständen kennen. Gerade fuhren wir auf einen der selten anzutreffenden Safari-Trupp im menschenleeren Okavango Delta zu und sahen, zu unserem Schrecken, dass ein mächtiger Elefant den einen Landrover in die Mangel genommen hatte und mit seinem Rüssel kräftig durchrüttelte. Später erfuhren wir von Willy, dass es dem Elefanten dabei um die Orangen gegangen war. Als nächstes sahen wir einen Mann zum anderen Fahrzeug spurten, der mit diesem dann kurzerhand durchstartete und von hinten in das Hinterteil des Elefanten rein fuhr. Das wirkte bestens! Der Elefant bog mit lautem Trompetengeheul links ab, trampelte dabei aber versehentlich über ein Zelt, in dem eine Frau lag und die er dann bei seiner Flucht an der Hüfte schwer verletzt. Ja, solche oder ähnlich heisse Situationen gab es einige auf diesem abenteurlichen Trip.
Doch wir blieben gottseidank alle verschont. Der helle Wahnsinn! Eine weitere abenteuerliche Situation ergab sich, als besagter Schweizer Safari-Pionier seine Landepiste bei den Tsodillo-Hills, den heiligen Bergen der Khoi-San, die auch als Bushmänner bekannten Ureinwohner der Kalahari fertiggestellt hatte und mit dem San-Oberhaupt einen Rundflug machen wollte. Da bei der Landung das Fahrwerk nicht raus klappen wollte, musste der erfahrene Kampfpilot einen tollkühnen Looping drehen und das Flugzeug überrollen, um dank der Fliehkraft das verklemmte Fahrwerk wieder auszufahren. Das gelang ihm und der erste Bushman, der in den Himmel abhob, war danach zwar etwas aus dem irdischen Gleichgewicht gebracht aber dennoch hell begeistert. Das muss für den Khoi-San in etwa so gewesen sein, wie wenn wir plötzlich mit einer Mondrakete durchstarten würden.
In der Zentral-Kalahari leben damals rund 16‘000 Buschmänner und im gesamten südlichen Afrika schätzt man ihre Zahl auf rund 100‘000. Sie sind meisterhafte Spurenleser, berüchtigte Jäger, begnadete Bogenschützen – und wahre Ökologen. Sie leben nach dem Eros-Prinzip, das alles mit allem verbindet: «Alles gehört Mutter Natur und Mutter Erde. Keiner besitzt etwas. Alles wird geteilt», erklärt mir der junge Khoi-San Suruka die Weltanschauung der San am Fusse der Tsodillo-Hills, der vier heiligen, flüsternden Hügel mit den uralten Felszeichnungen, die ältesten von ihnen sollen über 30‘000 Jahre alt sein, womit wir vermutlich bei der Wiege der menschlichen Zivilisation angelangt wären. Und dann gibt es noch die Höhle der steinernen Pythonschlange, die nach Angaben von Wissenschaftlern vor rund 70‘000 Jahren bearbeitet wurde.
Um ihre naturverbundenheit zu verdeutlichen, erzählen uns die kleinwüchsigen, zähen Menschen mit den kurzen, pechschwarzen Locken und pfirsichfarbenen Hauttönen von der Jagd. Sie bestreichen den Schaft ihrer Pfeile mit einem Gift, das sie aus Raupen gewinnen. Die Dosis des Gifts wird je nach Tier, das erlegt wird, exakt gewählt. Nichts wird verschwendet – nicht einmal ein Tropfen des Giftes. So ist das mit allen anderen Dingen ebenso, die Bushmänner und ihre Frauen nehmen nur das, was sie gerade zum überleben brauchen. Graben sie eine Frucht oder ein Gemüste aus dem Boden, schneiden sie sie unten ab und lassen den Rest mit den Wurzeln in der Erde, damit wieder neue Triebe wachsen können.
Die San haben gelernt, auch in den unwirtlichsten und trockensten Regionen der Kalahari zu überleben. Diese Anpassungsfähigkeit wurde aus der Not geboren, wie uns Suruka weiter erzählt: „Als uns die Buren und andere weisse Herren bedrohten, vertrieben und töteten mussten wir in Gebiete ohne Wasser fliehen. Also füllten wir Strausseneier mit Wasser und vergruben sie im Wüstensand. So konnten wir auch da überleben. Zudem kennen wir Buschmänner kein Privateigentum, weder Zäune noch Grenzen. Unser Lebensrhythmus ist auf die Wanderung der Tiere und die Gezeiten abgestimmt und wir leben nach dem Prinzip, dass die Natur allen Menschen gehört und jeder sich nur das nehmen soll, was er braucht. Doch hat man unser Volk während Jahrhunderten wie Freiwild gejagt, vertrieben und getötet. Täter waren sowohl andere afrikanische Stämme als auch die europäischen Kolonialherren unter ihnen die Deutschen.
Im Nordwesten der Kalahari liegt also der grosse Schatz der Khoi-San, sozusagen der „Louvre der Bushmen-Kultur“. Heute führt eine Strasse von Shakawe nach Tsodillo, das Sir Laurence van der Post in seinem Bestseller „Die verloren Welt der Kalahari“ so glänzend beschrieb. Rund um den steil aufragenden Pyramidenhügel „Male“ sind über 6000 Jahre alte Felsmalereien der Buschmänner zu sehen. Seit Juni 2002 zählt diese Kulturstätte zu den UNESCO Weltkulturerben. Die Nebenhügel werden von den San „Female“, „Child“ und „Grandschild“ genannt. Ein wahrlich mystisches Erlebnis hatte ich dann beim Aufstieg zu den uralten Felszeichnungen in den zerklüfteten Felsen. Suruka versuchte mir in seiner Klicklaut-Sprache irgend etwas zu sagen, so in der Art, dass wir auf Wächter stossen würden, vor denen ich mich aber nicht fürchten sollte. Die Wächter waren wohl die beiden Klapperschlangen, die vor unseren Augen quer von einem Felsvorsprung auf den anderen rüber glitten und zwar gleichzeitig von zwei Seiten. Wäre ich allein gewesen, wäre ich wohl nicht weitergegangen. Mit Suruka fühlte ich mich sicher und durfte mit ihm die magischen, uralten Felsmalereien bestaunen. 12 Jahre später sah ich einen Film auf dem britischen TV-Sender «BBC» bei dem Suruka wieder auftauchte und die Filmcrew eben zu den Tsodillo-Hills führte, wie mich damals.
Das Okavango-Delta ist ein einzigartig schillerndes ja geradezu überirdisches Naturparadies und ein Tierreich, solange der Mensch aussen vorbleibt. Dies ist der Regierung in Botswana, einem der reichsten afrikanischen Ländern, dank den reichhaltigen Diamentenvorkommen gut gelungen. Sie hat die Vorteile des nachhaltigen Safari-Tourismus früh erkannt und gefördert und viele grosse Gebiete unter Schutz gestellt. Ich bin im Laufe der 90er Jahre mehrfach ins Okavango-Delta gereist, dann aber schon eher auf luxuriöse Art und Weise mit Besuchen in den teuersten Luxus-Lodges von «Wilderness Safari». Auf der Pirschfahrt mit dem M’koros, dem Einbaum-Boot, in dem die Tswanas auch zwei ausgewachsene Rinder transportieren können, staken wir durchs dichte Schilf an den Flusspferden, Wasserbüffel und Krokodilen vorbei zum Jao Camp. Es ist, als würde man auf einem Seerosenblatt über die spiegelglatte Wasseroberfläche durch das dichte Schilf gleiten, da der Bootsrand der M’koros nur wenige Zentimeter aus dem Wasser ragt. Ein mulmiges Gefühl. Öffnet ein Hippo sein riesiges Maul, könnte man mit dem M’koros wie in einen Tunnel hineinfahren. Doch blieb uns dieses Schicksal dank der Vorsicht des aufmerksamen und kundigen Stakers erspart.
Als der Autor vor 1986 das erste Mal im Okavango-Delta war, war dieses komplett ausgetrocknet und hatte nur wenige Wasserlöcher. Mit den traditionellen Fortbewegungsmitteln den M’koros kam man nicht sehr weit. Beim zweiten Besuch war es gerade umgekehrt. Seit 46 Jahren wurde das Delta in der Senke Afrikas nicht mehr so stark geflutet. Ein Fortkommen mit 4×4 Fahrzeugen war in vielen Teilen des Okavango Deltas rund um Moremi und Chief Island unmöglich. Was war passiert? Jao Game Ranger Cedric Samotanzi kennt die Antwort: „Nach tektonischen Verschiebungen kam zum ersten Mal das Wasser auch wieder durch das unterirdische Geflecht in den Lynanti und Savuti-Channel zurück“, so erklärte und Cederic das Phänomen Wüste unter Wasser.
Statt auf ausgetrockneten und staubigen Sandpisten zwischen kargem Buschwerk herumzukurven und nach Wildtieren zu spähen, fuhr der Landrover meilenweit auf den halbwegs erkennbaren Sandpisten durch riesige Seen, das Wasser immer bis zur Tür hochquellend und immer einer leichten Strömung ausgesetzt. Der erfahrene Game Ranger lotete alle Grenzen des Machbaren mit seinem 4×4 aus, bevor wir endgültig aufgeben und aufs M’koro umsteigen mussten. Bei einem steckengebliebenen Fahrzeug zurück zum Camp zu schwimmen, wäre keine gute Alternative gewesen. Gewiss hätte man bald im Schlund eines Nilpferdes oder Krokodiles geendet.
Botswana bietet mit seiner natürlichen Umwelt und unberührten Natur sowie dank den zahlreichen geschützten Reservaten die höchste Wildlife-Konzentration im südlichen Afrika und daher auch spektakuläre Wildtierbeobachtungen. Botswanas grösster Schatz sind die riesigen Diamantenvorkommen, die das Land zu einem der reichsten afrikanischen Ländern machen. „Bereits seit 1990 geniesst der Schutz von Fauna und Flora und die Entwicklung eines ökologisch orientierten nachhaltigen Tourismus höchste Priorität in Botswana, sagte die damalige Direktorin des Tourismusministeriums in Botswana Tlhabolongo Ndzinge. Nahezu Zweifünftel des Landes sind geschützte Naturflächen, die zu den grössten ökologischen Ressourcen der Welt zählen. Botswana hat «Global Codes of Ethics for Tourism» der Welthandelsorganisation «WTO», der den Rahmen für verantwortliche und nachhaltige Entwicklung zu Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts setzten. Dem fortschreitenden Aufbau von Öko- und Ethnotourismus kommt der schonenden Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums besondere Bedeutung zu: So sind mehr als ein Drittel der in Botswana laufenden 90 Programme im Rahmen der „Community based Developpment projects“ angesiedelt.
Doch das Problem der illegalen Wilderei verschärft sich nun noch durch eine neue Seuche, die infolge des Klimawandels auf die Elefanten zu kommt. Allein 2020 waren in Botswana im Okavango Delta beim Moremi Game Reserve 330 tote Tiere gezählt worden und das rätselhafte Massensterben setzte sich auch 2021 fort. Damals hatten die Behörden Cyanobakterien, auch Blaualgen als mögliche Todesursache ausgemacht. Der «Internationale Tier-schutz Fonds» (IFAW) kommt zum Schluss, dass das Massensterben mit einem beschränkten Zugang zu Frischwasser haben und deren Lebensräume u.a. durch die Viehwirtschaft immer mehr eingeengt werden. Zudem ist das Ansteigen der Cyanobakterien auf den Klimawandel zurückzuführen. Der unsäglichen Wilderung könnte wohl nur Einhalt geboten werden, wenn China den Import stoppen und die Einfuhrbeschränkungen drastisch kontrollieren und auch konsequent durchsetzen würde. Warum also sollte die internationale Staatengemeinschaft und die Länder Afrikas nicht den Hauptverursacher für das Schlachten zur Verantwortung ziehen und den Druck auf China massiv zu erhöhen, um die chinesische Regierung dazu zu bewegen, im eigenen Land gegen den Elefenbeinhandel rigoros vorzugehen. China allein wäre mit all ihren Uberwachungs- und Erziehungsmassnahmen in der Lage, einen signifikaten Beitrag zur Lösung des Problems beizutragen.
Afrikas wegweisende Wildlife- und Ökoprojekte
Bei insgesamt über zehn Reisen zwischen 1986 und dem Millennium in das Südliche Afrika, habe ich schon 1993 das «Shamwari Game Reserve» nahe Port Elisabeth beim Addo Elephant Park entdeckt. Dieses entwickelte sich damals gerade zu einem der wegweisenden und in der südlichen Hemisphäre einmaligen Tierschutz und Wildlife-Wiederansiedelungsprojekte. Dazu wurde ehemaliges Farmland renaturiert und in Busch umgewandelt, danach wurden nach und nach die «Big Five» dort wieder angesiedelt. Zu Beginn der 90er Jahre hat Adrian Gardiner, der Besitzer, die ersten fünf schwarzen Nashörner vom «Natal Parks Board» für eine halbe Million Euro gekauft und an der Garden Route nahe des Addo Elephant Park und Port Elisabeth wieder angesiedelt. Bei meinem ersten Besuch wurden das Farmland gerade renaturiert und ich erinnere mich an die selbst gebauten Feuertöpfe und Kaminschlots, mit denen jeder einzelne Baumstrunk ausgeräuchert wurde.
Nach kurzer Zeit ist aus der damals 1200 ha grossen Farm ein Wildtierschutzgebiet von über 20‘000 ha mit einem Wildtierbestand von über 10‘000 Wildtieren geworden. Dies geschah im Zeitraum von 1993 bis 1997. Neben dem Long Lee Manor House hat das Shamwari Game Reserve fünf weitere exklusive Lodges geschaffen, zu dem neben dem Eagles Crag und der Bushmen River Lodge auch noch die Lobengula Spa Lodge gehörte. Im November 2005 erhielt Adrian Gardiner zum sechsten Mal die internationale Auszeichnung am «Word Travel Market» in London (WTM) als «weltbester privater Tierpark mit den höchsten ökologischen Anforderungen». Zudem wurde das «Shamwari Game Reserve» auch als «zweitwichtigstes Projekt der südlichen Hemisphäre» eingestuft und mit dem «British Airways for tomorrow-Award» ausgezeichnet
Nicht nur dieses, auch andere wegweisende Öko- und Wildlife-Projekte in Südafrika und Botswana begleitete oder vertrat ich fast ein Jahrzehnt lang und berichtete immer wieder über die Fortschritte und Hindernisse, weil ich ja sowieso jedes Jahr in Südafrika an der südafrikanische Tourismusfachmesse «INDABA» war. Beim «Londolozi Game» Reserve der Varty Brothers, die spektakuläre Tierfilme drehten, war ich von Anbeginn dabei und hatte auch hier den richtigen Riecher, wie an den verschiedensten Orten in der ganzen Welt. Auch in Australien bewiese ich mit der «Daintree Forest Lodge» und in Botswana mit der «Wilderness Leadership School» ein feines Gespür für Trends. Hinzu kamen das «Mara Mara», «Sabi Sabi» und «Phinda GameReserve» und schliesslich noch das «The Pezula» in Knysna, wo das Schweizer Tennis-Ass Roger Federer seine Villa hat. Im noblen «Mount Nelson Hotel» in Kapstadt, sass plötzlich Margret Thatcher neben mir im Coiffeur-Salon, was das Gespräch mit der ehemaligen britischen Premierministerin sehr einfach machte. Nur machte die alte Dame der britischen Politik einen dementen Eindruck.
Aufgrund meiner vielen Kontakte in Südafrika, erhielt ich vom südafrikanischen Fremdenverkehrsamt (SATOUR) über den Botschaftskontakt den Auftrag Südafrika in der Schweiz mit PR-Kampagnen zu vertreten, wodurch ich infolge meinen aviatischen Kenntnissen auch noch an das «South African Airways»-Mandat heran kam und in der Folge meiner vielen Südafrika-Besuche zwei Reiseführer über Südafrika schrieb. Ob es sich nun um «Ökotourismus – und seine soziale Bedeutung» (Bund), um den aufrüttelnden Bericht und die erfolgreiche Spendenaktion für die bedrohten «Orang Utan im Regenwald von Borneo» («Brückenbauer»), um die «Rettung der Wale» (in der «SonntagsZeitung») oder die «Klimakatastrophe in den Alpen» («Südostschweiz») geht, stets hatte ich meine markante Nase im (Gegen-)wind und war meiner Zeit oft weit voraus. So war es auch beim «Swissair-Skandal», deren Untergang ich schon 1997 im «Der Bund» mit dem Bericht «Wird die Swissair überleben?» und bei zwei anderen Zeitungen vorweg nahm. Der Klimawandel, der heute fast 30 Jahre später immer noch ein brandaktuelles Thema und das grösste Problem auf dem Planeten Erde ist, beschäftigte mich schon sehr früh und ich zog daraus Konsequenzen und verzichtete ab 1999 weitgehend auf Flugreisen und seit 10 Jahren gänzlich. Für Reiseziele in Europa habe ich nie ein Flugzeug benutzt, da war die Bahn angesagt. Natürlich kann man mir zu Recht vorwerfen, dass ich, als Reisejournalist mit meinen Reisereportagen den globalen Flugverkehr angekurbelt habe, was ich nicht bestreiten kann. Doch habe ich mir immer die Mühe genommen, ökologisch nachhaltige Projekte und umweltverträgliches Reisen zu fördern. und ich habe mir immer viel Zeit an einem Ort genommen, meistens war ich 20-30 Tage in einem Land. Schliesslich habe ich die radikalen Konsequenzen mit meinem Flugverzicht in Kauf genommen, obschon meine Tätigkeit damit öder und schwieriger wurde.
Als Konsequenz auf den «IPPC»-Bericht habe ich das «Tourismus und Umwelt Forum Schweiz» gegründet und mich auch hierzulande nachhaltig für ein Umdenken und Umschwenken eingesetzt. Ich könnte heulen vor Wut über all die politischen Lippen-Bekenntnisse, die leeren Versprechen von Wirtschaftsverbänden, dem bis heute klimasteuerbefreiten Luftverkehr, den Todsünden der Billig-Airlines und die «SUVs», anstelle von Autos, die in den letzten 20 Jahren – wohlwissend um den schlechten Zustand des Planeten-, getätigt wurden. Die Generation «Easy Jet» war mir ein Dorn im Auge. Nebst den Fernreisen war ich immer öfters auch in Frankreich, Deutschland und Österreich auf Pressereisen, die meisten so vier, fünf Tage dauerten. Das Presse- und Bildagenturgeschäft lief wie geschmiert. Kooperationen mit führenden Bildagenturen wie «Action Press» und «dpa» in Deutschland und «Ringer», «Keys