Schlagwort-Archive: Coober Pedy

Opalsucher in Coober Pedy: Die Hoffnung lebt im Untergrund

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Der «Oa Hera» HIV-Waisenkinder Chor bei Maltahöhe in Namibia, wo fast ein Drittel aller Kids Waisen sind


Das Buch des Zürcher Foto-Journalisten Gerd Michael Müller nimmt Sie ab den wilden 80er Jahren mit auf eine spannende Zeitreise durch 30 Länder und 40 Jahre Zeitgeschichte mit Fokus auf politische Skandale und ökologische Vorgänge in Krisenregionen rund um den Globus. Er beleuchtet das Schicksal indigener Völker, zeigt die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraumes auf, rückt ökologische Aspekte und menschenliche Schicksale in den Vordergrund, analysiert scharfsichtig und gut informiert die politischen Transforma-tionsprozesse. Müller prangert den masslosen Konsum und die gnadenlose Ausbeutung der Ressourcen an, zeigt die fatalen Auswirkungen wirtschaftlicher Ausbeutung, gesellschaftlicher Fahrlässigkeit und poli-tische Ignoranz auf und skizziert Ansätze zur Bewältigung des Klimawandels. Pointiert, hintergründig und erhellend erzählt Müller anhand seiner persönlichen Erlebnissen aus seiner investigativen Reise und Reportagetätigkeit für nahmhafte Medien rund 30 Länder. Nun zum Beitrag über die Opalschürfer im Outback.

Coober Pedy: Die Hoffnung derOpalsucher liegt im Untergrund

Australia: Opal Miner Cementary at Coober Pedy in the Outback. © GMC

Zwischen Adelaide und Alice Springs irgendwo inmitten einer glühend heissen, unwirtlichen Mondlandschaft liegt das damals 5000 Seelen zählende Wüsten-Nest Coober Pedy, auch «Opal-Miner City» genannt. Die Bewohner leben in unterirdischen maulwurfartigen Bauten und verbringen den Tag unter der Erde, im Stollen, mit Dynamit bestückt, um weitere Sprengungen vorzunehmen. Einblicke in das Leben der Opalschürfer in einem dynamit-geladenen Untergrund, angetrieben von der Hoffnung auf schnellen Reichtum und dem Risiko ausgesetzt, mausarm zu scheitern – echte Glücksucher also, aus allen Teilen der Erde sind hier bei ihrer gefährlichen Arbeit anzutreffen.

Männer aus Albanien, Italien, Kroatien, Griechen, Serbien, Polen und auch Schweizer schürfen hier im heissen Outback nach den kostbaren Steinen. Einöde, sengende Hitze, jede Menge Staub und Geröll sowie Strapazen ohne Ende, nichts bleibt den Opalschürfern erspart. Vierfünftel der Bevölkerung lebt im Untergrund in den zu Woh-nungen ausgebauten Stollen, die Licht- und Lüftungsschächte nach oben haben. Auch der Supermarkt, die Tankstelle und die Kirche sind im Untergrund. Noch Ende der 90er Jahre konnte man sich einfach einen «Claim» abstecken und zu bohren und sprengen beginnen. Glückspilze, die Coober Pedy als reiche Männer verlassen haben, gibt es nur wenige. Dafür ist der grosse Friedhof in dem Wüstennest ein beredtes Zeugnis. 

Australien: ein Vakuum-Cleaner der Opalmineure saugt den Schooter aus dem Schacht. © GMC

Es gibt auch einen Postboten für die Region. Die Ochsen-Tour von John Stillwell zeigt die hiesigen Dimensionen aufs Deutlichste auf. Zweimal pro Woche fährt John von Coober Pedy aus nach William Creek, einem Provinznest mit neun Häusern und dann nach Oodnadata weiter, einer verkommenen Aborginies-Siedlung weiter und versorgt so auf den 650 Kilometern noch drei Farmer mit der Post. John fährt diese Tour nun schon seit sechs Jahren und er hat die Strecke schon über 700 Mal gemacht. Er durchquert dabei auch die Moon Plain Area, eine trockene, steinige, sandige und mit kleinen Hügeln besetzte Mondlandschaft, die zur Rinderfarm Anna Creek führt und deren Zaun über 9600 Kilometer lang ist. Die Farm ist somit fast so gross wie die Niederlande.

Dann fahren wir weiter nach William Creek und obschon da nur neun Häuser stehen, gibt es die wahrscheinlich teuerste Sattelitenfunk-Telefonkabine der Welt sowie einen schattigen Parkplatz samt Parkuhr unter dem einzigen Baum weit und breit. Weiter geht die Reise durch das Outback einem alten Aborginies-Trail entlang zu den unterirdischen, heissen Quellen nahe der «Great Overland Telegraph Linie». Bei Sonnenuntergang spielten wir noch eine Runde Wüstensand-Golf am Schluss der anstrengenden Reise. Kommen wir zum unrühmlichen Teil:

Airshot of Hardy Reef, Great Barrier Reef, Brisbane, Queensland

Australien hat ein grosses CO2-Problem aufgrund der Abhängigkeit von der Kohleindustrie. Allein im Staat Queensland gibt es über 50 Kohlenminen und gleichzeitig mit dem Umweltgipfel 21 in Glasgow ist sogar eine der weltgrössten Minen, die «Adani-Mine» im Bau aber noch nicht in Betrieb. Australien ist der zweitgrösste Exporteur von Kohle und schert sich einen Dreck um die angestrebten Klimaziele. Der Kohleaustoss verursacht weltweit 30 Prozent der CO2 Emissionen. So kommt es zu langen Dürreperioden, verheerenden Buschbränden, aussergewöhnlichen Hitzeperioden, man könnte sagen, die Erde glüht und kocht vor Wut über den fossilen Raubbau und die Unbedenklichkeit bei der Ausbeutung des Planeten. Die Buschbrände führten zu über einer Milliarde toter Tiere und über die Hälfte des Great Barrier Reef ist ausgebleicht und ein zu einem gigantische Korallenfriedhof verkommen. Es gäbe noch viel über das Land, das ich fünf Mal bereist habe, zu berichten, doch fliegen wir nun in die Südsee.

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8. Chapter: Australia and evolutionary pacific pearls

Australien: Ein Kukulanji Aborigines bläst ins Diggeridoo im Tjapukai Cultural Village nahe Cairns. A Kukulaji-Aborigines men plays the diggeridoo in the Tjapukai Village near Cairns.
Australien: Ein Kukulanji Aborigines bläst ins Diggeridoo im Tjapukai Cultural Village nahe Cairns. A Kukulaji-Aborigines men plays the diggeridoo in the Tjapukai Village near Cairns.

On the largest sand island in the world, tropical forested dunes rise up on the banks of crystal clear freshwater lakes in the midst of emerald green rainforests. Whales and dolphins frolic off the coast of Fraser Island. But the island biotope is not only a refuge for rare plant species and animals, but also homo ecotourism is increasingly nesting here. Up to 240 meters high sand dunes, 120 kilometers of beach and a sheltered bay, Hervey Bay is where whales cavort between August and October and they are the charm of the island’s microcosm.

Not only for geologists, botanists, nature, animal and bird lovers, but also for sailors, surfers and those looking for relaxation, Fraser Island offered paradisiacal conditions 20 years ago. In 2020, on the other hand, there were devastating forest fires and the ecosystem is a bit out of control, as in the entire Great Barrier Reef. The entire archipelago is suffering from global warming and oil and plastic pollution from tourists. Fraser Island is ancient, 123 kilometers long, 14 to 22 kilometers wide and has an eternity of over 220 million years of evolutionary history under its belt. Sand has been washed up and piled up on the island for two million years.

This landscape was formed in the Ice Age and has existed in its current form for about 6000 years. With the warming of the climate 140,000 years ago, the first traces of the Aborigines appeared there, but it is assumed that the «Butschulla» natives only settled on «KGari» Iceland 20 million years ago. For the western world, Fraser Island was discovered by James Cook in 1770. The gigantic fresh water reservoirs hold a total of ten to twenty million mega liters of fresh water. The crystal clear drinking water of Lake McKenzie, lined with bright white sandy beaches, is ideal for a swim. Dingoes can also be seen on the bank. But they don’t come to the watering place, but because of the tourists‘ bulging food bags. Many a nice bite for the wild dogs falls off. Even in the run-up to my trip to Australia, I campaigned for the “whaling ban” and reported on it in various newspapers, including the Sunday newspaper under the title “Better to cannibalize tourism than to slaughter”! Now I wanted to fulfill my dream and take part in a whale watch.

Hervey Bay is just one of a dozen places in the Great Barrier Reef where the whales frolic. Around 100 people jostle their way to the railing on the “Kingfisher” catamaran and search the horizon for fountains or a towering tail fin. “There they are,” shouts one and the crowd cheers! A colossus weighing perhaps 30 tons with a body over 16 meters long shoots up into the air like a silvery arrow, performs a pirouette and then plunges headlong into the water again. What a sublime sight! Fortunately, they are protected here. „Whale-watching“ has blossomed into a tourism branch worth 600 to 700 million in the 1990s. Whale watchers travel to Baja California, the coast of Brazil, Patagonia or South Africa to see the swimming mammals.

As early as 1994, Australia made over 50 million dollars a year from whale watching. No wonder, the giants of the seas are fascinating in every way! Their tones from the depths of the ocean sound like encrypted messages (today they are probably lamentations), similar to sonar, the echo sounder system of shipping, they determine their course with radar signals. They send out exact transmission intervals and with their sensitive instinct are able to pick up the signals of the sound waves again and to analyze and locate them precisely so that they can orientate themselves over thousands of kilometers. The chants, which last up to thirty minutes, are used to communicate with other members of the same species. From the turquoise shores of the Great Barrier Reef to a completely different area, which is in contrast to the maritime life, but also fights for survival.

The Northern Territories are the region to discover the culture of the indigenous people

The Northern Territories are the region to discover the culture of Australia’s indigenous people, a world of many contrasts between the green, tropical north and the red glowing heart of Australia, the Outback. Arnhem Land in particular is Aboriginal land and it borders Kakadu National Park to the east. More than 40 Aboriginal dialects are spoken here. Alice Springs is the second largest city and Darwin the seaside capital of the Northern Territories. The treasure trove of the aborigines, however, lies in Kakadu National Park, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site. Also famous are the hot thermal springs of Mataranka south of Katherine in Elsey National Park, where 30 million liters of water gush from the depths every day. Kings Canyon is Australia’s largest gorge and up to 300 meters deep. This grandiose microcosm, which ranges from rainforest to desert and from dreamlike beaches to the world’s most beautiful diving grounds, breaks all boundaries.

No wonder some people get infected by the Australia virus. Shortly before the „millennium“ I made another Australia trip of a special kind. For a lifestyle reportage, the best hotels, spa lodges and restaurants were on the menu. This led to the flagship of the Australian hotel industry „Hayman“ Island in the White Sunday Islands, then to the then newly opened „Palazzo Versace“ Hotel and then to the two luxury outback feeling „Peppers Lodge“ and „Spicers Peak Lodge“. On the way to this my off-road vehicle got on the wet nature and splinter road by an evasion maneuver due to jumping out kangaroos into the skid and into a barbed wire fence, which scraped over the whole hood, windshield and the roof, so that the brand new vehicle looked totally scratched and ready for the scrap but still drove. Only the totally scratched windshield clouded the driving fun. But it could have ended much worse.

But Australia has a big climate problem and that is the dependence on the coal industry. In the state of Queensland alone, there are over 50 of them and now, shortly before the 21st environmental summit in Glasgow, even one of the world’s largest mines, the Adani mine, is under construction but not yet in operation. Australia is the second largest exporter of coal and doesn’t give a damn about the targeted climate goals. Coal emissions account for 30 percent of CO2 emissions worldwide. This leads to long periods of drought, devastating bushfires, exceptional periods of heat, the earth glowing and boiling with rage at the fossil overexploitation and the harmlessness in exploiting the planet. The bushfires resulted in over a billion dead animals. Over half of the Great Barrier Reef is bleached and a giant coral graveyard.

9. places of longing: Australia, Aborigines and South Sea pearls

French Polynesia: Helicopter flight and airshot from Bora Bora Island


The author, Gerd Michael Müller, born in Zürich in 1962, traveled as a photo-journalist to more than 50 nations and lived in seven countries, including in the underground in South Africa during apartheid. In the 80 years he was a political activist at the youth riots in Zürich. Then he was involved in pioneering Wildlife & eco projects in Southern Africa and humanitarian projects elsewhere in the world. As early as 1993, Müller reported on the global climate change and in 1999 he founded the «Tourism & Environment Forum Switzerland». Through his humanitarian missions he got to know Nelson Mandela, the Dalai Lama and other figures of light. His book is an exciting mixture of political thriller, crazy social stories and travel reports – the highlights of his adventurous, wild nomadic life for reportage photography .

(please note that translation corrections are still in progress and images will follow soon)

Australia: Aborigines and nature reserves

On the world’s largest sand island, tropically forested dunes rise from the shores of crystal-clear freshwater lakes amid emerald-green rainforests. Whales and dolphins cavort off Fraser Island’s coast. But the island biotope is not only a refuge for rare plant species and animals, but also for homo ecotourism. Up to 240 meters high sand dunes, 120 kilometers of beach and a protected bay, the Hervey Bay, where the whales cavort between August and October are the attraction of the island microcosm.

A legend of the Butschulla tribe about the history of evolution says that the Creator once sent the gods Jendigi and Gari to earth. They created mountains, rivers and lakes, and the goddess Gari insisted on staying on earth. So Jendigi transformed the goddess Gari into a beautiful island with over 40 lakes, so clear that Gari could see him in the sky. He also created animals and humans and taught them to reproduce. This is the story of the creation of Fraser Island, the world’s largest sand island, 120 km long and 25 km wide. Over the millennia, the sea has washed up gigantic sand dunes.

Not only for geologists, botanists, nature, animal and bird lovers, but also for sailors, surfers and recreationists, Fraser Island offered paradisiacal conditions 20 years ago. In 2020, on the other hand, there were devastating forest fires and the ecosystem is also otherwise a little out of joint, as in the entire Great Barrier Reef. The entire archipelago is suffering from global warming and pollution from oil and plastic waste from tourists. Fraser Island is ancient and carries the eternity of over 220 million years of evolutionary history on its back. Sand has washed up and accumulated on the island for two million years. During the Ice Age, this landscape was formed and in its present form it has existed for about 6000 years. With the warming of the climate 140,000 years ago, the first traces of the Aborigines appeared there, but it is assumed that the „Butschulla“ aborigines settled on „KGari“ Island only 20 million years ago. Fraser Island was discovered for the western world by James Cook in 1770.

The gigantic freshwater reservoirs together hold ten to twenty million mega-liters of fresh water. The crystal clear drinking water of Lake McKenzie, lined with bright white sandy beaches, invites you to take a dip. Dingoes can also be seen on the shore. However, they do not come to drink, but because of the bulging provision bags of the tourists. Many a fine morsel falls off for the wild dogs. The starting point for many Queenslanders is the „Tapukjai Cultural Village“, where visitors are introduced to the culture of the local Aborigines. If you drive further north along the coast, you will first come to Palm Cove, a small charming nest, then you continue to Port Douglas, where the famous Thala Beach Lodge and the Daintree Forest Lodge, several times awarded as the most environmentally friendly accommodation in Australia. At the Wawu-Jirakul Spa (which means „cleansing of the spirit“ in the Aboriginal language), the five elements of earth, water, fire, air and ether are celebrated into a fantastic wellness cocktail amidst a waterfall in the jungle that served as a sacred cleansing kraal for the Kuku Yalanji Aborigines and a yoga site for Brook Shields. For the spa treatments, in addition to essential oils, various sandstones are used, which the Aborigines use not only for their body painting but also as food. The Aborigines walks with me around the spring, reaches into the loamy earth in three places and strokes a swab on my bare leg. Immediately I see that one strip is sandy yellow, the second clay gray and the third reddish. You see here we have zinc, copper and calcium mineral layers. „Once you run out of food,“ he says to me, „you flush the clay down with water, and that’s how you get minerals!“

Already in the run-up to the Australia trip I have made myself strong for the „whaling ban“ and reported about it in different newspapers, among other things in the Sunday newspaper under the title „Lieber touristy ausschlachten, als abschlachten“! Now I wanted to fulfill myself the dream and participate in a whale watching. Hervey Bay is only one of a dozen places in the Great Barrier Reef where the whales cavort. About 100 people crowd to the railing on the „Kingfisher“ catamaran, scanning the horizon for fountains or a towering tail fin. „There they are,“ one yells, and the crowd cheers! A colossus weighing perhaps 30 tons with a body certainly over 16 meters long shoots high into the air like a silvery arrow performs a pirouette and then dives headfirst back into the waters. What a sublime sight! Fortunately, they are protected here.  „Whale-watching“ has blossomed into a 600 to 700 million tourism industry in the 1990s. Whale-watchers travel to Baja California, the coast of Brazil, Patagonia or South Africa to see the swimming mammals.

As early as 1994, Australia was earning more than 50 million a year from whale watching. No wonder, the giants of the seas are fascinating in every way! Like encoded messages (today they are probably lamentations) their tones sound from the depth of the ocean, similar to a sonar, the echo-sounding system of shipping they determine their course with radar signals. They send out exact transmission intervals and are able to pick up the signals of the sound waves with their sensitive sense and to analyze and locate them precisely, so that they can orientate themselves over thousands of kilometers. The songs, which can last up to thirty minutes, are used to communicate with conspecifics. From the turquoise shores of the Great Barrier Reef now to a completely different area, contrasting with the marine life, but equally struggling to survive. At the moment, only the Corona virus is more contagious. The east coast is considered an ideal entry point into Australia’s myth-enshrouded world. If you fly to Brisbane and from there straight up to Cairns, you can reach the rainforests at Cape Tribulation, the shores of the Great Barrier Reef, or take a boat from Brisbane to the evolutionary pearl of Fraser Island.

The Northern Territories are the region to discover the culture of Australia’s indigenous people, a world of many contrasts between the green, tropical north and the red glowing heart of Australia, the Outback. Arnhem Land in particular is Aboriginal land and it borders Kakadu National Park to the east. More than 40 Aboriginal dialects are spoken here. Alice Springs is the second largest city and Darwin the seaside capital of the Northern Territories. The treasure trove of the aborigines, however, lies in Kakadu National Park, which is a Unesco World Heritage Site. Also famous are the hot thermal springs of Mataranka south of Katherine in Elsey National Park, where 30 million liters of water gush from the depths every day. Kings Canyon is Australia’s largest gorge and up to 300 meters deep. This grandiose microcosm, which ranges from rainforest to desert and from dreamlike beaches to the world’s most beautiful diving grounds, breaks all boundaries.

No wonder some people get infected by the Australia virus. Shortly before the „millennium“ I made another Australia trip of a special kind. For a lifestyle reportage, the best hotels, spa lodges and restaurants were on the menu. This led to the flagship of the Australian hotel industry „Hayman“ Island in the White Sunday Islands, then to the then newly opened „Palazzo Versace“ Hotel and then to the two luxury outback feeling „Peppers Lodge“ and „Spicers Peak Lodge“. On the way to this my off-road vehicle got on the wet nature and splinter road by an evasion maneuver due to jumping out kangaroos into the skid and into a barbed wire fence, which scraped over the whole hood, windshield and the roof, so that the brand new vehicle looked totally scratched and ready for the scrap but still drove. Only the totally scratched windshield clouded the driving fun. But it could have ended much worse.

Opal seekers in Coober Pedy: Hope lives underground

Between Adelaide and Alice Springs, somewhere in the middle of a glowing, hot, inhospitable lunar landscape, lies the then 5,000-strong nest of Coober Pedy, also known as „Opal Mining City“. The inhabitants live in subterranean mole-like constructions and also spend the day underground, in the tunnels, equipped with dynamite to carry out further blasting. Glimpses into the lives of opal prospectors in a dynamite-laden underground. Driven by the hope of quick riches and exposed to the risk of failing mouse-poor, real fortune seekers thus, from all parts of the earth. But what is it that draws people here? Desolation, scorching heat, lots of dust and rubble, and endless hardships. Nothing is spared the opa prospectors here.

Four-fifths of the population lives underground in the tunnels, which have ventilation shafts to the top. The supermarket, gas station and church are also underground. Here in the hot outback, men from Albania, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Serbia, Poland and even Swiss are among them. They are all looking for the precious stones. At that time, you could just stake a „claim“ and start drilling and blasting. Lucky men who left Coober Pedy as rich men are few and far between. The large cemetery in the desert nest is eloquent testimony to that.  There is also a letter carrier for the region. John Stillwell’s oxen tour clearly shows the local dimensions. Twice a week, John drives from Coober Pedy to William Creek, a provincial nest of nine houses, and then to Oodnadata, a dilapidated Aborginies settlement, delivering mail to three farmers over the 650 kilometers. John has been doing this tour for six years now and he has done the route over 700 times. 

We also crosses the Moon Plain Area, a dry, stony, sandy moonscape dotted with small hills to the Anna Creek cattle ranch, whose fence is over 9600 kilometers long. The farm is thus almost as big as the Netherlands. Then we continue to William Creek and although there are only nine houses, there is probably the most expensive satellite phone booth in the world and a shady parking lot with parking meter. We continue along an old Aborginies trail to the underground hot springs and follow the „Great Overland Telegraph line“. At sunset we played another round of desert sand golf.

South Sea Pearls: At the Gate to Paradise

A mosaic of light and color surrounds the widely scattered chain of islands. Each of these islands, covered in emerald green vegetation, is fringed by turquoise blue and wreath-shaped reefs. They limit the depth of the sea, turn its opulent underwater splendor upwards and unfold the beauty of the colorful coral gardens with great abundance of species and shield the islands, which are often only a few meters above the sea surface, from the surf. After an interminably long flight from Zurich, via Paris, New-York, San Francisco and Hawaii, I landed at the „gateway to paradise“ on Tahiti – also called the „island of love“ and synonymous with the stuff dreams are made of. The French overseas territory with its 118 islands is divided into the Austral and Society Islands, the Marquesas and the Tuamotu Archipelago. The choice is difficult. But basically, there are two types of islands that unite to form a brilliant ensemble: high volcanic islands like Moorea, Huahine or Tahiti and flat atolls like Tetiaroa.

Tahiti, the „island of multicolored waters“ is also a symbol of the transfigured myth that covers the South Seas like its sparkling firmament with enchanting impressions. In the South Seas the creator once wanted to show what he was capable of, the poet Robert Brooke recorded. Gaugin, too, fell into a painterly impressionist frenzy of colors and senses. Especially Moorea, which is less than half an hour away from Papeete by catamaran, is taken to heart by many. The vacation island, on which several volcanic peaks rise like lances into the sky, became famous through Dino de Laurenti’s film „Mutiny on the Bounty“. Right next to the 900 meter high Mount Rotui lies the famous Cook Bay. Indeed, one cannot help but paint the South Seas in the most beautiful colors and praise it in the highest terms. In view of the gentle and strong charisma of the islanders, one is tempted to elevate their world to a paradise on earth. When graceful, strong men row their canoes through the water as swift as an arrow, or graceful creatures sit under the coconut palms, mango, papaya, avocado and breadfruit trees.  Since then, Europeans have measured the South Seas with the yardstick of their wishes and dreams; poets of all stripes fantasize, fabricate and compose much crazy beauty. But a place of vicious pleasures, the South Seas is not, despite all matriarchal mores and permissive sensuality. But there is a conspicuous number of transvestites (raerae) in Papeete. And a Polynesian peculiarity are the marus – sons feminized from an early age by their mothers, usually the last born in a family that has no daughters. They behave like women and do the housework. Both marginalized groups enjoy a high level of social acceptance.

Thirty years after the French invasion of Tahiti and Mururoa by an army of nuclear physicists, engineers and military men, the South Sea Islanders know not only the god of love, but also the god and power of money. Life in paradise has its price and it is high. Problems with alcohol and other drugs as well as poverty and slumming are on the rise. In fact, travel writers can’t help but describe the South Seas in the most beautiful colors and, in view of the gentle and tranquil way of life of the extremely hospitable islanders, elevate it to the status of paradise.

High volcanic islands like Moorea, Huahine and Tahiti, flat atolls like Marlon Brando’s kingdom of Tetiaroa. Like Tahiti, Huahine is divided into a large and a small island. Between them is a strait that is very popular with surfers. Bora Bora has the most spectacular and beautiful lagoon in the world. Truly, the only 30 square meters small but 30 million years old atoll is a precious jewel in the Pacific. At that time, many tourists also took Moorea to their hearts because of the movie „Mutiny on the Bounty“, which was filmed there in Oponohu Bay. 


Headerbild White Heaven Beach, Whitesunday Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. © GMC Photopress, Gerd Müller,

White Heaven Beach, Whitesunday Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. © GMC Photopress, Gerd Müller


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